The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 971: Living armor

Seeing Meng Chao's dumbfounded expression, the Snow Leopard Warrior finally felt happy.

"It turns out that this seemingly mysterious and omnipotent guy can sometimes be dumbfounded!" She thought happily.

Originally, in front of Meng Chao, using the "Mythril Ripper" to swallow the fragments of the breastplate of the "Millions of Steam Hammer" meant to show off his strength, frighten Xiao Xiao, and regain the initiative.

But the ice storm soon discovered that it was wrong.

The guy on the opposite side was sluggish, but there was not much awe in his eyes, but full of strong interest.

Her eyes became sharper and sharper, like two blades as thin as a cicada wing, trying to slice and study her totem armor.

"Well, what kind of monster is this guy?"

Ice Storm was stunned again, "Don't he have the concept of ‘fear’ at all?"

Indeed, in terms of Meng Chao, who has seen the flames of the doomsday and the Primordial Battlefield, no matter how peculiar and hideous the shape of the totem armor is, he does not feel the slightest need to be afraid.

He just became more and more interested in this super individual weapon system, which contained a lot of black technology, obviously surpassed the era of clan, and even surpassed the information age of Dragon City.

"It turns out that the totem armor is upgraded by swallowing each other?"

He turned into a curious baby and asked Ice Storm enthusiastically.

Now the ice storm is convinced that this "reaper" is really not a spy from the land of holy light.

Because the Land of Light and Turanze have been entangled for thousands of years, they are immortal enemies, and they have an extremely deep understanding of each other.

In the Land of the Holy Light, whether the magician, the light chaser or the night watchman, the understanding of the totem armor may be more detailed than the ice storm.

It is impossible to ask such a naive question as "Reaper".

In fact, everything about the totem armor is no secret.

The Turan, who has a rough personality and is willing to seize every opportunity to show off their strength, also rarely has a sense of secrecy.

"Of course, the totem armor is the gift of the ancestor spirit, and even the incarnation of the ancestor spirit. It is a living armor. Of course, it can swallow other armors and become more powerful!"

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that different totems have different characteristics. As long as they swallow a brand-new totem, they will have the opportunity to obtain brand-new characteristics—provided that the fragments of the devoured totem battle armor should be large enough, like she just removed from the "Poison Stinger" chest A large piece of breastplate torn off.

If it is only finger-sized fragments, it is useless, at most, it only slightly strengthens the inherent characteristics of one's own totem armor.

Her "Mythril Ripper" originally had the characteristics of "sharpness, freezing, acceleration" and so on.

After swallowing the fragments of the "Hammer of Millions of Steam", compressed air was added, and the "shock" characteristics of high-frequency oscillations naturally greatly increased the combat effectiveness.

This is the reason why she would destroy and **** the "Millions of Steam Hammer" without hesitating to offend the Ironhide family.

Of course, the more characteristics of the totem armor, the more difficult it is to control, and more energy needs to be devoured to maintain the stability of the totem.

The warriors of the ordinary clan are difficult to grasp, and a little carelessness will cause backlash.

Ice Storm is also like Meng Chao said, stepping into a desperate situation, had to make a desperate move.

Fortunately, she won the bet!

As he said, Ice Storm restored the "Mythril Ripper" that had been swallowed back into liquid metal and retracted it into his body.

And from her chest to her shoulders, the shining totem tattoos have also undergone interesting changes.

Originally, her totem was just a silver-white leopard head with teeth and claws, plus six crossed claw marks.

Now, above the leopard's head, three steams were ejected, and there were dense ripples rippling around, representing the "shock" characteristic.

Gently touching the brand-new totem tattoo, Bing Storm was satisfied, his face turned into a smile.

But her belly kept groaning.

Obviously the fierce battle just now, and the swallowing between the totem armors, consumed too much energy.

She opened the second golden fruit without hesitation and sucked the gel-like trembling pulp into her mouth.

After sucking three golden fruits in a row, she was unsatisfied and grabbed another totem beast's core.


From the palm to the forearm, it was once again wrapped in liquid metal.

From the silver-white metal fluid, dozens of metal wires were drilled and plunged deeply into the core of the totem beast.

Soon, the core of the totem beast was soaked up.

With the continuous surging of liquid metal, in the end, the entire core disappeared in the ice storm.

Meng Chao has just studied the golden fruit carefully.

Knowing that it is said that each mandala tree, each round of results, can only bear one special fruit, and the psionic energy it contains is more abundant than Dragon City's top-grade genetic medicine.

Even if he ate a golden fruit, he would have to meditate and exercise for a long time before he could digest and absorb the violent psychic energy.

The flesh and blood of Ice Storm is not as powerful as he was at his peak, it is impossible to instantly digest and absorb all the psychic energy contained in the three golden fruits.

So, is it the totem armor in her body, what has been digested and absorbed?

And this kind of surface is grown with mysterious and complex natural patterns, which are as colorful as crystalline marrow, crystal clear, but the texture is not gold or iron. What is it, can it be directly absorbed by the totem armor?

Meng Chao grabbed a totem beast core and studied it over and over for a long time.

I always feel that this thing is not like something that can grow naturally in a carbon-based organism.

But Ice Storm told him that this "core" is indeed the life center of the Totem Beast, the most important organ, and determines the Totem Beast's behavior mode and brutality.

Moreover, in the core of the totem beast, there is a weak totem power, which is the best "food" for the totem armor.

In the era of prosperity, there are not too many opportunities to directly swallow fragments of the opponent's totem battle armor.

Most of the time, totem warriors still rely on hunting totem beasts, collecting and devouring the core, to continuously strengthen the totem armor, and slowly condense new characteristics.

"Is it so amazing?"

In the name of a senior reaper who dissected thousands of monsters, Meng Chao swears that he has never found any "core" in monsters, super beasts, alien beasts, or even monsters.

The crystalline neurosphere of the monster is somewhat similar to the "core" of the totem beast.

However, compared with the pure natural crystalline neurosphere, the core of the totem beast has a bit more icy metallic texture.

It's not like a biological organ, it's like some kind of man-made thing, some kind of...control chip or something.

"Eat the control chip directly to become stronger? This is a very user-friendly operation. No wonder the advanced orcs whose civilization has degraded to the clan age are still able to master the totem armor!"

Thinking of this, Meng Chao smiled and asked Ice Storm how he could obtain a set of totem armor.

This did not surprise the ice storm.

Every Turan, even the humblest rat people, aspires to be a totem warrior.

However, Ice Storm warned Meng Chao, becoming a totem warrior, in addition to great glory, also means extremely dangerous.

The most dangerous thing does not come from the outside world, it is the Totem Armor itself.

"If you don't have enough power, or if you are not religious enough to your ancestor spirits, you might be swallowed alive by the totem armor."

Ye Zi also warned Meng Chao in this way.

But for Meng Chao, who is eager for more powerful power in order to save Dragon City, such a warning will not be much stronger than the warning from the FBI in front of the life science research video.

"Then, I will take you to take a look at how to obtain the power of totem!"

Ice Storm thought for a while and said, "It just so happened that I got a new batch of 70 servants, and I can expand my team. I should go around the Blood Skull Arena and choose more powerful soldiers. "

In addition to the open-air arena that can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators.

There are also large and small indoor arenas in the **** arena.

Mainly used to fight alone, or for small teams of three to five people.

Compared to the open-air arena, hundreds of people charged into battle, and the desperate fight of two gladiators, although the scene may not be so exciting, but because the distance between the auditorium and the arena is close enough, the blood and bones splashed by the gladiators, even Can splash on the faces of the audience.

This immersive, flesh-and-blood stimulus still attracts countless people. They watch, place bets, applaud, and when they see the blood boil, come on the court in person to vent their violent power.

When Meng Chao and Ice Storm came to this small ring, they were already full of seats.

The roar of the gladiators and the clamor of the audience, like subwoofer bombardment, heightened the atmosphere to the extent of a volcanic eruption.

On the ring, there are three bloody, muscled guys with the characteristics of both tauren and boar, confronting a huge monster with no friends.

Although their stature is sturdy, they are no less inferior to the clan warriors.

Moreover, his body is also tied with a metal armor made of iron chains that are as strong as an arm.

The big sword, giant axe, and scimitar in his hand are also the best for shaving iron like mud.

But from their tense expressions, constantly rolling Adam’s apple, large amounts of sweat, and premature overdrafts due to uneven distribution of strength, falling into cramps, and slightly trembling leg muscles, they can see at a glance that they are not training. Well-known professional samurai.

But like leaves and spiders, they were forcibly conscripted by the masters for a few days.

Sure enough, Ice Storm told Meng Chao that these rat people were the lucky ones who were desperately resisting the enlistment team in the "call-up operation", showing amazing potential and being favored by the clan warriors.

If it was like Ye Zi's brother who died vigorously in the process of resistance, then the clan warrior would bestow a drop of blood on him, and then bring his body back to worship the ancestor spirit.

If you are still alive, you can get a chance.

Prove yourself once and qualify for the chance to get the blood of the clan's glory.

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