The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 345: Eternal leadership

For Earl Theodore's analysis, Atley the butler seemed to understand. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, the towers in the clouds have accumulated prestige for a long time, the empire is after all an empire, and the Marquis of Anderson is also known for being able to conquer and fight.

The strength is definitely strong.

The thundering swamp had just risen, and Silvermane would have greatly affected its own strength after losing the High Winds Legion of the Marquis of Anderson.

If Ateli chooses the side, he will definitely choose the tower in the cloud.

Others might choose this way too.

So what good can Yanxing do for him to expand the scale of the war so much?

The greater the scale of the war, the more enemies he will have?

"Master, what should we do? Lord Marquis has not contacted you for many days."

The butler was a little worried about the increasingly stiff relationship between Earl Theodore and Marquis Anderson.

"Ah..." When mentioning Anderson, Earl Theodore couldn't help but sighed: "In this world, I am afraid no one knows him better than I. Now he is probably busy preparing to accept the emperor's gift..."

The butler asked in surprise: "Master, is the Marquis Lord going to betray the Principality?"

"His relationship with the Duke of Silvermane has been torn to such an extent. Betrayal is a matter of time, but I still hope that he and Yanxing will not be fought in the war, and he will not be a **** for the high tower in the cloud." Earl Theodore After thinking for a while, he said to the butler: "It will be my birthday in a month... Do it more grandly, and invite both Marquis and Yanxing to participate.

Hope to dissuade them at the last moment. "

The butler replied: "Yes, master."

Yanxing, who is in the eternal collar, makes the final preparations for the spring war.

Army after training and armed forces came out of the thundering swamp and entered the pre-built barracks.

One by one, new weapons were manufactured, and then issued one after another.

On the bright side... The Eternal Lords Army has organized five infantry divisions.

Among them, there is one human division, three werewolf divisions, and one lizardman division. 10,300 people per division, 10,000 rifles, 1,000 machine guns, 500 artillery pieces, 500 vehicles, 5,000 other bicycles, motorcycles, and motor tricycles, 500 magical flying saucer launchers, 1,000 rockets Launch tube...

One infantry division is under its jurisdiction: four infantry regiments, one division is under the heavy artillery battalion, one rocket artillery battalion, two cavalry battalions, and one directly under the aviation squadron.

The werewolf division and the lizardman division also had a large number of poisonous flies fighting with the army.

A cavalry division has a total of 4120 people.

It has 4,000 chocobos, 200 vehicles, and 100 Warcraft horses. Equipped with riding rifles, mortars, and rocket launchers.

It has a direct aviation squadron.

An airborne brigade with a total of 3,000 people.

A heavy artillery brigade with a total of 3000 people

A special forces group with a total of 1,000 people.

There are more and more 50,000 logistics personnel including other guards, engineers, and civilian workers.

Eternity leads the air force.

There are 314 Falcon fighters, 30 dive bombers, 7 bombers and 20 transport planes.

For other purposes such as civil aviation, 40 transport aircraft can be levied.

In addition, there is an equipment experimental brigade of 3,000 people, equipped with demonized and improved weapons for actual combat equipment testing.

In response to the Gale Highland Spring War, Eternal Leader mobilized a total of more than 100,000 troops, half of which were front-line combat troops.

Weapons have also been continuously produced by the Eternal Leader Alchemy Laboratory, and there is also a coordinating production line by Buff, so that all combat troops have obtained usable weapons.

However, the inventory of weapons reserves is almost zero, and the ammunition reserves are slightly insufficient.

Another thing that worries Yanxing is...

In the first line of force, the Eternal Lords are on par with Marquis Anderson's High Winds Legion.

In terms of the quality of troops, the Gale Highland Legion is a strong force that has been fighting for many times with orcs and elves. After passing through the alchemy equipment of the high tower in the cloud, the strength is definitely very strong.

It took only three months for the eternal lord force to be formed, and a large part of it was only trained in the smelly water forest for a month.

The battles I participated in, except for the Newta City Riot, was the Battle of Blackpool City.

Relying on the equipment advantage to fight two headwinds, although taking the opportunity to build the confidence of the army, it is still unknown how much combat effectiveness it can exert in the face of the Gale Highland Legion.

As for those recruits who had not even participated in the Battle of Blackpool City, they really had just completed the queue training and shot several targets.

Therefore, for the third werewolf divisions and the first lizardman division after reorganization, don't expect them to perform very well in the war for the time being.

And the air force... is also a lot of problems.

How to fight the war?

Seeing that winter was about to pass, Yanxing gathered his military generals, magic advisors, and technical officials.

Let's hold a mobilization meeting for the Imperial Front together.

The eternal leader of the old team plus the new officials who joined the thunder marsh after the unification, more than 30 heroes sit around the front conference table.

First of all, the heads of the units informed Yanxing and others about the combat readiness of their respective commanders.

Gosper then reported the status of the eternal leader's material reserves for the war.

Laura, the alchemy robot, reports on the production plan for the next phase of the alchemy laboratory.

Aranda reported on the status of the citizens in the Eternal Territory, as well as the information gathered on the Gale Highlands.

Finally, there is a blowing control projection instrument on the top of the conference table, projecting a virtual battlefield sand table, and marking the location of the enemy and our forces.

It can be clearly seen that the main forces of the Gale Highland Corps and the Eternal Lord are concentrated on the western border of the Eternal Lord.

The two sides developed a military confrontation line with a length of 50 kilometers from the north to the south, and the nearest point was less than 30 kilometers apart.

According to the information Aranda just told.

The Marquis of Anderson arranged seven airships in Split Mountain Fort, and another eight airships were scattered around on his own front.

There are five airships in Storm City.

As for whether there are any hidden airships in other places, it has not been detected yet.

In order to correspond to the rifles installed in the Eternal Collar, the Tower in the Clouds provides charged magic wands for the Gale Highland Legion.

This kind of alchemy weapon uses rare alchemical resources as energy sources and can launch magical rays to attack. Although the effective range of the magic ray is 400 meters, which is not as good as the rifle equipped by the eternal collar, the general battle is basically carried out within 400 meters.

Moreover, the charged magic wand can also release the magic shield to provide a certain degree of protection, but the expansion of the shield consumes a lot of magic energy.

In addition, the Gale Highland Legion has long-range heavy magic projection weapons. The heavy-duty magic throwing vehicle can throw the magic constructed by the magician to several kilometers or ten kilometers away.

There are also various alchemy equipment and alchemy weapons. In order to defeat the thundering swamp, the towers in the clouds are generous with Anderson.

It can be said that the eternal collar does not occupy an advantage in weapons and equipment, and even has a considerable disadvantage in the use of magic.

What is gratifying is that the morale of the eternal leadership of the army is high, and it is a self-defense battle. Soldiers and generals are preparing to defeat the invaders in order to protect their homes.

It was Yanxing's turn to speak.

He didn't talk about his military ideas first, but chatted with his heroes about eternally leading the way.

"It took us less than a year from three people and two dung forks to develop the territory to such a scale. It is a miracle, but it is also inseparable from the work of every citizen of the territory.

This land is soaked with our sweat, so we have a prosperous life now.

I can boldly say that the most ordinary people here live far more than ordinary people in other places, and this kind of life will inevitably arouse some people's prying eyes.

After you go back, you must let your soldiers know why this war started, and know what kind of ending you will face if you lose this war.

Most of the people of Eternal Leadership are refugees who yearn for a stable life. Think about what it was like before coming to Eternal Leadership, and what it was like after coming to Eternal Leadership.

Is this kind of life worth our lives to defend? Is this home worth our lives to defend?

Everyone here... Some of you may not be able to attend the meeting here one day, but your name will be like the name of this territory, eternally recorded on the monument of honor. "

Yanxing's words silenced the meeting.

As Yanxing just said, Eternal Ling is a city of immigrants.

In less than a year, not many subjects were recruited in the recruitment building, and the second generation subjects were still babies.

In the territory, whether it is humans, werewolves, lizardmen, elves... all have migrated from other places.

They know what life ordinary people live in other places.

After being exploited by the lord, to have a subsistence life is to be lucky to be born in a benevolent territory.

But the most merciful lord in the world is not as good as Master Yanxing's case.

No one died because of the cold this winter, so I can't imagine it in other places.

If the eternal collar is breached, everything here will disappear.

The heroes of the eternal collar all looked at the map in the middle of the conference table.

The eternal collar is less than sixty kilometers away from the outpost.

The Outpost Fort is only 30 kilometers away from Split Mountain Fort.

Suddenly, Eddie stood up and said loudly to Yanxing: "Please rest assured, I will tell every soldier what you just said. Let them know... Behind it is the eternal collar! Take a step back and we will lose what we have now. everything.

Unless we are all dead, never let an enemy pass through the outpost. "

With Eddie, all the other heroes stood up.

"Master, please rest assured, we will never let an enemy pass through the outpost!"

Yan Xing pressed his hands and let all his heroes sit down.


The so-called honor and the so-called encouragement can only be brave for a while.

Without the support of a belief in "why fight", all kinds of war exhaustion will breed over time.

Yanxing waited for a while before saying: "Faced with the coming war, we must clearly understand that our army is at a disadvantage in many aspects.

Insufficient training, unfamiliar with new equipment, no experience in large-scale army operations... many, many.

Therefore, in the first stage of the war, we can only passively defend.

Rely on dug trenches, barbed wire, bunker groups and fortresses to fight defensive battles with our enemies. Relying on the perfect fortifications, fight for consumption, fight for will, fight for war potential.

Especially when in a disadvantaged situation, the belief in perseverance is often more important than personal courage and weaponry.

Victory in this kind of battle is often determined by who can still organize soldiers to resolutely execute combat instructions in the most difficult moments.

This is why I have been emphasizing that we must let our soldiers know why we must fight and why we must win. Only by knowing that you can't take a step back can you be nailed to the ground!

Of course we have disadvantages as well as advantages.

Time is our greatest ally.

We are backed by Thunder Swamp, with a population of 2 million, while the Gale Highland Legion has only 50,000 troops that can be used for first-line operations. They will not get any supplies from the Silvermane Duchy, and the Newta City supply line will soon be under our control.

The high tower in the cloud can replenish Anderson with alchemical weapons, but it won't give him too many soldiers.

As long as we persist until the rainy season arrives, the supply of the Gale Highland Corps will be a big problem.

And the amount of our property assets can be increased several times, and one hundred thousand troops can be armed.

After the rainy season, the Gale Highland Legion is our prey!

Storm City is our biggest trophy in this war! "

Hikiko sets a strategic policy for combating the Gale Highland Corps.

Stick to it at the beginning.

Exercise the army, break in the weapons, and improve the property assets of the territory. At the same time, it consumes the strength and supplies of the Gale Highland Legion, as well as the morale of the army.

And it's not suitable for showing too much edge at this stage.

Being passive on the battlefield can paralyze the high towers in the clouds. Let them think that as long as they work harder to aid the Stormy Highland Legion, they can defeat the Thunder Swamp.

If the high tower in the cloud does not end in person, the eternal collar will have a little more time to develop.

Give the Eternal Collar Alchemy Lab for another half a year, and many techniques will yield results. When the time comes, even if the high tower in the cloud ends, the eternal collar will have the means to deal with it.

Moreover, other battlefields will also be fought during this period, and the energy of the high tower in the cloud can't be put on the eternal collar here.

As long as the rainy season arrives...

Yanxing formulated a grand strategy and blew specific military deployments on the virtual sand table.

Two infantry divisions were placed in the front of the outpost, which was the first human division and werewolf division to complete the reorganization. These two divisions have the strongest combat effectiveness and guard the most core positions.

A division is placed behind the two wings of the to prevent the enemy from attacking the eternal collar in a roundabout way.

A division is placed on the second line in the rear as a reserve team for battlefield support.

The southern camp is cordoning on the third line and is responsible for the internal defense of the territory.

The Air Force is deployed in five front airfields and seven rear airfields, each responsible for a defensive airspace, and battlefield liaison officers boasted to be responsible for coordinating joint operations.

Front-line ground operations are under the command of five division commanders, Eddie, Orff, Gangya, Qiaotong, and Sickle.

Yongheng led the establishment of the combat headquarters, and Yan Xing as the supreme commander was responsible for the operation of the abbot headquarters.

Special operations units such as airborne brigades, heavy artillery brigades, and special operations regiments are under the direct command of the general headquarters.

At the end of the meeting, the forces of the Eternal Lords entered a state of combat...

The invitation letter from Newta City was also delivered to Yanxing at this time.



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