The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 41: Survival (2)

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The monk's advantage lies in the flexibility of the individual and the variety of skills. Therefore, when fighting against battleships, close combat is their strength. Once Da Luo Jin Wonderland Demon bursts into the battleship, it is time for them to act arrogantly.

The advantage of the warship is that the fire is concentrated, and the continuous and uninterrupted heavy artillery strikes will make the monks miserable. In terms of continuous combat capability, the energy reserve of a battleship is much higher than that of a monk.

The greatest strength of the fleet is undoubtedly the salvo of thousands of warships. The overwhelming and endless laser cannons are the most terrible nightmares of monks. Destroying the monk on the way to attack is a customary tactic of the Azure Civilization Fleet, and it is also the most ideal state.

Over the past three thousand years, both armies have exhausted their means around this.

In the initial time, because of the lack of understanding of the demonic civilization, the fleet of the blue civilization suffered a lot. The other party was hidden in the dark and dark, and always appeared in the dark, or did not show up. Once it appeared, it was a thunder strike. When ready, he rushed to the left and left to bow in the battleship group.

At that time, although the blue civilization was very strong and the fleet was very large, it was always like a headless fly, and could not be found by the demons. Many elite fleets have disappeared into the endless dark universe.

After the first two hundred years of war, the Blue Civilization, which suffered heavy losses, quickly improved the method of warfare based on an in-depth understanding of the monks of the Demon. The Blue System could also detect the aura fluctuations. At this time, the Blue Civilization held its ground. In the battle, no small gains were achieved, and many battles were won.

However, it is not just the party who knows that progress, and the demonic civilization has also learned a lot. Then, the battle between the two sides became stalemate, and the general balance was maintained for some time. However, due to the strong performance of cultivating civilization in the war, scientific and technological civilization is still losing ground.

In the end, the qualitative change caused qualitative change, and the azure civilization, which was arduously supported, finally came to a dead end after the defeat of wars again and again. It is also because the cultivation civilization is strong in the war that the blue civilization began to face the wall.

Nowadays, with the success of the wall plan, human monks and human warships cooperate with each other, and the result of the integration of scientific and technological civilization and cultivation civilization has revealed its powerful strength on the battlefield.

Although there are only more than 4,000 monks in Luojin Wonderland here, Li Fang has ensured that the fleet can maximize the use of his laser light cannons' continuous strength, preventing the demons from breaking into the fleet formation. Therefore, although there are 30,000 people in the Demon Army, the number disadvantage is not too large, and it is still basically wiped out quickly.

The battle here was very smooth for Li Ye. The situation was not so good for another teleportation formation that broke out.

The battle there was directed by Ji Ningji. Although there were more than 4,000 monks from the Great Luojin Wonderland, there were no human sage monks sitting in the town, which led to the Tianmen sages never encountering targeted restraining forces.

However, the Blue Civilization has fought against the Demon Civilization for many years, and it is not because there is no tactics to deal with the sage's realm, otherwise the Blue Civilization will not be able to persist for 3,000 years. The fleet mobilized more warships to set fire on the saint realm.

In terms of more powerful power and speed against the sage realm, the fleet also has a corresponding type of laser cannon to limit it.

It is just that this kind of warfare is not particularly effective compared with the results of Li Zhi and others. At least there is no sage in the world.

Was quickly killed. Moreover, the number of warships attracted by them was quite large, which led to the lower Demon Army being hit much less.

However, the fleet still had the upper hand. The overall defense of the Demon Army was not successfully established in the face of the fierce artillery, and they could only charge in groups to attack the fleet.

At this point, the battle situation is very different. With the help and help of the eight saints, the teams did not experience much loss and approached the fleet.

The human monks in the fleet all rose up to meet the enemy. With the cooperation of the battleship gunfire, one by one the demon monks turned over one after another, blocking a team of demon monks, without letting the demon monks go smoothly.

However, with the addition of the sage realm to this battlefield, human monks could not effectively counteract, many monks were knocked down and killed, and warships were also destroyed and sunk, and the original meticulous defense line began to gap. The team of monks of the demon rushed through these gaps, and were inextricably linked with the subsequent human monks and battleships.

Li Yan entered the second half of his battle, and before he was finished, he brought Zhou Bashan and other monks to the battlefield where Ji Ningyun was.

The overall situation of his battlefield has been determined. Naturally, it is necessary to support Ji Ningzheng as soon as possible to seek more results and reduce the loss of fleet monks.

The distance between the two places was not too far, and the five saints arrived soon. At this time, the fleet was fighting fiercely with the monks. From the previous battle situation, the tragedies of the demon army were not small. On the way to the charge, many monks died, and the fleet had not suffered a lot of injuries, which can be described as taking advantage.

The current situation is not optimistic. The monk has stormed into the outer battleship group. In the huge fire, there are destroyed warships, especially the saints. Fly in the fiery ocean, crisscross.

Each time they shot, either the monk was killed or the battleship exploded.

There aren't many monks in the field, most of them are still on the charge, and they are receiving the "baptism" of waterfall light flow. Both sides now have a pretty equal meaning. But Li Zhi was very clear that as long as the eight saints did not die, the outcome of the war would never be good.

The previous planet Li Li was on, and the planet right now, are located next to each other in the middle of four large teleportation arrays. In the two teleportation formations at both ends, the Demon Army was not blocked. Now, each 30,000 monks flew towards the middle quickly, not far from the battlefield ahead.

Among them, the sage demon came first.

Before Li Yan and others were close to the battlefield, the eight saints at the end of the field had already reached the battlefield. They had rushed into the fleet, but it took a lot of effort, and many warships were shot down by them, blasting into pieces and sinking into the depths of the void.

Now what Li Yan and others have to face are the sixteen saints who are strong!

Not only that, the four savior teleportation magic circles, after the first wave of the savior army left the planet's surface, the ray of light from the array began to gather again, apparently the second wave of the savior army, already on the other side of the transmission phasic, ready to be transmitted Prepare, it will be teleported soon!

The Blue Fleet is ready to work and arranged in advance, and its role will soon disappear completely.

"Three moments in the direction of Japan and China, attack!" Flying to the battlefield where the artillery was continuous and the light was tide, Li Zhi pointed forward with a sword in his hand, Zhou Bashan was like a cannonball, and quickly flew out.

His figure

It was like a light, rushing through the still-wrecked part of the lake, clearing a hollow passage, but without seeing how he did it, the giant mountain axe split on a sacred heavenly demon shield gas shield that turned back in shock.

The scattered aura of light, such as training, set off his robes' faces, as if they were killing gods from the wilderness.

The Smurf was attacked suddenly. Although he noticed it in time, he was not fully prepared. Zhou Bashan did his best. Therefore, the Qi Shield burst. The Smurf's face was white and chaotic. He was obviously injured, but he did not vomit blood, indicating that the injury was not serious. It can be seen that they are also extraordinary in strength, but their stature is still inevitable.

At this point, Li Xuan flashed past it, and Qingbai Jianguang flickered, and the demon's body burst into countless particles, which scattered like dust.

In the small area in front of me, in the gap of the three-dimensional ring-shaped battleship formation, there are dozens of big Luojin fairyland demon, who are fighting against human monks, but Li Zhi does not look at them, runs over their heads, and runs straight down A goal.

A sage demon is killing right and left among a dozen human monks. It is like a sparrow, extremely fast, clean and clear, with every sword cut out, there is thunderous power, and monks are constantly being killed by it, but human monks can't even touch their horns.

During the **** battle, it took a walk in the courtyard.

The captain of the human monk, seeing his companion was killed one after the other, his painful features were twisted together. He suddenly snarled and saw an opportunity. When the demon chopped a monk, he tried his best to rush over. , Abandoned the sword in his hand, and gave up his body to embrace the demon from the side. "Sell together, use the strongest move, fast!"

He hugged the demon, and just wanted his companion to win the mobile phone conference. He can fight to death here, but he must not be killed by the demon as a dog!

This is a battle of survival. All human beings have no choice. They cannot be defeated. They must do everything in their power to fight to the end with the demon army. All the enemies in front of them are beings that prevent them from living. If they want to live and survive, they must destroy the obstacles in front of them.

Even if the strength of the enemy and me is very different, even if the odds of victory are slim, they have no second way to go except for fighting, fighting, and dying!

The other monks saw this, and their eyes were instantly red, but they did not hesitate because they knew that this opportunity would not be there again, and it was the captain who fought for it.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the strength of the saintly realm.

When the captain just hugged the demon, the latter frowned, and the aura of energy burst out from his body, slamming the captain directly, the gap between the realm and the strength was too great, and the captain immediately spit blood.

"Want to die? I'll do you well!"

The demon's body flickered, and he easily avoided other monks' techniques. He blinked in front of the captain, and the sword in his hand was cut off towards his forehead!

Seeing that it was going to be cut in half, the captain stared at Tian Mo's eyes desperately, but not as strong as the fire. This unwillingness was so strong that the corners of his eyes were torn apart and blood spilled out!

When the rest of the monks saw this scene, they all chanted the captain's name in sorrow, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the demons, they could only watch the captain killed, and they could do nothing!

The demon fell off with a knife, but accidentally broke the air. On the occasion of a stern attack, the captain's body was pulled open by one hand. Without waiting for the demon's staggering and anger, a sword qi has reached its eyebrow!

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