The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 65: World Peace

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If the next battle goes smoothly and the demons reach a balanced situation with the Azure government, what will Li Zhi face in the future? Compared to these two, his own power is weak. After the war, no matter which side, he can easily defeat him and his monk team and Datang World. And they all have reasons to do so.

However, if the demons are subject to him, even if only part of them, he can gather the power of the demons and make himself stronger. In addition to those who have contributed to their luck in the Azure World, Li Yan can have fans in the Sky Demon World and the Azure World at the same time, gaining some influence on both sides.

Then using the blue magic to check the balance of the blue, the blue magic to check the balance of the sky can maximize the protection of their own interests. The situation of the zero-sum game will be loosened or even completely changed.

Once you make the cosmic co-existence of the Devils, then your prestige will be unmatched, and you will definitely have more luck.

At that time, no one can help him, he will become the master of this universe!

Hope is beautiful, but the reality may not be as Li Zhi wishes. His idea seemed perfect, but it was too difficult to turn it into reality. Therefore, Li Yan did not hold much hope, right is the direction, it is always right to try hard.

Because of this, over the years, he has done all kinds of research and wants to see if he can help Tianmo. He must first get what he wants, and if he wants to get some of the power of luck of the demon, he must benefit these demon.

This attempt to control this will not affect the battle of the next battle-the time is too short, and the demons have limited profits.

And once the war begins, everything will change drastically, and Li Zhi will not be able to control the whole situation. He cannot predict the next situation. He can only take one step at a time. Before that, it's better to do what you can do that might be beneficial to you.

After a while of carnival, Li Yan was let down. On the surface he was beaming, but in the dark he sensed it carefully to see if the power of heaven and magic had gathered to himself! In the final analysis, the demons are also human beings. If they support themselves, they will definitely have the power of luck.

Whether these seven years of hard work are in vain, is it an enemy, or is it helpful to our future? It is revealed at this moment!

Li Yan could not help taking a deep breath, holding his breath.

Thousands of demons were watching him in the square.

At this moment, the wind is light and the clouds are light. There is no vision of the heavens and the earth, and any movement is very easy to distinguish.

Li Yan knew that he didn't need to wait, and if he had the power of luck, he could detect it at the moment he sensed it.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

A stream of snake-like air is converging from some demon heads to themselves, attracted and absorbed by dragon air. With every airflow entering his body, his cultivation strength is one point stronger!

Li Yan is overjoyed.

These demons, indeed, are not stones, not right or wrong, black and white, wolf-hearted, and they have saved their lives by themselves, so that they can live for a long time, they know and thank themselves!

However, among the thousands of demons, only hundreds of lucks came together, accounting for less than 20%, which made Li Zhi very unhappy after the initial surprise.

Why are there so many unconscience?

He was angry.

But he calmed down quickly.

After all, they are human beings, and the other party is a demon. The gap between the two sides has been hatred for more than 3,000 years or even longer. Although they have helped them, for a while, it is necessary to make them all loyal to themselves, which is obviously too demanding.

However, with this beginning, Li Zhi has more confidence in Japan.

He decided to hit the iron while he was hot, to be close to these demons, indicating that he was close to them.

He cleared his throat, stood two steps forward, and said loudly: "The blue government's" Goddess of Heaven "plan is the greatest sin after humans entered the era of interstellar expansion, and it is the darkest page in the history of human civilization. The blue government must You have to take responsibility for paying this price! Those who dominate this plan need to be removed from the world!

The more he spoke, the more indignant, the more resentful his expression, the more excited his voice, and the deeper his affection.

He continued: "In the past seven years, I have been with you day and night, I know your pain, and I know your temperament. To be honest, in my opinion, the demons are simple and pure, and they are all in nature. You are happy together.

"I have also made some friends over the years

For example, the head of the Sun, for example, my former opponent Chen Xuanzhi, I am very happy to be friends with them, because they are broad-minded, regardless of the suspected righteous people! "

Speaking of which, he looked to Chen Xuanzhi aside, "Brother Chen, do you mean it?"

Chen Xuanzhi pumped his cheek. He had a fart relationship with Li Xun. Since Li Xun came to Talisman, he has been waiting for the other person to be cut into pieces to do research. He originally thought this would happen soon. After chatting with Sun Wuji for a long time, this matter disappeared.

How smooth Li Yan has been in the past seven years, how bad he is.

However, at this time in front of the demons, Chen Xuanzhi could not refute Li Zhe. After all, the other party helped Tian Mo solve a fundamental problem. Although he did not like Li Zhe very much, he had to say admiration.

But when Li Xun stared at him, he didn't turn back, and he had to give him a reply. Chen Xuanzhi was almost out of control for a moment, or he rushed to death and killed Li Xun regardless of everything. But after coming into contact with Sun Wuji's warnings, he could only reluctantly grin and utter a dry laugh, saying with pain: "Brother Li is right."

After Li Xuan was satisfied, he lost a good look to one of Chen Xuanzhi's brothers. Regardless of Chen Xuanzhi's black-and-white changing face, he turned and shouted to the heavenly demons: "Since the brothers of the heavenly demons, starting today, I, Li Yan, wish To be friends with each of you, to fight against the blue government without discrimination between you and me! "

The righteousness he said is astonishing, whether it is his expression or tone, it can't really be true anymore. The demons immediately raged and responded loudly: "Destroy the blue government!"

Sun Wou-ki looked at Li Yan and nodded with a smile.

Although he did not fully believe what Li said, he couldn't believe it either. Li Ye has really got along well with the demons these years, his attitude is positive and enthusiastic, and he hasn't regarded himself as an outsider at all. He sees them all. Now Li Zhi is doing such great things again. Hearing Li Zhi's words, he is also willing to accept Li Zhi to become friends with the demons.

In his opinion, Li Zhi hated the blue government as a matter of course and showed conscience, so he didn't doubt it. Faced with the evil of God's plan, anyone with a sound mind should be angry.

Facing the shouts of the demons, Li Li's mood has improved a lot, because more luck is coming from the top of the demons, the number is similar to the previous wave, which is considerable.

The use of cultivation methods, with sophisticated and hard work methods, step by step to extract the chemical and drug impurities in the body, and ultimately achieve the purpose of the body will not get out of control and become a healthy monk. Time can't be completed in ten days and a half months.

Depending on the individual qualifications of the demons, it can range from one year and a half to three or five years.

Thousands of monks in front of it were the first large-scale implementation after Li Zhi developed a method and after a few experiments with the demons. After these thousands of demons, then the entire demons community will begin to use Li Zhi's cultivation method.

"Although the demonic world has a small population, it is only relatively speaking. In any case, a ten-digit planet cannot hold so many demons. In other words, even three years later, even if only 10% of demons are because of this technique, Dedicating the power of luck to me will greatly improve my cultivation. "

Thinking of this, Li Min was relieved.

The efforts of these years have not been in vain, at least how effective they will be in the future, depending on the actual situation. He glanced at Sun Wuji, the other side's cultivation was unpredictable, and even Li Ye could not have an accurate grasp. This shows that the strength of the opponent is at least above the sage realm.

What realm will be above the sage realm, and what realm will be above, Li Zhi is not very eager to know. If nothing else, he would reach it sooner or later. But even with the strength of Sun Wou-ki, it seems that he cannot escape from this universe and travel far and far to reach a higher level.

Although this universe is vast, humans have explored a large star field, found no special power, and did not even have other intelligent races. Up to now, for monks at this level, the universe is not so mysterious.

With the cultivation and improvement of knowledge, Li Zhi has now vaguely felt that this universe is not the whole of the "world".

He returned to his office with Sun Wuji, and just after Li Li sat down, Sun Wuji opened his door and said, "The army of the demon has already assembled almost. If it is not your method of cultivation that is of great significance to the demon, the monks of the demon family must cultivate immediately. The war has begun.

"But even so, the next battle with the Azure government will start three years later. I want to know, what are you going to do? Before, you fought for the Azure government, but now that you are hostile to the Azure government, can you go back and mobilize? Your own strength, in cooperation with the Demon Army in wartime? "

After hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but have a hard time. Just before the demons, he stated that he would fight side by side with them and destroy the blue government. Now Sun Wuji would step on his nose. To say that this is not to shoot yourself in the foot, I am afraid that others will not believe it.

For Li Wei, this is a dilemma.

And it is difficult to solve.

However, he had expected that Sun Wuji would have such a question, so he also thought about how to face it.

Li Xun was sitting upright, and he talked seriously to Sun Wou-ki: "Actually, in my heart, I always have a dream."

Sun Wuji froze slightly, "What dream?"

Li Yan is too serious to be more serious: "I hope the world is peaceful. Everyone is friendly and there is no war or killing."

Sun Wuji: "..."

He was like eating a bowl of flies. He was disgusted by Li Yan. He poured the tea in the cup on the other person's face and asked how he could make such a remark.

Seeing Li Ye always look like this is my sincere thought. If you suspect that I am insulting me, Sun Wuji is helpless and just says: "You just said you were going to bring down the blue government, why do you change your mind now and want the world? Is it peaceful? "

Li Yan sighed and said in earnest: "The blue government is indeed very guilty and should be replaced, but the people of the blue world are innocent. What's wrong with them? The three thousand years of war between the blue demons and the blue blue have hit the present, and hundreds of people have died. The suffering they should not have suffered, the price they should have paid.

"How about the blue government? They are still safe and their status and power are still in their hands. The three thousand years of the Demon Era, which have been traced to the bottom, have harmed the people. What practical significance can it have?"

Sun Wuji's neck was beating, and he said, "This is a war, a war! How can you destroy the Azure government without defeating the Azure army? Those stupid people will not accept the Tian Mo government to replace the Azure government. This is a race battle. The battle of civilizations is a battle of ideology and it is inevitable! "

Li Yan bitterly said, "Can't we think of another way to solve the problem?"

"Send a monk to sneak into the azure realm and assassinate the azure government? Or do you go to the azure government? Li Ye, you won't be so naive, so if you talk nonsense again, I will turn my face!" Sun Wuji showed signs of losing control .

Li Yongyang sighed deeply, and compassionate people, "I want peace in the world, people live and work happily-isn't this the most basic pursuit of human beings? If the war begins, I won't help you."

Sun Wuji got up angrily and left his sleeve: "I'm not embarrassed for you because you helped Tianmo a lot!"

At the door, he turned back and sat down, pointing at the door and saying to Li Wei: "This is my office, it's you who should walk! If you want a serious nonsense, I don't want to see you again."

Li Yan shook his head, got up helplessly, turned around three times in one step, and stopped talking.

Out of Sun Wuji's office, Li Yan smiled secretly.

What he said just now is not all to fool Sun Wuji. If there is no war in the world, it is undoubtedly the best.

But this is obviously impossible, and the war between Sky Demon and Azure will not end like this. And if the demons are not weakened, Li Zhi's vision of balancing the two sides will not be realized. Only when the demons reach a balance of power with Azure and he has the ability to balance the two sides, can peace come through his efforts.

Looking at the door closed, the annoyance on Sun Wuji's face gradually dissipated, replaced by an anxiety that ordinary people could not understand.

"This uncle ’s cultivation has been intensifying over the years, and it is very close to my realm. Now it has helped the demons a lot. I wanted to talk to him about the astral storm and listen to him for the stronger universe. What does power think? "

Sun Wuji sighed, if anyone else in this universe can possibly understand that the powerful force that has ever appeared, except himself, he thinks that there is only Li Zhe, "but he refused to help Tianmo fight, he refused to I really put myself in the same position as the Devils, and I don't need to tell him about it. "

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