The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 109: Did you kick me?

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Fairview Pavilion.

Liu Sanniang looked at the negative hand and stood in front of the window, looking at the Changpao man looking at Chang'an City, without knowing it.

It has been a long time since she stared at each other.

Last time or when, a few years ago?

At that time, the gray-haired man in front of him, or the prince over ten thousand people, was the most dazzling star of the entire Tang Dynasty. No matter where he went, he was embracing and embracing, even if he just stood quietly, he was full of light Majesty makes it impossible to look straight.

But the middle-aged man in front of him no longer has the daring and domineering spirit of the past. He stood at the window, but made Liu Sanniang feel far away. He was like a gust of wind, without any breath. He was like the flow of the sky. Clouds, calm and natural.

And that face ... Previously, he had a face that made Miu Ling ’s heart beat faster even with a glance, and he couldn't pick out any flaws. Now, his face is so ordinary that no one will Have a second look.

His face changed, his temperament changed, and he was almost completely irrelevant.

But Liu Sanniang didn't feel strange at all.

He has long been rooted in her soul, no matter how changed, in her eyes, he is always him.

Liu Sannian just didn't expect that she could see him again in this life and had the opportunity to serve him-this was an impossible thing. How could the living see the dead again?

Liu Sanniang wiped the corners of her wet eyes. When the man in the green robe turned his head, she smiled as usual: "His Royal Highness, it's time to eat. I'll prepare."

"No need, sit down." The man in the green robe sat down before the small case again, and suddenly frowned slightly, and then coughed. He took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth, but finally stopped the cough, but when the handkerchief was put down There is already a pool of scarlet blood on it.

"His Royal Highness!" Liu Sanniang was so frightened that she rushed over to help the man in Qingpao, her eyes full of panic.

She has known him for many years, and has never seen the other person vomit blood. Before that, she always thought that nothing could hurt him in this world.

"Anyway." The man in the Qingpao waved his hand, smiled calmly, "Several hands were thrown in Huangli Township ... The time when Wei Jiangnan was injured, homeopathic planted a restraint in his body. To maintain this The prohibition does consume a lot of money. "

The man in the Qingpao glanced at Hua Sanniu, who was eclipsed, "And, don't call me His Highness in the future."

Liu Sanniang is not a young woman anymore. She can control her emotions, bit her lower lip and nodded.

The man in the Qingpao leaned on his back, Changshu breathed a sigh, his face improved for a bit: "San Niang, I'm afraid I have to stay with you for a while, won't it cause you trouble?"

"His Royal Highness ... Where is the sir?", San Niang was in desperate need. Liu San Niang didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Being able to serve the person in front of her is the happiest and most anticipated thing in her life.

The most dazzling man in the former Tang Dynasty, who met him once more, is a gift to others, and it is exciting, but now he starts to worry about causing trouble to others.

"The world is changing, people's hearts are changing, even I have changed. It's just that the third mother hasn't changed, it's good." The man in the Qingpao smiled and closed his eyes gradually, "I'm tired and need to rest for a while, Next, I don't know if there will be fierce fighting waiting for me. "

"Mr. Niang will stay with him despite his rest."

"it is good."


Han Yuan Dian.

With a bang, Li Zhi overturned all the memorials in the royal case.

He was extremely angry. He stared fiercely at Wei Baoheng, who was kneeling in the temple, gritted his teeth: "The prime minister is the biggest corrupt official in the world, and he has accepted more than a million bribes! Your face has been lost! Is there anything in your heart ?! "

Wei Baoheng lay on the ground with his five body shot, trembling all over his body, and screamed injustice upon hearing the words.

Wang Duo and Lu Yan aside looked at each other, and each saw a smile from the other. The former arched his hand to Li Wei: "His Majesty, Wei Baoheng's crime of embezzlement is already conclusive. Now we only need to search the Wei Baoheng mansion , Will be able to find stolen money! "

Lu Yan followed closely, echoing: "Someone has been stolen, and his crime cannot be escaped, and His Majesty will look into it!"

Xu Shaomu also hurriedly said: "Look at your Majesty to observe!"

Li Yan's face was green and white, and he was so anxious that he couldn't wait to swallow Wei Baoheng.

As emperor, even if he was faint, he knew Wei Baoheng's hands and feet were not clean. But in Li's view, it is not a big deal. I can't do anything for you, and I naturally can't lose you. But corruption belongs to corruption, and Li Bao was really angry that Wei Baoheng's amount of corruption was too huge.

Millions of dollars ... As the emperor, Li Kui did not have so much money in his inner library!

In other words, abandoning the status of the master of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bao, regardless of the state treasury, personally, Wei Baoheng is richer than Li Zhi!

This made Li Yan sick as if eating a fly.

You give me a job, I give you a reward, and when I finish, I find that you have more money than me, which is really unreasonable.

"Wei Baoheng!" Li Yan gritted his teeth and had fallen into the edge of the runaway, "I hate you so much, I ca n’t wait for you to be so fleshy! Thanks to the trust you have in you and the maintenance of everything, how do you repay?" What is not as good as pigs and dogs, I have to beat your nine! "

Li Huan didn't mind Wei Baoheng's corruption and taking bribes, but the premise was that Wei Baoheng's loyalty to him was devoid of any water. But now it seems that Wei Baoheng has no loyalty to him at all!

Li Yan felt deceived and deceived by his most trusted pet minister, but imagined how painful he was.

Not only pain, but shame.

When people in the world know Wei Baoheng's behavior, they will only look at Li Yan as a joke, and see, how stupid you are, raising a white-eyed wolf.

In contrast, Wei Jiangnan's calculation of Li Yan is nothing.

"Check! Check it now! Check his mansion and turn it over to the sky!" Li Xuan shook his sleeves fiercely. "Wang Duo, Lu Yan, you two take someone in person! Take the people in Chang'an Prefecture! Let Li Yan also go! Check him hard! "

Wei Baoheng was scared to hear that when he heard this.

Li Ming knew that Wang Duo and Li Yan did not deal with him, and they asked them to check his mansion. This was a complete abandonment of him and did not intend to give him a way to live!


Li Yan is trying to kill him!

Wei Baoheng realized this in despair. The whole person was frightened. He wailed and kept rushing with his head: "Your Majesty! You are wrong, you are wrong! This is where they want to frame the minister! His Majesty is loyal and loyal, and His Majesty is in charge of his subjects ... "

"Come here!" Li Yan's murderous eyes appeared in his eyes. "He dare to speak again, and pull out his tongue for him!"

Wei Baoheng was stiff, his hands and feet were cold, inside and outside the main hall, there were several arrogant breaths, and he locked him away. As long as he dared to make any changes, he would immediately shoot.

Inside the palace, there are top masters.

Wei Baoheng Kong has a practice, but at the moment it has no effect!

Li Xuan threw the ledger to Wang Duo: "Check it one by one!"

"Chin, take the lead!" The crowd bowed down and looked at each other, all feeling very happy.


In order to prevent Wei Baoheng from getting the wind and transferring the evidence, Li Yan took the people of Chang'an Mansion early and Qiao turned to dress up. He came to the streets near Wei Baoheng Mansion to lurk and monitor remotely, waiting for the intention of the palace, just in the first place Time rushes in.

In order to ensure a smooth operation, Chang'an Prefecture came out of the nest, and Wang Duo and Lu Yanfu's top masters also successively took place in the secret to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

The entire Wei government has been surrounded by rigors and solidity. The streets from which people come and go seem calm, but they are already undercurrent.

Dressed as a puppeteer and dressed as a soldier, Li Xun was sitting idle and sitting on the side of the street sipping sunflower seeds. By the way, he looked at all the beautiful women on the street, and felt contented.

"Good dogs don't stand in the way, get away! Don't look at this place, the prime minister's street in front of you, is also a place where you can stay?"

Li Xun was appreciative of the scenery and was suddenly kicked on his shoulders. In fact, he found the other party long ago, but he did not move in consideration of the identity of the trafficker.

Li Yan stood up, and saw a large crowd of people coming by, all dressed as servants and thugs. The first male brother of Jinyihuafu was holding a folding fan with his nostrils facing the sky, arrogant.

Li Yan patted the dust on his shoulders, holding the overall situation in mind, and decided to go further.

"Stop him!" Gongzi waved his hand again, and his entourage rushed forward immediately and surrounded Li Zhituan. "Dare to stay in front of the Prime Minister's door and obstruct the eyes, and not want to pay the son, just want to go like this?"

The Prime Minister's Gate is more than a hundred steps away.

Li Min glanced at the father-in-law slightly: "Are you from Weifu?"

"My father's father is the prime minister of the DPRK! How about, afraid? Are you afraid? I kneel down and bow my head, I will spare you! If not, interrupt your hands and feet and throw you into the moat!" Holding his jaw, I have the first look in the world.

Li Yan saw an acquaintance looking at him with a smile on his face behind his son-in-law.

Li Yan!

That's it. Li Xun's mind was clear. The trouble of Wei Baoheng's son to find him for no reason should be Li Xunshi.

"What's wrong, Grandma, now also learns to be a dog?" Li Min glanced at Li Min slightly, and spit out a piece of melon seeds.

Li Xun walked in front of Li Xun, staring fiercely at him, Yin and Yang said strangely: "Why, Your Royal Highness An, can't get around in Chang'an Prefecture, come out and run errands?"

He sneered a few times: "It's unlucky for you to meet me today! Aren't you rude? This is in front of Wei Gongfu. This is the son of the ruling prime minister. I see how you rude!"

"Tell him so much what to do!" Gongzi shook his hand, his expression sullen, and coldly said to Li Zong: "No matter what your identity is, to survive in the official Tang Dynasty, you have to look at my father's face! Now, give I knelt down, otherwise I can't take you for a walk! "

At the corner of Li Yan's eyes, when he saw the famous Changan Mansion in the street, he waved a small flag from the left to the right-it was a signal of good news from the palace.

"Is that the prime minister's son?" Li Min glanced at the son, "Did you kick me?"

"I kicked you so much, you bullshit, I waste you ..." shouted Brother Gong.

But before he finished speaking, he gave Li Zhi a punch on his face, and all the teeth in his mouth flew out, and then the whole man rose into the air, screaming in mid-air and turning countless times, banging Down the street.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Li Yan inconceivably, but for a moment they did not respond.

"Li Yan! How dare you beat the son of Wei Gong, you are finished ..." Li Yan was shocked, and when he reacted, he immediately raised his eyebrows and pointed at Li Yan and started yelling madly.

He didn't finish talking.

With a loud bang, Li Yan ’s fist banged directly on the bridge of his nose. His nosebleed splattered three feet, and Li Yan ’s head slammed backwards, his body flipped back and forth countless times, and finally hit the wall Now, my eyes turned white.

"Flies." Li Yan shook his hands in disdain.

All of Gongzi's followers finally reacted, and immediately fry the pan, looking at each other, and rushed to Li Zhi: "You dare to hurt the prime minister's son, who gave your bear heart leopard courage, you die!"

Li Yan gave a sneer of scorn and slammed his right foot on the ground.

With a bang, a circle of air waves spread away, all the thugs around him were lifted out, like dead leaves, scattered all over the place, and couldn't get up in wailing on the ground.

"What happened to the prime minister's son? Today, I demolished the prime minister's palace!" Li Xuan stepped from the thug and pulled off the streetman's costume, revealing the official clothes of Chang'an Siping Shao Yin.

On both sides of him, countless removals of camouflage costumes appeared on the street, revealing the officials in Chang'an government official uniforms, rushing into Weifu with a knife!

Seeing this scene, the brother-in-law, Li Wei, and the Weifu servant thug who fell to the ground were all stunned, one by one, the shocked chins were about to fall to the ground, and he looked like a ghost.

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