The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 110: First sight

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In the lobby of the first floor of Yipin Building, there is an extra blind storyteller. It is an old man with white hair and wearing a navy blue gown. Cheap erhu, the only feature is that the old is not good.

The location of the old storyteller for Yipinlou is next to the outside of the stairs. The table is not more than one foot wide and two feet long. The small ones are not funny and the old are not funny. When the old man shoots the gavel, the small table will Shake out some dust, making people worry about whether the small table will collapse.

The middle of the second floor is empty, similar to a patio. There are separate rooms on the four sides. The left side faces the window, and the right side faces the empty patio. Li Min poured a glass of wine, and signaled to Liu Zhiyan across the table: "This green ant wine is a special feature in this building, not to mention the mellow mellow, the only characteristic is the only advantage is that it is strong enough. Can a big master drink it?"

There are only two of them in the room. Liu Zhiyan, who is not dressed in powder, took the jug, filled himself with a glass, raised his hands, and seriously said to Li: "His Royal Highness has great gratitude to Changhe Gang. Let the little girl do it first! "

The case of Huangli Township has ended, and Wei Baoheng was also exiled to Lingnan, but when he came to the Huaihe River, he died "unclearly", and the court was too lazy to pursue it, only if there was no such thing, after all, whether it was the Ministry of Criminal Affairs or the None of the officials from the three provinces would have stood up for Wei Baoheng.

A generation of power ministers disappeared in this way, and did not stir up waves after death.

The Changhe Gang was not held accountable. With the help of Li Zhi, the redemption of merits can always be guaranteed.

Liu Zhiyan drank one cup and looked as usual, then poured the second cup and drank it again. After three cups, the white and flawless face rose with two bright reds, and her head shook slightly. She worked hard to earn Opened his eyes: "This wine is really strong!"

Seeing her tiger-headed and brain-like appearance, Li Yan laughed aloud and raised her glass and said, "The big master is indeed a hero of rivers and lakes. He is a man of temperament. Come and drink a few more glasses!"

Looking at Li Zhi's unfavorable smile, Liu Zhiyan stared into a drunken eye, and refused intentionally, but when he heard the words in the temperament, he recalled this rare experience of "common suffering" and treated Li Pe with a peaceful temperament. The word "good" blurted out involuntarily.

Seeing that Liu Zhiyan was so simple, Li Min felt that he wasn't shooting the table anymore, and thought it was even more interesting.

The two drank a few drinks, and Li Yan closed his hands. He had no intention of getting drunk with Liu Zhiyan.

"The Changhe Gang has been away from Weishui for some time. The freight share under the previous name has been divided up a lot by other gangs. This time back to Weishui, I will definitely face a more complicated situation. I will send you a personal past to help you. Two. "Li Yanru said.

Liu Zhiyan shook his head clearly, but stubbornly held his head still, his face flushed, his eyes stared at Li Yan without blinking, this posture seemed to be desperate for people.

Li Min asked: "Would you like to be the first gang in Weishui?"

"What?" Liu Zhiyan suddenly heard this, but did not respond for a moment.

Li Xun smiled: "Become the first gang of Weishui, then penetrate into Shandong and enter the Yellow River and Huai River basins. But the transportation of the imperial court is poor, isn't the Chang River Gang wanting a piece of it?"

Even though Liu Zhiyan drank too much wine, Li Ye was shocked by the words at this time, but she was so shocked that she was stunned because she was so clear that she didn't know how to answer.

"I don't have a river gang now, so you appear very well." Li Yan smiled with a smile.

If you control the transportation, you will have the lifeblood of taxation in the dynasty. You will have the opportunity to control the wealthy Huainan and Jiangnan regions. The world will soon be in chaos. It is incalculable. Liu Zhiyan's mind is full of the phrase "you appear very clever", but I don't know how to answer. She is only a daughter of rivers and lakes, and the Changhe Gang behind her is just a small fish and shrimp. Not to mention entering the Yellow River, Huai River, and several major canal basins.

"I'll give you half a year." Li Min sipped his wine, his eyes sharpened a bit. "Within half a year, if you can order all the gangs in Weishui, I will give you the status of An Wangfu."

Speaking of this, Li Yan stared at Liu Zhiyan with a deeper look: "But if you can't do it within half a year, I will replace it with someone ... Can you understand?"

Although Liu Zhiyan is simple, she is not stupid. She naturally understands Li Zhi's meaning. If the Changhe Gang can't get things done with his help, it seems too useless, and Li Zhi will support the new Hegang to replace the Changhe Gang.

This is an opportunity for Changhe Gang to develop and grow.

The Changhe Gang has never encountered such a great opportunity.

Seeing that Liu Zhiyan's eyes were becoming firmer, Li Zhi laughed and said, "If the big master has made up his mind, you and I will drink three more glasses, which is‘ wine for the alliance ’. What?”

Liu Zhiyan's eyes, which were already very large, suddenly stared even wider.

Still drinking?

Do you have any plans?

Liu Zhiyan couldn't help shivering.

Li Yan was laughed again by her eyes.


At this time, the first floor lobby crackled.

Behind the small table on the side of the staircase, the old man's gavel was being photographed on the table. The wood dust was flying in front of him, but he didn't realize it, and said in a tone: "But he said that An Wang was alone in Huangli Township. A glance into the robbed warehouse revealed the trace left by the thief. He immediately called a fisherman, bought his fishing boat, and went up the Weishui River to the thief's den! "

Li Zhi and Liu Zhiyan heard the movement, both turned to look at it, and heard the old storytelling man's heated speech. Liu Zhiyan looked at Li Yan and said, "This gentleman is wrong!"

Li Yan didn't take it seriously: "If you are right, you don't call storytelling, you write history."

Liu Zhiyan made a sound, seemingly understand.

The old storyteller continued his excitement: "On that day, An Wang drove the boat at night and asked for it. As expected, at three hours later, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred. The calm and dark river surface suddenly burst out of more than ten large ships, and hundreds of men with sharp blades. Killed from the night and surrounded An An Tuan Tuan! The first person is the former prime minister's brother Xiu Nan who was cultivated as a high master, Wei Jiangnan! "

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"well said!"

"His Royal Highness King An is also a hero! If you are alone, you dare to explore the thief camp at night. Such courage is really admirable!"

A big man raised his case and sighed loudly.

"I heard that King An did not go alone, and brought the official post of Chang'an Prefecture!" There was a white-faced scholar whispering beside the Han.

The big man glared at him: "An Wang is full of courage. He needs a few helpers to catch a few thieves ?!"

The white-faced student shrank his neck: "That's it ..."

"Fuck! Why don't you come up and say!" The big man was furious. "Don't stop muttering if you can't!"

The white-faced scholar turned red, afraid to speak.

After the big man won, he sighed proudly: "What kind of hero is King An, and for several months, he used his own power to investigate and deal with the traitor Wei Baoheng, and returned my great Tang Longlang! This kind of merit is so ancient! Defamate King An, don't blame me for not knowing anyone! "

The scholar Nana didn't dare to say more, but whispered, "I think King An is also a hero ..."

"Oh?" Dahan raised an eyebrow and immediately frowned. He pulled a white scholar and laughed, "It turned out to be a fellow fellow! Why didn't you say that earlier? Come, come, for King An, I respect you. ! "

"Here, I don't drink alcohol ..."

"Don't drink? That's not giving me face? You can't give me face, but can you not give An Wang face ?!"

"I drink, I drink ..."

Looking at this interesting scene in the lobby, Liu Zhiyan couldn't help giggling and hurriedly covered Zhu Lips, secretly glanced at Li Yan, and when he saw that the opposite party was normal, he was curious: "His Royal Highness, what is it like to be praised in person feel?"

Li Yan calmly said, "I'm used to it."

Liu Zhiyan: "..."

Li Ye was really used to it. Since Wei Baoheng was investigated, he didn't know what happened. Overnight, the entire Chang'an City knew it. This is Li Ye's merit. Moreover, various legends spread quickly, portraying Li Zhi as a heavenly god, it was his own power to overthrow the unbelievable traitor and attracted praise in the market.

Every time Li Yan came to the street, he would hear various legends in his ears about investigating Wei Baoheng ...

Therefore, for half a month, countless lucks gathered in him continuously. Without a break, often when he woke up, he noticed that Xiuwei had taken a big step. At the end of the layer, you can break through the six layers of Qi training just one step away!

According to Li Zhi's estimation, the time to promote the sixth layer of qi training will not be long. With the spread of deeds, there has been more qi transportation in each day since these days ... ...

Suddenly Liu Zhiyan raised his glass and said to Li Wei: "His Royal Highness, the little girl toasts you!"

Li Min glanced at her, and Liu Zhiyan bowed his head with a blushing face, afraid to look at him.

Li Yongyou said: "I don't know if the master heard a word?"

"What's that?" Liu Zhiyan raised his glass, raised his head, and blinked blankly.

Li Yan said: "Women do not get drunk, men have no chance. Isn't he afraid of being a master?"

Liu Zhiyan frowned, and then blushed to the neck.

But without knowing where the courage came from, she lifted her head and said, "I wonder if your Highness has ever heard a word?"

"You said," Li Min curiously said.

Liu Zhiyan lowered her head again: "His Royal Highness is not drunk, and the daughters have no chance ... Your Highness is afraid?"

Li Yan stopped.

Still this kind of operation?

With a tinkling sound, Liu Zhiyan's glass fell to his hands, and the whole person lay on the table with his eyes closed, and fell asleep.

Li Yan laughed abruptly: "It turned out to be drunk and gibberish ... This wine is really a magical thing."


There are not only drinkers but also temperament people who mingle in restaurants all year round. It is not uncommon to make temporary tables.

However, it is relatively rare to see a man and a woman laughing and joking together and asking for drinks together.

Rare does not mean that you haven't seen each other. Li Wei now sees one.

A jug and a wine glass are standing in front of Yajian at this moment, a man of middle age.

This man is a burly man with a tiger-backed back and looks like a strong man in the army, but he is dressed as a scholar, dressed in a pale gray cloth shirt, standing there with a straight waist, smiling kindly to Li Yan: That ’s right, wine is indeed a good thing. I wonder if Xiongtai can enjoy his face and have a drink with him? "

Seeing this man, Li Min was moved.

He thought it was strange today.

Because this guy in front is Huang Chao!

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