The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Do not go out (third more)

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The flying debris cut through Wang Shaoshan's cheek, and the bloodline leaked out. In his wide eyes, the eyes fixed in the corner of his eyes, filled with terror and despair.

The deep pit next to his face was like an abyss, as if the other end went straight to Huangquan. Now, Wang Shaoshan felt the call of King Yan, and his spirit seemed to be out of touch and fell into that deep pit.

After Li Yan released his hand, Wang Shaoshan was panting like a cow. He was lying on the edge of the deep pit, staring at the dirt pit. He could hardly believe that he hadn't been killed by a punch from Li Yan. But he also knew that it would be easy for Li Yan to kill him.

When Wang Lingyu's fist fell, he passed out.

Li Xun squatted in front of Wang Shaoshan and smiled, "This is a method of dealing with ordinary people first. If you want to convince the army, you must show overwhelming strength first. I wonder if the next cultivation will make General Wang feel satisfaction?"

Wang Shaoshan was speechless.

Li Zheng stood up and asked Liu Dazheng to lift Wang Shaoshan into the house. He suddenly felt a little thirsty and went out of the courtyard.

I glanced around the door and saw a petite green-haired girl who walked in front of the tea. He waved and begged the girl to come over, and asked with a gentle smile: "Where are the two bowls of tea to be delivered? ? "

The little girl looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old, she had bright facial features, her cheeks were pink, she looked like an immature little apple, and she saw her questioning, and her little girl was slightly at a loss: "Zhuang main."

The monks in the villa are basically unable to move. This little girl is still walking around. I didn't know where I was hiding just now, but I didn't find any abnormalities. I was still sending tea foolishly. Li Yan thought it was interesting and took the tray. , Said to her: "The owner will not ask."

"Ah?" Little Aunt was a little helpless, looked up at Li Ao for a few moments, and then bowed her head shyly. The apple-like face turned redder, and the mosquito said, "My son is the owner's guest? You If you want tea, the slaves will prepare it for you, but these two bowls are really Zhuang main. "

"Don't worry, I'm your owner ... well, good friend. He won't mind, if he knows you gave me tea, he will praise you for doing well." Famela, "Yes, what's your name?"

"Really?" The little girl in green shirt raised her head uncertainly. She had big, bright eyes that looked extraordinarily bright and lovely, but her eyes touched the crown-like boy in front of her eyes, and she hurry to lower the red little girl. Face, very shy: "The slave family is called Xiaoyu."

"Xiaoyu ... their sons are as beautiful as jade, and they are different from the clan. Sure enough, they are just like their names." Li Min took out a jade pinch and shoved it into the hands of the panicked and shy little girl. Here you are, I thank you, do n’t refuse, otherwise I ’m not happy. Go back to the room and stay, remember, no one told you not to go out. Do n’t worry, you wo n’t wait too long. "

Li Yan gave the big-eyed little girl a soft smile and entered the door with a tray.

Little girl-in-law held the cold jade-like jade in her hand and watched Li Li disappear at the door. Her big eyes were filled with confusion. Li Li had already lost sight of her. Turning around, he was blushing with two ripe apple faces, holding Jade stunned and walking back.

Li Yan returned to the room. Wang Shaoshan was already sitting on the chair. Liu Dazheng stood with his arms around his eyes, closed his eyes and raised his mind, and did not guard against Wang Shaoshan. He made it clear that Wang Shaoshan was not in his eyes.

Li Xun sat down on the chair, took the tea bowl and sipped, and was slightly surprised: "No less than this tea is cooked well."

He looked at Wang Shaoshan, who was sitting on a chair in a dangerous position, and did not dare to move. He smiled and put down his tea bowl. "Have you heard of Tsing Yi Shumen recently?"

Wang Shaoshan's eyes changed. He knew that the worst situation had happened. The young man in the black robe who could kill both the young and the big man at the same time was indeed an unknown little puppet of unknown origin. There really was an important thing behind him. Puppet power.

What Li Yan did in Qizhou, Wang Shaoshan has already received the news, and naturally he knows who is the Qingmen yamen, but now he is unifying the existence of Qizhou's rivers and lakes. It is said that there is a person who comes out casually, and he has practiced Qi The practice of the magician, and the master is like a cloud, several big men are the top masters of the high-level training!

Originally, Wang Shaoshan didn't believe these words. There are so many monks in the high level of practice. How can there be any reason to appear in groups? Tsing Yi Yamen is not the 5th Avenue Gate! Even if the new Jiedushi is His Royal Highness the King of the Tang Dynasty, how many masters can he catch up in just four years after he rose? The old An Wang Wang Li, who once weighted the world, has only a few people around him, right?

But today, seeing Li Yan and Liu Dazheng with his own eyes, Wang Shaoshan had to believe. Only those who appeared in front of him were the two high-level qi exercises, and the obscure big man who looked like a follower was so high that he had reached the eighth level of qi training!

Wang Shaoshan heard that Tsing Yi Qimen is still renovating the Qizhou rivers and lakes, that is to say, it is impossible for all the masters to come here, so you can dispatch two high Qi training sections casually. Rumor?

It's really horrifying that Tsing Yi knocks on the door. His Royal Highness An Wang, who has never met, is said to be only in his twenties, and at a young age, he can capture such a group of masters to play for him. It is even more unfathomable, and I do not know what kind of character, if I can see the previous side. .....

Wang Qianshan sighed secretly, meeting sooner or later, after all, the other party was the new Pinglu Jiedushi, but now Wang Wangshan only hopes that day will come later. In the past, he didn't put Li Yan in his eyes and thought that even if the other party was the prince of the dynasty, Pinglu always had the final say. In a sense, Wang Shaoshan could do half of it ... . The most unfortunate is also a quarter of the Lord, naturally will not be afraid of the milky boy. When Li Yan arrived in Pinglu, he still had to look at his face if he wanted to sit in a steady position.

On the rivers and lakes, Li Bao overthrew Wei Baoheng and eliminated Liu Xingshen ’s Korean covenant. It was spread as if it were magical. Wang Qianshan originally laughed at it. After all, the rumors would be exaggerated. He would not believe it. A twenty-year-old unknown boy, really can Sudden change overnight, then blockbuster?

But for now, Wang Shaoshan didn't dare to underestimate that one anymore, and the new Jieji had not yet arrived. In his mind, he sketched a mysterious, whirlpool-like deep, murderous back.

The whole Pinglu, who can wrestle with his wrist, I am afraid that there is only Penglai Daomen?

Wang Shaanshan asked, "My son is the one in Tsing Yi?"

This problem stumped Li Li a little, and said that he was a Tsing Yi Yamen, of course, it is not appropriate, because Tsing Yi Yamen is his. Saying he isn't, it seems that the two have nothing to do with each other, which is even more inappropriate.

Seeing Li Xun's refusal, except for his inexplicable smile, Wang Shaoshan had determined in his heart that the other party was the person in Tsing Yi. In fact, this is a question that is asked a lot. If the other party is not, why should he ask him if he knows Tsing Yi?

Wang Shaoshan sighed longly: "The son-in-law's cultivation is strength, and Wang is ashamed. If the son-in-law has any command, let us say clearly that if Wang can do it, he will not quit."

It does n’t make sense to beat others. It ’s meaningless to hold on to it. Let ’s look at the other party ’s plans first, and let us overcome today ’s difficulties.

Li Zheng motioned to Liu Dazheng, who took out an ironing invitation, and flicked it with two fingers, then went to Wang Shaoshan.

"Wulin Conference Hero Post. General Wang is one of the heroes we value, and the Wang family is also a force we recognize. The post also hopes that General Wang can accept it. At that time, please ask General Wang to bring Wang Jiajunyan to the meeting on time. Do n’t Let us down. "Li Yan smiled.

Wang Shaoshan opened the post and saw his hands tremble in shock. He suddenly looked up: "This is the gate of Tsing Yi, this is the Fairy Road Conference of Penglai Daomen ... Opposing?"

"No, no, General Wang said wrong." Li Yan shook his index finger, "Tsing Yi Jianmen was ordered by Pinglu Jiedong to lead Pinglu Jianghu in order to give Pinglu Jianghu a peaceful and stable environment and let everyone less Disputes, more cooperation, and joint efforts to contribute to the prosperity of Pinglu, is a matter of great joy. It is of great benefit to the country and the people, and it is justified. How can Penglai's Fairy Fair be compared with it? "

Speaking of this, Li Yan's eyes were smirking, but his voice was not without chills: "What kind of fairy road conference is Penglai Daomen, this is to go against Tsing Yi, Jijie, and the court. General Wang is a smart man, Another national general, would n’t it even be clear whether this was right or not? ”Wang Shaoshan grinned, and the hero ’s post in his hand was as hot as charcoal, making him feel like sitting on a needle.“ But if Wang received this hero ’s post Why is the Wang family different from being grilled on fire? When the Penglai Daomen retaliates, how can the Wang family afford it? "

Li Yan said aloud, "General Wang meant that he wouldn't pick up the hero's post, but would have to talk to Tsing Yi and the Jiedushi, did they do it?"

Wang Shaoshan's face changed, and he was busy: "Wang dare not!"

Li Ye smiled, "Don't be afraid. Since General Wang is willing to accept this hero post, I might as well make it clear. The hero post is not specifically issued to the Wang family. Pinglu's powers are large and small, everyone has No one can run away. All the monks in Pinglu Jianghu are required by the Tsing Yi Shumen, and all of them follow their orders. One less will not work! Does General Wang understand? "

Wang Shaoshan was shocked: "This ..."

Li Zheng waved his hand: "So what General Wang was worried about was that the Wang family would be grilled on a fire, which would not happen at all. If there was such a fire, it would not be the Wang family to be roasted. All the Pinglu rivers and lakes forces, All the rain and dew are attached. "

Wang Shaoshan froze.

Li Zheng held up the tea bowl, drank his tea and moistened his throat, and continued: "Tell the general Wang, the Cui family has already received the hero post. You are the second one. You should be honored. Only those who sit on the stage first have Qualified to sit in a good seat in the middle. As for General Wang worrying about the revenge of Penglai Daomen ... I am a reasonable person and will never mess up. I will give General Wang three days. Within these three days, the people of the Wang family You can just stay at Qingshui Mountain Villa and go nowhere. Within three days, if Penglai didn't come to trouble you, then you take someone back to Qingzhou immediately, and you can't delay for a moment. "

Putting down the tea bowl, Li Min stood up with another bowl of tea, and came to Wang Shaoshan, "Now, General Wang needs to answer me immediately, do you drink this bowl of tea or not?"

Wang Shaoshan's face changed for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and took the tea bowl with both hands: "I drink!"

Li Yan smiled with satisfaction.

He certainly knew that Wang Shaoshan would drink.

Wang Shaoshan received the hero post. If within three days, Penglai Daomen did not come to trouble him, then there was only one explanation, Penglai, who could not come.

Why can't I come?

Naturally was blocked by Tsing Yi Yamen.

If the Tsing Yi Yamen can stop the Penglai Daomen, then it has the strength to compete with the Penglai Daomen.

At that time, Penglai couldn't blame the king for shaking the mountain too much. People you Penglai couldn't deal with, what can I do? Can't blame me?

Now that the two are of equal strength, why is it necessary for Wang Shaoshan to get along with Tsing Yi to be the leader in charge of Penglai?

Save yourself first, ride a donkey to read the phonograph, walk and see, see Tsing Yi Yamen and Penglai, who will win or lose.

After this battle has come to fruition, we should then make our position clear. Anyway, the Wang family is not a soft persimmon. Whoever wins will not easily treat the Wang family.

Right now ... Save your life before talking.

Li Yan and Liu Dazheng stepped forward and walked out of the gate of Qingshui Villa.

At the door, Li Yan also looked up at the east sky.

Of course Wang Shaoshan cannot be killed. Killing Wang Shaoshan will chill the hearts of others, and he will be too brutal and bloody, and will attract other rivers and lakes in Pinglu. Push.

The situation in Qingzhou is more complicated than that in Qizhou.

Li Ye was never meant to destroy Pinglu's rivers and lakes.

The corner of his mouth traced a rising arc.

Both the Cui family and the Wang family received hero posts. Next, there will only be more people willing to accept hero posts.

With Liu Dazheng, Li Yan strode away.

It wasn't until the two went away that they were punished by the roosters Wang Tong and Kou Liu who were independent at the door. This restored their ability to act and relieved each other. Holding their sour legs and legs, they looked at Li Ye and Liu Dazheng with their eyes full of fear.

And in a house deep in the villa, a little girl in a green shirt holding a jade pinch tightly in her palm was sitting on a small round stool, her face was hot, and her eyes were blurry, wondering Think of it.

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