The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 3 Chapter 13: First battle (2)

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The two battlefields, just like two huge battlefields, have become sharp arrows, shooting relatively wide across the vast field. Wherever Feng Ya went, there was so much potential and dust.

The rumbling sound of horseshoes thundered, covering up all noise, the two fine riding iron armored battlefields, getting closer and closer, one hundred steps, fifty steps, finally collided together.

At the moment when the two armies intersected, on the line before their respective horses, the flat-bottomed long cymbals of the two cavalry troops extended far beyond the horse's head and stabbed at the body of the other cavalry.

The horse hissing sounded suddenly, the sound of Jin Ge's attack was short and crisp, the sound of the sharp blade breaking into the meat was clear in the ear, the scream was mixed in the sound of the horse's hoof, and the general wave swept all things, covering all the senses.

The front cavalry of the two army arrays staggered across, some people fell off and others were safe, they rushed towards each other's array, all the former soldiers saw the endless ocean of iron armor in front of them, and saw the thorny jungle-like long urn.

The smoke and dust brought by the respective cavalry arrays slammed into each other, blended with each other, and separated from each other. In the battle array, the horses raced fast, with an uninterrupted line of smoke and dust, vertical and horizontal in the array of black armors and black horses, like the mountains in a vast field .

The roaring and screaming sounded loudly, and even the rumbling of the horseshoes was covered up.

The original tightly-jointed array of the two armies was staggered with each other in the Mercedes, gradually revealing or scattered, or lined, or blank. The warhorse is still in the army, but the cavalry on horseback has disappeared.

The cavalry soldiers who fell in the array, regardless of life or death, did not stand up. They were soon trampled by the enemy's horseshoes and instantly became flesh.

Scarlet blood stained the wilderness.

Li Yan is right next to Shangguan Qingcheng, and his life is behind Li Yan, followed closely by the soldiers of Shangguan Qingcheng. As the front of the Fengya array, they naturally have the most pressure, and they are also full of combat power. The strongest part.

As a ninth-level monk who practiced qi, Li Xun was not afraid of any long-stabbed head-on. Under the rapid sprint of the war horse, a profile of each face appeared. When Wu appeared before his eyes, he quickly passed him by. It's like walking around and watching flowers.

Each of the long stabs stabbed in front of Li Yan could not break his defensive enchantment. It was either broken or widened. Li Zhi knew the essentials of the cavalry's charge, and the long stern of the flat end did not move, not even the position of the front. Exchange, always pointing in one direction.

All of the enemy cavalry in front of his long bow were dead.

As long as it is not a magician in the refining period, there is little room for the other party to dodge during the rapid intersection with the Mercedes-Benz warhorse. Only those sharp men with lowered bodies and close to the horseback can avoid the forward.

The sharp blade passed the squealing sound of the armored soldier, the squealing sound of the soldier and the horse, and the scream of being trampled by the war horse. The waves rang in Li's ear, endless. He didn't even have to look around and look back to determine the proportion of casualties between the enemy and us.

The front, composed of Li Yan and others, was indestructible, unimpeded all the way, and quickly rushed through the opposing battle line. When there was no more soldiers in front of him, Shangguan Qingcheng skillfully adjusted the running direction of the war horses, leading the entire cavalry battlefield to make a big bend in the wilderness and turned his head.

After a round of rushing, the speed of the cavalry Mercedes naturally dropped a lot.

Hundreds of corpses were left behind in the open space behind the two armies. Iron torrents, like dragons, turned their heads in the wilderness, and ran to the other front again.

In the process, everyone finally had time to observe the loss of their own array. Li Yan frowned, his teeth were lost a lot, much higher than he expected. He originally thought that with the proportion of monks in Langyadu, the army would be invincible everywhere.

It now appears that even a monk has really reached the level of the cavalry's assault, as long as it is not too high, he does not have the ability to control the situation alone. A small movement between the cavalry rushing into the line and life and death determines the life and death of both sides.

Only by being wary in all battles can we find the tricks that cannot be described in words. While protecting ourselves, we can kill the enemy to the greatest extent.

Langyadu has trained enough, and when there is almost no rest, there have been many experiences of bandits, but now it seems that without real battlefield fighting, no more soldiers can be called elite, and after going through The soldiers who survived the **** battle were undoubtedly the best among the best.

In some cases, the experience and skills of battlefield battles are even more important than the quality of armaments.

The cavalry array in Mercedes-Benz began to adjust the formation. Those gaps left by the cavalry's death were filled up by the soldiers behind to ensure the formation of the army. The battlefield battle, the integrity of the military formation, directly determines the outcome.

Li Xuan looked back and looked forward, with an eyebrow stunned. At this time, the two army arrays had once again faced each other, and the war horse banged on the blood-stained sand field and rushed to the other side again.

Li Huan was not in a good mood. Zhu Zhen was as deep as water. He stared at Langya all the time, his eyes flushed with anger.

The Shoji battle is a cavalry battle infantry. It is best to tear up the formation of the infantry, but in fact, that is not the best choice for the cavalry to fight. Hold it, a rushing array will tear the opponent's army and separate the winner.

However, after a round of battle, Zhu Zhen was disappointed to find that Langyadu's formation was still complete, and the casualties were far lower than he expected. Not only that, the number of casualties in his ministry exceeded his expectations.

Zhu Zhen originally thought that Langya was just a group of recruits. When they encountered such a fierce battle, they were completely vulnerable, but the facts told him that he was wrong.

Not only are the spiked monks with a high percentage of monks, they have caused more damage to their side in the charge, and they are well trained. After a round of fierce battle, the formation is completely chaotic. These battles are elite, just a little worse.

It can be imagined that after only a few trials, this cavalry will really become a fine rider.

In addition, Zhu Zhen also keenly discovered that among the 3,000 cavalry, a significant part of the backbone force was a real veteran of the battlefield. As the skeleton of the entire army formation, they guaranteed the impact and order of the army formation.

Such a group of veterans occupy about one-fourth of the three thousand riders. In the process of meeting with the veterans, Zhu Zhen clearly felt the strong murderous spirit of the other party, and the will to stop and kill God. It was absolutely elite in all battles, even more elite than his ministry.

However, His Majesty Li, how could there be such a group of elite soldiers?

Zhu Zhen quickly thought, could it be the relatives of Lao An Wang Li Xian?

Suddenly thinking of this, Zhu Zhen was startled. If this is the case, then this battle will be won, and I am afraid that the price to be paid will be far more than imagined. With this in mind, Zhu Zhen no longer hesitated. He didn't have the mentality of step by step. It seems that to win this battle quickly, he must use some tricks.

When walking through the battlefield of Hengzui, Li Xuan held the corpse of Hengqi vertical and horrible in his eyes, and calculated silently in his heart. During the just rushing battle, Langya had 3,000 riders against the opponent 5,000 riders, and there were no fewer casualties. If you continue to fight like this, the inferiority of the soldiers will be gradually revealed, and when the casualties reach a certain proportion, Langya will only have a defeated end.

Can't go to the next step, Li Zhi made up his mind.

"Fell the city, back, I'll come up to lead the battle!" Li Xie speeded up his horse and switched positions with Shangguan. Today, although Shangguan Qingcheng is a military commander, her cultivation is not enough. The field of military commanders cannot cover three thousand riders, so the effect of letting her lead is not great.

Li Yan replaced Shangguan's position, and the charge was at the forefront. The young and the princes ordered one by one, and the guard was beside him. Although the exercises of the two are not suitable for battle, after all, the cultivation of the ninth-level practice is far from what ordinary monks can compete with.

Li Xuan hanged his long cymbal back to the saddle. Such an ordinary weapon had no effect on him. Lu Gujian took it out and immediately held it in his hand.

The array of the two armies rushed forward, and they were about to meet each other. Li Yan could see clearly the fierce and murderous faces of the opposing cavalry. As the horse raced, the muscle fibers twitched swiftly and powerfully, full of strength and beauty.

Reiki lighted up the dense lines of the sword body for the second time, and Li Zhi was ready to go.

At this moment, in the array of heads in Zhu Zhenjun, countless auras of light suddenly lit up, and a large group of cavalry flew from their horses.

They all held the Spirit Sword. After jumping to the sky, the Spirit Sword was chopped, and dozens of Spirit Wind Swords flew out! Under their feet, dozens of fireballs have condensed and formed, and the trailing sword smashed out!

The two arrays were less than a hundred steps apart, which was a matter of momentary arrival for Mercedes' cavalry array.

Dozens of sword qi and dozens of fireballs flew, each sword qi was longer than one foot, and each fireball was bigger than winter melon. Among them were several monks, who were clearly in the middle of practicing qi. Jianqi is huge!

It is conceivable that if the technique falls into the cavalry array, it will inevitably cause at least a hundred casualties and cause confusion for hundreds of people. Once this situation occurs, the rushing cavalry array will immediately collapse!

Concentrated monks are placed in front of the battlefield. Before receiving the battle, they launch intensive technical attacks. Although this is not a new routine, it is indeed very practical!

Zhu Zhen clenched his spear and looked mad, and made it clear that as long as his monk succeeded, he would leap forward and further expand the results!

The soldiers and soldiers in Luyadu all looked astonished, and many people showed their astonishment. The monks in their formation did not converge to the front. How can they resist such a severe attack?

Thanks to the well-trained wolf teeth, despite the fear and horror, no one has moved, and no one messed up, still running wildly without slowing down. Otherwise, once in a panic, turning the horse's head or slowing down, it will inevitably stir up the millennium waves and cause great confusion.

Facing the overwhelming attack of the art, Li Li always looked calm, and waited for no action from him. The orders of the young and old had already risen together, and the two of them printed at the same time with their hands and pushed forward at the same time. A huge yin and yang pattern condensed and blasted towards the air!

Fireball and sword qi live on the yin and yang patterns, and they explode. The aura of qi in mid-air overflows with sky, fireworks and dazzling meteors.

After the two yin and yang patterns exploded and dissipated, dozens of fireballs and dozens of sword qi disappeared at the same time.

Both the young and the younger faces turned pale at the same time. Obviously, even if they are practicing Nine Layers of Qi, they still feel a lot of pressure.

At this time, Li Yan had risen into the sky, and Lu Gujian in his hand was shining brightly, chopping down sharply, one sword after another, and three swords were instantly cut.

Each of the three swords is 20 feet long and connected to each other to form a huge inverted triangle, which covers the entire front and blasts into Zhu Zhen's array!

The monk who took the first shot was horrified by the sudden drop of sword energy. Some people hurriedly raised the aura barrier, while others simply did not have time to respond. However, no matter how they responded, the three sword spirits plummeted. March into the battle.

The air waves suddenly exploded, the cyan light covered the sky, the fierce roar extinguished the scream, the flesh flew across the three lines, the blood color and the cyan color complemented each other, and the indescribable splendor and cruelty.

The green awns dispersed, three huge gullies appeared in the array, and all the cavalry around turned over. They were hundreds of broken corpses on the spot, and hundreds of them were injured by the earthquake. However, because of the sudden huge confusion, they were affected. Cavalry, horses kneeling down are hundreds!

In the past, Nangong's first Wujian was successful, holding a panic, heading north to Bianguan, the three swords broke the enemy's eight hundred armors, causing the guilty peasants to rush back.

Today, the three swords of Li Zhi directly crushed the front of Zhu Zhen's army, and the entire army was in chaos, and Langya was able to take advantage of the opportunity to burst into the array and start a **** killing.

After Li Jian's three swords were cut, he did not wait for him to retract his sword and fell back on horseback, and suddenly a ghost appeared in the air. Li Yan's face changed, and he immediately slammed his sword in front of his chest. However, because of the sudden accident, he was less prepared, and was hit by hundreds of steps in one hit!

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