The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 3 Chapter 57: (Sixth) Different Daitian

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Fayi couldn't help but said to Tian Luo, "Brother, are we in the battle to help the monk regiment deal with these three?"

Tian Luo said in a deep voice: "The monk regiment's own secrets are operated, and if they are imposed by outsiders, it will only disrupt the inherent trajectory of the air movement of the monk regiment. At that time, the monk's attack and defense will be greatly reduced. Besides, Li Yiyou The ability to instantly kill Vajrayana is not bad at that Nangong. It is also a white tower when we enter. "

Fayi silently, Tianluo was right, but from the perspective of Fayi, Tian Luo did not choose this way, for fear there is another reason, that is, fear.

Yes, Tian Luo didn't dare to enter the battle line, because he was afraid of being beheaded by Li Yan and Nangong.

Thinking of this, Fayi could not help but secretly sighed. The monks of Divine Land are really the darlings of heaven and earth. The most amazing and talented genius here is always better than the first master of Shimen. Otherwise, for hundreds of years, there will not be so many monks from the Central Plains who dare to rush into the Western Regions and eventually kill the Jinshan Daxue Temple.

Fayi glanced back. At the moment, Shimen's Vajrayana was left with Tian Luo and four of the thirty-six Arhats. Of those four, because thirty-three Luo Hans have been killed by Tian Luo, and only three have combat power.

In other words, compared to Datang Daomen, Shimen Vajrayana is no longer dominant, and it cannot be damaged at this moment. If you venture into the monk formation and are killed by one or two of the three men, it will be a huge loss. What will you do when you face Da Tang Daomen later?

Fayi and Tianluo closely watched the fighting in the monk regiment. Now the two sides are in a stalemate. Although Li Zhi and others are constantly killing the monks, they cannot kill the battle array, and the monks are exchanging their lives for time. .

Tian Luo said slowly: "If you continue to do so, Li Ye and others will surely die. This time out of the world, because Li Ye is the demon, Shimen has paid a sufficient price. This time, in any case, he must be surrounded. Kill here! "

Speaking of this, Tian Luo sneered, "At most one more hour, Li Yan and the three of them will be awarded!"

Fayi nodded: "It's always a good thing to kill Li Yan anyway ... Before we released the door, we were still too young to be divine. The price paid this time was so painful. ..... "

Tian Luohan chanted: "The cave of Shenzhou is a blessed place, one step ahead of the world, anyway, Shimen will be obtained anyway, and so on today, Li Zhi will die ..."

At this point, Tian Luo stared suddenly, looking to the east official road, could not help exclaiming: "Who is that ?!"

Tian Luo exclaimed in surprise, accidentally overflowing with words, because at this time, half of the accidents can no longer be tolerated, and the monk regiment can no longer bear the extra pressure.

Fayi hurriedly looked to the east, only one glance was stunned, his face could not help but change, because two people rushed to the forest on both sides of the official road.

"Nine levels of qi training?" When Tian Luo felt the other side's practice, the tension suddenly disappeared, and she was relieved, and replaced by a strong scorn. "I thought that Tang Dynasty was full of real people, full of real people. Both, it seems like that, what can you do if you have two qi exercises and nine levels? Come to die? "

Fa Yi nodded and reconciled, two qi training nine layers, he could kill with his backhand.

The real-life killing will come, they are not good at blocking, because they do not want to risk being killed or seriously injured, affecting the overall situation of the release of the world, or being hidden in the secret door, taking the opportunity to attack, but two practice Nine layers of qi ... Fayi takes a step and takes a shot.

Fai Yi suddenly made a noise, and the steps that he stepped out did not fall, and his face was covered with astonishment. Because of the two monks who flew by, the momentum and self-cultivation climbed steadily, and soon reached the realm of half-step building.

Not only was Fayi, Tian Luo was ready to take a shot, but stopped at the moment with interest.

The two monks who flew by quickly developed a vision. One of them was full of black gas, and a huge ghost was sketched behind his back, which turned out to be a mighty black armor general, and the other was Full of scent, without losing sharpness.

Tian Luo and Fa Yi face each other, thinking of a possibility, each of them is shocked: "Immortal reincarnation?"

Since the other party is the reincarnation of the immortal, they naturally dare not shoot.

Of course, Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang came. They soon approached the monks and corps, but instead of falling directly into the ranks like Li Zhi and others, they started from the edge and darted inside.

The climbing of the momentum and the strength of the two has not ended. After reaching half a step to build the foundation, they continue to rise, so Tian Luo and Fayi found in amazement that after they started fighting with the monks, they became slowly Arrived in real life!

"How is this ...?" Tian Luo was horrified, his eyes filled with fear: "Who are these two people ?!"

Fayi was speechless.

After Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang entered the battlefield, they became the key to breaking the balance of the battlefield. Li Ying and others in the battlefield responded to them and immediately turned to kill and come over.

The Eighty Monk Corps had already suffered a lot of injuries and injuries. At this moment, the array in front of them was not so thick, and the two phases would soon approach.

Tian Luo looked at this scene, his hands couldn't help shaking, and he felt a throbbing heartbeat. If the monk regiment is over and Li Li is not dead in the end, the situation in the world will be devastating.

In Tian Luo's frightened eyes, Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang went straight ahead, and the monks and soldiers blocking them were soon killed by the two, and a passage slowly appeared.

Wei Xiaozhuang's shots are wide open and powerful, and each power is dropped, and several or even dozens of people are taken off. Su Emei's body is surrounded by osmanthus. Although not as impressive as Wei Xiaozhuang, wherever he goes, it is also The blood light wiped out.

In the formation, Li Yan and others suddenly stood up, first he cut the three swords, then Nangong cut the first three swords, and finally Li Xian rushed into the crooked crowd, but saw a streamer flash quickly, they were There was not a standing monk before.

At this point, Li Kun and others, through the battle of the monks, successfully merged with Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang.

The five men joined forces to form a complete small war formation. Instead of leaving, they rushed to the monks and killed them.

Eight hundred monks and soldiers soon died and wounded more than half. Although they fought hard, but where was Li Li and others' opponents, they could not stop Li Li and others from entering.

Li Ye and others are like a sickle. When harvesting a piece of wheat, as the monks fall one by one, the entire monk corps battlefield opens wide, and they are killed step by step, and the monks who dare to meet them are killed or injured. There is almost no other way but to leave the corpse stumped up and down.

The wilderness is covered with corpses, and the weeds are wet with blood.

Tian Luo's face was shameless, his whole body was shaking, and Fayi was trembling with his teeth. They saw this scene as if they were seeing the end of the world and seeing the demons occupying the kingdom of Buddhism.

In the sloping valley, Xu Pingjing, Bai Jingxue, Wu Jinling, Wang Sanxian, Zhang Jiuling and others watched this scene, all stunned. When Li Zhi, Li Xian, and the first three of Nangong formed a stalemate with the monk regiment, they saw in their eyes that they were both surprised by the dominance of the three men and prayed that the monk regiment would not be so useless, but No one expected that this situation would become like this now.

Bai Jingxue suddenly glared at Zhang Jiuling: "Don't you stop Su Emei and Xiaozhuang? Why didn't you stop?"

Zhang Jiuling's old face blushed and felt complacent. He wished to dig a hole to drill into it, but he quickly straightened his back and quibbleed: "You have seen what the two men are, and they are still reincarnated. How can you stop the poor?"

Seeing Zhang Jiuling's incompetence, he was so righteous, Bai Jingxue was also stunned, and then had no choice but to scold an old shameless one.

Xu Pingjing couldn't help shaking his hands, horrified at everyone: "With the strength of Li Zhi now, plus Li Xian, Nangong First, Wei Xiaozhuang, and Su Emei, who else is their opponent in this world? It ’s the battlefield in the army. I ’m afraid they ca n’t help them? If Li Yong survives today, who else can we support to fight against him? ”

Thinking of this layer, everyone was not only pale, Zhang Jiuling gritted his teeth and said, "Please slap the fairy!"

Bai Jingxue sneered: "Before I had no swordsman in Shushan, killing Li Zhi really needed a large array of immortals, but my swordsman in Shushan has arrived. Why bother to ask for fairy court? This worry, Shushan helped Xianting , Help you all! "

The crowd immediately showed surprise, but then they were skeptical again. Xu Pingjing hesitantly asked: "Shu Shan palm sword man, can you really deal with Li Zhi?"

Bai Jingxue sneered, and was about to say something. Suddenly, Wu Jinling exclaimed: "The monk regiment is defeated!"

The crowd quickly looked, and as expected, the monk regiment finally couldn't support it and began to flee under the slaughter slaughtered by Li Zhi and others.

Since it is a battle formation, it is natural to have a great defeat.

When Li Yan killed the three men in front of him, when the Ming Dynasty was restored, there were no standing monks. The rest of the white monks and soldiers had all receded backwards.

He looked around, this wilderness was beyond recognition, there were white monks lying down, but by this time, the white clothes on their bodies had been stained with blood.

Li Yan took a deep breath and stood with his sword. Beside him, Li Xian, Nangong First, Su Emei, and Wei Xiaozhuang, all of them were also bathing in blood, but at this moment, they were all imposing, as if they were gods.

The corners of his mouth moved, and Li Zhi looked towards the top of Qishan, where Tian Luo and Fa Yi settled down.

Seeing Tian Luo with trembling hands, Li Min laughed and said, "With these native chickens and dogs, Shimen also wants to go out and fight for the land of God in China?"

Tian Luo was trembling with anger and his features were twisted together. He stared at Li Yan with his eyes flushed, just as he saw the revenge of killing his father. In a hurry, he was so angry that he spit out a blood: "Li Yan! Shimen is different from you! "

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