The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Dixian

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The traffic flow from Wutai Mountain came from Taiyuan and was full of various offerings. Li Ke used the elite ministry to accompany him as a escort. After the carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain, Li Ke sent monks and sergeants to send all kinds of goods and freight to the mountain.

According to Li Ke's arrangement, Wutai Mountain will build 300 new temples and cast 81-foot five-foot golden Buddha to show its respect for Shimen Buddha Domain.

Li Keyu stayed in the air, frowning slightly, turning a blind eye to the busy scene under his feet, only the temple on the mountainside in his eyes. Master Feihong has been returning for many days. He has sought several times without permission. I thought that with the help of Feihong Master, Li Zhi's head was bound to come, but looking at the other party's faction, things were obviously not done.

Even when the prince Feihong went out, he was unable to do anything about Li Yan. Li Ke didn't know who else was, and he could deal with Li Yan. The other is clearly a mere mortal, why can even the gods fight? This makes no sense. Li Ke couldn't figure it out.

Li Keyong was disappointed with Master Feihong, and so was Buddha Buddhism. He glanced at the materials at the foot of the mountain, his frown even worse.

But he did not act lightly. Doctor Feihong went to meet with Li Yi, and when he returned, he closed the retreat, and it looked like he was injured. Li Xun uses mortal body to fight against immortals, and it is impossible to pay no price. It is likely that the masters around him suffered heavy injuries to protect him. This is a good opportunity for him to send troops.

Li Ke left Wutai Mountain with a turn and returned to Taiyuan City.

In any case, Master Feihong did not bring back Li Zhi's head, the war will continue, and the offensive and defensive war in Qinzhou will soon begin. Fortunately, both Fenzhou and Yizhou can support Qinzhou, and Taiyuan can also support Fenzhou and Yizhou. From a military perspective, Li Keyong is not without the power of World War I.

However, it is only capable of fighting. If Li Zhi cannot be resolved first, it is almost impossible to win the war.

It was already night to finish all the arrangements in Fufu. Li Ke stood on the eaves with a negative hand and looked in the direction of Wutai Mountain with a deep eyebrow. Dr. Feihong said that if Hedong supports Wutai Mountain, there will be Buddhas coming to help Hedong.

Opening the Diamond Sutra in his hand, Li Ke tried to read it for a while, and frowned.

The above text, he did not believe a word, the more irritated the more he read. Whatever the chanting of this Buddhist scripture is, there are countless merits. Whatever copying and spreading the Buddhist scriptures has infinite merits. In the final analysis, these words are just for the spread of the Buddhist scriptures. The meaning is equivalent, Confucian scholars read "The Analects of Confucius" and spread "Mencius", there is boundless merit.

With a shake of his hand, Li Ke threw the Diamond Sutra aside and looked at Mount Wutai, gradually filled with anger and murderousness, like a hungry wolf.

"Fu Jun." Liu Yun came to Li Keyong, picked up the Diamond Sutra, took his hand clenched behind him, and whispered softly, "Fu Jun breathed his anger."

Li Ke continued to use his anger: "Mount Wutai asked me to deliver the goods, and I delivered them as promised, but Feihong Master failed to take off Li's head as promised! After I came back, I couldn't keep my door behind closed doors. I met several times. She doesn't show up! "

Liu Yun accepted the Buddhist scriptures, lest Li Ke look angry. "It's a pity that the business has been yellow, but it's too shy to see Feihong's appearance."

Li Ke snorted heavily, "Master Feihong promised that as long as I send goods to Wutai Mountain, Buddha will send monks to help the war. Now Li Zhi has assembled more than 400,000 troops and has begun to attack Qinzhou, Ping There are many monks in Lu Jun, and the demon of the demon tribe is on the side to help me. It is difficult for our army to resist. At this time, we have n’t seen monks from Buddhism!

Liu Yun was worried: "Master Feihong wants you to support Wutai Mountain, and I am afraid that you will have to convert to Shimen and become a follower of them."

Li Ke sneered: "I am the Lord, and the Lord comes to the world for the Son of Heaven! The Son of Heaven rules the world, the supreme existence of the earth, the supreme existence of all, masters the prosperity and decline of all people, all existence must bow to the Son of Heaven, obey Heavenly Son's command! Is there any truth that Heavenly Son believes in God and is restrained by others? "

Speaking of this, Liu Yun's eyes flooded with enthusiasm and lofty ideals.

"The King of Longxi County is indeed a hero of troubled times. In such a case, only some words of permission can be said from the mouth of the King of Longxi County."

The direction of Mount Wutai suddenly lighted a golden light, a majestic and indifferent voice, which went straight to Li Ke's ear. Although the words were quite praiseful, the tone was not the slightest heat. "From now on, the monk of Buddha domain , King of Longxi County, guarding the city of Qinzhou! "

Every humanoid phantom emerged from the towering beam of light and went forward, like a wall like a forest.


As the main force of the army to attack Qinzhou, Zhao Yijun was the first to launch. The original intention was to siege the city of Qinzhou directly, but unexpectedly met the Qinzhou garrison to stop it halfway. The two sides broke out in the wild.

The first was that the 20,000 vanguards of Zhaoyi were defeated and forced to withdraw forty miles. Kang Chengqian led the Chinese army to respond and launched a tug-of-war with the enemy.

Li Zhe and Shengzi, who were above the clouds, quietly looked at the fierce battle between the two armies in the wilderness. The Hedong Army had only 10,000 members, but it dared to challenge the 100,000 Zhaoyi Army directly. The confidence was in the dozen monks floating above the army formation.

In the eyes of the crowd, the dozen or so monks with earth-colored magpies have become part of the military formation, because they did not consider themselves as masters and directly rushed in line with the military formation.

Most of them have the real strength of Yangshen, where is Zhao Yijun their opponent. Even all masters in Kang Chengqian's army, as well as the monks sent by Li Zhi, could not resist it. The armored ocean-like formations have a tendency to be penetrated from the middle.

This scene made Shengzi jump angrily and scold: "This is too bullying! Before these monks descended through Kunlun, they were all immortal powers. Now they are shooting at mortals to slaughter a mortal who has no real-world command. This army is simply heartbroken! "

In less than a day, the Zhao Yi Army had suffered nearly 10,000 casualties. According to this momentum, there is no need to wait until dark, and the Zhao Yi Army will completely collapse. The next thing was to lose his helmet and abandon his armor, and he was chased and killed by the East Army Army. The blood was flowing into the river, and the death and injury were not counted.

In the middle of the Hedong Army, hundreds of soldiers carried a huge bed of huts. On the futon above, sat a cross-legged man with a stern face, a resolute face, looking full of righteousness, but a murderous bald man in his eyes.

He folded his hands in front of the lower abdomen, closing his eyes and recuperating, and his scars were conspicuous in the sun. The battle front is fiercely fighting, and various techniques in the air are raging, but it seems that he is not in his eyes at all.

Beside him, a girl folded her hands and asked, "Mr. Maitreya, will Li Zhi appear?"

If you look closely, you will find that this girl is the child of Master Feihong. Doctor Feihong was injured and lost that day, and she and the boy left. This time Dr. Feihong's injuries were not healed, and it was inconvenient to play, so she followed Fuhu Luohan to guard Qinzhou. Look at her forehead with two small dragon horns, but she is the daughter of a serious dragon king.

Fuhu Luohan, also the Lord Maitreya, did not open his eyes: "If there are enough people killed, he will appear."

The little dragon girl asked puzzledly, "Li Zhi is a kind-hearted person?"

Fuhu Luohan said: "I do n’t know if Li Zhi is kind. This seat only knows that if there are too many people killed, the Zhaoyi Army will be in danger of being overwhelmed by the entire army. If the Zhaoyi Army is overwhelmed by the army, the scales and the navy will definitely not If he is willing to die again, even Ping Lu Jun will be frightened. "

The little dragon girl understood it, her eyes lit up: "In order to reverse the war, Li Ye will definitely appear!"

Fuhu Luohan said lightly: "If he doesn't show up, just stop."

The little dragon girl smiled softly, her eyes narrowed into a crescent: "If he appears, he must be in danger!"

Fuhu Luohan has recovered the strength of Wonderland, and his combat power is the same as that of Feihong, who was weak on that day. He is not the same as Li Zhi who can't compete.

In the air, Nangong's first face was as black as ink: "The Shimen Buddha Domain was so violent to kill ordinary people for the victory of the war, but it was really heartbroken!" He looked at Li Yan, "What now? A dozen sun gods? Real person, who knows if there is a fairyland inside? "

Before Li Yan answered, Shengzi rushed to him and said, "There must be an ambush here. You must have wounded Feihong, she will certainly not give up. There is definitely fraud in it, probably to seduce you!" "

Li Ye waved his hand, not thinking: "Even if it is a trap? What if there are more than a dozen realities? Even if there is a fairyland? If you want to eat me, you must have that appetite!"

Then, with a flick of his wrist, he took out Lu Gujian and rushed straight down to kill Hedong Army!

The Son of God and Nangong First both felt a bit of mischief, and it seemed that they did not believe Li Zhi would be so rash. However, seeing that Li Yan had rushed to the other side, he no longer stayed, and quickly followed.

Li Yan has the shape of electricity and the momentum of a tiger, like his opponent in front of him. No matter he is a fairyland or a real man in Yangshen, he is just a chicken and a dog. This attitude made the Son and Nangong feel ashamed. They remembered the determination they had made before, remembered that they had to catch up with Li Zhi ’s practice speed, and wanted to beat Li Zhi ’s lofty ambitions, and felt very ashamed. Now Qi Qi roared and followed Li Zhi.

Li Xuan saw the aloof tiger sitting above Hu's bed in the Wanjun Formation. Seeing that the other party was still keeping their eyes closed, he was calm and restless, and did not put him in his eyes at all. The corner of his mouth could not help but sneer.

The determination to deal with Fuhu Luohan was not a matter of anger, but only blood. In fact, Li Zhi had thought deeply about this. The more powerful the immortals from Kunlun, the worse their strength will be weakened, and the longer the "sickness" will last. By observing Feihong Sergeant, Li Ye used her as the standard and made a basic judgment on the immortals from the Buddhist domain.

Feihong's strength is Da Luo Jinxian. After she descends from strength, she will definitely not stay above Jinxian, otherwise she will be able to deal with Li Yan even when she is weak. Then she and the men she brought with her, at best, were celestial beings.

After being born, the dragon goddess, a real dragon god, has less "sickness" time, and a fairy like Feihong can't slow down for half a month. The middle ground is naturally the fairy. It is now only five or six days before Li Xie fights with Feihong Taishi.

On the Hu bed, Fuhu Luohan sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the air, his eyes flashing.

Li Yan's sword flew obliquely from the clouds, like a sharp arrow off the string, headed straight for Fuhu Luohan.

"Good arrogant boy!" Fu Hu snorted heavily, suddenly stood up, reached out a move, a crescent shovel like a crescent shovel appeared in his hand.

Xiaolongnu quickly said: "Be respectful, this is a bit of a jerk, otherwise the prince would not hurt him!"

Fu Hu didn't take it seriously: "At that time, when the tutor was weak, she should have rested, but she took the liberty to take care of herself. She decided to take back Li Yan's capture!"

Li Yanren was out in the air, and stretched out his hand, a series of fireball bombarded Fuhu, like a crossbow volley.

Fuhu was furious: "Such a low-level operation like fireball ..."

His eyes suddenly flickered, and he quickly raised the Aura Barrier, and finally blocked it out before the fireball approached. The fireball smashed on the Aura Barrier and exploded. The streamer overflowed, and the Aura Barrier flickered and burst.

Fu Hu's face changed. Although his aura barrier hastily rose, it was also the power of the fairyland. How could it be broken by Yang Shen's real man? Is the power of the opponent's shot comparable to Wonderland?

After waiting for Fuhu to understand, Li Zhi had taken advantage of the opportunity to bully himself, Lu Gujian cut out a green and white dragon, and immediately came to him. The dragon roared and roared, and opened its teeth to dance, as if tore him apart.

There was a flash of fierce mane in Fu Hu's eyes, and he waved the scepter of descending demon to cut it over, "Demon, how dare to show up in front of this seat, to death!"

When Li Hu saw Fu Hu waving the magic wand of falling monsters, he met him with a look of irony in his eyes, disdainful. When Fu Hu touched Li Yan's eyes, he felt the other side's contempt for him, and he couldn't help anger and rushed to the crown. However, he was in a fairyland and was actually despised by a real god, how could he not be angry.

The demon scepter and Lu Gujian were cut together in an empty space, and a shocking aura of tantrum erupted. Fuhu was about to get angry. Suddenly he felt a dull chest and couldn't stand anymore. He even flew out of the bed! Withdrawing from the army all the way to the wilderness ground, it was worthy of standing.

Fu Hu clenched his trembling staunch staff, bowed slightly, and looked at Li Yan, his eyes full of dignity and fear.


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