The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 97: Is divided into two (two more)

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Chang'an, Miyagi.

The weather in the afternoon was quite gloomy. There were dark clouds under the sky, and there were still thunders from time to time. There was a dull sense of oppression from the rain. West Neiyuan Lake Taichi, Li Yan was sitting in the hall of Dragon Boat, watching the song and dance in front of him listlessly.

Jo Mo was so sullen that Li Li became more and more impatient. He simply got up and left the hall to reach the deck, looking down into the sky with his hands, his brows locked.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Shen Fujun Lieutenant Yang Fuguang followed with concern.

Li Yan was distressed: "I don't know why for the past two days, I'm always upset and angry, as if something bad is about to happen!"

Yang Fuguang quickly relieved: "Huang Chao is gone, and the country is generally peaceful at the moment. Even if some of the towns are still unruly, but there is no trouble ..." Speaking of this, Yang Fuguang tentatively asked: "Your Majesty Could it be that he is concerned about the war in Hedong? Is it about His Royal Highness An?

Obviously, this remark made Li Yan's mind uneasy. He grabbed the ship's side and said uneasily, "In order to conquer Li Ke's use of this chaotic thief, the brother brother spared no effort to send troops to Hedong for the sake of the country. But I heard that Xuan Wujun There are a lot of changes, as if to send troops to Pinglu! And recently, Hedong visions have been repeated, as if the gods are at war, although my brother is powerful, after all, his two fists are hard to defeat the four hands ... "

The more Li Li said, the more he became confused, and in the end he couldn't say any more.

Just then, an official rushed forward and handed in an emergency military intelligence. General Yang Fuguang took it to open it, but after a quick glance, he could not help but change his face, and quickly presented it to Li Yan.

Li Xuan took a look at the military newspaper, and frowned: "Hui Yi captured Yizhou, and the Guiyi Army was defeated? How could this be ?!"

Yang Fuguang was hesitant: "Since Zhang Situ established the Guiyi Army, fought in Hexi and the Western Regions, and restored the land of the 11 states, it has always been invincible. The Hui people captured the state and county. Encountered ... Zhang Situ had only left Guiyi Army for a few years? Guiyi Army had such a change? "

In the end, he was a person who had experienced strong winds and waves, and soon recovered his calmness. He quickly said to Li Yan: "Your Majesty, return to capture Yizhou, and the situation in the Western Regions and Hexi is likely to change. This is a big event. Please invite His Majesty's Ministers Negotiation. "

It seemed that Li Yuan did not hear Yang Fuguang's words. The hand holding the ship's side gradually became harder, his eyes quickly turned red, and the gloomy water was about to drip. At the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "This jerk, I can't spare them!"

After the Chaos of the Huang Chao, today ’s Datang has lost all its majesty. If Uighur invades the Hexi Corridor in a big way, the Guiyi Army cannot resist, then in the Tang Dynasty, which fan town is capable and willing to fight the Uighur army? Internal troubles and external troubles, even if a famous minister saves the time, how can they be separated?


Huang Jingyuan's smile finally faded into the indifference of the pretense, showing an extremely proud, "Master Feihong is worthy of Master Feihong. We are required to use this method to win, and we have paid so many monks' lives. You Say, how can we be at ease without killing you first? "

Huang Jingyuan's schemes of Master Feihong and Li Zhi are very poisonous to say, but the principle is not complicated, that is, using bitter flesh to show that the enemy is weak, seduce the enemy to make mistakes, and then fight back in desperate circumstances.

Not to mention that the three parties, Xianting, Demon, and Buddhism, are rivals to each other. No one really trusts anyone. Just say that the rule of ruins is that only when there is a monk in a faction, a copper block is released to open the light curtain. People leave. Under the threat of the purple-blue grid approaching, life and death have no choice.

Huang Jingyuan was settled. As long as Master Feihong defeated them, he would immediately take action against Li Yan. No matter who wins on both sides, he would eventually fall down.

Once the alliance between Feihong Shi and Li Zhi was broken, Chen Jizhen and Huang Jingyuan took the lead.

Moreover, Li Zhi and Master Feihong are not good stubbles. They fight each other, and the winner is bound to pay the price, becoming very weak, and having the opportunity to take advantage.

The key to this strategy is to make Feihong believe that they have lost the ability to shoot while Chen Jizhen and Huang Jingyuan still have combat power, so that she can rest assured to start with Li Yan.

In the scene, when the number of monks in the Buddhist domain occupied the absolute advantage, as long as Chen Jizhen, Huang Jingyuan, and Li Zhi fell down, the demon tribe and the fairy court would not be a concern, and the Buddhist domain won easily.

Take the initiative to expose the monk Xianting to the crossbow of the demon tribe and the buddhist domain, causing them heavy losses, so that they can no longer constitute a threat to the monks in the buddhist domain. This is the sacrifice given by Huang Jingyuan, and it is the priest Feihong Do not doubt their "backwaters" chips.

When Master Feihong struck hard, the two guarded themselves with the secret method of Xianting. Although they would not be injured, they could retain some of their combat power.

As envoys sent by Xianting, in the land of Kyushu, Chen Jizhen and Huang Jingyuan are not strange to have such a life-saving secret.

But Feihong Shi is different. She is a member of the Buddha Realm and has been suppressed by Xianting. No matter how much she has, her effect will be weakened here.

This is Huang Jingyuan's perception.

Now he wins.

This proves that his perception is correct.

"Scientific Master Feihong was unexpectedly surrendered by me. This battle is enough for me to become famous in Xianyu and have a great future!" Huang Jingyuan thought of the reward from Xianting afterwards, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

In fact, Huang Jingyuan is very clear that today's victory is not his personal victory, but the victory of Xianting against the domain of Buddhism, the victory of Xianting against the demons, and the victory of immortals against mortals.

This victory is inevitable.

Because of the huge gap between their strengths, the gap cannot be crossed and the results cannot be changed.

Huang Jingyuan did not hesitate, and raised his sword with Chen Jizhen.

Buddhist monks were all in a hurry, but in a hurry, they could not get rid of the monk's disregard for their lives, nor could they support the monk Feihong.

Master Feihong slightly raised his face, and looked at the sword that was cut down calmly.

She looks like a peach blossom, which is the most beautiful existence in the world, but at the moment, it looks quite a bit sensational.

To show you good things and destroy them is tragedy.

Master Feihong has reached its peak, and her state of mind has been dull and natural. She has no desire in her heart, so she lacks interest in everything, but she has not made herself a tragedy hobby.

The light in the corner of her eyes was looking at someone.

A severely wounded person sitting under the wall of the collapsed courtyard.

Her eyes were unreadable.

Not something, not nothing.

In Buddhist language, it is often said that the so-called Dharma is non-Dharma and non-Dharma.

It's just like Feihong's eyes now.

Li Yan, who is holding Lu Gujian, is at this moment calm and motionless. It seems like it will act next moment, and it will never move. Dynamic and static, real and virtual are particularly unified at this moment.

When he touched Feihong's eyes, Li Yan's eyes flashed.

In an instant, he hesitated across his mind.

It was this hesitation that made him look quiet and motionless.

This hesitation flashed away, because the existence time is too short, so it is like there is no existence.

After hesitation, Li Yan jumped up.

Li Yan, who was supposed to be seriously ill and had no fighting power at all, was full of vigor and vitality at this moment.

He has a sword and has been in the game for a long time.

He handed the sword to Huang Jingyuan.

A sword groaned.

Sword Yin is like Dragon Yin.

The lines on Lu Gujian are all lit up, and the green light is shining. It seems that a five-foot blue dragon flies out of the sword in a short time.

Huang Jingyuan suddenly turned his head. Shock, accident, and panic covered his face like earthworms.

At the same time, Feihong, sitting cross-legged, suddenly left the ground. If the storm was tempestuous, a palm blasted out straight, passing Chen Jizhen's sword, and immediately came to his eyes!

Palm wind hunting sounded like a yinfeng rage, roaring like a tiger.

At this moment, Li Zhi and Master Feihong suddenly attacked and joined forces.

And their combat effectiveness is not less than the heyday.

This scene that should not have made other monks present were dumbfounded, eyes widened, for fear of misreading.

The aura was overflowing and the air burst like a tide.

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