The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 101: Sharp weapon

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The secret world of heaven was opened, and Li Zhi who was present was included without any suspense, but Li Keyong, who was in Taiyuan City at the time, was not even called by a bit.

The officers and men's crusade against Hedong was originally a four-town coalition, with different vassals and different minds. The reason why they were able to act in unison was Li Zhi's will. Now Li Zhi is absent. Rao is Ping Lu Army and Liu Dazheng sits in town. With his prestige, it is enough to command Ping Lu Army, but it is far from enough to deter the other three towns.

At this time, it is naturally the best time for the Hedong Army to counterattack the army.

Looking at the camp that stretched out of the field to the end of the field of vision, Li Ke firmly determined with his eyes: "Li Ye fought against others and led the four-town thief army to attack me in Hedong, letting my army and civilians in Hedong countless dead and wounded. Fortunately, there are eyes in the two armies. The critical period of the conflict made him disappear in front of the people. The thief army lost the commander, which is God's opportunity to counterattack me. "

Taibao Fu's custody trial is full of worries: "Right now, the thief is powerful, with a population of 400,000 people, and I have had half of the enemy's strength after a series of wars. Is it impossible to attack the city at this time?"

Li Ke sneered, "Although the thief army has 400,000 people, but the vassals are not the same, our Hedong Army goes up and down together, and only needs to storm the Pinglu army camp. As for the other three towns and soldiers, send some soldiers and horses to restrain them. Here At this time, Li Yi was not in the army, Zhaoyi, Henghai, and Tianping Township, although he would listen to Liu Dazheng's order, but it was superficial. "

"Unlike when Li Wei was here, the towns desperately wanted to make a contribution, so after the offensive scrambled, Li Wei was absent, and self-protection became the primary need. Sanzhen soldiers and horses will never put their soldiers and horses in danger and risk losses. risks of!"

Fu Cunshen hugged his fist and said, "County Wang Yingming!"

In fact, what Li Ke used to say was very clear. When Li Zhi was in the army, he led the army to win consecutive battles, and the towns had confidence, so they won the battle. Now Li Zhi is not in town. I'm not sure, so I won't be rash.

Li Ke turned around and looked at the crowd, his eyes were like iron: "Taiyuan survives and is tied to this battle! I am a man of Hedong, a terrific soldier, a brave soldier, and a few warriors. Can we really not defeat the Pinglu army? We will fight against the Pinglu army tomorrow negative!"

Pinglu army camp, Chinese army account, Liu Dazheng and several soldiers are discussing military conditions.

Although Li Zheng left the camp, the army's large account as the center of the army had to continue to operate. Liu Dazheng temporarily assumed the role of commander in chief, and naturally became the temporary owner of the army's large account.

It was only that when Liu Dazheng was dealing with various military affairs, he never took the lead in a large account, but moved all the official documents to his usual position next.

At midnight, Liu Dazheng had not gone to rest. Suddenly a sergeant rushed to report outside the account. There was a change in Taiyuan City.

Liu Dazheng left the large account, came to the watchtower, and looked at the city of Taiyuan. Sure enough, he saw people everywhere. It seemed that a large number of soldiers and horses were moving. It's a lot higher, but it's just because of the perspective, it's still not so clear.

After confirming the abnormality, Liu Dazheng didn't hesitate, and when he returned to the big account, he was instructed to convene a general meeting and hold a military meeting.

The generals soon arrived, and Liu Dazheng first reported the situation, and then said: "His Royal Highness is not in the army, and the three armies lack a strong commander. This is the best time for Hedong to counterattack. Now it seems that Li Ke is indeed ready to act. Get ready for tomorrow. "

Li Zhi, Feihong and others entered the mysterious realm. The great monks inside and outside Taiyuan City left without any major guards. Now the two armies are back on the road of pure military struggle.

The next day, Liu Dazheng gathered his generals early to prepare for the battle.

Before the end of the day, the gate of Taiyuan was wide open. First, thousands of fine riders stepped out of the dust, separated the two wings, controlled the terrain, and then rolled out thousands of steps of iron armor, gathered in the middle of the fine ride, set up the formation, and formed a complete army formation .

If it is reciprocating, before noon, there are more than a dozen military formations outside the walls of Taiyuan City, most of which are in the direction of the Pinglu Army.

As soon as Liu Dazheng saw this situation, he knew that He Dongjun was about to go to battle. Li Keyong couldn't fool me at this time, so he also ordered the Ping Lu army to go out of the camp and set up a large array on the open space outside the camp. Meet.

He Dongjun will fight, Pinglu army will naturally not be afraid, even if the number is inferior, Liu Dazheng will meet directly. The passive tactics of defending camps are the same as defending them according to the city. They are only used when their own side is at an absolute disadvantage and they have no choice.

When the army was out of the camp, Liu Dazheng led the horse to the front and looked at the opposite side of the Hedong Army.

In the middle of the iron armored wall without seeing at a glance, there were dozens of bright armors, surrounded by a marvelous general. Behind him, a huge yellow flag fluttered in the wind, showing his identity as a coach. That's exactly what Li Ke uses.

The sun struck Li Keyong in the golden helmet and armor, making him look like a god. Before the army formation, he walked around slowly, and delivered a brief and passionate speech to the generals of Hedong. Inspire the morale of the army.

Liu Da is doing the same.

This matter was done quickly. After all, the oath of masters meeting had already been done, and there would not be many words to boost morale before the battle.

The drums were roaring, Hedong Army took the lead in launching the offensive, and the infantry bulged out, approaching Pinglu Army hurriedly.

The neat steps of tens of thousands of people stepped on the ground, the smoke was rolling, the ground was shaking, the sound of footsteps combined with the drums of drums, and beating the heart of people, people's heartbeat could not help but follow a rhythm.

Ping Lujun's large array of infantrymen also greeted, fine riding slowly on both wings, the pace is the same as the infantry soldiers. Their mission was not to charge the battlefield, but to guard the wings and defend the opposing cavalry.

A few miles away, the two armies walked for a short time.

Until the two sides were only a few hundred steps apart, after reaching the distance of the charge, as the drums of the two sides suddenly became heavier, denser and steadily moving forward, the iron armored array gradually accelerated, and finally the soldiers roared and ran, pushing Such as the waves of smoke and dust hit the opposing army.

The two groups intersected and rushed to the front of the soldier, pushing his shield against the opponent.

During the fierce clash, some people fell backwards and some fell. The tight front appeared neutral, and the soldiers had room to move. The soldiers who followed them stabbed spears in their hands.

The tragic killings drowned everything.

With the two armies fighting, Liu Dazheng was not in the battle. As commander of the army, what he needs to do now is to sit in the middle of the town and dispatch the Quartet.

Liu Dazheng is confident that with the military capability of the Ping Lu Army, the Hedong Army is currently incomparable.

Although the opponent has a number advantage in frontal confrontation, the advantage is not huge. Before the advantage of the number of opponents can be realized, the Pinglu army can break through the opponent's army and defeat the opponent.

An hour passed, and the development of the incident was similar to what Liu Dazheng expected. Ping Lu Jun gradually gained the upper hand and gained momentum of sing and advance.

"Although His Highness left temporarily, the combat power of the generals of the Three Armies is still there. How can He Dongjun want to win so easily?" Liu Dazheng thought so, with a smile on his face.

But just then, the Hadong Army formation changed.

The morale of several suppressed army formations suddenly rose sharply. Above the middle of the 3,000-person battle formation, a stream of lights lit up, as if they were a whole, forming an iron armor giant. Since then, the battle array has greatly increased its attack power.

Liu Dazheng frowned slightly, of course he knew that it was the general of the Hedong Army.

He Dongjun's thirteen Taibao, although not a general, but there are a lot of them, along the way he and Shangguan beheaded a few people, there are still three or four.

But in the Pinglu army, there were only Liu Dazheng and Shangguan Qingcheng, two soldiers.

This is not surprising. Hedong Army is based on the North Front Army and Sha Tuo Army, both of which are frontier troops. It is a matter of course to fight for more years, and the Pinglu Army has experienced the Pinghuang Chao chaos. A war.

"In the past, when facing the generals of the Hedong Army, His Highness relocated his troops and held them all the way, forming a local advantage. After quickly defeating each other, he then switched to balance the number of generals on other fronts. Shihe Dongzhan will not come out in a nest. The inferior position of the army is not apparent, but for now ... "A member of the army looked at Liu Dazheng with anxiety.

Of course, Liu Dazheng knew what the other party meant.

Right now, the entire army is coming together and head to head. The Hedong Army has the generals. The disadvantages of the military forces will be made up and they will have the upper hand. To win the battle, the Pinglu army must solve the other general.

"Please general Shangguan cooperate with this general!"

Hedong Army has three battlefields, allowing Shangguan to go to battle alone. Even if she can win, but one by one, she will be exhausted, not to mention that time is too late.

Soon, Liu Dazheng and Shangguan Qingcheng led the ministry to the battlefield, replacing the soldiers who had been suppressed by the Hedong Army, and began to launch a counterattack against the Hedong Army.

With the addition of Liu Dazheng and Shangguan Qingcheng, the situation immediately changed. It didn't take long for the Hedong Army generals in front of the two to be overwhelmed, and the light of the battle array gradually dimmed, with the risk of breaking at any time.

There are only two generals in Pinglu Army. The number is less than that of Hedong Army and Xuanwu Army. But is it true that Liu Dazheng and Shangguan allure?

The former has been a war general since the Li Xian era, and has always been a deputy commander in the Pinglu army, and the latter has grown out of the gates, grew up in the army, and accumulated a lot of money.

Two of them took the lead and Ping Lu Jun's victory was in their hands.

It can be seen that even though Li Zhi is not in the army right now, his shaping of the Ping Lu Army has already been very effective, and this result will not disappear in a vacuum.

In the current battle, it is not so simple for Hedong Army to win the Lu Army. At least, it has to come up with extraordinary weapons.

Does Ha Dongjun have such a weapon?


Li Cunxiao, the general of the military, is just that.

But now Li Cunxiao has been idle at home.

Are there other people in the Hedong Army who can bear the burden of determining the direction of victory or defeat when the two armies decisive?

one left.

The young and famous Li Ke used himself.

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