The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 120: Decisive battle

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Taiyuan City.

The night was low and the clouds were covering the stars and moons. Li Cunxiao looked up and saw nothing but endless darkness. He frowned slightly, returned to the book case from the window and sat down. He picked up a book and stared at it for a while, but was distracted and couldn't stand it anymore.

I do not know how long it took, a domestic servant hurriedly hurried to report outside the door. Li Cunxiao heard the voice, quickly put down the book in his hand, and stood up and said, "Come in!"

The servant came in, and Li Cunxiao also came to the hall. He asked eagerly: "Come on, how is the situation today?"

The house servant said in fifteen and ten: "The army was defeated and thousands were damaged. The county king was wounded and has now returned to the hospital for healing!"

Upon hearing this, Li Cunxiao was shocked, as if he was given a hammer, and his face became extremely ugly.

Since returning to Taiyuan City, Li Ke used his military power, and Li Cunxiao has always been idle at home. Mo said that he went up to the city to participate in the battle in Taiyuan City. No one sent him daily reports.

In order to be different from ordinary people and only passively receive the news from the government, he sent his servants to investigate the situation.

The militant situation in the past few days turned out to be very fierce today. Li Cunxiao had previously sensed that the situation was not good. As a military general, he can make some basic judgments by hearing the movements of the battlefield, even if he has not been on the battlefield.

"The king of the county is invincible, and the realm has reached the late admiral's stage. Which of the thieves outside the city is his opponent, how could he be defeated and wounded in the battle line this time? Is it possible that Li Ye returned?" Li Cunxiao frowned. Wrinkled, asked several questions in a row, this is a question he was puzzled.

The servant responded: "It was not Li Ye who shot, a man who neither the generals knew nor the county king. But it was said that the man was so powerful that he fell from the sky and said nothing. He only used the battle of 3,000 soldiers from the Pinglu army. Front, defeated the county king ... "

The servant said these words depended on, worried, and sad, apparently also worried about the situation. After all, if Taiyuan City is broken, they will not be of much benefit.

It can also be seen from the reaction of the servants that although Li Cunxiao was used by Li Ke to give up his military power, he did not change his loyalty to Li Ke and did not complain at all. Otherwise, Li Ke was defeated and injured today, and the servants had to congratulate Li Cunxiao.

He waved his hand to let the servants back down. Li Cunxiao returned to the case of the book. After a long moment of meditation, he finally couldn't help but grind the pen and started writing the book. He wanted to fight against Li Keyong.

Since returning to Taiyuan City last time, Li Cunxiao has never been met by Li Keyong. On the same day, he suffered from ridicule and sarcasm. He also experienced the warmth and coldness of these days, and his situation was very aggrieved.

However, to this day, Li Cunxiao didn't think much else, just wanted to fight for Taiyuan.

After writing the paperwork, Li Cunxiao came to the door and said, Shen, "Come, give Ben to Jia, Ben will go to the palace to fight!"

From time to time, Li Cunxiao covered his clothes neatly, took the horse, went out of the corner gate, and rode alone to go to the county king's palace.

But he stopped before going out two steps, because a luxurious carriage, driven by a few monks, had already come from the street corner, and soon reached Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao stopped early, got off the horse, and waited by the road.

He already felt it very clearly. The monks who guarded the carriage were all in the high-level practice, and the people sitting in the carriage, although the breath was unstable, was really real.

It is conceivable that Li Ke came by himself.

The carriage stopped in front of Li Cunxiao. When Li Cunxiao went to worship, the curtain of the cart was opened, and Li Ke, in a uniform, came out of the carriage.

"Where is the general's costume going?" Li Ke used Li Cunxiao's courtesy as a gesture of curiosity. He did not behave in the slightest manner, behaved quite kindly and naturally, and looked like he did not have any contradiction with Li Cunxiao, nor did he neglect the other side.

"The general is asking to see the county king!" Li Cunxiao leaned down to worship again, his voice was full of vitality, and he was especially sincere, but he was not a savvy person, so what he said was also very simple. "King County, please let the general Fight! "

With a sigh, Li Ke once again lifted Li Cunxiao and looked at the other side with a lot of emotions. "It's true that the King came here today, just to send in the army, but he didn't expect the general to have that intention. Well, this shows My King is not wrong! "

Li Cunxiao's eyes brightened, and he was very surprised: "The king of the county is willing to let the generals play?"

Li Ke said in a straightforward way: "The general is loyal to the liver, the king always knows that the previous battle in Fenzhou was unfavorable, and the king also knows that it is not the general's fault. However, people are terrible. If the king does not punish the general, how can he serve The public? I also hope that the general will understand the difficulty of the King, and do n’t let it be a problem. If this time you can perform your crimes with merits, then any rumors will be self-defeating! ”

"Thank the King of County!" Li Cunxiao bowed down three times, grateful.

"Why do the generals have to be so courteous, please hurry up. This Hedong war situation, we must ask the generals!"

"The king of war, rest assured, you will never die!"

This scene, looking at it is a typical picture of "monarch and minister".

Li Cunxiao suffered unfair treatment, but did not complain in the slightest. Once Li Ke used it, he could immediately go down the mountain. And Li Ke's use also showed great trust in Li Cunxiao, as if there were no such thing as Li Zhi's separation.

However, Li Ke's gloomy glance from time to time with his eyes showed that his suspicion and pain did not disappear at all. He came to invite Li Cunxiao to fight, but the situation forced him to do nothing.

The next morning, the morning sun rose, and the Pinglu Army, Heng Haijun, Zhaoyi Army, and Tianping Army dispatched the main forces to conduct a large camp. The army surrounded Taiyuan City on three sides, preparing to launch an attack at the same time.

The army of 300,000 to 400,000 troops, outside the three walls and before the three battalions, formed a huge army formation, just as vast as the ocean. The entire city of Taiyuan looks just like an isolated island in the iron armored ocean.

In the watchtower of Ping Lujun, Liu Dazheng stood by the sword. Throughout the battlefield situation, he gave orders occasionally.

Standing beside Liu Dazheng were Kang Chengqian, Xue Wei, Liu Jingsi and others. As soon as Liu Dazheng's military order contains a part involving their three towns, they will pass it on to their own tune.

The formation of the army has been laid out, and all preparations are ready, but Liu Dazheng did not immediately issue an order to attack the city. In the complex eyes of Kang Chengqian and others, Liu Dazheng went to the side.

At the edge of one side of the tower, someone leaned against the fence, staring at the battlefield that was about to fall into blood. Chen Yang landed on his silver hair, and the breeze blew the hair on his shoulders, making him look a bit ethereal.

This situation made Liu Dazheng hold back his feet and swallowed his stomach when he reached the mouth.

A few years ago, he was also the master of the battlefield. Every battle, his military order was the direction that allowed the army to win. Every time the army triumphed, he would be praised by thousands of people.

Now, there is only a lonely middle-aged man in front of him.

Even if he still shines, no one will chant his name again.

Liu Dazheng suddenly felt cruel.

Noting that Liu Dazheng was here, Li Xian glanced at him, smiling mellowly: "What is it?"

Hearing the voice of the other party, Liu Dazheng habitually raised his head and raised his chest, and said with a loud voice, "The three armed forces are in place. If they are going to fight, please order them!

Li Xian waved his hand: "You are a general now, don't ask me if you are going to fight."

Liu Dazheng's hands shook, his throat hardened like a rock in an instant, he clenched his teeth tightly.

You will always be my general.

Kang Chengqian, Xue Wei, Liu Jingsi, and others saw this scene and felt a little weird: Is the army going to war, why should we ask this general? What is the identity of the other party?

However, the three were relieved immediately. As the top combat force in the current army, being able to defeat Li Keyong's existence is the key to the victory of the army. Psychological.

Liu Dazheng turned abruptly, pulled out the crossbow of his waist, raised his head forward, and uttered a roar from his throat: "Order the Three Armies: Siege!"

After a while, the horn sobbed and the drums of war sounded.

At the front of the iron armored ocean, slowly divided out a lake. The lake gradually turned into a tide, and poured into the solitary Taiyuan City, as if the city was to be completely submerged.

The war culminated in the beginning.

Now that the two sides have fought, naturally, there is no need for any tentative attack. The up-and-coming battle between you and me is up and down. As for the moats and trenches, in the days when the army was besieged, those that could be filled were already filled, and those that could not be filled, and the wooden bridges on them could be washed over.

In the first round of attack, tens of thousands of people entered the battle. Outside each city wall, there were dense soldiers, like ants, and there was no gap between them. This gives people the illusion that they can swallow the city if they bite it down.

Under the lead and onslaught of Ping Lu Army, when the battle progressed for half a day, the walls of Taiyuan City were already full of officers and soldiers.

Although their absolute number is far less than that of the Hedong Army, each of the battlefields they stand on has a steady stream of soldiers climbing up to join their battle lines and rapidly expand their sphere of influence.

According to this momentum, without waiting for sunset, Taiyuan City will be captured by the army.

It was also at this time that Li Cunxiao, destined to become a famous general and possess the potential of the battlefield in the world, set foot on the city.


PS: There are only two more today.

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