The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 25: The Demon King and Ling Yundu

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I do n’t know how many years Lingyundu has kept, I only know that the mountains behind me are two thousand years old. Two thousand years ago, there was a valley.

Ling Yundu is the only way to the demon homeland, and I am one of the few big Luo Jinxian of the demon family. I am an old man, and they call me the Overlord, and some demon call me the Demon King.

In fact, it doesn't matter what it is called. Few people hear what you call and think you have that ability.

It was just that when the monkey came to visit me, several other big monsters were given names, and I didn't think about it, so I just called this casually. This is probably what happened in the world. Many times what people around us are doing, we have to follow along. Failure to do so means leaving the group.

Although I am not very interested in group activities, I cannot live in isolation. I'm old enough, maybe I will die tomorrow, I don't want to be there, not even a demon who wrote me an epitaph. The demon is also afraid of being forgotten. Although this event is inevitable, no demon does not want to be remembered for a long time, even if it is only one more day.

Over the years, there have been very few mortals in Ling Yundu, so I am lonely. Fortunately, there is a demon who goes to the world through this, so I don't have nothing to do. The days when there is nothing to do are desolate, making the demon unable to determine that he is alive.

When I cross a demon, I will receive a copper coin, nothing else, I will count the amount of copper coins every day, yesterday was 80,056. This number reminds me that I haven't crossed people and monsters for ninety-nine days. These ninety-nine days, I am not sure if I am still alive. Maybe I'm dead, just a ray of remnant floating here, continuing to look like before birth.

If one hundred days have passed and no new copper coins have been thrown into the pot, I will go to Xiaoheishan, three hundred miles away. There is a mortal village there. There are more than a dozen households living in the village, and some people will sacrifice by the stream. I want to take a look at the woman while the starry night is not fading and the sun is rising.

If I saw it, I would touch the other's hand. If I felt the heat of the other, I would still be alive, otherwise I would just be a ray of remnant and already dead ...

"So that's why you're teasing a good girl?" Li Yan looked at the Demon King indignantly.

Now they were by the stream in front of the Xiaoheishan Village. A village girl in a sacrifice sat sobbing and looked very grieved, and Jomo was frightened.

The Devil King was not being treated by Li Yan, at this moment he said the words above seriously. After all, he is a strong man in Da Luo Jin Wonderland, and Li Ye can't take him anyway, but Li Ye's sword is still taken out.

Yu Dazhen and Wu You stood behind Li Yan, the former looked rather awkward. After all, the Demon King is the demon of the demon tribe, and now the good girl is being arrested in a formal shape, and his face is still a bit unsure, I don't know what to say.

Wu You's reaction was much simpler, glaring at the Demon King. Originally, Shui Ling's shiny eyes widened, as if an accidental one could spit fire to burn the Demon King.

The Demon King argued, "I have lived for thousands of years. Is there a need to make fun of a mortal village aunt? You are doubting a demon-like demon! But I don't blame you, after all, we do n’t Familiar, you should not know me. "

Speaking of this, the Demon King sighed, revealing the color of remembrance, "In fact, when I was still a little snake and I did not turn into a dragon, I like to watch the Xinghe River by the grass of the river. One morning, red The light fell on the river, Yangliu Yiyi, and the spring breeze came, and I saw a demure ethnic girl who came to the riverside with a tub. Her posture was so beautiful that I was so foolish that I forgot it go away......"

Li Yan laughed, "So you touched someone's hand?"

"How can I do this kind of thing!" The demon king argued arrogantly, but was discouraged within a moment, sighing: "She was scared away when she saw me ... I was only one at that time Snake, I did n’t even have a claw, and I could n’t touch someone ’s hand ... ”

Wu You jumped out and pointed at the Demon King angrily and shouted, "Okay! You really want to touch someone's hand!"

Demon King: "..."

Eventually the couple sent the village aunt home, then left the village and walked towards Lingyundu.

The Demon King is still in his current state, with two claws as his feet, and he bends his body to walk and shakes, and it looks a little weird. But he just didn't turn into a human form. Yodah also persuaded twice and saw that the other party was unmoved and had to give up.

When he came to Lingyundu, the Demon King waved a wave, and a leaf-shaped boat came over the empty river, and everyone went up one by one.

When he got on the small wooden boat, the Demon King was much more relaxed, because he could hover on the bow. I didn't see him win the prize, and the small wooden boat sailed straight towards the other bank.

Ling Yundu is called Ling Yundu because the river is called Ling Yunhe.

The mist on the Lingyun River was hazy, and I could not see what the other shore looked like. The boat traveled in the mist, as if traveling from one world to another, and didn't know how long it would take, let alone how far it would go.

Jo Mo is the reason for the old and too many words. The demon king on the bow looked at Li Yan slowly and said, "In the early thousands of years, there were not many mortals who went from the mortal world to the demon territory. Later, Dayu With the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, there were fewer people. In the past few years, it has been rare to see several mortals crossing the river. But there are always, you know why? "

Li Yan groaned: "Everywhere you fight for power and gain profits, you can't completely hide yourself from the mountains. Some monks who are indifferent go to the demon territory to find a peaceful place with beautiful mountains and rivers to spend the rest of their lives."

The demon king shook the dragon's head, and said seriously: "No. Just because the banshee can transform the human form at will, most of them are as beautiful as heaven, so the human race is rushing."

Li Yan laughed abruptly.

Wu You's eyes rolled around: "Isn't that saying that the demon tribe is a beauty everywhere?"

The demon king laughed and said, "Beauty demon."

Wu You's mouth narrowed slightly, and she suddenly became worried. She looked at Li Yan several times and stopped talking.

Li Min touched her head and said, "Rest assured, I won't pick wild flowers by the road."

Wu You just showed a bright smile.

The demon king is a can't rest, he slowly said slowly: "Compared to mortals, the demon can naturally practice, and without so many ethical and moral constraints, weak meat and strong food are common. The monks went to the demon territory to live It's not easy to come down, in fact, most of the time they are very difficult. "

Li Yan said: "I don't worry about this."

"No, you have to worry. Even if you are the King of Tang Dynasty, you have the power of Wonderland." The Demon King said positively.

Li Wei said for a moment: "Do you even recognize me?"

The old demon king was saying, "I didn't recognize it. Some time ago the monkey came and we all knew what you looked like."

Wu You tilted her head and wondered, "Since you all know Brother Yun, what else can you worry about?"

The demon king's body moved, and he changed to a more comfortable posture, so that his head could be pillowed higher, so it was difficult to look up at Li Yan.

He sighed: "The demon clan is not a monolith. In fact, the demon clan has lost Xianting for thousands of years. Although it is not a good life, it is also comfortable. Many demon do not want to return to Xianyu and start war with Xianting. Among them Some monsters even feel that they can live a more nourishing life by relying on Xianting. "

"The King of Dragons is not just a demon. Now he is a fairy officer, but he is doing well. This time you came to the demon territory. Although there was a monkey clapper decision, everyone dare not oppose it on the surface, but there must be many actions against you. .Can you live to see the demon you want to see, you still have to see your good fortune-the monkey didn't tell you these? "

These things Li Yan had expected, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, and the same is true where there are demons. He didn't think that the 100,000 monsters would all bow down and be driven after he arrived in the territory of the monster clan.

The monkey also said something similar to Li Yan. He really reached the territory of the monster tribe, and everything looked good.

Wu You looked at Yoda-chan: "Big bird, aren't you the prince of the demon tribe? Can you make brother-in-law less trouble?"

"It's not a big bird, it's Tatsuma, Tatsumi's puppet!" Yoda shouted indignantly.

Wu You nodded, and said earnestly: "Okay, big bird, it's the uncle's puppet!"

You Dazheng was unable to sit on the upside of the ship, and he had given up the theory with Wu You. He did not expend much effort to explain this way, but it proved to be useless.

Wu You walked in front of him and gave a cry: "Big bird, can you make my grandma less troublesome?"

Yoda patted her breast and promised: "Absolutely no problem, as long as you go to Peng Moshan, no one will dare to mess with you!"

Wu You was not so easy to cheat. She keenly caught the keyword: "Peng Moshan? Is it just Peng Moshan?"

Yoda was embarrassed and coughed twice, but couldn't find any suitable rhetoric, so she looked around.

"Don't make it difficult for him, he can't help it either." Li Xuan spoke out in a timely manner to make a clearance for Yoda. Although when the other party first arrived in Pinglu, they felt powerful and invincible, but in the final analysis, they were just real people.

A real world, in the demon clan, has no say. The reason why Yu Dazhen is called the Holy Son is because he is the son of the King Peng Demon, which is quite different from the Red Baby. And the Peng Mo Wang also has more than one son.

The Demon King can recognize Yoda Ao, which is extremely rare. He has really reached the territory of the demon tribe. Mo said that others did not sell Yoda Ao's face, but he was scared to recognize him. According to the Shou Yuan of the Demon Clan, Yoda in real life is just a teenager ...

The demon king resting the dragon's head on the snake, raised his head and looked at Wu You for a few moments, thoughtfully: "It turned out to be a glazed gold wire body, no wonder the aura was not noticed, it must be the monkey's handwriting? Take it out to shape the flesh of a mortal person. It seems that after a hundred years of silence, the monkey still can't help it! "

There is always an end to the river, and the ferry has its own bank.

After the Demon King sent Li Yan and others to the other side, he did not have any intention to get up. It seemed that when he could lie on his stomach, he would never move. "Going to the shore is demon soil. You can go as far as you want. My own skills. Although the monkey guarded the monk to learn from the scriptures, although he encountered many demon along the way, the number is worse than that of the demon here. "

Li Yan bowed his hand to the Demon King and threw three copper coins in a clay pot in accordance with the rules. Then he took Wu You and followed Yu Dazhen to step into the demon territory.

He came here, not a headless fly, at least he had a map in his hand, and he had a guide like Yoda, so he had some confidence.

But what happened later shows that there are maps and guides, and there is no use for eggs in the demon soil.

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