The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 139: Passing by in the story

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The scattered monks with eight hundred robes in the town and city supported each other and stood in the ruins. Almost all of them were injured, some had broken their arms, some had broken their legs, and their blood had stained their shirts.

In front of them were unrecognizable streets, huddled houses, and piles of corpses of fierce beasts. The pitted ground was filled with blood, even if Li Huan was at high altitude at the moment, he felt a pungent smell.

The battle was over, but the 800 monsters didn't cheer.

Some of them stayed in the place and suddenly lost their sight, as if they didn't know that victory had already belonged to them; some of them could finally sit down on the ground with a sigh of relief, and then they could no longer climb up; more of them stared at the battlefield like iron, Even though the lumbar rod was not straight, it still stood as if it were loose.

Warriors like this on the battlefield not only left Li Jiu speechless for a long time, but also silenced several demon kings.

The beasts were nearly 100,000 dead and wounded, and the monks in the city were initially only 20,000 or 30,000. Before the war, no one would think that the demon in Zhenjiang City could fight to the present, even if it was the Monkey King who had experienced the war. Victory is like a dream.

This victory was a miracle, not because Li Zhi and the Peng Demon King finally appeared with the innate treasure, but because the demons worked together for more than 20 days.

Everyone is a story, everyone has a story. This is the place where 20,000 or 30,000 monsters are buried, and it is destined that many stories will stop here.

These stories were little known before, and they will not be understood afterwards. They dissipated, and no one witnessed them, engraving the roar of the war on the pages of the book for them. Li Ye can only try to figure out their state of mind at the time of the death of a corpse, or angry or unwilling or frank or firm, and the immortal feeling behind them.

Without this war, perhaps every story will have an ending, whether it is beautiful or miserable, touching or regrettable, they will have a period. Now, as their bodies gradually become colder, the hasty ending of the story is hard to make people think of.

Such an ending is not an ending, but also an ending.

Li Xun quickly swooped down from a high altitude and flew towards the eight hundred surviving soldiers. He didn't pause in the air, nor did he say anything to comfort them or motivate them. After he landed, he just ran straight towards a person.

Among the monks who were miserable than the refugees, Li Min saw Wu You.

The little girl's robe was still intact, but her lotus-like arms were exposed, but her hair was messy and blood tangled with each other. Her face was also full of blood, and she could not see the skin's original color at all, except that the taupe's pupils were still bright-no, it was extra bright.

The lord of the county rushed out of the monks' group, but the tears in the corners of his eyes were already swaying in his ears before the person reached Li Li. She was like a little tiger cub, slamming her head into Li Hua's arms, banging Li Hua's chest into pain.

Li Yan could not feel the pain in his chest, but felt that his heart was pinched. The county lord, who hugged him tightly with his arms around his waist, buried his face deeply in his chest, and the choked voice was the same call: "Big brother!"

After leaving Li Zhi, she quickly gained control of the monk's team, and in the previous battles she showed exceptional toughness and wisdom, so that the monks could see hope and fighting spirit when she saw her fighting figure, and felt safe. At the first glance of seeing Li Yan, tears could not control the dyke.

No one hopes how strong she is, but she has to do so in the face of challenges in the real world. Now, the county master who flew into Li's arms no longer has to stretch her spirit. She can feel relieved and bold.

She could be cowardly, and she could shed tears like a child.

Li Yan hugged the county master and stroked her wet hair with pity, "I'm here."

Li Ye II was a man, and knew more clearly than anyone else. Without eternal companionship and wings, only his own strength can face all wind and rain, and the road under his own feet can only be taken by himself. Therefore, he hoped that the lord of the county was stronger than anyone, so he and the lord of the county went to Mount Qisheng separately without much hesitation.

He knew that the county master needed to experience and grow.

The lord of the county is in Zhenjiang City, and Li Zhi is in Qisheng Mountain. These days, they have their own battlefields and are struggling hard, so even if they are not in one place, they are fighting side by side.

However, at this time feeling the shivering body of the county master crying, Li Xun warned himself in his heart, never to separate the two places with the county master in the future.

The county master cried and said, "Qi Tiantian is dead, Red Sleeve is dead, even the leopard demon is dead ... Brother, I am so scared that I will never see you again ... . "

Li Yan's throat was as hard as a rock in an instant, and he hugged the county's body tightly.

Eight hundred monks looked at this scene, and each demon couldn't help but look moved. They did not know the dangers Li Li experienced in the Seven Holy Mountains, but witnessed the battle of the lord, and they were deeply impressed by the agile and powerful figure, and they had already convinced them and won their admiration from the heart. .

But now, when they see the county owner embracing Li Ye, they know how much effort the county owner has put into this battle.

Every living demon realized at this moment that the two mortals had done too much for the demon and paid too much. They silently, they distant themselves to Li Xun and Wuyou, their spontaneous salute, their actions were surprisingly neat.

In these circumstances, the demons couldn't help thinking of their relatives and friends who died in battle, and those companions under the claws and mouths of the beasts. No one can restrain the tragedy, they walk in silently, spread out, and collect the bones of the war dead.

The fox demon boss looked at the child like Li Bao, and the weird wailing county official couldn't help crying. For many years, she always wanted to have such a person who could hold her in her arms in a similar scene, but it was a pity that she never met her.

She remembered the words said before the death of Red Sleeve. The heroes I liked did not like me. At this moment, she just felt that the sky had become dim, and Shino had lost its color.

Then she thought of the wolf demon and the sorceress who died in battle, and wiped away her tears to find their bodies.

The white wolf did not leave the place, he had passed out in the rubble. When he was controlling the beast, he had been hurt too long, so he has been gritting his teeth. Now he doesn't need him anymore. He can sleep well.

After the destruction of the four lords and the immortals, the immortals who ambush the monster support team in Zhenjiang City were scattered as birds and beasts, and quickly evacuated from this dangerous place. Without their control, the ferocious beasts were quickly defeated by the monster teams supporting Zhenjiang City.

However, within a short period of time, several monster teams arrived in Zhenjiang City, and they joined the work of cleaning the battlefield.

There wasn't much hustle and bustle in the process, and the demons involved were almost silent. They saw the corpse of the beast in Zhenjiang City, so they knew how awesome the demon of Zhenjiang City was, whether dead or alive.

Zhenjiang City no longer exists, so the job of cleaning the battlefield is to burn the corpse of the beast and drag the corpse of the demon out to bury it. But looking at the monkey king's wink, Li Zhi knew that when the war was over, he would immediately begin to rebuild the king city.

Not for himself, but for the demon who died to defend the city.

Simultaneously with sweeping the battlefield of Zhenjiang City, the monsters in all the cities of the entire Demon Territory launched a comprehensive counterattack against the siege beasts and the endless pursuit of the fleeing fairy.

Before the end of the battle in Zhenjiang City, the besiege of the beasts on various big cities was already showing signs of fatigue. With the spread of the news of the death of the four lords of Beihai, Nanmu, Dongxuan and Xiji, coupled with the disappearance of Yang Ye, I don't know where to go with Qi Tiandasheng, so the immortals outside the city have successively Began to escape.

Under the leadership of the Bull Demon King, the King of Puppets, and the Peng Demon Kings, with the anger of revenge for the war dead in Zhenjiang City, the monsters in each city gradually defeated and besieged the "horseless" beasts outside the cities.

The second day Li Li arrived in Zhenjiang City, the weather was gloomy and there was no cool wind in the wild. In the dull atmosphere, a large group of monsters came to a mountain near Zhenjiang City, where they met in silence.

Two or thirty thousand monsters who died in the battle in Zhenjiang City were buried in this mountain. Looking around, on the silent hillside of Qingshan, you can't see the tombstones and white cymbals at the end. They stand in a row and rise and fall with the mountain.

The eight hundred survivors who survived that day had friends and friends who could not sacrifice at the moment. They stopped in front of the tombstones, put on sacrifices, sprinkled wine, narrowed their eyes for a while, and then moved to the next tombstone.

In front of Li Yan and Wu You, Qi Potian's tombstone. Li Jian knelt on the ground, quietly offering the sacrifice, compared with the shouting of Qi Potian at that time, he seemed extremely silent at this moment, only tears slipped silently from his face, and there was no interruption.

The members of the Killing Hand, including Lijian, survived only six.

Li Ye stared at Qi Potian's tombstone and felt very confused for a moment. He didn't know if it was the right choice to put them under His Majesty that day. Perhaps this decision buried them.

Li Jian stood up after seeing the wine, and saw the guilt on Li Zhi's face, smiled silently, and said dryly: "His Royal Highness does not need to be sorry, this is our all-round war among the demons, and every demon cannot stay out of the way. It's not a battle dead in Zhenjiang City, it will be somewhere else. "

"Because of His Royal Highness, we can gather in Zhenjiang City and avoid the fate of being scattered and slaughtered in the wild. Nowadays, although they died in the battlefield, each of them did not die in vain. They have killed ferocious beasts or immortals. .To die in order to defend our homeland, we are all as happy as our Highness has made us perfect. We should thank His Highness. "

Li Yan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, and finally he could only salute Qi Potian's tombstone.

After the ceremony, Li Jian stared at Qi Potian's tombstone, Xu Xu said: "I remember meeting with His Royal Highness in Liuxi Town for the first time. When I met, Qi Potian was bragging about himself, saying that he was the famous Heishiling Butcher. In fact He didn't kill any powerful beast at that time, everything was just swollen and fat. "

"He was always afraid of being looked down upon, and the more afraid he was, the more he wanted to boast, the more he boasted, the more no one believed it, the more no one believed him, the more he felt inferior. Until he followed His Highness ... .. His Highness's feat of saving the monk's team several times was universally awed by the monks. Qi Potian was praised willingly by many people because he claimed to be His Highness. He was lucky because he found his way. "

"In the subsequent battles, he always rushed forward, shouting in his mouth that he was An Wang's confidant, even if he knew that Luoxin Street could not hold it, he never backed down. When he was dying ... .. all subconsciously murmured that he is King An's confidant ... that is his pursuit of this life, the meaning of his life, in this pursuit he embraced this meaning to die, must not be Regrets. He is buried here now, and is highly regarded and respected by all monks, it should be ... contented ... "

Li Jian's face was covered with tears again, choked and couldn't say anything, and finally couldn't say anything.

Li Yan silent for a long time, sighing: "I wish he would be respected for the rest of his life."

Leaving the tombstone group of the killing hand aside, Li Min saw the boss lady sitting on the ground, her head whispered against the wolf demon and the demon tombstone-she buried them together.

She talked endlessly, as if the wolf demon and the hag demon could still hear it, as if there was an inn in Lingyundu. Whether she was angry or gentle, the wolf demon and the hag devil always watched and listened quietly. Maybe they are dumb and don't know how to answer the conversation, but they never give up.

Wu You squatted beside the boss and quietly stayed with her.

Li Xuan finally came to the tombstone of Red Sleeve. The white wolf is sitting here in a daze, his eyes are empty and not half-hearted, sometimes he will smirk on his own, sometimes he can't help crying, and sometimes he mutters to himself, from time to time there is a silly expression in your mouth child.

A red-sleeved figure emerged from Li Min's mind. She always liked to wear a bright red dress. At first glance, she was cold-hearted, but in fact she was passionate.

She used to have a restaurant in Liuxi Town, which was the property left by her father. She has lived in Liuxi Town for many years since her parents died. Because of the care of white wolves, no matter how many monks covet her beauty, no one dares to blame her.

However, the white wolf cannot always be with him. He has his own mission. He always digs into the mountains and old forests to mingle with the beasts, looking for traces of fierce beasts, so most of the time, she is lonely.

Now she is lying here, among thousands of monsters, but Li Yan doesn't think that she won't be alone. Real loneliness, even in the hilarious crowd, will feel lonely and bitter.

Like Red Sleeve said, Li Ye never liked this woman who regarded him as a hero. Now that she has fallen asleep here, she will no longer quietly cast a venomous glance on Li Xun, and secretly hope that one day Li Xuan will discover her beauty and her goodness, and be close to her heart.

The story ends here.

At sunset, Li Yan left with the white wolf, merged Wu You and his wife, and at the foot of the mountain, he was waiting for his Li Jian and other monks to walk towards the new town under construction.

A few days later, the white wolf left Zhenjiang City to gather the beasts, intending to transform them into the power of the demon clan.

After a few more days, the all-out war of the demon clan ended, and all the demon kings gathered again in the newly-built Zhenjiang City.

Li Xun knew that this was the last time to discuss the matters of the demon to the world, and his trip to the demon was about to end. At first, he came to the territory of the monster clan, Li Xun was only for borrowing soldiers, but now this goal has been achieved overtime, the main force of the monster clan will soon go to the world, and together with him to deal with the fairy court.

In the past two months, Li Zhi has gone to many places of the Yao clan and met various demons and mortals. He participated in their life stories and played either important or unimportant roles.

And now he was leaving.

For those monks who have fallen asleep outside the town and city, Li Zhi is destined to be just a hurry passer in their life story; and in the lives of all the monk monks who will go to the world next, he will play a pivotal role Roles.

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