The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 6 Chapter 55: Know well

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The movement of the door was not small, Li Yan was shocked to open his eyes from his sleep. Just looking up, he saw a pretty figure in blue and blue clothes in front of him. The other's face was blushing, his eyes were bright and energetic, and he seemed to be saying that he could not wait to share an excellent news with him.

"Li Gongzi, wake up soon ... Ah, are you awake? I have great news for you!" Girl Xu jumped and jumped.

You can't lose your manners at any time. Li Yan got up to see the ceremony, as if he was a gentleman: "Morning, Girl Xu." He glanced out the window and added a smile: "I don't know if the sunshine today is too bright , I always feel that Girl Xu is more moving. "

Girl Xu looked out the window with a question, but found that the sun had not risen from the clouds. Where can I see what the sun was shining, the moist pretty face was immediately covered with the morning glow, and said in shame: "Li Gongzi said blindly!"

Li Yan laughed and asked, "What good news did Girl Xu bring?"

Speaking of business, Girl Xu naturally got a lot of pours and said quickly: "Sheng Ji has ordered, starting today, you will undergo secret training in the Magic Square, the location is in this heavy building, and I will take care of you. ..... food, clothing and accommodation. In short, you can ask what you want, whatever you want to eat and drink ... even if you want to be close to the girl. "

Hearing the words next to her sister-in-law, Li Yan laughed absurdly, saying that Yinyinfang was quite thoughtful.

This also means that he will be trained to imitate himself starting today.

What makes Li Yan strange is that such a big thing is about to start, but Li Maozhen hasn't seen him in person-the other party hasn't even seen it in person!

"Did Li Maozhen already trust Sheng Ji to this point? No, even if he trusts again, he should come and see." Li Min thought for a while and didn't get the answer.

Fortunately, this matter has just begun and it will take a lot of time. In the future, Li Maozhen has the opportunity to come and inspect. Li Yan can only think so.

Under the arrangement of Girl Xu, several girls came in to wait for Li Yan to wash, and then had a meal. The breakfast was quite generous, and there was a table full of porridge and pastries, and even wine, which was much higher than the specifications of Li Yan's weekdays. This made Li Ye, who had always been simple in life, slandered Li Maozhen, and felt that this person was really extravagant.

After having breakfast, Girl Xu and others retreated one after another, and Li Zheng saw Sheng Ji again.

Her outfit hasn't changed at all. Zhu Fei's six-flower skirt makes her slim waist and **** long legs more eye-catching. The difference is that she holds a fat white cat in her arms. Her eyes are big and shiny. Look It's so cute and agile, it doesn't have the same value as its owner.

Sheng Ji still sat down on the slump, but she was not lying recliningly because she was holding the white cat. She sat dignified and solemn, and said to Li Li, outside the bead curtain, "This time you come to Chang'an to give you a power. If the errand is done well, your family will be prominent in the world from now on. Mo said that future generations will never need to run a drug store, even if they are envoys and Shang Shu, you will be polite. This is the goodness of Guangzong Yaozu Good opportunity, and I hope you can seize it. "

Li Xun knew that the business was here, and he pretended to express his longing, excitement, and fear, "Please ask Saint Ji."

Saint Ji then said lightly: "Presumably you also know that you are very similar to the king An An. The name of An King is famous all over the world. The person of King An is admired from all over the world. The errand to be given to you is extremely simple, I want you to be King An Li of An Wang! Would you like it? "

According to Li Ye himself, he is from Jinyang, Hedong. He Dong has already been captured by Li Ye. Many people have seen Li Ye. He is so "looking like" Li Ye, and naturally he will not be outrageous.

Expressing shock, surprise, puzzlement, excitement and other emotions, Li Min asked tentatively, "How can Xiaomin ... be the king of An?"

Saint Himeji: "Next I will teach you to imitate the behavior of King An's behavior. As long as you ponder carefully, as soon as King An looks like it, this seat will report to King Qi and seal you as Jiedong .. .... Later, you will know at that time. You are a merchant, you know the reason for doing business, what do you think of this business? "

Li Yan chuckled in his heart, secretly saying that this Saint Ji was very savvy. She didn't mention pretending to go to Pinglu at all, she covered the future risks in advance, and only said that Ronghua was rich and rich, so as to mobilize my enthusiasm, so as to train the task as soon as possible carry out. When I get deeper step by step, I will naturally be willing to take risks—even if I don't want it, it's useless.

Li Yan quickly fisted his salute: "I obey the orders of Saint Ji."


What Li Yan did not expect was that Sheng Ji's understanding of him would be so deep.

"Since Huang Chao ’s troubles in the north and south, people ’s hearts have been chaotic, thieves and gangsters have been born, officials have two lives, pride and brave generals have become more mad, and they regard the imperial court as nothing. This situation is a pain in His Majesty's heart and a shame in the heart of the lone king, "you say again."

"No, when you mention Huang Chao, you don't have to grit your teeth. Although the loyal officials of the dynasty hated him, An Wang Fei was an ordinary person. When he said the name, he should have a disdain in his eyes, just like watching the jumping beam clown. ..... you know, An Wang Ping Ding Huang Chao, it is effortless! "

"Starting from the" Official ", you can do it again ..... stop! No, you can't be so excited. King An has no deep hatred with the officials and Jiedong of the world. You are King An, remember, it is King An, it is heaven The most shocking presence is below! He sees the world ’s heroes like grass and mustard. Speaking of them, they will not have emotional fluctuations at all. Only indifference can reflect his demeanor of overlooking heroes! Demeanor, pay attention to your demeanor! "

"Do n’t hold your fist, do n’t hold your fist when mentioning His Majesty! An Wang and His Majesty have the same brothers, and the size is mixed. When you talk about His Majesty, pay attention to your eyes. That is the inconvenience of the brothers who are indifferent. Warm eyes, not reverence! "

"Say the last sentence again ... The shame in my heart is a bit heavy, and there must be a feeling of heavy burden on your shoulders, just like your family's ancestral medicine store is running out, you can only rely on The kind of feeling you saved! King An is the royal family. He is born with a sense of responsibility to fight for the society! Do n’t put your hands and hands behind your back, put your left hand in front of your abdomen, do n’t look far into the front, and slightly lower your performance. A painful feeling that I have done my best to help the community, but still watch the rivers and mountains break away ... "

"Okay, yes, that's it ... don't deliberately bite Wenjue, pay attention to your character. You are the king of An, the heroically unparalleled King of An. At any time, there must be a kind of" the world will mess with me. " I can calm down the strong faith! "

"Okay, good, good perception, keep this spirit ..."

Like a fledgling actor, Li Zheng was corrected by the mentor Sheng Ji little by little and taught the correct acting skills.

Since these days, Sheng Ji has been teaching Li Yan's words and deeds personally, carefully to the position where his eyes fall when speaking, the emotions in his eyes, where to put his hands, how to change his mood, the light and heavy syllables of words, etc. Wait.

In all fairness, Li Yuan has never looked at himself this way. Speaking from the details of Saint Ji's mouth, he often made him realize suddenly, oh, it turned out that I was talking like this, I looked like this in the eyes of others.

No one looks at his own words and deeds like an audience. For Li Wei, this is also a very novel experience.

Many times, he couldn't help laughing. Because Saint Ji often goes to battle in person, imitating his words and behaviors, this guidance is too lively and interesting.

Watching a beautiful woman imitate herself vividly, and there is a kind of sacred explanation about it, Li Zhe can hold back a smile and it takes a lot of effort.

During the break, Li Yan couldn't help thinking, what exactly was this Saint Ji, and how could he know him so well. Many times, the other party's understanding of him even made him creepy. If the other party is the person who looks like him, the acting skills shown by the other party can definitely be false.

The origin of Saint Ji knew naturally that Li Maozhen's sister. What he couldn't understand was that they hadn't even seen each other before. How could the other person grasp his words and deeds so accurately, and could be accurate in his eyes?

Even the close friends and relatives around you, it is not easy to do this.

This doubt has always existed in Li Zhi's mind.

On that day, after training, Li Min could not help but hold up a fruit-the white cat, Saint Himeji who was about to leave: "Master, how did you and An An become so familiar? You have stayed with him ? "

Sheng Ji glanced at Li Yan and said, "This is not a question you should ask."

Li Yan gave a sigh and did not hide his disappointment.

Jo Mo was afraid that Li Yan would doubt the effect of hard training, and he was not confident about playing An Wang, which would affect the "long-term plan" in the future. Saint Ji hesitated for a moment and added: "Yes, you guessed right, I used to be with An Wang often. Together, there have been many years of non-familiarity. Since then, I have paid attention to An Wang's speech and deeds, so you don't have to doubt, as long as you practice hard, you can absolutely be false!

After speaking these words, Sheng Ji went out holding the meowing meow, "Well, don't call me, knowing you're hungry, so I'll take you to dinner."

Looking at the direction of the door, Li took a moment.

Sheng Ji has no friendship with him. He has been in frequent contact for many years?

Why doesn't he remember?

This is of course nothing!

But is it necessary for Sheng Ji to deceive this "Li Congzheng" who is just an ordinary person?

Perhaps she said those words just to relax the heart of "Li Congzheng".

But that doesn't explain why Sainte-Jacques is so familiar with him.

Li Yan's suspicion was deeper.

In addition, four or five days later, Li Maozhen still did not show up.

For "Li Congzheng", this is certainly not something to doubt, and he has no reason or qualification to doubt anything.

But he is Li Yan himself!

It's been so long, how can Li Maozhen not be able to come to inspect?

"What are you thinking, so immersed? Could it be that Saint Ji has left, you can't bear it? Hee hee, it's time to eat." Girl Xu came in with two girls.

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