The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 8: She is your god

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The frantic aura looted around Su E's eyebrows, letting her clothes fly, green silk splashing like a horizontal waterfall. And because of the osmanthus flowers in the field, thousands of butterflies dancing up and down, she became more and more like a fairy.

And those indigenous monks chased and killed over the mountain peaks, as if they had really seen the gods, knelt in the air and continued to worship Su Emei. Their movements were funny, raising their hands high and squawking with their mouths open, like a frog.

But even a guy with a lack of roots in his brain, Liu Xiaohei, now realized the enthusiasm and piety in the eyes of those indigenous people. This emotion cannot be faked, and there is no need to fake it.

This made Chu Nanhuai and others stunned on the spot, and the second monk was scratching his head for a while and had no idea how this scene would appear.

"Master, why would they worship the sister as a god?" Liu Xiaohei disturbed his head and looked puzzled. "Even if I don't understand what they are saying, I can see that they are expressing obedience and worship to the sister."

Of course, Chu Nanhuai could not answer Liu Xiaohei, but this did not prevent him from pretending to be deep and holding his jaw, "Your sister is already a god. What about being worshiped?"

The Datang monks were shocked. After looking at each other, they tacitly stopped their desperate actions and wanted to see if things really changed.

The most shocking of course is Su Emei herself. She rushed over and was about to die with these people. Unexpectedly, when they saw themselves, they suddenly changed their expressions, and then all fell down in the air without any sign or hesitation.

Su Emei thought at the time that this was a strange technique they were using. If she hadn't felt the danger and didn't notice the aura wave coming, the sword in her hand would really be cut off.

Soon, Su Emei discovered the clue through these indigenous eyes.

These features of the five senses are quite different from those of the Tang Dynasty monks. When looking at her, the focus is on her eyebrows. That zeal, worship, and fear are like the faith they saw in their lives, but they dared not look straight.

In Xianting, most immortals looked like this when facing the Emperor. However, the immortals did not worship the emperor's eyebrows, but worshiped the whole person.

Su Emei knew what she had in her brows. During the battle, she transforms into the state of Guanghan Fairy, and her eyebrow will show a flaming flower, golden light like the sun. That is the core of her maintenance of fairy status, not Qihai is better than Qihai.

There was a hint of fairyland power she could mobilize.

The power of the fairy garden is, of course, the fairy power.

"Are these people feeling Xianli from the center of my eyebrow, so worship me?" Su Emei secretly frowned.

Just then, she suddenly remembered that she had accidentally mentioned to him when chatting with Li Yan. In the land under her feet, there was a legendary race, and their ancestors had the ability to communicate with gods.

Legend has it that their ancestors communicated with the gods by virtue of the third eye on the man's eyebrow.

Li Yan called such people Maya.

When Li Yan said this, he was still in Pinglu. At that time, Su Emei was listening as a joke. Because it was really funny to her. It is not surprising that the ability to communicate with the gods is the same as the five avenue gates of the Tang Dynasty. She is the reincarnation of the fairy.

The fairy was not half mysterious to her, and being able to communicate with the gods was not enough to surprise her.

As for the third eye on the man's eyebrow ... Are they all descendants of Yang Ye? Just open your eyes?

However, in this situation, Su Emei could not help doubting Dou Shengsheng when she thought of Li Yan again. Subconsciously, she changed the shape of her brows, simulating a vertical human eye.

This is just a change in appearance, making it look more like eyes, in essence it is still just a flower-like decoration. In the process, Su's heart moved, allowing Huazi to release more fairy garden power.

It made her a bit of pain. She is just a mortal body, and it is rare to be able to borrow a little magic power to enhance her combat power. To show more magic power, it will only make her body unbearable.

However, the effect is significant.

Those indigenous people blew up the pan, the worship movement was more swift, and the sound of shouting in her mouth became even more enthusiastic. Seeing her eyes made her shudder, as if each one was willing to give her life.

The first indigenous people with the real strength of the Yangshen, at first, did not bow as decisively as others, but at this time they became the most devout group of people, almost anxious to crawl over and kiss her toes.

Su Emei rejoiced in her heart, knowing that they might not really need to fight dead or bury themselves in a foreign country.

But at the same time she frowned secretly. Such a state is doomed to not last for too long, and if she cannot respond to them, I am afraid that these indigenous people will still be suspicious.

After all, she is just a **** of the gate, not these indigenous gods.

"Tuer, you talk to them quickly. It hasn't been a thing to keep standing like this. It might be revealed!" Chu Nanhuai came to Su Emei's side and reminded her with a secret method.

Chu Nanhuai also saw that these indigenous people should have treated Su Emei as their god. This made him feel very wonderful. The gods of Daomen would be worshipped so tens of thousands of miles away?

When Su Emei responded to Chu Nanhuai, she was also anxious: "I don't understand their language at all, how can I respond to them? I don't know their language, can I just make a fool? I'm afraid that it will be faster to reveal stuffing!"

Chu Nanhuai thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, which made him anxious to scratch his ears.

The turnaround has clearly emerged. If you cope well, play these indigenous gods once, and say that they will never be killed again, maybe potatoes can be easily obtained, and successfully complete the mission of this trip back. The turnaround is right in front of them, but they are not allowed to enter, which makes people really uncomfortable.

Chu Nanhuai had no choice but to shoulder his hands and look up at the sky to maintain his tall image as a "god", while eagerly spreading voices to the monks, brainstorming, and letting them quickly think of a rut.

The monks talked loudly, what kept the spirit style, went straight to the city without saying a word, what made some storm and lightning visions come out to frighten them, let them offer sacrifices to the baby, why not kill them directly ... ... various, but none satisfied Chu Nanhuai.

Seeing the passing of time, these indigenous people have stopped worshipping one after another, looking quietly and urgently at Su Emei, waiting for her to respond to their worship and prayers, and everyone can hardly resist the preemption.

At this moment, Li Wenwen suddenly said: "Sister, draw pictures for them! Draw our Chang Tang's picture, draw the picture of immortal domain, as long as it is a great monk, I want to become immortal, so I can certainly comfort them!"

Su Emei thought about it, and found it very reasonable. She could reach out and stroke it in front of her, condensing a picture with aura. Then with a sword as a pen, a few strokes, on which the grand scene of Xianting was outlined.

When she was painting, Chu Nanhuai, Liu Xiaohei, Li Wenwen, and others all put on our arrogant pride. In fact, they paid attention to the reactions of the indigenous monks. Get ready to run away.

Before Su Emei finished drawing, these indigenous people began to take a deep breath one by one. The fanaticism in their eyes made them scarlet eyes. Some monks couldn't help but want to jump up, it seemed that they wanted to embrace the magnificent scenery of Xianyu, and were killed by the companions next to him Hold it.

When Su Emei sketched a giant picture of seven feet long, these indigenous monks were almost crazy. Either they danced and yelled, or they kept saying words to the picture scroll, and some people cried with each other with headaches. The cry was so horrible.

It's like a group of poor people who have been abandoned by God and have suffered countless sufferings, who have confessed to go to hell, but suddenly see that hope is in sight, that the race continues, and that it is possible to ascend to the kingdom of God.

The strong response of the indigenous monks made Su Emei and others relieved.

Of course, more are still puzzled.

They don't understand why these people have such intense reactions and emotions.

Chu Nanhuai suddenly remembered what he said when he was talking to him all night long before he left. Chu Nanhuai didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning because it didn't matter much. Now it seems that it fits into the reality at hand.

Li Yan once said that the Maya had once had a brilliant civilization, but in this period, due to unknown reasons, it was rapidly declining, the city was barren, and the people were extinct.

Chu Nanhuai did not intend to interact with the indigenous people before, nor did he think that the decline of the other's civilization would have anything to do with himself. But now, with the scene in front of the United Nations, Chu Nanhuai's thoughts have come alive.

"Can it be said that these indigenous people are really a group of people abandoned by their gods?" Chu Nanhuai couldn't help but ask such questions.

In the monk world, there is no **** in the fairyland, and this group cannot fail in the world. Whether it is an invasion by an external enemy or an internal collapse, it will happen in a very short time.

For extra questions, Chu Nanhuai has no time to think about it now. He thinks that the biggest thing in front of him is that these Mayans in Li's mouth may have been abandoned by their gods, or their gods perished.

First of all, since stepping into this land, their efforts have not been affected. After entering Hexi Lunaism and Shimen territory, Xiu was suppressed.

This shows that there is no heaven and earth to protect.

Secondly, as soon as these indigenous monks noticed Xianli from Su Emei—perhaps there was a reason to see her frown, even if they ignored the possibility that they were intruders and enemies, they immediately bowed down to worship. Su Emei, mistakenly believed to be their god.

But the reason for this misunderstanding can also be seen from the side. They really haven't seen their gods for a long time, or even no news of their gods.

Under such circumstances, there is an existence that is consistent with their understanding of the gods, and their actions will be so simple-of course, Chu Nanhuai and others did not kill the previous batch of indigenous monks, but only tied them together. It may have given these later indigenous peoples the false belief that it was the goodwill and kindness of the gods.

In any case, such an opportunity must be seized.

"Master, what should we do now?" Su Emei's voice came.

Chu Nanhuai groaned a little and determined: "Since you have sketched the picture of Xianyu and let them see our 'identity', then as gods, we should accept their worship and they must also give Your piety.

"Hurry up and outline the sacrifice scene, don't draw our Tang Dynasty sacrifice items, just show the potatoes and corn that Li Zhi wants."

Su E nodded her head to signal that the sword was waving again. According to Chu Nanhuai's instructions, she sketched the scenes of mortals worshipping and sacrificing immortals, and the sky above the center was some huge potatoes and corn.

Although she hadn't seen potatoes and corn, since Li Yan asked them to come, he naturally painted them. Su Emei just has everything to learn, so she doesn't worry about drawing wrongly.

The sacrifice scenes are similar, as long as a group of people kneel down to worship, as for what they kneel down, can be fully imaged, such as the immortal scene of fairyland.

It was just above the crowd and below Xianyu that the large batch of exaggerated potatoes and corn still made the Aboriginal monks feel shocked.

It was because of the exaggeration that these indigenous monks immediately understood what Su Emei and others meant. The headed monk stood out, saluting respectfully, talking a lot, and then greeted him.

Chu Nanhuai, Su Emei and others looked at each other. Although they still could n’t understand the other party, they flew past them with a big wave, and led by Liu Xiaohei to the city beyond the mountain.

As for the monks who were previously bound, they were naturally detained. As sinners who have offended the immortals, the indigenous people must save enough tribute to save their lives.


At this time, even if Li Li, who was in Changan, broke his head, Su Emei and others were unexpectedly worshipped by the Maya as the extraordinary gods, and he also took out a mountain of potatoes as a tribute.

When Liu Xiaohei, Li Wenwen and some monks rushed back to Chang'an with the potato seeds, the coldest season had passed and Datang was about to usher in another spring.

"His Royal Highness, this is the potato we found!"

In the compound of the palace, Liu Xiaohei and the others poured out the potatoes in the storage bags and piled up a hill on the ground. The storage bag has limited space, but it is always larger than a sack. The potatoes in more than a dozen storage bags are taken out and can indeed be piled into a small hill.

Li Yan looked at the familiar potatoes in front of him, only to feel as if he was dreaming, and he made a public stay for a long time.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Li Yan went to the hill, picked up a potato the size of a fist, wiped the dirt with his sleeve, and even took a bite like this, chewing with his eyes closed.

"His Royal Highness, this thing cannot be eaten raw ..." Li Wenwen reminded nervously.

They have eaten this food long ago and brought it back after confirming that there is no problem. Naturally, they also know how to eat potatoes.

Li Yan seemed to have not heard Li Wenwen's words, chewed very intoxicated, but his heart moved to tears. I miss it so much, I can't forget it forever.

As a traverser, it ’s really unaccustomed to eat no potatoes. Looking at the potato hills in front of him, Li Zhi spit out the potato residue in his mouth, and couldn't help showing a boneless smile. Roasted beef with potatoes, shredded potato shreds, baked potatoes, potato rice ...

"Put it all together!" With a big wave of his hand, Li Yan decided not to look at these guys who were oranges or oranges, otherwise he was afraid he couldn't hold back his heart.

These are seeds that are planted to inspire and gather people's hearts. If you eat one, you will lose a lot of luck.

The wise man didn't do it because of small mistakes. After two or three years, he didn't eat as much as he wanted.

The planting time of potatoes was carefully recalled by Li Wei long ago. When he grew potatoes at home, it seemed to be just before and after the winter vacation?

He is Jiangnan. Although it is on the south bank of the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River flows in front of his house, but he seems to be embarrassed to call himself Jiangnan ....... No matter how much, I heard that it can be planted in February and August in the north ... .. The vitality of this thing is actually very tenacious, as long as the temperature is appropriate, there should be no major problems.

Can the grain produce 50 acres of grain, can the vitality be tenacious?

These thousands of pounds of potatoes can be turned into tens of thousands of pounds at the time of harvest. They should be allocated for planting. One acre must be planted outside Changan City. How many kilograms of seed does one acre require? Should there be more than three hundred states in Datang, each state planted an acre?

At the time of sowing and harvesting, let state officials organize the people to watch it on the spot, and ask those who are the landlords and squires to take care of them on weekdays. When they are harvested, let them also go down to dig a few nests.

Cook it on the spot and eat it, so that people can feel a sense of fullness, should this be it?

In this way, one pass from one pass to the next, after the potato harvest in the autumn this year, people in various places should not doubt that they can eat enough in the coming year, right? The potatoes harvested in the autumn can be distributed to the people as seeds for free. After two or three years, no one is really full.

Promote the hardship of finding potatoes yourself, can the people of the world endlessly return home?

Well, it ’s not enough to have potatoes, but corn.

"Did the corn be found?" Li Yan looked back from the beautiful association, and asked Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen who were standing by.

"The city we went to didn't have corn. But the indigenous people saw the picture we drew, indicating that some of them had seen this kind of thing and knew where it was. When we left, Master had already taken people to follow the indigenous monks to find , Should be found soon. "

Li Wenwen pulled Liu Xiaohei, who wanted to speak, aside, and first reported the task to Li Yan.

In this regard, Li Yan can not be more satisfied.

Not surprisingly, this autumn will be the time of the war, when harvesting potatoes will greatly enhance your own strength. With the record of Pingchu coming soon, Li Zhi is confident that when he is promoted to Da Luojin Wonderland, he will truly have the power to control the war situation with his own strength.

When the corn seeds come back, Datang will no longer be short of military supplies, and will be able to expand westward on a large scale and restore the territory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Once the territory was restored, and there were almost no unfaithful dynasties in Datang, Li Zhi felt that even facing God in the sage's realm, he was very confident.

Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen returned this time to send potato seeds specially, for fear of delaying the planting season. They will then return to South America to ship more corn back. Because the route is already familiar, the round-trip speed is much faster under the light road.

Because the planting season was approaching, Li Xuan no longer hesitated. He divided potato seeds into more than 300 parts by the standard of escorting ordnance and sent Jingqi to each state.

After resolving this matter, Li Xun took a break and couldn't help thinking about the current situation of the Maya.

According to the pre-travel era, it is now on the eve of 900 AD. The sudden decline and disappearance of the classical Maya civilization occurred around 900 AD.

Are they really the people who were abandoned by God and suddenly disappeared?

This world is a mystery before crossing, but in this world, this speculation is reasonable and cannot be more reasonable.

By the end of the Battle of the Celestial Territory, Li Yan decided to check it out, maybe there would be any gains-if he was still interested at that time.

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