The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 19: Mo Nan Zhi (4)

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Guanzhong, Yi County.

Because of its proximity to Chang'an, Yixian has always been a place of distribution of goods and news in Guanzhong; and because it is close to Zhongnan Mountain, it is easy for the offenders to hide in the deep mountains, so the fish and fish are mixed.

Such a joint zone, Tsing Yi Yemen's forces can not be underestimated. Tonight, Tsing Yi Yemen is in action. Their goal is the county magistrate. Now they have control of the county magpie.

To be precise, it was the county cricket.

The battle was fierce. With the ingenuity of the Tsing Yi swordsmen, they suddenly attacked and conquered this small county dweller. It took a long time to burn the incense and injured three adults.

This made Ma Zheng very upset.

As the commander of this operation, he was repeatedly commanded by the commander before leaving, asking him to make a quick decision, not to make the noise too loud, and let the news leak out. At the moment, it is clear that his task is not done well.

To be realistic, this is not to blame Ma Zheng.

No one could have imagined that in a small county Huangzhong, there were actually two monks practicing in the middle. Had it not been for Ma Zheng's strength enough to hold on to the opponent, most of the actions tonight would have failed.

Unhappy Ma Zheng, of course, was not polite when interrogating the county magistrate who was covered with scars. Although the magistrate seemed even more angry than him, when he saw him, he vomited with blood and spit and questioned why the Tsing Yi Yamen wanted to assassinate the imperial court officials, and what the law was.

"Noise!" Ma Zheng took the scabbard and drew a look from the magistrate's face, drew the other side's face high and swollen for a long time, almost backed up, and sat sat on the bench with satisfaction.

He took out a letter and shook it off in front of the other party. Ma Zheng scorned: "Liu Xianling, I heard that you are also born in hardships. After ten years of cold weather, you exchanged for a high school. Why did you just forget the county order? Duty has become so greedy? You dare to collect even the money of the Khitan people, and your conscience has let the dog eat? "

Liu Xianling, who had been embarrassed, suddenly blushed with a thick neck and heard a beast-like growl from his throat: "Nonsense! How can my official accept the money of the Khitan people? Even if the official is a wolf-hearted dog, he will not talk to those The northern barbarians have a relationship! "

Ma Zheng sneered, "You really don't see the coffin and don't cry. You didn't collect the gold and silver jewelry of the Gold Cup firm, right? They bought you the military and political news of the court, did you refuse?"

Liu Xianyan was stunned and reluctantly said, "They said that this is all to know the national policy of the court and the situation in various places in time, seize the hidden business opportunities in it, and make better sales. This ... What does it have to do with the Khitan? "

Ma Zheng stood up. Now that the other party has confessed, he has no reason to continue to talk nonsense to the other party. "Tsing Yi Yemen has found out that the owner behind the Jinbei trade name is the Khitan.

"You give you a lot of money, and help you to buy all kinds of news on military affairs in the chapel. You just want to pry into the affairs of my military plane through various clues. Liu Zhihe, do you understand now? You, are you here? Traitor! "

Liu Zhihe's face was instantly indifferent. He knew that Tsing Yi Yemen would not lie to him, crying desperately and grabbing the ground, exclaiming: "Ma Duwei, you're wronged! I don't know if you are a member of the Jinbei company. Industry! Is confused at the next moment, below, below ... "

"Well, Liu county magistrate, you don't have to talk to me."

Ma Zheng waved his hands indifferently. When he was about to go out, he suddenly sneered and turned back: "The ordinary people are stupid, at most they have had a hard time. But you are sitting in the county order, but you are not smart In the head, who can blame for a broken home? "

Speaking of which, Ma Zheng stepped out of the door.

Later, there were screams of Liu Zhi and dying.

After finishing the errands, he returned to the Tsing Yi Qianmen stronghold from the county government. Ma Zheng ordered his subordinates to return to their respective positions. He did not stay at all and went straight to the gate of the command. Seeing that the lights were bright inside, he knocked on the door and prepared to return to the situation as instructed by the commander.

The ruler of the Yimen Tsing Yi Gate in Shexian County, whose real name is called, few people below know. However, everyone knows that the other party's nickname is iron plate. It is said that before being transferred to the yimen leader of yi county in yi county, it was a hidden stake in jincheng county, lanzhou, hexi, so everyone called him the iron leader.

Teppan is picking up the lights and reading at night. After listening to Ma Zheng's return, he waved his hand to signal to the other person to sit down and wait for him to finish reading this article.

In fact, Tieban doesn't like reading books, but I've heard that it seems to have depth in front of subordinates and it's not easy to be deceived. Although Tieban thinks he will be deceived by his subordinates, it relies on wisdom and wrists, and it doesn't matter if he is not equipped with knowledge. No matter how big the current is, we have to follow the current.

"Liu Xianling admits that he secretly communicated with Khitan and betrayed the military and political news of the imperial court?" Tieban asked intently, but looked at the page.

Ma Zheng respectfully said: "Although Liu Zhihe shouted wrong, he has acknowledged his dealings with the Jinbei firm."

Teppan made a salty and indifferent hum, and didn't look up: "So how about you, Ma Zheng? When did you admit that you were dealing with the Khitans and betrayed Tsing Yi's information to the other party?"

Ma Zheng was startled, compelled to calm down, and said with a difficult smile: "The iron leader did not take jokes with his subordinates. At this extraordinary time, his subordinates can't stand the iron leader's ridicule!"

Tieban put down the book and looked at Ma Zheng with a jealous eye: "Do you think the leader is joking with you? To tell you the truth, today I asked you to catch Liu Zhihe, just to see if you colluded with him. .Facts have proven that the Khitan people are acting meticulously. You are all in Shexian County, but you have nothing to do with each other. "

Speaking of this, Tieban suddenly realized, "Of course, this may also be Liu Zhihe. I really don't know that the Jinbei company is behind the Khitans, and it will not sell the news to the Khitans."

Ma Zheng noticed that Tieban's attitude was firm, but he couldn't help but sit still, but his face was still inconspicuous, and Yan Yan laughed and said, "Iron leader, the subordinates really have nothing to do with the Khitan people. If you don't believe the iron leader can check ...

"I've made it clear. Ma Zheng, when things are coming, are you still not repenting? Do you really want me to take off your head and take you to the palace of the King of Kings?" The iron plate was murderous.

Before he finished speaking, Ma Zheng suddenly moved.

Instead of hitting the iron plate, he broke through the window and flew quickly!

Tieban grinned, didn't chase, didn't even get up, picked up the book and started reading again.

Outside the window, Ma Zheng's screams, roars, and petitions sounded.

Soon, Ma Zheng, who was bruised all over like Liu Zhihe, entered the iron room again, but this time it was a deposit.

Glanced at the horse sign who was kneeling down on the ground, and the blood was still vomiting in his mouth, Tieban sighed painfully, "Tell me why?"

Ma Zheng knew that there was no way out, and Yangtian laughed again and again.

By the time he lowered his head, his face was trembling. "Why? It's simple. They held my family! Iron leader, I don't want to be treasonable, but I can't watch my family die!"

"I was born in poverty and entered Tsing Yi to knock on the door, so that a family of women and children can eat and warm themselves! The Khitans held them, Iron Commander, tell me, what can I do ?!"

Tieban frowned. "You should report that Tsing Yi Yamen has the ability to rescue your family. You won't even believe this, right?"

Ma Zheng shook his head in pain. "The coming person's cultivation is too high, higher than the iron leader. After I was stunned, I was taken to their destination. At that time, if I did not explain what they wanted to know Things, they will be in front of me, killing my mother and siblings! "

Speaking of this, Ma Zheng seems to have exhausted all his strength, slumped to the ground, and his eyes are apathic: "With this beginning, the following things can't stop. Even if you can call masters by the iron rule, they all Kill it, my family will surely die first. Iron Commander, I have no way, no way ... "

When it came, Ma Zheng cried with headache.

Tieban waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to take Ma Zheng down.

He sat still for a long time and began to write official documents.

I do n’t know how many people there are in Tsing Yi Yamen, but it is definitely a huge number.

There are more loved ones behind the Tsing Yi Yamen.

There is no force that can protect each of them and ensure that they are safe under the monks. Ma Zheng's tragedy now seems almost impossible to put an end to.


As a traverser, of course, Li Zhi knew how important intelligence work was during the war. In many cases, whoever masters the military deployment of the enemy forces can win the battlefield. Conversely, if you lag behind others in information, most of you are waiting for yourself, and you still do n’t know you are dead.

Therefore, when he noticed that Khitan has a detailed work in Datang, and there are still a lot of them, the effect is not much worse than that of Tsing Yi Yemen. Even in the face of Song Jiao, he also showed coldness, and hesitated to use this method. Warning Tsing Yi knocks on the door.

When Shangguan Qingcheng's army led the northern expedition to Monan and set off huge waves of the party and Shatuo ethnic groups, there was also a huge storm of unprecedented scale in the territory of Datang. In this storm, countless Khitan was concealed and countless people were killed.

Not only Guanzhong, but more than three hundred states are bleeding.

It was like a cloud of blood covering the sky over Datang, and it started pouring blood.

Without exhausting all the Khitans in the country, Li Min could not rest assured to leave Changan and go to the border to fight. It's just different from the enemies that they faced in the past. Khitan is much stronger-during the Tang Dynasty civil disturbances these years, they have also made sufficient preparations, which has caused such a big trouble for Li Yan.

Seeing the official document presented by Song Jiao, Li Jiran sighed.

He had never expected that Khitan's infiltration of Datang had already achieved this level.

"The court officials are unclear, and there are problems with the internal secrecy rules of the Tsing Yi Yamen."

Li Xun put down the official document and said to Song Jiao, "I will deal with the matter of the court. From now on, the family history of every monk in Tsing Yi Yamen must be completely kept secret, even if they are in the same robe. Commander, cut.

"People entering the Tsing Yi gate must not inform their families of their true identities and where they are. Their families must not inquire about military affairs. Meetings with their families must be arranged by the commander. They must choose a specific location and limit the number of times. Correspondence must be checked. cut.

"Also, arrange cover for them in the army."

Song Jiao nodded: "I will do it."

Li Yan closed his eyes and rubbed his brows.

Song Jiao asked: "It's easy to rectify Tsing Yi's knock on the door, but it's easy to rectify the officials. You are now only An Wang, not the emperor. It has been found that the news of the sale of Chaotang military aircraft is all ministers. Most of them are still your old people. For whatever reason, everyone and your Majesty will think you want ... "

"Your Majesty, seek to usurp the throne?" Li Yan shook his head. "I will talk to him about this."

Song Jiao stopped talking. No matter who Li Li and Li Yi are, it is hard to say more.

Seeing that Song Jiao is still leaving, Li Yanahan said, "Is there anything else?"

Song Jiao was the only one who showed embarrassment and pain. He looked at Li Ji several times, his eyes were full of worry, concern, and sympathy, and he raised his breath several times before he said slowly and painfully: "Yunzhou Shatuo ... .. battle report. "

Seeing Song Jiao's appearance, Li Min could not help but whisper.

All of a sudden, a sorrow that was so intense that it could not be turned away, surrounded him like a fire. At this moment, he felt that his heart was twitching, the kind of twitch being pulled out of his chest.

He couldn't help but come to mind. When the previous life burned itself in Xuanwu Tower, Shangguan poured out his sword and rushed to the lonely and desolate back of the rebels, and the last sentence she left, "I will take my blood and walk for your majesty!"

Li Yan opened his mouth, only to find that he couldn't make a sound, and his tears were out of control, and his face was covered with care. He felt that his body no longer belonged to himself, because he could not stop the trembling and shaking of the hands and feet.

He was like an innocent boy who lost the love of his beloved girl.


Song Jiao bowed to Li Yan for the first time, lamenting sadly: "When the Battle of the Yankou was exhausted, the Langfang Army was surrounded and attacked by a 300,000 Khitan army. Although nearly 70,000 soldiers fought in blood, they still could not defeat the enemy. military.

"At the end of the battle, even though the number of enemies killed was more than 100,000, the generals had no more than ten ... At last, there were less than five thousand generals of the Wolffang Army who broke out. Vice General Zhao Nianci, died in battle , The Lord Shangguan fell to the city, seriously injured and unconscious ... "

Li Yan grabbed the armrest, leaned forward, and asked in a loud voice, "What then?"

Song Jiao said: "Fortunately, when Shangguan poured out into the party, he did not allow 30,000 infantry troops to join the army, but arranged them to march to Yunzhou early. After the five thousand wolffang troops rode and broke through, they were followed and killed by Khitan. The army responded at the mountain pass, and this repelled the enemy that Khitan chased ... King Qi fell to the city to save Shangguan and was seriously injured. "

Suddenly like a fish on the shore, Li Yan was thrown back into the water, breathing heavily.

Song Jiao bowed her head and her voice trembled: "This battle will almost eliminate the existence of the world's most splendid fangs, and there will be no more than 60,000 soldiers buried in the wasteland, and Zhao Nianci's corpse will be lost ... Allure, defeat. "

Li Yan slowly got up, moved to the door, looked up at the bright moon on the eaves, and was silent for a while.

For a long time, he murmured: "In order to solve the danger of the world attacking Tang, the Langfang Army has done its best. This is the puppet of Mo Nan and the puppet of Datang. Solitary, neither will it be with the Datang generals or the people of the world Forget this battle! "

Speaking of this, Li Xuan turned back suddenly and ordered Song Jiao sternly: "No matter who, no matter who you are, what kind of relationship you have with your Majesty, who has leaked the military plane, order you to catch it immediately, and dare to have resistance. Geo-kill! "

Song Jiao suddenly stood up, "No!"

Li Min strode out of the door. "I'll see your Majesty."

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