The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 36: fighting

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"Our food has been taken away by you, why didn't you take us with us? We can't live without cattle and sheep!" Gesang yelled, waving his arms.

She shouted so much that she wanted to express that she was a grassland herdsman. She appeared here because she was robbed of cattle and sheep. In the words, she said that she could not survive the loss of cattle and sheep. A slave.

This excuse is not clever, but in a hurry, there is no more suitable excuse to find. This reason can at least explain his identity and why it appears here without exposing the fact that Zhang Changan and others are scouts by Tang Jun.

After hearing this, Brother Khitan, headed by that, looked at Gesang's beautiful face. Although her eyebrows had not been fully opened, she was also called a beauty embryo, and she believed some of the other words.

He grimly said, "Those who approached the large military camp without permission! It is a time of war, to call your cattle and sheep, it means the king of the steppe, and no one can stop it. However, I think you are too young, it is not impossible Give you a way to live. "

In all fairness, prairie people are much more brutal than the Central Plains when violence is needed, because life is difficult, and after this year, I do n’t know what it will be next year, so I can not fear death for cattle and sheep.

But people ’s hearts are long. When the violence is not needed, prairie people are often very enlightened and open-minded, especially when they are monks of extraordinary status. When facing small and beautiful women, the nature of men prevents them from So harsh.

Zhang Chang'an and others had already planned to take a shot to kill a **** breakout. When they heard this, it seemed that the situation was turning for the better, so they temporarily restrained their temper.

In order to easily follow the Khitan food-raising team and handle the Khitan rides on the road, they were all dressed as shepherds, and the necessary camouflage was also made on the face. This is not a difficult task for the monk students of Chang'an Institute of Practicing.

Now as long as Zhang Changan and others don't speak, no one can really detect that they are not prairie people. They converged, and behaved like ordinary shepherds, showing a fearful and thick expression.

Gesang saw something turning for the better, and quickly made his naive look, and asked, "How can we live?"

The monk headed by the monk is good, and he is also a person in the army. He looked at Gesang's eyes and showed greed and insignificance. He laughed and said, "You can be my slave, if you serve me well , Naturally you can worry about food and clothing. And your family members can also live in the army. "

This is a very fair deal. For a woman who has lost her cattle and sheep can no longer be called a shepherd and cannot continue to live, this is simply a gift from heaven. Being able to follow a good monk will definitely not lead a bad life in the future.

As for the price to pay ... on the prairie, what does not need to pay the price? In the age of war disaster, what is the price to pay if you can live? Being able to cling to a mighty warrior is itself the desired destination of many prairie women.

Gesang tried his best to substitute himself into the imaginary role, and said cheerfully and nervously: "As long as I and my people have food, Gesang is willing to dedicate himself to serve the host."

The headed monk laughed, and with a big wave of his hand, announced the change of identity of Gesang and others, and took them into the valley camp.

The other monks had no objection to this and didn't think there was any problem.

People with status on the grassland, although they have a lot of cattle and sheep, are a symbol of wealth, but in addition, the number of slaves is also a manifestation of status. Any powerful grassland warrior will have his own Slave group.

Since the leader saw the young girl named Gesang, he was willing to accept him as a servant, and in his status, he wanted to keep Gesang's people in captivity as his slaves.

In this way, Zhang Chang'an and Gesang and his party entered the camp of the Khitan food army.

On the way, they learned that the Khitan monk was named Warwick. Although this monk group of the Khitan army is not the highest status, it is also top-notch. He overlooked most monks.

Zhang Changan and others also learned that in this food-raising team, there are three monks in the first stage and one monk in the middle of the envoy. Their strength is equivalent to that of Taomen Lingchi real people and Yin **** real people. The task is to ensure the safety of the food team.

In addition to these four people, Warwick's cultivation is the highest level.

When Zhang Changan was in Hexi, Xiuwei was practicing the middle section of Qi. After Yangguan training, he went to Changan Xiushang College for more than half a year. In addition, he was emphasized by the court. Various training resources were continuously supplied, and his talents were good. Xiuwei also Arrived at the eighth floor.

But one level worse than Warwick, because he did not carelessly.

Warwick quickly arranged the identity of Gesang, Zhang Chang'an, etc. The former is naturally a close-fit girl and has an unusual status, but because it is daylight, there is no hesitation. The latter is an ordinary slave. Feeding horses is their job.

Because of the difference in status, Zhang Changan and others were separated from Gesang, but he didn't care, but kept his identity and mission in mind, and began to observe the entire camp without showing traces.

It didn't take long for Zhang Changan to eavesdrop on the talk of the Khitan fighters and learned that they would leave here tomorrow morning, and all the food-raising teams would return before dusk today, with a total of 50,000 people!

Being trapped was desperate, but Zhang Changan was not discouraged, but rather a little excited. He was very clear that if the previous news was successfully passed to General Shangguan, the other party would launch an assault on this camp at the latest before sunset.

As long as there are no accidents, Zhang Changan and others will not be life threatening, and Gesang will not have to worry about losing their virginity. Maybe they can do something in the camp to cooperate with the actions of General Shangguan. After all, there are 50,000 soldiers here.

In the afternoon, Zhang Changan suddenly discovered a phenomenon that surprised him.

In this Khitan barracks, there are actually many people who have full truth and no release! They are not like them, they are mixed in as slaves, but they are serious monks and fighters of Khitan! The reason why they were able to confirm their identity was because Zhang Changan found that even dust was present!

"There are indeed many people, but not many."

The Khitan warrior is dressed up and admires Zhang Changan's washing horse. He whispered, "I've calculated it, and met the monks who have no release. We have hundreds in the barracks. Most of them Xiuwei has not yet reached the refining period, and they are mainly grassland fighters. "

Zhang Chang'an lowered her head, suppressing the vibration of her heart, and whispered: "How did you mix here?

of? Aren't you going to follow the Khitan food team? "

Dustless smiled: "I did go to follow the Khitan food team. It happened that I met a believer in Quanzhen-I had previously rescued his seriously ill mother. He was a centurion, so I just made sense. , Here as a Khitan warrior. "

Zhang Changan said, "How many believers have you developed in Khitan?"

Dustlessly sighed: "It ’s really not much. There are only hundreds of people in the 50,000 army, only one out of a hundred. The time is still too short. If we give us another three or five years, the whole truth and no empty release Can control at least 10% of the herders in the steppe.

"Do you know that ordinary prairie people have a harder life, far harder than the Central Plains. And the more people who have suffered more, the easier they are to become religious believers, because they have desires and demands and need spiritual comfort and help. To be liberated, you need to see hope, even if that hope exists in the illusory afterlife.

"What's more, our total truth and unleashed freemen, under the direction of King An, will be a little bit of medical skills ... Many prairie people are really barbarians, there is no such ability to cure and save people, too few doctors Well, in the words of King An, this is the result of an underdeveloped society. So as long as we can heal the sick and save people, it is actually easy to develop believers, and they all treat us as gods ... "

Zhang Chang'an didn't care to say this. As a student of Chang'an School of Practice, he valued the strategy of the battlefield more urgently, and said eagerly: "If nothing happens, General Shang will inevitably be killed before sunset. Since you and I are in the Khitan military camp, You should do something ... "

After waiting for Zhang Changan to finish speaking, he answered, "Don't create chaos in the barracks, and cooperate with the army to destroy this Khitan food team?"

It's a very good idea and it works.

Hundreds of people faced tens of thousands of people and seemed to be incapable of fighting, but if they faced a raid by the army, they only need to create a little chaos in the rear, and they can quickly disintegrate the fighting spirit of many Khitan warriors and make a significant contribution to the battle. .

But this is not Zhang Changan's idea.

He insisted: "As long as General Shangguan arrives, this Khitan Army will undoubtedly be defeated. There is no need for us to add icing on the cake. What I want to do is a longer-term plan ..."

Unsurprisingly, Zhang Changan expected that Shangguan Qingcheng led his army to the valley at dusk.

The Khitan food-raising team, who had "better harvest", thought that they would be attacked by Tang Jun's fine horses here. They were all very happy. They prepared bonfires in the camp to congratulate them.

Suddenly heard the monk's warning, before the Khitan fighters had time to set up a complete confrontation formation, Shangguan Qingcheng took more than 30,000 fine rides to the valley.

There is no suspense in fighting.

Not to mention that more than 30,000 elite riders under Shangguan ’s allure are all elites dispatched by Li Maozhen among the army. Only the students who rushed into the army from Chang'an School of Repairs, all of them are battlefield fierce and elite monks.

Such an army, even when it comes to coordination and affinity with the government, is not as good as the previous Langfang Army, but it is far from being able to compete with the eight non-Khitan direct military units.

With the strength of the famous soldiers in the battlefield, Shangguan Qingcheng bravely moved forward with his songs, and it was easy to break through the hastily formed army of the Khitan Army and upset the valley.

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