The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 62: New order (on)

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The battle of Yikun Prefecture, Yeluabaoji defeated, and the Khitan army surrendered, which means that the Khitan state has perished. Li Yan must take over the land of Khitan and station his army in the city built by Yeluabaoji, and actually control this area.

If not, the land of Khitan will be divided up by other clans sooner or later, and there will be many more powerful forces on the grassland, which will become a hidden danger for the Tang Dynasty to rule the grassland.

When going north from Yikun Prefecture, Li Yan only took the three forces of Langya, Tiger Guard, and Xiaoqi.

Trekking deep into the grassland is not suitable for bringing the northern border troops over, nor is it necessary. The Tiger Guard is one of the first Chang'an banned troops to become an army. It is elite and sturdy. The Cavalry is a pure cavalry team, which is suitable for walking on the grassland and staying for a long time.

Li Zhi's destination is naturally Xilou, the former capital of Khitan.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Yalua.

"There was no city on the grassland. He built many fortified walls. He had no academic thoughts on the grassland. He built a Confucian temple and learned and promoted the Han and Tang cultures. There was no national system on the grassland It was the first time he let the Khitans know what a state system is. "

Riding on the horse, Li Yuan looked at the vast grassland.

He said to King Qi next to him, "With these foundations laid down by Yeluabaoji, it will be much easier for us to establish our own rule on the Khitan's territory. Otherwise, we will teach a group of barbarians from scratch. It will really take a lot of effort and time to turn them into state-conscious citizens. "

King Qi glanced back.

In the dragon-like contingent, there was a puppet of Yeluabaoji. The former Khitan princes, such as Yelu Dilugu and Yelu Dilie, are now gathered around the urns, which is quite painful to help the coffin.

She said, "Listen to what you mean, do you want to transform the Khitans first, set a model for the grasslands, and establish a certain foundation at the same time. Then take them out and affect and reform the entire grassland?"

"You're getting smarter and smarter." Li Min laughed and praised.

King Qi swaggered and grunted coldly, signalling that he was extremely intelligent.

Li Zheng didn't hide it, and he told his plans to Qi Wang: "The development of the cattle and sheep and their affiliated products for sale is only an economic solution to the grassland problem. The economy is the foundation, but not all. The rule of a country over a region It is not enough for the people here to eat and wear warm clothes.

"It is necessary to control their thinking so that they have the idea of ​​the country; they must also have the army to deter local heroes; they should have a sound system to ensure that everyone lives and works in peace; they must also be able to enter the stage and be able to Shi Zhan's talents serve the country. This is a national policy in all aspects. It requires our exhaustion and exhaustion. "

King Qi listened carefully, and when Li Yan finished speaking, she was already stunned: "According to you, aren't you going to be exhausted? It is so difficult to rule the grasslands?"

At this moment, she suddenly understood why she still didn't have the ability to face the wrist with Li Zheng after occupying Guanzhong.

In terms of the governance and control of the territories, the thinking and methods of the two have fallen by many levels. Her original failure was inevitable.

King Qi also realized how wise she was at that time.

Li Yan smiled, "It's not exhausting, exhaustion is inevitable.

"The Central Plains dynasty never really ruled the grasslands. We need to establish a more unprecedented situation. Naturally, many people need to throw their heads, shed blood, and fight on the battlefield. But they also need countless talented people who have struggled for hundreds of years over decades. , Put your life into this great cause, change them little by little. "

Upon hearing this, King Qi patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She said: "Datang is not short of talents and talents, you don't have to be exhausted yourself."

Li Yan deeply believed, and said with emotion: "Only a country like Datang can seek such great achievements."

When arriving at the West Tower, someone had already set off a battle to welcome him, and the momentum was quite grand.

The people who greeted Li Xuan naturally captured the Yellow Head and the Xuan of the West Tower.

The two chiefs respected him.

It is now autumn. In the traditional sense, the season of goats and horses is strong. However, the west tower seen by Li Yong is in chaos and rundown.

There are no shepherds singing and singing here. The number of cattle and sheep is not only small, but most of them are too thin. It doesn't look like they can survive the winter. If there is continuous heavy snow this winter, there will be many fewer people on the grassland next year, I am afraid that there will not be fewer than the war dead.

What Li Yan saw was more than that.

The Khitans in Xilou and its vicinity, regardless of their age, gender, men and women, have become slaves of the yellow heads and the tortoises. Being whipped, teased, and having fun.

Xilou no longer has a free Khitan.

The glorious West Building not long ago has now become purgatory and ruins.

The Khitans who were strong and proud a few months ago are now reduced to prison. They can no longer spur their horses and flaunt their power on the grasslands. The failure of the country has caused them to lose everything, and even the most basic dignity and rights of human beings have ceased to exist.

Now they are just the goods and property of the winner.

They need to withstand the anger of the victors, and they need to accept the superiority of the victors, until they die, until the name Khitan disappears into the grasslands, and annihilates in the long river of history.

The tribes on the grasslands are prospering and declining quickly. Many powerful tribes that have left their names in history can no longer see any trace after a long time. The reason is the scene in front of them.

Li Yan's eyes sank.

He remembered that the order he issued was very clear. The two soldiers who withdrew from Huanglou and Huanglu were only allowed to handle the affairs of delivery. In other words, only Datang has the right to dispose of Khitan.

Now, his orders have not been respected.

How does this make him happy?

However, the two chiefs who were greeted by the yellow heads and the crickets were charming and respectful, and Li Zhe did not embarrass them in the general public before they met.

Yelu, the enemy of the army, and others saw that their relatives and friends had become like this, both painful and angry. As prairie people, they know the consequences and costs of failure.

The defeat of the soldiers, the defeat of the whole family, the defeat of the chief, and the calamity of the entire family are the prairie rules that have never changed.

They want to rush out and take off the heads of the yellow heads and crotches who are abusing the Khitan.

They have this strength.

But they didn't do that, because they didn't get Li's permission. After spending so much time with Li Yan, they know how strict Li Zhi's army is.

In Yikun Prefecture, several chiefs refused to accept the military tactics of Tang Jun's envoys and fought each other for looting loot. As a result, Li Zhi directly killed all the people involved, and the two tribes even died.

At that time, Li Xun, without saying a word, did not even warn, and directly implemented the military law.

The military law of the Tang army.


Even if people like Yelu Lugu and Xiao Qudu are so sorrowful and angry that they ca n’t help themselves, they do n’t dare to make trouble in front of Li Yan. They know that once they do that, they will only bring disaster to themselves.

They could only swallow the humiliation secretly, thinking about waiting for the end of the banquet, whether they could intercede with Li Ye and release part of the Khitan people, even if it was only tens of thousands of people.

As losers and bereaved dogs, they dare not expect more.

The banquet was very lively, with Li Gao occupying the main seat, accompanied by two chiefs of yellow head and cymbals. The dance on the grassland was very special. They pushed cups in the tent to change their cups. The two fighters outside the account were more grand at night. Preparing for a campfire.

Everything was peaceful, and the soldiers in both divisions were happy.

Li Yan's smile seemed very kind, making people feel like a spring breeze. It seemed that they had forgotten the Qidan children who were being bullied outside the camp. Or maybe those people have nothing to do with him.

This made the chiefs of the yellow heads and the crickets secretly ecstatic.

At the beginning of Li Zhi's account, they contributed a lot of precious property, and promised to give Tang Jun many cattle, sheep, soldiers and soldiers. The purpose of doing so was naturally to prevent Li Zhi from mentioning that military order, tacitly claiming their possession of Khitan.

"An Wang is really kind and charitable. As long as we show more obedience and let him see our heart of surrender, he must not account for our violation of military orders."

"The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is like this. As long as you act humbly and let everyone in the world know that they are the most noble existence in the world, they will be extraordinarily magnanimous. The slaves and wealth of the Khitan people in the West Tower really exceed ours. Imagine that, with this, we can quickly become stronger. By then, it ’s not you and I who have the final say on the grassland? ”

The yellow-headed and crotch chiefs whispered and whispered.

A consensus was reached, and the yellow-headed chief stood up and saluted to Li Zhe, he seemed even more humble: "His Royal Highness, because of your heroic talent, the yellow heads and crickets that have been oppressed by Khitan can only move from the night. Today is dawn. We can't express our gratitude and love for you. Now we will give you the most precious gift on the prairie. I hope you know how much we awe you! "

He speaks Mandarin fluently, and this skill is rare in the grasslands of today, except for the Khitans.

A young and beautiful woman dressed up in a tent.

Although she was dressed like a fairy, she looked empty, as if she had lost her soul.

But even so, she is still beautiful.

The true beauty is like this, no matter in which state, there is corresponding beauty, which can give people different levels of sensory enjoyment.

Li Ye's countless readers also praised him secretly.

It was only the smile on his face that faded away when the other party entered the account.

The yellow-headed chief thought that Li Ye was just surprised and did not realize his true emotions. He asked for a reward: "His Royal Highness, do you know who this beautiful woman like the moon is? ? "

Li Yan didn't speak.

The chief of the ministry thought that Li Zhi had been deceived by beauty, and he stood up with a smile, showing something of a flamboyant meaning: "The most beautiful woman on the prairie has been sought after by many warriors, but now, only Her Highness An can enjoy it. She Called Yueli Duo ... "

Li Min suddenly raised his hand.

He made a throat cut.

Qi Wang, already furious, flew up from his seat, reached out, grabbed the forehead of the yellow-headed chief, and without seeing how hard she snored, her opponent's head was taken off.

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