The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Defeated as a mountain (Part 1)

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The sky was clear and the weather was rare before winter. Li Yan, who was standing on the Changan ship, looked down at the plateau with his hand. The mountains and rivers that enter the destination are particularly clear, and the busy team is eating and drinking, and the ant colony generally does not stop.

Da Xiaosi's life floated behind him, silently like the man in the painting. The difference is that Da Siming is holding his waist in one hand, and there is really nothing to do. Young Si Ming's fingertips have green fluorescent beatings, and his eyebrows are also focused. Obviously he is polishing.

King Qi stood beside Li Yi, with a glass of wine in his hand and a jug with wine. He was content with himself and drank from time to time, pointing at the mountains with Li Yi from time to time.

Everyone was in a good mood. Naturally, there was a reason. The news of Zhang Changan's success was passed to Li Yan here at the first time.

Mohad's 200,000-strong conscription team has lost most of its personnel and supplies. Although some forces remain, after the disaster, they can only rest in place and gather the fugitives and treat the injured. It is no longer possible to continue Advance.

This campaign of the Western Regions Commercial Bank has gathered all the main elites that can be dispatched. A total of nearly 2,000 monks participated in the operation. Most of the 500 monks who had previously sneaked into the food are also listed. There are still many people who cooperate with their peripheral forces. In addition, they have a well-planned and well-prepared plan, and they have the help of Sai Dianchi to help them.

Today, the 800-mile strategic intent of Mullen's east coast of Da Shi has failed.

Mulu City was breached ahead of time, and the Fallen City defense line fell too fast and did not achieve the purpose of lagging Tang Army. The only third defense line remaining now is because the preparation time is greatly shortened, it is not even complete, let alone, The monks and materials recruited were not in place as scheduled.

The third line of defense at the East Side of the Great Food that currently exists in front of Tang Jun is equivalent to a false shelf, nothing more.

"As long as we can break through this so-called third line of defense, the entire plateau will be allowed to gallop, and Mullen will no longer have the time, personnel, and materials to quickly gather, which will cause us substantial obstacles."

King Qi dropped the empty jug and left his eyes filled with joy, and said with resentment, "I have been chased by Marlen for so long, I want to kill, I can't beat, I can't win, now I can capture it His country, I see how powerful he is! "

Li Min took out a jug and handed it to Qi Wang. The other party was very talkative and drank a lot of wine. It had been awake all morning. There was no pause. Li Min decided to let the other drink more. When the child is drunk, he can calm down.

Looking at the mountain congestion on the ground again, Li Min also smiled.

By this time, the body of the generals who had been lost in the East by Da Shi has been countless. The standing army suffered heavy casualties and there were very few remaining guards. In addition, the reserve force of one million monks who could be quickly recruited was also damaged. Countless, the whole eclipse, it can be said that there is not much combat power.

As long as you don't give Malun a thirty or fifty years, the big food can't breathe, and you can't recover the military power, and the current situation is doomed, Tang Jun will be brave and advanced, and will not give the other party a little extra time.

To this day, Li Zhi has a deeper understanding of how much monk warfare is different from ordinary warfare.

In ordinary warfare, spying into the enemy's side, although it can also play a small role, but its own combat power is actually very limited, mainly only to spy on intelligence, and to kill the enemy can rely on the frontal army.

But in the war of true civilization, monks personally

The strength is already above the ordinary armament. When it is built to the level of real life, it is even able to cross mountains and rivers and ignore the ordinary defense of local cities.

Therefore, an elite monk force can play a great role, and if it is used more properly and can get spies, it is even more extraordinary in energy and sufficient to control the situation of war.

This is the difference in combat strength based on personal strength, not external weapons.

Going back to the bottom, the key to determining victory or defeat in a civilization of self-cultivation is who of the two sides is stronger in cultivation or has a stronger ability to deal with the stronger.

Obviously, the Western Region Commercial Bank has made the most of this, and Mullen has not fully understood these.

Li Min took out the newsletter of the Western Region Commercial Bank and carefully browsed it again, and there was a hint of complexity in the eyebrows. In this newsletter, Western Business reported the loss of several operations.

In Li Yan's opinion, that was a heartbreaking number.

The staff of the Western Regions are all monks, and they are basically monks who practice qi. The monks of the Western Regions are almost equivalent to a tiger guard.

However, they have infiltrated the Great Food for many years. During this period, they have consumed countless wealth and experienced countless battles. Only then have they made or controlled many powerful food dignitaries and officials, and they are also a Tiger Guard.

The five hundred monks who concealed into the eclipse before the war and cooperated with their actions were a huge force.

Under this circumstance, this time they made a lot of accumulation, gathered all the available forces accumulated over the years, and launched an operation against the call for orders. In response to the positive army, there were countless deaths and injuries, and the result was half success and half failure.

"Let Yang Xing personally lead the fleet into the Arabian Gulf, and accept the western business monks who withdrew from the Hinterland." Li Min turned back, enlisted the army envoy, and issued a strict order.

With each operation, the strength of the Western Region Commercial Bank will be exposed, because the task is very dynamic and involves a lot of things. Afterwards, the Supervisory Committee was able to trace and find out many things.

Now, all the tasks of the Western Region Commercial Bank during the war have been completed. As soon as the personnel participating in the operation can dormant, they must withdraw, and if they cannot dodge, they must withdraw.

In the next few months, Tang Jun will be invincible on the front, but in the heartland of the eclipse, the strength of the Supervision Institute will still exist, they will certainly withstand the anger of Mullen, and go to the best of their ability to track down Western business firms.

It is very easy to withdraw from the western business firms in the eastern part of Dashi. After all, they are very close to Tang Jun, and as Tang Jun advances, they can get a response soon. But in the western region of the Hinterland, it is not so easy to leave.

At this time, the Lingnan Fleet needs to go directly into the Arabian Gulf and go to the nearby side of Susa City.

Fortunately, the sailor of Da Shi has basically been leveled by the Lingnan Fleet, and the combat power is very small. Although one hundred or two magical warships are enough to crush the bandits, there is no need to worry about how much trouble they can cause to the Lingnan Fleet. .


Fairy field.

In the dozens of days of battles, the situation has changed dramatically, but for the army of immortals fighting in the immortal realm, it is only the time of two battles.

True God is fighting fiercely with Li Yan. Originally, the two were fighting with each other equally. Rao was the strongest means that each of them could not help each other.

Suddenly, Li Yan

An unremarkable sword-like stabbing, the speed turned out to be a point faster than before, surprised by the true spirit, and quickly put his hands on the air shield to block in front of him.

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and they have a good understanding of each other's strength. The Qi shield formed by the true **** should have successfully blocked Li Jian's sword. However, when the sword Qi touched the Qi shield, the strength was also a point greater than before. , Pierce the gas shield between the electric light and flint, which is true to the true god's chest.

Unexpected changes have caused the heart of the true God to tremble. In a crisis situation, he can only dodge sideways.

However, although this sword was avoided, the movement of the true **** was disordered. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough for Li Xun to seize the opportunity. Tianzi Sword turned thorn into a cricket, and with a click, flew a flesh on the shoulder of the true god!

This sword seems to be unusual, but Xiu has reached the level of true **** and Li Zhi. Each strike carries the power of thunder, which is enough to open mountains and rivers, where it can be easily tolerated.

The true **** gritted his teeth to take the blow, and took a punch to Li Xuan, but was hit by the aura of Tianzi Sword on his shoulder, and was shocked by his unstable body and he could only retreat.

I could n’t replace the injury with the injury, but it ’s still easy to take the opportunity to open the distance. The true God retreated and then pulled back until the safety distance was pulled out. Then he stared in suspicion. ! "

As soon as this question came out, the expression of true God was gloomy, because the answer was not difficult to obtain. In a situation where the two are evenly matched and have no space to break through, the only thing that can enhance the strength of one side is the mortal air machine.

Immortals are one, and each other is in harmony with each other. Li Zhi and Zhenshen are the masters of the immortal realm. Any changes in the world will directly affect the two. In such a short period of time, the people under Li Zhi's administration will not suddenly give him much luck. Even if more rivers and mountains are laid, it will take time for the people to return to their hearts.

That is to say, it is not that Li Zhi has become stronger, but that the true God has become weaker.

Da Shi lost a large area in the world, and the local people also fell under the control of Tang Jun, the **** of the Da Shi Xian domain, so his strength declined.

After the question of the true God was exported, only a few moments later, he discovered the fact that he was weakened. He turned to scan the world and immediately found a fact that made him sad.

The eastern part of Eclipse has fallen into the hands of the Tang army. Before the battle of Mulu City, all three defense lines under Malumbu were broken by the Tang army. The 800-mile strategic depth has completely ceased to exist!

"How could Malun fail so quickly?" True God was shocked, but dared not to think more, to seek the cause. He immediately concentrated his mind and faced Li Li, who was close at hand. At this moment, the true look of Li Zhen's eyes changed radically.

This transformation has happened once before.

Before the outbreak of the war, the true God always thought that Da Shi could easily defeat Datang, and he could quickly defeat Li Zhi; after the war broke out, the situation of the war forced True God to put away his confidence and acknowledge that Datang was powerful and unmatched. He is powerful.

Now, because of the changes in the war situation in the world, Li Zhi's strength has actually surpassed him, and he can no longer confront Li Zhi directly.

If the war situation in the world cannot be stabilized and the eclipse is continuously captured by Tang Jun, then the strength of the true **** will continue to decline. In this case, let the true **** look at Li Yan's eyes, and he can't keep scoring.

The response of Li Yan was straightforward. After realizing that the strength of the true God had declined, he began a new round of unreserved onslaught.

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