The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 10: To the dark moment (10)

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To the dark abyss flagship command module.

Because in the ball array, Lu Yanzhu can observe the situation on the battlefield with his naked eyes through the window. The reluctantly maintained ball array has been broken in many places, and one battleship has turned into a fire group, which extends to the entire ball array and becomes a sea of ​​fire.

There are too many parts and debris flying horizontally. In such a chaotic scene, even with the powerful computing power of the brain, it is impossible to control the starship in flight to dodge all obstacles. Some starships were either destroyed by the wreckage or affected by the fire, and even when they were freed in the ocean of parts, many of the ship's hulls appeared broken.

The huge ray of light like the sun was still flying at high speed in the ball array. Countless artillery fires poured into the front, just like the waterfall encountered the bluestone, which could only be scattered and eventually dissipated in the invisible.

Feng Ya looks like a flea, and there is no regular attack. In fact, its target is a starship loaded with a "dawn" heavy cannon. This is more clear to Lu Zhizhu than anyone. In particular, the flagship ship under his seat is the target that the other party wants to make several times, just because the artillery fire around the flagship is fierce, and the other party has to change direction halfway.

Lu Yanzhu's face was cold and stern and killed to the extreme.

The ball array has been broken. Although the fleet has not yet collapsed, the killing array does not exist. This is the result that he had not calculated before. He knew a lot about the monk, but the strange power shown by this huge frontal force was unheard of.

However, the number of warships in the dark abyss is very great. Even if the road is invincible, it is now rapidly destroying a group of battleships, but it is impossible to defeat the fleet completely. Before the moment arrives, the energy of the front vector is completely exhausted.

The battleships under the control of the brain will never be broken because of the formation, there will be chaos in the footsteps, the soldiers will flee, and the soldiers will fall down. Each starship is an individual and can quickly break away from the chaotic zone and fly to a distance. The entire fleet is a whole, controlled by the brain, and can execute the general's orders meticulously.

In this sense, the development of scientific and technological civilization to the present, "Army quality" has not been comparable to ancient soldiers. The advanced and powerful capabilities of the army's comprehensive capabilities are vividly reflected in all sides.

However, this is far from the strategic goal of Lu Yanzhu, which is very different.

What he wants is victory.

He adjusted the strength of the two left and right formations in order to swallow Li Zhi's team in one go, then destroy the Flemish fleet and annihilate all monk teams, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of destroying the Flemish plan!

The current monk team is the final and biggest result of the plan of the facetists.

At the same time, this is the last chance for the abyss to completely destroy the face wall plan.

For the Abyss, this is an unmissable task that must be completed. It is their mission, their bounden duty, and even the meaning of their existence!

But now, they finally came here, launched a crushing offensive with absolute superiority, but the battle situation unexpectedly entered the feverish stage.

"General, the number of left array starships has been seriously damaged, and it is already unable to withstand the onslaught of Zhou Bashan's team!" Captain Mo's anxious voice interrupted Lu Yanzhu's contemplation.

Lu Yingzhu turned his head to look at the screen, and saw that the left array starship had less than 40% left, and Zhou Bashan's team was still storming-Lu Yingzhu did not feel this.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Bashan has been attacking like a fire. The difference is that now Cervantes' team is also attacking.

The monks of Zhou Bashan's team had almost consumed their aura, and now they could not sustain the offensive, but Cervantes stood out at this time, replacing Zhou Bashan as the main force of the offense. This is not an unjustified change. Obviously, the situation in the midfield has made Cervantes realize that they are now likely to win.

"General, the right array of casualties is also increasing, but it can still support it, the other party wants to break through the formation, not as easy as Zhou Bashan them." Captain Mo's voice sounded again.

Lu Yingzhu knew what these battles meant.

He transferred the battleships on the left and right to the midfield in order to quickly defeat Li Zhi, and the combat power there naturally dropped a lot. But in his previous calculations, even the left and right teams with reduced strength can easily adhere to the end, even if it pays some price, it will not be too big.

What I didn't expect was that Zhou Bashan could fight so hard and be a saintly state. He just regarded himself as an ordinary warrior. He was not a superior at all. He must first save his consciousness. It seems that he can't win without fighting. Keep going the same.

In comparison, He Jie and An Qi'er's performance was completely expected by Lu Yanzhu. Give them another 24 hours, and they could not defeat the right.

"Evaluate the strength of each enemy and me, and deduct the results of the battle!" This command from Lu Yanzhu was given to Zhinao.

After a while, Zhinao replied: "Budget battle condition estimation: When the enemy ’s energy is exhausted, our battleship will be destroyed by 60%! Left array battle condition estimation: Before the enemy ’s energy is exhausted, the left array will completely lose its combat ability The calculation of the right battle situation: the two sides are evenly matched! "

Lu Yanzhu was silent.

This answer means that for the price of 60% of the starships, they can destroy Li Zhi's team.

The premise is that Li Yan's team will fight with them to the last minute.

This is of course impossible.

"General, as long as you fight, we must win in the end!" Captain Mo's eyes were absolutely decisive, and even a little excited. That was the glory to complete the mission. She suggested that Lu Yanzhu should not care about the casualties.

"Order: Orders to withdraw from combat in an orderly manner!"

Lu Yanzhu's order did not meet Captain Mo's expectations.

Captain Mo was there, "Why?"

"Captain, this is an order!" Lu Yanzhu didn't mean to explain to the other party.


No one dared to question the general's order, and the vast majority did not even have the right to ask for a reason. The only exception is the intellectual brain, which is not human in nature and has high authority.

"General Lu, we haven't defeated yet, so we have given up the fight so early. The center needs your explanation." The so-called center does not refer to the system, but to the big brothers in the dark abyss.

"The monk-faced monk team has become a climate, and we cannot annihilate them. If we continue to fight, we will only be eaten away by them. At this time, if we do not withdraw, we will annihilate the whole army. The dark abyss is not afraid of death, but I will never let the fleet make a meaningless sacrifice. "Lu Yanzhu's voice was also calm.

"The center has received an answer from General Lu."

Lu Yingzhu reached out and touched the virtual screen in front of him. He looked out of the ship with a negative hand, and the pain in his eyes couldn't be covered.

The fleet of human beings on earth

The soldiers have fought for many years, and Lu Yingzhu naturally knows that they have no chance of winning in this battle. Battlefield battles are not simple numerical calculations, and the brain cannot replace the role of a general in this regard.

The team led by Li Yan will evacuate the battlefield before the aura is consumed to a certain extent, and at their speed, the starship cannot catch up. The monk is different from the warship. It takes a lot of time to repair the damage of the warship. The monk only needs to meditate and adjust his breath and take the elixir to restore the combat power quickly.

At that time, the monk team led by the five saints will face the fleet to the abyss in a state of near prosperity. This situation is repeated twice, and the latter will be in a critical situation and the ability to withdraw will be lost.

This is not a profound problem. The fleet of the blue civilization encountered many such situations when fighting against the monks. Captain Mo couldn't figure it out for a moment, but the staff knew it.

On the issue of decision-making, in the face of complicated and complicated situations, the brain can only provide data support, but cannot replace humans to make the most reasonable decision.

When the warships in the dark abyss shielded each other and withdrew from the battlefield, the fleet and monks of the facetakers did not pursue, and they did not have the fighting power to pursue them at this time. Many monks were exhausted.

Looking at the fleet of "face-away" fleets and the seven artificial galaxies, Lu Zhizhu, who was so loose, felt like a knife at this moment. There was no trace of blood on his face, and the hands clenched behind him were also trembling slightly. Later, he even had shortness of breath and disorder.

For an iron-blooded general who has been fighting in the dark for many years, this is a disorder that he will hardly appear.

"General ..." When he noticed the abnormality of Lu Yanzhu, Captain Mo was worried and wanted to reassure, but he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He could only bring the red wine on the table and poured it to the other party. .

Drinking a glass of **** wine in one breath, Lu Yanzhu took a long spit, and said with a harsh voice: "This is the darkest moment that human beings on earth have never experienced. It won't take long for everyone to know that those who face the wall and their monks What kind of abyss will earth humans sink into.

"Unfortunately, we are doing our best to prevent this from happening. When the real end comes, everyone will realize what they have supported and what they have hoped for! And then, They will have no chance to regret it! "

After saying this, Lu Yanzhu's eyes were scarlet and moist.

The staff in the command cabin were all sad. Some people bow their heads to silence, some clenched their teeth, some couldn't help slamming their punches on the table, and some rushed out of the command cabin, not knowing where to vent their uncontrollable dullness and anger.

"The devil has come, and they will eventually rule the world. In the darkest moments of humanity on earth, we will never see a little bit of light. Where do we go from here and what can we do?"

Lu Yanzhu picked up the red wine bottle and drank cleanly. After smashing the bottle to the ground, he couldn't help but punch him in the chest with a punch, as if he could not wait to kill himself on the spot, so as to avoid seeing the tragic future of humanity on earth.

"General ... In the dark, light is with us."

Captain Mo didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only say this with his chest.

It's just that compared to when I first came here, the situation is not convincing.

This is the darkest hour, but where is the light?

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