The End of Technology

Chapter 201 Reasons for Waiting

Zhuo Mingqian sat in the office with a smile and looked at the three highly respected scholars in front of him. Two of them hold important positions in the famous Ivy League schools, and the other works in the world-famous Greenwich Rooftop.

This feels pretty good.

In the past, Zhuo Mingqian felt that the most likely intersection between him and the professors in front of him would be an academic event. If he could successfully sign up to be a volunteer, he could help these scholars who did not understand the language show the way, or lead them to find themselves. seats.

During this process, as long as these scholars are willing to say a few more words to him, he will be a big winner.

If you are willing to take a photo with a little guy like him, you have to give him an approachable nickname.

How dare he imagine that he could directly call people into his office and scold them in righteous words like he did today.

I don’t dare to think about it, I really don’t dare to think about it.

Of course, the three people opposite were probably in very complicated moods at this time.

He probably couldn't figure out why Zhuo Mingqian invited three people here at the same time.

Yes, they thought it was a sincere invitation before the formal conversation began.

"You three, you probably still don't know why I asked you to come to the office. Originally, I planned to talk to you alone, but after thinking about it, I am an honest person, so I just called you all together to inform me. "

At this point, Zhuo Mingqian smiled even more cheerfully. Facing the confused gazes of the three people opposite him, he continued in a gentle tone: "You may not know that Ningyuan's internal staff have disciplinary requirements, and they also have strict requirements for cooperation. The subject has academic integrity requirements. Well, how should I put it, it’s like your credit system. We only deal with those with good credit. If we don’t cherish credit, it will be difficult for Ningyuan to have further cooperation with you in the future.”

The three of them turned to look at each other, and then Dartmouth School of Astronomy Professor Nathan Quinn spoke first: "Dr. Zhuo, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Zhuo Mingqian smiled even happier, but still said in a gentle tone: "Okay, Professor Quinn, there is no use pretending to be confused. Today I just remind you, don't think of using some special methods to achieve this." Purpose. The regulations of Ningyuan and the scientific research centers under Ningyuan are very strict. This requirement is not just for me. Of course, if you think you can find a way from other people, you can try it. But your method may not be the best in the country. It works wonders in most places, but it certainly won't work here.

There is no need to be proud of the so-called Ivy League schools. Our sports university will definitely surpass any Ivy League school in the future. Really, I want to laugh when I think about what you told me before. Really, everyone at our university is very confident that in the future, Yanbei University of Physical Education will be the most famous university in the world and a holy land of knowledge! So cherish your academic credit in our school, so that if your children want to study at our Yanbei University of Sports in the future, your recommendation letters may be of some use. Otherwise, it will probably be difficult. "

The three people looked at the handsome face of Zhuo Mingqian opposite him, which was not much older than his youth... Of course, maybe Westerners' aesthetics are different from those of Easterners. Zhuo Mingqian's appearance may not be that handsome in their eyes, especially that face. The smiling face may look abominable. Because it can be seen that the expressions of the three people at this time are not very good.

After a while, another scholar next to Nathan Quinn said in a gloomy tone: "Dr. Zhuo, I hope you understand who you are talking to. We have never denied the future status of the University, but at the same time, I I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my academic credibility. If you’re calling us here just to humiliate you, you’re going to pay the price. Maybe I’ll file a complaint against you.”

This sentence made Zhuo Mingqian laugh even more happily. The senior who was once next to Ningji's dormitory said in his best warm tone: "No, no, no, it should be said that if you are still not polite to me, you will Pay the price. Just to remind you, I am one of Ning Yuan’s senior managers who can have an impact on your academic credit score. There are only five people like Ning Yuan.”

Upon hearing this, the three of them stood up almost at the same time.

After all, there is no affiliation with each other, so there is no need to spoil the young man in front of him who feels good about himself.

"It's very rude to leave like this in China. Forget it, I don't like to argue with ordinary people. Oh, by the way, another thing? In fact, I was also a science fiction fan when I was in middle school. , that is, about fifteen years ago, I often imagined that in the future there would be cars floating in the sky, cool spaceships, various magical and spectacular buildings, etc., etc.

And at that time, I particularly believed that if any country could be the first to have these pictures in my imagination, it must be those countries in the West. After all, you were really advanced at that time. Our teachers all said that your place was full of high-rise buildings. But I never imagined that when I grew up, the most sci-fi thing in your country would probably be that people have more than a hundred genders.

This is probably why I just want to laugh when I see the promises you gave me. In fact, I invite you three to tell you not to feel too good about yourself. The fact is that in the future, what I just mentioned will only appear here first. I will not send it to my alma mater, Yanbei Sports University. "

Zhuo Mingqian felt great as he watched the three people walk out of the office.

He probably understands why there are so many people in this world who are successful at being villains. The main thing is to do things that are successful at villains. It is really so satisfying. You can become addicted after experiencing it once. Suddenly, Zhuo Mingqian felt that his demands on life had been elevated.

Especially when you see these three guys walking out the door without even closing the door for him...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... That's so rude. Soon you will know what it's like to fail my academic credit!" Although there was no one in the office, Zhuo Mingqian still had a warm expression on his face. He smiled and said something to himself.

If outsiders see it, Da Gao will think that this building is... full of perverts.

New York, USA.

As soon as Tim Cook got off the plane, he was invited to a manor in Long Island, New York.

It is well known that New York is one of the richest cities in the world. This is the financial center of the world. According to statistics, the elites here control one-fifth of the world's wealth. Therefore, there is a saying that when Wall Street sneezes, the entire world economy catches a cold.

This is indeed the case.

If U.S. stocks start to dance, global capital markets will follow suit, almost without exception.

Although in many people's intuition, those resource-based countries are the places where the wealth is overwhelming. But in fact, a truly wealthy place is never a place where resources are exchanged for wealth. After all, nothing comes faster than just grabbing money. After all, oil still needs to be mined and processed before it can be used, but grabbing money really only requires a few swings of a big stick.

The biggest characteristic of finance is nothing more than the robbery of wealth. The siphon effect produced by swinging a big stick is enough to make the elites here make a lot of money. If New York becomes poor one day, it will definitely not be because of the financial collapse. The most likely reason is that the stick cannot be wielded anymore.

Tim Cook was invited to New York for this very purpose. It’s no secret that the Apple boss attended the World Astronomy Forum in Ningyuan.

After all, the photojournalists on site were professionals with high acuity and captured many shots of this world-class celebrity.

Although there were many well-known figures in the academic circle present, such as former Nobel Prize winners. But obviously in China, Tim Cook's face is more recognizable. At least it doesn't require a special introduction when it appears in the camera, and a lot of people can recognize it. And those Nobel Prize winners can probably only be used as backdrops.

It’s not that Chinese people don’t respect science, it’s mainly that no one pays attention to what these winners look like. Moreover, most of the names of foreigners are too long, which makes it difficult for ordinary people to remember them. Of course, this is also because these academic leaders are rarely in front of the camera, and even if they are on camera, not many people can pay attention to them.

After all, the Nobel Prize is most influential only in October. After October, basically no one cares about it. But Apple phones have to be used every day.

In the huge study room, Tim Cook was the only one at this time.

He was sitting on a comfortable leather sofa, next to the freshly ground coffee that the maid in the manor had just brought him. Sitting there, he could smell the rich aroma of coffee. Of course these things are nothing to him. Even this mansion is nothing to him.

The reason why we can invite Tim Cook here and let him sit here and wait is ultimately because of the power of the other party, or the power of the other party's family.

Human society has had extremely sophisticated designs from ancient times to the present, and has cleverly separated the powerful from the noble. Forming an intertwined pyramid, the group of people at the top of the pyramid often understand the importance of rules and formulating rules. Collective consciousness is thus created, making it impossible for countless individuals to fight against each other, whether within the collective or outside the collective.

Even those who are among them will be at a loss when they want to resist the collective consciousness of the group. Because pressure comes from all directions, even his friends, companions, superiors, subordinates and even relatives. It’s easy to fall into a trap where you can’t stand up to yourself.

The essential reason is that no matter how strong an individual's ability is, it is limited. As a result, decision-making and execution often become two completely different things.

Tim Cook obviously knew this very well, so he was very happy when he came and was at ease when waiting. There is even time to enjoy the famous paintings hanging in the study.

In the picture, a beautiful and simple girl like Cinderella is sitting on the beach with her chin in her hands. The tip of his slightly upturned nose, his golden hair, and his face against the flaming clouds were as calm as the sea at this moment. There was a bloody sturgeon in the basket next to him. In Tim Cook's opinion, this figure painting is very exquisite. Although he can't name it, if it can be placed here, there is a high probability that it will not be ordinary.

Just as he was immersed in admiring the paintings, the door was pushed open, and an old man walked in with vigorous steps and greeted Tim Cook loudly: "Oh, Tim, I'm sorry. What a coincidence. I was just chairing a meeting. When I found out you had arrived, I ended the meeting immediately, but still a little late. Don't mind, my friend."

Tim Cook shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Dupont, I didn't wait long."

"Haha, that's good. Well, how about a drink? I just opened a bottle of 1992 Opus One yesterday."


"Are you interested in this painting?"

"Well, it's very exquisite."

"This is Millais' "Celle Helene", which belongs to the work of the Pre-Raphaelites. Their figure paintings advocated realism, pursued natural beauty, and opposed the rigid and outdated academic style, especially the mechanical style. , a very influential sect. Of course, I am not proficient in these things. You know, my wife prefers these things."

The old man said to Tim Cook while pouring the wine himself.

Tim Cook stretched out his hand, took the goblet from the old man's hand, and replied: "Actually, I don't know much about these. I hope you invited me here instead of discussing art. Then you will be very disappointed."

"Haha, of course, art is just the spice of life. Okay, let's talk about something important. You went to the high-end world astronomy forum in China, right?"


"So they really developed a material that has negative mass and can resist gravity?"

"This would probably be the case if more than a hundred scientists on site did not suddenly lose collective consciousness."


The old man picked up the wine, shook it at Tim Cook, then took a sip, and then took a breath and said: "Don't talk about those scientists, our scientists have research and development funds that far exceed those of the Chinese, but The results are not satisfactory. Can anyone tell me why?"

Tim Cook glanced at the old man and didn't answer.

After all, this old man's family has always controlled the most advanced military industry, and there is naturally an account of the annual allocations in these areas. It's normal to have complaints.

In fact, Tim Cook also has a trace of resentment in his heart.

If these scientists were good enough, he wouldn't have to listen to Ning Zi's words in his office.

"Well, Tim, we all know that young guy is a very radical pragmatist, and he will definitely not invite irrelevant people to the meetings he holds. So why did he invite you? What does he hope to gain? Investment? Or something else?"

"Ning hopes that Apple can help his R\u0026D center and future factories integrate the global supply chain. This can bypass some restrictions." Tim Cook said truthfully.

There is no need to hide anything, and it cannot be concealed.

"You agreed?" the old man asked.

Tim Cook nodded and said: "Apple needs to get a ticket to the future. If the near future is really the space age, then people working in space also have communication requirements."

"Yes, yes, I can understand." The old man nodded slightly, and then thought for a long time.

Tim Cook was not in a hurry, and just silently tasted the valuable wine in his hand that was full of rich fruit aroma.

"I'm sorry, I'm old and slow to think about problems... Well, the progress of the Chinese people is really impressive. What do you think of Ning? Is he threatening you?"

"He..." Tim Cook thought for a while, and then said truthfully: "To be precise, he is a very crazy person. Although he hopes to cooperate with me, he does not deliberately hide the hostility. I am very I am happy to see someone in China restricting him, because I can feel that his mood swings are obvious, and he even has self-destructive emotions. He doesn't even mind pulling the world to self-destruct."

At this time, what emerged in Tim Cook's mind was the scene of Ning Zi with her hands spread wide and the onomatopoeic word "bang" coming out of her mouth.

I have to say that the performance of a mad scientist was very successful, and it didn't even look like an actor at all.

Because at that moment, Tim Cook really saw a hint of relief and joy in Ning Zi's eyes.

Then he subconsciously added: "The desire that comes from the bottom of your heart cannot be hidden from anyone."

These words made the old man's expression become serious.

Obviously, no one likes to deal with a madman, especially one with extraordinary abilities.

Not to mention that the less ethical a person is, the more he hopes his opponent can be ethical. It’s like a despicable person likes to deal with a gentleman.

If everyone is a villain, many methods will be ineffective.

"You know? I've always thought that the last thing the world needs is probably a high-IQ lunatic! They don't understand the importance of building and maintaining rules to human society, and they dare to ignore any consequences. Such people are really troublesome.

In fact, we have also studied him, and he is indeed very strange. You may not believe it, but this young man with hundreds of millions of wealth, his largest personal expense this year was less than US$1,000. He even refused a request to have a formal suit tailor-made for him, citing lack of time.

Accordingly, he spent nearly 100 billion on his laboratory, including introducing talents, investing in various equipment, and upgrading security measures. Oh, by the way, in private consumption, what he spends the most is buying top-quality cat food. Every month, his account orders two boxes of Ziwi Peak canned cats. By the way, have you seen the cat he has? "

Tim Cook was slightly startled. He was not surprised that the old man in front of him was trying his best to obtain information about Ning Zi. However, during his meeting with Ning Zi this time, his mind was attracted by the story of the young man opposite. I really didn't notice the cat's presence.

Fortunately, he had seen it before.

An ordinary orange Chinese garden cat, he remembered there were reviews online...

"Yes, I have seen it. It is actually a very ordinary native Chinese cat, nothing special."

"No, no, no, ordinary is normal. This is a psychological characteristic. Because he was born in the grassroots, the cat he raised is also a worthless breed... That's it... the grassroots mentality of sympathy for the same disease. Such a person is not It should have the ability to destroy heaven and earth..."

Tim Cook looked at the old man, his eyes full of worry: "By the way, he has an original saying, let me bring it to the people he thinks I should bring it to."

"Oh? What?"

"He's waiting for you to give him a reason...a reason to drive him crazy."

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