The End of Technology

Chapter 222 Investigation Report

An investigation involving thousands of people and keeping secrets from thousands of people is never easy.

Not to mention that after the 2019 sea storm activities were forced to be suspended, what followed was an investigation of countless witnesses. No matter what, such a large-scale event was suddenly stopped, and I had to give a complete explanation to the gentlemen behind.

Not to mention that this is an exercise for the entire Northern Group, involving more than ten countries. If not handled properly, it will seriously affect the morale of a group of countries.

Morale has always been a mysterious thing.

To put it simply, when you are strong, you dare to conquer the world. Even if you only have one ship, where can you not go anywhere in the world? When I'm timid, I feel scared when a sudden gust of wind blows, and I just explode without thinking.

In addition, this matter is quite strange, so naturally it cannot be overemphasized.

"John, where were you?"

"I was in the conning tower of the Queen."

"Tell me more about the situation?"

"Well, first of all, the Bunker Hill suddenly sounded the alarm. I looked up and saw a ship flying over from the south to west at about 13 degrees through the port window."


"Then the flagship sounded the first-level combat alarm, and three carrier-based aircraft took off in an emergency and began to shout to drive away. However, the other party did not respond. It floated above us in about five minutes. It was so big that it completely blocked the sun at the time. Live, the entire sea area is covered."

"With the wind?"

"Well, I think it's just floating, because it hovered once it was above us."

"Okay, you continue."

"In accordance with the requirements of the first-level alert, all air-clearing units were in place and replaced the Standard 2 air-clearing missiles. At the same time, they began to use channel 16 to ask the other party's intention. Then the radio was connected, and the other party said they were just here to take a look. It could still be seen at that time Our three F35Bs are circling around it."

"Then what?"

"Then there was a dispute. Some people thought that we should launch a direct attack, and the captain thought that we should have a dialogue. Then the other party started to shout through the public channel, asking us to be quiet..."

"Just let you be quiet?"

"No, I actually yelled a lot. The situation was very chaotic at the time. I can't remember clearly. It seemed like they told us to blow him up quickly and stop talking. He didn't want to live at all. He also said we were cowards. , I don’t even dare to fight, it’s a waste of time to blind such a good ship, it even opened the base, revealing an empty door, allowing us to aim and launch missiles inside.”


"Oh, by the way, every time it said something, it would meow, meow, meow."


"But in the end, General Lawrence did not order an attack, so we just stayed on alert. Later, after the reinforcements arrived, it began to hover above us again. By the way, that big Chinese ship that can fly does not have any logo.”

"Since there is no sign, why do you say it is a Chinese ship?"

"Because the bottom of the big ship can not only be opened, but also a complete large display when closed. When it started to hover, it suddenly started playing some messy things."

"Do you remember any of that nonsense?"

"At first it was a lot of children doing aerobics and playing children's songs. Because it was in Chinese, I couldn't understand it, but there were people on the boat who could understand it. Then there was a clip from a black-and-white war movie, which was spoken in Chinese but had English subtitles. You can clearly see, then the Chinese military parade, and finally a price list, this time in English."

Hearing this, the solemn small room became very quiet. In fact, the price list investigator had already seen the recorded video, but according to the regulations and procedures, these people who had witnessed everything with their own eyes had to explain it again.

"What price list?"

"It's for protection money. After that, the ship started to rise and kept rising until it disappeared."

"Besides what you just said, have you noticed any other details that impressed you? Any details that you think are worth mentioning are fine. Think about it carefully."

After a moment of silence, the person under investigation finally shook his head: "There is nothing else."

The recorder was turned off, and the interrogator stood up and held out his hand.

"Thank you, Colonel Stone."

"To be honest, I really don't want to remember this anymore."

"Who isn't?"

After a brief exchange, the person being questioned saluted and walked out of the room.

James Norton raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. At this time, he felt quite tired and scared.

The investigation into this incident has lasted for three days. The only thing that comforted him was that the subjects of the investigation were all current employees, and everyone was very disciplined and said nothing.

Moreover, there were thousands of people on site at the time, so it was not difficult to investigate.

But here's the problem. There are only so many investigators. Everyone has to chat with at least dozens of working people, and the answers they hear are actually the same.

Not only were the answers heard similar, but there were countless videos recording the scene at that time. Many were even posted directly to Facebook and Twitter. There are many close-up videos and a series of photos taken by high-altitude spy satellites. This information can be accessed by the investigation team at any time.

how to say? It probably just makes people’s heads grow bigger.

It was obviously a serious matter, but it was made to look like a joke.

Yes, James Norton actually knew the entire process very well, and even knew it in more detail than the employee who was just investigated.

The floating ship does not disappear, but the entire hull can be introduced into the clouds. Not only can this thing be invisible to radar, but it can also completely hide itself through a series of actions after entering the clouds. For example, the huge display at the bottom can completely merge with the color of the clouds.

Not to mention that according to analysis, that display mode may also be holographic.

In other words, this thing is floating with the clouds in the sky and cannot be found.

The scariest thing is that satellites do not necessarily need to use visible light to search. For example, infrared rays can also be used to take satellite cloud images.

When this thing was hidden in the clouds, even the satellites that kept passing by could not be found.

It could not find its whereabouts within hundreds of nautical miles. This kind of stealth technology is indeed unparalleled.

Of course, these information are currently top secret and cannot be publicized to the outside world. But in fact, the difference between saying it or not is not big.

James Norton could tell the morale of the employees under investigation was, to be honest, very low.

Especially the three F35 pilots who took off in an emergency at that time...

Unlike the people on the ship, the communication systems of these three planes are all controlled. When flying around, the other party is constantly chattering in the earphones, and the communication cannot even be cut off.

And what he said...

Well, James Norton felt bad about it all.

I have to say that the psychological quality of fighter pilots is still excellent. James Norton listened to those recordings. Really, if he had been flying the plane at the time, he might have been prepared to hit it directly.

But even so, the three drivers also had more or less psychological problems.

If you can use words alone to cause psychological problems to a fighter pilot with a strong psychological quality, you can imagine the combat effectiveness of those words. More importantly, through subsequent recordings, the same nagging voice was different from what the three people said.

The most terrifying thing is that the other party seems to know the lives and experiences of the three fighter pilots very well. They even know the contents of the love letter one of the pilots wrote through e-mail in college a few years ago. Thinking of that guy using extremely vicious language to comment on the love letter, and also teaching the pilot how to write a love letter...

I can't think about it, and I don't dare to think about it.

James Norton could not think of anything that the voice did not know.

Although the investigation team has issued a gag order to the three pilots, James Norton is not optimistic about the effect.

The impact this time was indeed so great that James Norton didn't even know how to write the final investigation report.

If written truthfully, the impact would indeed be too great. Not only the matter of the spaceship, but also the entire communication system was penetrated. Even the past experiences of the temporary emergency launch pilots were revealed. They were bullied in middle school and extremely private things such as writing love letters in college were known. , how is this intelligence work done?

Of course, that's not all that's disgusting.

Although the other party gave countless evidences, there were no signs or flags on the ship.

Everyone knows who the ship belongs to, but it is difficult to put it on the table. After all, it will affect morale more.

Well, it has actually affected morale.

It’s so easy to be unhappy in the Internet age. What happens in the Western Hemisphere can be transmitted to the Eastern Hemisphere in ten minutes, not to mention that these employees’ daily groups of relatives and friends are relatively fixed, and many of them work in the Eastern Hemisphere.

You can send it directly to Facebook or Twitter at any time.

This troubled James Norton even more.

Some things cannot be hidden.

After all, two years ago, at that astronomy conference, on the playground of Yanbei Sports University, Ning Zi showed the world a piece of material with anti-gravity properties. Now two years have passed, and everyone's mind is as clear as a mirror as to where the thing floating in the sky comes from, regardless of whether it has a logo on it or not.

Even among employees, rumors have begun to spread that China is really in contact with alien civilization this time, so those shocking things can keep popping up. After all, few people are willing to read those long and complicated papers carefully. Even if they have the patience, there is a high probability that they will not be able to understand them.

James Norton, who had been thinking like a mess for a long time and felt his energy gradually regained, finally opened his eyes, flipped through the documents in his hand, and said, "Next person."

Puget Sound, Washington State, USA.

It is a port city located just 20 minutes from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. In addition to being a tourist city with pleasant scenery, it also has many well-known golf courses.

Of course, there is a reason why it is famous for its golf courses. It has a temperate maritime climate and is mild and humid all year round. Encountering rare good weather, playing a few shots under the bright sunshine is definitely a relaxing thing.

Such was the case with Neeson Mountbatten.

He was lucky today, only losing three strokes to Stephen Schwartz.

This is acceptable. After all, golf is a noble sport, and Nissen Mountbatten spent the first half of his life worrying about how to make money. He spent most of his life on cheating and deception. Naturally, it is not the same as this noble sport. Not much contact.

This is no longer a question of money.

To put it simply, the business he once did was not looked down upon by the big bosses who often hang out at such top-level golf courses.

Although most of our primitive accumulation methods are not so upright, people who have been working hard since their ancestors until now are obviously not comparable to a guy like him who has just started working hard in this life.

That is to say, in recent years, since he chose his faith again, Nissen Mountbatten's life has gradually become better, and he has learned to enjoy life. Only then has he begun to have more interactions with those dignitaries, and understands that he should usually Do something.

Naturally, in terms of skills, there is no way to compare with those truly noble people who have been immersed in it since childhood.

So even if he lost, Nissen Mountbatten was very proud.

He handed the club in his hand to the caddy next to him, took a bottle of mineral water from the caddy who had been waiting next to him, took a sip, and then walked towards Stephen Schwartz who was walking towards him. , with a sunny smile on his face, said: "Oh, Stephen, you are still so unkind, can't you let me win once?"

"Actually, I have tried very hard to let you go today." Stephen shrugged and scoffed.

"I don't believe this, haha! Let's go, let's take a rest and talk about something serious." Neeson Mountbatten put his arm around Stephen Schwartz's shoulders without any concern, and didn't care about the Blackstone boss. Whether he could adapt to this kind of enthusiasm, he led him towards the awning not far away.

Although he couldn't beat this guy in golf, Nissen Mountbatten had a stronger body than Stephen Schwartz, and his weight advantage allowed him to hold Stephen in his arms and walk forward, and the other party simply couldn't refuse. .

Although this action is extremely ungentlemanly, if this meeting involves tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of business, it is actually not intolerable.

In this way, Stephen followed Nissen Mountbatten's footsteps to the umbrella and sat on a comfortable lounge chair. Nissen Mountbatten snapped his fingers, and soon followed Obote Lelo who was beside Nissen Mountbatten from the side. He took out a tablet computer from his bag, operated it twice, and handed it over.

Stephen Schwartz glanced at Nissen Mountbatten, then took the computer and started watching the video that had been called up.

In fact, he already knew everything that happened in the video, but this time the perspective was more special than what he knew, so he quickly got involved and watched it carefully.

Next to him, Nissen Mountbatten had narrowed his eyes slightly and began to take a nap on the recliner.

The video is very long, a full 73 minutes, which is enough for him to squint for a while.

There is nothing I can do. I worked too hard last night. If I don’t take the time to catch up on my sleep, I will die prematurely...

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