The End of Technology

Chapter 241 Our Future

If you want to see the entire ship, it will obviously take too long, maybe two or three days is not enough. But if you only visit a few important places, such as just a few floors of the command tower, it won't take much time. One hour is enough.

Although the staff on the ground have said that the observation deck at the bottom of the Wu Gang is the best place to enjoy the space scenery. But in fact the introduction is not pertinent. Because the best place to really see the scenery is definitely in the command tower.

The command tower observation deck on the lowest floor is truly 360-degree transparent when activated. It is also the first area affected by the gravity device. When people are in it, they will really feel the strange feeling of walking in the depths of space. When orbiting the earth, you only need to lower your head slightly to overlook the entire planet.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire command tower observation deck is made of transparent materials. For example, the design of the upper part is actually a special material that can holographically simulate the real-time scene transmitted through the camera device. And most of the time the transparent area below it is also closed.

But no matter what, for those who board this giant spacecraft for the first time, many small details are a rare experience in life. Especially in this case, people can often feel the power brought by technology more intuitively.

That year the steam from the boiling water pushed the wheels of human civilization to accelerate.

Today, under the influence of the earth's gravity, a space-class exploration ship is about to rise slowly. Witnessed by billions of people in the world, it will slowly enter space using non-fossil energy and complete the largest mission in human history. Space manned tourism activities.

This may also represent that the development of human civilization has officially entered the light-speed era. No one could have imagined that in the 21st century, mankind’s fourth scientific and technological revolution would start with artificial intelligence and reach its peak in the field of space exploration technology.

Of course, these people probably never imagined that the peak they thought was actually far from coming.

For a big thing that has been suspended above the base for a full month and a half, it will never fall into silence just because the surroundings become strict. In fact, when the entire network began to publicize that the Wu Gang was about to take off, even though it had been informed that the launch ceremony would be held inside the Wu Gang, all the squares suitable for viewing the ceremony with a radius of more than ten square kilometers near the entire base had already been booked, and many A temporary viewing platform was set up in the square to allow more people to participate in this event.

Not only the observation decks, but also some squares have large screens directly on them. Not only can you watch the Wu Gang take off live, but you can also see many details from the perspective of the big screens in the squares.

In addition, the rooftops of some buildings have also been fully booked and open to viewing after taking safety measures. Many units directly regarded participating in the Wu Gang launch ceremony as team building for the unit, requiring everyone to participate. After all, heads of many units were invited to board the Wu Gang directly.

Most of these viewing activities are officially organized, accounting for about 90%.

But when it is profitable, social participation is naturally indispensable.

The entire base is built in the suburbs around Beijing, and the Wu Gang is huge. Even if it is not a place suitable for viewing, you can actually see what the Wu Gang looks like when it officially takes off.

So before the Wu Gang was about to take off, not only the surrounding squares were filled with surging crowds, but also many people who didn't like crowds simply stayed somewhere near the base with good scenery and not much obstruction. Have a picnic.

Anyway, the Wu Gang is so high that you can even see the small spacecraft going up and down from time to time, which is also a great experience.

Not to mention that when it is not so crowded, you can use your mobile phone to watch the live broadcast of the reporter, watch the Wu Gang take off at close range, and quietly follow the camera to view the various facilities inside the Wu Gang, which is even more enjoyable.

In short, people inside the base probably didn't feel much about it, but for ordinary Chinese people outside the base, today was nothing more than a holiday.

Even if he is not in the capital, he does not have the conditions to rush into the city. At this time, he is probably staying in front of the TV early. Although today is Thursday and still a working day, today has attracted more attention than an ordinary holiday. The reason is also very simple. All units across the country have been notified that they have a day off today, and there is no need to take a day off.

This holiday can be said to be a long-awaited one.

After all, the previous assembly of the Wu Gang was extremely popular, not to mention that there was a grand ceremony for this launch. Even without this ceremony, it would still arouse the interest of countless people. Of course, many students who don't like to express themselves are excepted, because although the school is on holiday this time, teachers are also required to write an impression after watching the Wu Gang take off.

Of course, after participating in such a grand and commemorative ceremony, writing a reflection is absolutely necessary in the teacher's opinion, not to mention that an 800-word essay is much simpler than the essays required by some clerical positions.

In short, there are many blessings from all aspects. At least in the whole of China, today has become an extremely special day. A day filled with national pride. Although the ceremony has not officially begun, many celebrations have already begun in various places.

Even today, there are far fewer yin and yang voices under various topics on the Internet. Everyone is looking forward to it, some are looking forward to a perfect result, and some are looking forward to possible accidents, but there is no doubt that countless eyes are focused on this spacecraft that is about to take off.

For many people, this ship represents hope, but of course some people feel it is despair.

"Monsieur Dupont, this is a nice viewing spot, isn't it?"

Although the old man hated and even hated the man in front of him, when Nissen Mountbatten approached him, he couldn't just walk away.

It's not that Nissen Mountbatten now has a position that can compete with him. In fact, at least in Washington, Nissen Mountbatten's influence is still not as good as one of his little fingers.

But this is after all, in China, on the Wu Gang spacecraft.

Even in their hometown, the old man had to admit that Nissen Mountbatten's influence was gradually rising. Maybe it won't be long before he can challenge his position. The old Westerner was no stranger to this situation.

As long as a vicious dog follows the right owner, no matter how annoying it is, few people are willing to mess with it, and they may even look at the dog differently because of this, but this is certainly not because they are afraid of the dog.

So he will give basic respect to Neeson Mountbatten, but this respect is not for Neeson Mountbatten.

This sentence may be difficult to pronounce, but as long as you bring into the mentality of a distinguished old man, it is easy to understand. Neeson Mountbatten was a dog and he respected the man on the leash.

But the dog was right, this was indeed a nice viewing spot.

Lowering your head, you can see through the transparent glass, and you can completely and clearly see the crowd below like ants lining up to board the Dragon spacecraft. This will give people a sense of intoxication that everything is under control.

The only pity is that he probably doesn't have much chance to board this giant ship that represents the future.

"Yes, it's a very nice place. It's a pity that this ship is not our masterpiece. Do you feel sorry for this? Nissen?"

The old man replied calmly. When he finished speaking, he withdrew his gaze and glanced at the man next to him. Evidently he expected to see a look of shame on Mountbatten's face, but he was disappointed.

Neeson Mountbatten looked at him with clear eyes, without shame or regret.

"No, no, no, Mr. Dupont, I don't agree with your words, because your idea is too narrow. From the perspective of all mankind, this ship is a great masterpiece of human civilization, and it will open up a new era. A new era.”

The old man looked at Nissen Mountbatten quietly, and then lowered his head again.

This is one of the eight observation decks specially recommended by the staff just now, and each observation deck has a limit on the number of people. There are only twelve seats in the back row. He doesn't quite understand why Nissen Mountbatten came with him specifically. It's obviously not a pleasant thing to say.

This shouldn't be a provocation, and the old man didn't want it to be a provocation.

Fortunately, Nissen Mountbatten did not expect the old man to give him a good look, nor did he expect him to recognize his point of view. He just said to himself: "Whether you believe it or not, Mr. Dupont, I will not challenge you now or in the future." I don't mean to be authoritative, nor do I want to continue to spend my life in this place where I can see it by lowering my head.

Now I like to look up at the stars in the sky every clear night, because I believe that there will be a place for me there in the near future. Of course, my words do not mean going to see God, but actual conquest. Think about it, even within our solar system there are hundreds of thousands of mineral stars waiting for us to mine.

At this time, almost all preparations have been made here, including spaceships that can travel around the solar system, robots that can work hard and adapt to various harsh environments. Maybe the buildings under our feet and the laboratories under the buildings have already Start studying various technologies for planet exploration and collection. In fact, the courses taught at the Space Academy are not classified information.

So put aside all reservations and dissatisfaction and cooperate sincerely, Mr. Dupont. Of course, you are not simply cooperating with me, but cooperating with our future. Space mining tycoon? Space conqueror? Do you have a title you prefer? "

This time the old man completely withdrew his gaze, and his eyes began to look deeply at Nissen Mountbatten. The man in front of me should change his last name to Neeson Doug.

"Neeson, you got some promises, right?"

"Haha, Mr. Dupont, no commitment is required. I just see it more clearly than many people. Don't you still understand his pursuit? Of course, you don't have to make a decision in a hurry. We can wait until the launch ceremony. After that, I really look forward to being able to truly overlook the earth from this angle. It will definitely be a pleasing thing, what do you think?"

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