The End of Technology

Chapter 259 Argument

"What we just talked about is business, let's talk about some private matters next. You all know that Chen Xi is my student..."

When Ning Zi's words reached Zhuo Mingqian's ears, he immediately came back to his senses. Well, he was shocked just now, but it was just a business matter, just the base's external statement, and there were actually private matters. The official business alone already made Zhuo Mingqian feel that things were serious. This private matter...

"There are many scientists at the base, and there are also many mentors. I don't know how the mentors treat their students on a daily basis, or whether they are devoted to their students. But to me, every student under me is me. His lifeblood!"

Speaking of this, Ning Zi's voice became obviously louder. In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. The solemn look on his face can already show how bad his mood is at this time, and how serious and serious he is. Not to mention that this was the first time that Ning Zi had used foul language in public, although it was not unusual for him to occasionally use foul language at a age of only about thirty years old.

But some people's achievements always make others subconsciously ignore their age. For example, Ning Zi.

When he was in his early twenties, he had already achieved various achievements that others could only achieve when they were sixty or seventy years old. Now that he is over thirty, he is already an extremely mature scientist in the eyes of many scientific researchers.

But precisely because of this, the sudden swear words can better show the anger of the person at this time.

"I don't want to talk about righteousness. I don't even want to mention that students who can study in the Space Academy and study in all bases are the most precious talents for future space development. Since it is a private matter, I will only talk about Chen Xi now - Ning A homeless student. Now that my student has been attacked, and there has been no news after more than ten hours of search and rescue, and now his life or death is uncertain, how do you think I should feel at this time?"

After two minutes of silence, Ning Zi said coldly: "But since it is a private matter, then I may not be the general person in charge of the scientific research base, or the chief scientist of the base, or a member of the Wu Gang, Nuwa, or Kuafu Chief Designer. I am a teacher who has just received the news that the life or death of his students is uncertain.

I now make two demands. First, Chen Xi must be rescued safely; second, I don’t care who did this, they must give me and Chen Xi an explanation. If any of these two requirements are not met, I will give you an explanation first and then the other party after Kuafu completes its mission and returns to Earth in two months at the latest. At this time, I don't have the time to make clear calculations with a bunch of monsters and monsters. "

As soon as the voice fell, the communication was immediately disconnected.

At this moment, the entire base fell silent.

Okay, three opinions, and the distinction between public and private is very clear.

If directly withdrawing the base from the International Lunar Management Committee and taking back the management rights of the Earth-Moon Passage has already made the whole matter more complicated, then these three statements are even more troublesome.

The successful search and rescue of Chen Xi is a quantifiable task, but no one knows what kind of explanation can satisfy Ning Zi. But this is enough to scare many people. Especially the scientists at the base. Accustomed to the operating model of scientific research bases, this change is undoubtedly unacceptable to many scientists who only need to consider how to obtain more resources to satisfy their curiosity under established rules.

The more scientists come into contact with the core of the base, the more they understand the importance of Ning Ji and Zhinao in the operation of the base.

In the past, most scholars did not have much say except in their own professional fields, but in this different space age, the situation is indeed different. The right to speak within the base. Many scholars actually have a great right to speak.

The reason is also very simple.

Now the whole world is making way for the development of space resources. Capital has told too many stories about space. With the launch of the Wu Gang, large scientific research ships such as the Nuwa and Kuafu came into being, and aerospace vessels with different missions began to undertake various tasks. space mission, and then put the lunar scientific research base into operation...

Not only the investment in resources, but also the entire capital market has put all kinds of concept stocks related to space to the sky.

Regardless of whether it is a traditional or emerging company, if it does not describe the future space dream, it will not be able to make any splash in the capital market. Even the most traditional resource companies, such as those who control oil, iron ore, copper ore and other resources, have almost all been established and started to study various businesses such as geological exploration and mining of extraterrestrial planets.

But these newly established departments will undoubtedly need to deal with the base.

There is no other way. Take extraterrestrial geological exploration as an example. In addition to the technology that the base has to launch robots for excavation, collection, etc., other research institutions have the technology to use remote sensing and various wave spectra to determine what the planet may contain. of mineral deposits for analysis.

This belongs to the era of technology.

This is especially true for the various technology companies that are leading the times.

For example, the construction of Internet infrastructure on future colonial stars, the laying of basic communication networks between colonial stars and the earth, and the construction of waterways between planets...

Whose seeds and fertilizers do these colonial stars use?

To put it bluntly, a colonial star will be an emerging market serving billions of people in the future. Putting aside the high-tech industrial chain, these people’s basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, and spiritual needs, including inter-planetary communications and complementary resources, form a a huge market.

And capital all over the world has begun to materialize the imagination.

But if you really want to prepare for a rainy day, you must deal with the base.

The base is a general concept, and ultimately consists of thousands of individual laboratories within the base and a supporting large-scale industrial design center. Specifically, all the concepts that have been hotly speculated by capital in recent years are closely related to the scholars within the base.

Although in terms of the internal management procedures of the base, it is basically not possible for individual laboratories to directly cooperate with investors. All tasks are distributed uniformly by the brain. However, laboratory managers who complete their tasks inevitably have to communicate with the outside world.

This is why DuPontle hopes to participate in the formation of the Space Transportation Safety Administration Investigation Agency.

Just the selection and formulation of a space route contains too many benefits. To put it simply, space routes are like highways on the earth. How many communication buoys need to be laid, how many rescue ships, or space stations are needed for a distance of hundreds of thousands, even millions, or tens of millions of kilometers...

Of course, the greater profit lies in opening up a channel to where to go first.

Even though the Space Transportation Safety Administration and Investigation Bureau's official powers and responsibilities are concentrated on transportation safety management and interstellar navigation safety accident investigation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the powers and responsibilities of this management department go beyond that.

What resources does a planet have, the distribution of mineral deposits, how to allocate mining rights, and who will give the interstellar logistics business...

In theory, this newly established department can get a foothold in these industries involving billions of profits.

In the future, companies that operate interstellar resources will need to open shipping routes even if they capture the mineral deposits of a planet, right? When it comes to interstellar routes, you have to go to this department. Whether the route is smooth requires the approval of the department, and even which route should be opened first, all fall under the jurisdiction of this new department in the future.

To put it simply, countless capitals have already accomplished many things. At this time, everyone’s eyes are fixed on those ships in space, those things, and the base far away in China. If the space dream is shattered, many people will jump off buildings.

Of course, this can also be attributed to pre-planning and planning. To be precise, it is a generous conspiracy.

Capital's pursuit of profit has never changed throughout the thousands of years of human civilization. This was true even when there was no concept of capital. The annexation of land during the farming civilization and the development and advancement of maritime civilization are all closely related to the demands of capital.

Even in the era of interstellar civilization, there is no difference. The poor long for food and warmth, and food and warmth desire lust. This is human nature, and so is capital.

This gives the base a different status and voice in this era.

If before today, the base was considering how to balance the relationship with various companies, maximize benefits, and promote the rapid development of the space age, then after today, things will be a little different after all.

Seeing Ning Zi cut off the video, Zhuo Mingqian sat in front of the computer for a long time. After confirming that his former neighbor would most likely not send him a private call again, he stood up in a depressed tone and came to the window. He did not choose to rest first, because he knew that someone would definitely come to visit him later.

The base outside the window is still brightly lit.

He could imagine that the base's internal communications would probably be very busy at this time.

Most people are not very clear about the causes and consequences of this matter, but Zhuo Mingqian already has a general understanding.

How should I put it, he also thought this was quite ridiculous.

Who would have thought that this guy Dupont was so unpopular, so he just used his usual floating boat to personally pick up the young disciples accepted by Academician Ning. No one can do bad things with good intentions to this extent.

If you don't mind using malicious intentions to speculate on people's hearts, maybe that old guy Dupont has figured out this kind of thing and deliberately wants to use the power of the base to eradicate dissidents.

However, thinking of Dupont Le's character, Zhuo Mingqian shook his head and put aside this idea.

This old guy takes his own life very seriously, and he most likely doesn't have the noble moral integrity to put himself in danger. Even if he really wanted to play like this, he wouldn't stay on the boat. Therefore, the high probability is still as judged by the intelligent brain, and it is most likely an accident caused by accidental anger.

Those people must have been frightened out of their wits at this time, right?


Just as Zhuo Mingqian was running through a bunch of messy thoughts in his mind, just as he expected, the personal computer connected to the internal emergency meeting communication.

Zhuo Mingqian raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely, cheering up.

After Academician Ning said the harsh words, he could just ignore everything, but he would have to continue quarreling next!

"Everyone, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? Are you still pretending to be confused? Do you really think that what Academician Ning suddenly summoned at this time is for us? How can we be so virtuous and capable? The base really wants to It has been shut down. Can we, the people, make it run normally again?

So think broadly. Academician Ning’s words are not so much making demands on us as they are emboldening us. What private or official matters? Don’t forget who the base is built on. Academician Ning resigned from all public offices today. How long do you think the base, including all other affiliated institutions around the world, can continue to operate?

How has the base maintained its finances over the years? Who controls the intelligent brain interface that manages the base, routes, and spacecraft? Do you really have no idea? If we put a few spaceships into the sky to undertake search and rescue missions, would that be considered an effort?

I am a straightforward person, so if you hear what I say next, you won’t be blamed. In fact, I also know that everyone has their own little calculations. Corruption in the base is impossible, but there are always times when people are asking for help outside, and there are times when everyone is asking for help outside. Welcome and send off, nothing to complain about.

But at this time, I suggest everyone not to consider these little thoughts. For Academician Ning, it really doesn't matter whether he has this base or not. After abandoning this place, it would be a simple matter for him to just raise his arms and build another base. Those ships in the sky must have some idea of ​​who will listen to them in the end.

But we are different. This base can no longer operate, we are nothing! Do you know why this speech is a direct communication from the super group? Why do all the labs down there have their screens lit up? And not just limited to this building?

I am telling you just to let us know that if this matter is not handled according to Academician Ning's instructions, the scientists below will be able to do half of it tomorrow. When Academician Ning comes back, this place will be almost empty. Therefore, there is no need to discuss this matter, and it will be settled as Academician Ning said.

No matter who has questions, just show them the communication record of Academician Ning just now. If this is the case and you still want to interfere with the base's next internal decision, then let them sign and take responsibility! Don’t blame me for my ugly words. All subsequent voting and decision-making will be recorded. If you really have any objections, then you can continue. I won’t accompany you. "

Zhuo Mingqian rarely expressed his opinions without smiling, and the virtual online meeting fell into an embarrassing silence.

Until someone raised a question: "Director Zhuo, I understand what you mean. But Academician Ning didn't make it clear. He needs an explanation... Which step do you think is appropriate for this explanation? If Chen Xi is rescued safely, this explanation Will there be any difference? And after all, we are just a scientific research unit..."

"Which step is appropriate? What's the difference? Are you even asking this? That's Chen Xi, what a smart little girl. Her life or death is uncertain now! So what if she is rescued safely? Just let her suffer this. Is the crime worth just a few heads? Let me tell you, a hair on Chen Xi’s head is more important than the lives of those people. If you don’t have this awareness, everyone should stop hanging around the base in the future!

Therefore, I suggest that we continue to increase investment in rescue work, and at the same time, the base immediately announces its decision to withdraw from the International Lunar Management Committee. At the same time, relevant units are requested to immediately start a comprehensive investigation into the cause of this accident and simultaneously investigate the responsibility for this accident! Let the news out. The base is just a scientific research unit and has no power to control that corrupt organization. However, the base has the power to immediately cut off cooperation with units involved in those people in the corrupt organization. This is to completely cut off all cooperation!

Damn it, after Chen Xi is rescued, let all the ships fly over and cover up the sun! "

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