When Inugami Bai'er waved the katana in his hand, confidently thinking that he could easily cut through Lulu Wei's weapon as usual, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

The katana seemed to have been struck on a piece of iron, and was even bent visibly to the naked eye.

Although Inugami Baier managed to stabilize her body with her agility, Lu Wei's second ax had already followed closely.

Inugami Bai'er tried her best, but still couldn't stop the giant ax from falling.

At this moment, it was like being possessed by Louis XVI, and the dog god Baier seemed to have returned to the days when he was a dog in the house of Ichiro the Inu.

Xiao Inu Ichiro, as the head of the family, has a dignified appearance and is quite humane.

What's amazing is that he has some uncanny similarities with the family's big dog "Bai'er".

Due to his busy work, Inu Ichiro wanders away all year round, while his wife endures endless loneliness and longing at home.

In the absence of a suitable partner, he turned his attention to the big dog named "Bai'er" at home.

For the beloved wife, although having an affair can temporarily satisfy her desire, it also carries the risk of betrayal.

After all, Sakura Country has its own national conditions, and human nature cannot stand the test there.

But dogs are different. The relationship between one person and one dog is pure and firm. One word: loyalty!

Therefore, in this trust and dependence, "Bai'er" ushered in the peak moment of its dog life.

Just one day, when Xiao Inu Ichiro went home to hand over the public food, he happened to be seen by Bai'er.

After witnessing a toy that originally belonged to him being played with by someone else.

Bai'er angrily rushed towards Xiao Inu Ichiro and began to roar and bite crazily.

This commotion immediately attracted many servants in the house.

After driving Inuichiro out of the driver's seat, however, what happened next shocked everyone.

In full public view, Bai'er and Xiao Inu Ichiro live broadcast a fierce "human-dog love affair".

Although my wife tried to stop him many times, her cooperation was too tacit.

It immediately entered the fast charging mode, and everyone present looked sideways.

So what happened later was that Bai'er was tortured and executed by beheading.

Bai'er felt resentful because of this incident and eventually transformed into an dog god.

The scene switched back to the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke. Lu Wei waved the giant ax in her right hand and struck at Bai'er, the dog god, with overwhelming force.

Although Bai'er tried his best to dodge, he still couldn't escape, and one of his ears was chopped off by Lu Wei's sharp axe.

However, Lu Wei's attack did not stop there. She swung the ax more violently, hitting her opponent's shoulder.

In order to avoid it, Inugami Bai'er had to roll continuously on the ground before she could barely relieve herself of this powerful force.

At this moment, a ray of white light emitted from Bai'er's wound.

This light dispersed like filaments, and finally gathered in the corner of the battlefield, turning into hundreds of missing soldiers.

They checked their bodies and found that there was nothing serious, and they burst into laughter.

"Oh my god! I thought I was dead!"

"Yes! It's so dark in there, you can't see anything."

"Who saved me? I want to recognize him as my adoptive father!"

When the chattering people saw their mortal enemy-Inugami Baier.

When he was being beaten wildly by a woman, he was suddenly speechless.

Is this Lu Wei's true strength?

Some people began to speculate, who is better, Lu Wei or Lone Wolf?

Lu Wei's attack was not the end, but just the beginning.

She used "Sacrifice" and quickly caught up with Inugami who was trying to escape.

dodge! 20% dodge effect triggered!

The originally powerful sacrifice skill failed to cause any harm to Inugami Bai'er.

But the deceleration effect was still triggered. This time, Inugami Bai'er, who was originally agile, became even more passive.

It is like a down-and-out bereaved dog, tired of running for its life and retreating steadily.

The Inugami Bai'er, who always prided himself on being powerful, actually fell behind in the competition of strength.

Inugami Bai'er took another swig of liquor, changing from a "slightly tipsy" state to a "crazy" state.

In this state, its dodge rate and critical hit rate both soar to 50%.

Looking back on the previous battle, Inugami Shiraji could easily win just by maintaining a "slightly tipsy" state.

However, now it has to rely on the power of alcohol to forcibly improve its strength.

When Inugami Baier fell into a "crazy" state, he could no longer control his behavior and allowed his body's intuition to guide his actions.

For Lu Wei, this tactic seems to be quite effective.

After all, half of Lu Wei's dodges made several attacks in vain.

But Lu Wei also quickly adapted to the rhythm, coupled with her strength advantage. In terms of momentum, Inugami Bai'er was suppressed to death.

Even if Inugami Baier has "rapid attack", it will often be forcibly interrupted on the third or fourth floor because of avoiding the attack.

However, when Inugami Baier attacked Lu Wei, although the effect was equally significant.

But with Shadowmourne's blood-sucking ability, Lu Wei was able to recover quickly.

On the battlefield, the situation was still one-sided.

The dog god Bai'er, who was covered with wounds, could only be helpless and furious.

Within a minute of the god descending to earth, thousands of dragon warriors managed to escape.

Their return silently disintegrated the siege that originally surrounded Li Chusen.

However, those who had participated in the siege of Li Chusen knew well.

Ever since they took the first step in the siege, they had already set foot on the point of no return.

Now, they are just waiting silently, looking for a more suitable time to attack.

"Trash! I'll give you the last ten minutes!" The Great Tengu sat on the Diaoyutai, his tone seemed calm, but it revealed the anger of an emperor.

This anger exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, making many people with weak constitutions instantly turn pale and almost faint.

"Good... noble... sir!" At this moment, even Inugami Bai'er's voice was filled with trembling.

It let out a continuous low growl, like a mad dog ready to pounce at any time.

The next second, Inugami Bai'er didn't care about so much anymore.

It activates the roar of war and the power of God at the same time.

[War Roar]: Inugami Baier lets out a deafening roar, instantly increasing her own damage by 50% and reducing the damage received by 50%. The effect lasts for 60 seconds.

[Power of God]: A special move. Inugami Baier is so awesome now! In 60 seconds, Inugami Shira's attack power surges by 300%!

At this moment, Inugami Bai'er took out the flask and prepared to drink the last sip of strong liquor in order to get drunk.

However, the wine pot suddenly exploded on Inugami Bai'er's head, and a raging fire ignited instantly.

The initiator of all this was Su Yue.

One of his searing arrows hit the flagon with precision, causing it to explode instantly.

Not to mention the final "drunk" state, even the "arrogant" state cannot be maintained.

"Sorry, my hands are shaking!" Su Yue said simply, with the ultimate sarcasm.

If you can't beat a little zombie, why can't you beat a mere human?

The extremely angry dog ​​god Bai'er rushed towards Su Yue like a crazy beast, the sword in its hand flashing with cold light.

However, the moment the sword edge touched the aphotic shield, Inugami Bai'er's expression suddenly changed.

[Current collapse level: 60%, weakness level: 60%, current plunder success rate: 120%. Talent plunder successful! Void Cage and Drunken Master are special talents and cannot be plundered. The third talent for successful plundering—rapid attack! Number of times remaining: 1. 】

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