The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 115 En Kay

When he heard this name, Xing Ze's brows jumped, and he remembered the "Book of Ebon" he had seen.

"I have to say, Xing Ze." Edwin raised his lips slightly, "You surprised me. Although I didn't have high hopes for your investigation, but now it seems that you can find someone in such a short time. Put these together..."

The female scholar turned to look at the wall of clues behind her, "The Avery family, the Oil Gang, the Death Eaters, the mysterious man... I really admire your ability to connect these all."

If I didn't know the plot of the original work, I would probably be running around like a headless fly. Xing Ze muttered in his heart.

"There's no need for compliments. It's all just speculation. Let's continue talking about that Ebon."

Edwin nodded, "We know very little about his life, but he left behind an ancient book called the Book of Ebon, which records a lot about Hybril and En-Kay. information."

Having said this, the female scholar gestured to Reko, who took out a stack of paper from the small bag on his belt and handed it to Xing Ze.

"We collected these transcripts from libraries around the world, both Muggle and wizarding."

While listening to Edwin's explanation, Xing Ze carefully looked at the papers at hand. Most of these scattered papers were written in Latin, so it was not difficult for him to read.

It's just that the content inside is too shocking. Although there are not many pieces of paper, Xing Ze still saw a lot of blasphemous prayers, mantras and rituals.

God knows what these terrible spells and rituals are used to summon. According to the paper, these unknown spells and rituals all originated from Hybril.

What made Xing Ze even more uneasy was that in the last few obviously older papers, he saw information about En Kai, the underground king.

Of course, the weird symbols and the dark outlines that send chills down the spine are inevitable.

Xing Ze calmed down and continued reading. The article mentioned that En Kai is a dark dimension with no light at all, which exists under the hidden cave of Hybril. And the great being who descended from the four-dimensional space of Sekranoshu lives here.

In addition, the article also mentions that the Invisible Son - a viscous, semi-liquid substance that is completely opaque and has the color of soot - is the spawn of the great being.

After Xing Ze finished reading all the papers and regained his emotions, Edwin continued: "You must not know where we got the last few pieces of paper."

Xing Ze let out a long breath and returned the paper in his hand to Reko, "Is it in the hands of the mourner?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Edwin's blood-red eyes, and she smiled and said, "It's pretty much a guess, we found the two missing Aurors in the room of the Essex Hotel.

"According to the information left by the two Aurors, they got these things from a mourner. Obviously, these papers also brought them death."

This answer really surprised Xing Ze. He asked: "You must have spent a lot of effort to find these things, right?"

Edwin was about to reply when he saw Reko's face with a proud look on it.

So she cleared her throat and said reluctantly: "It is indeed not easy, but this useless poet finally showed his only role..."

"Thank you, thank you, Ms. Edwin." Reko grabbed the words. "Let me tell you the rest. I think you don't know what gratitude is.

"Listen to me, Xing Ze. It was such a thrilling experience. I even composed a song about it, and the name is..."

"Speak to the point, great poet."

"Okay, okay." Reko reluctantly compromised, "One of the benefits of my boring and old-fashioned family is social prestige. Yes, the manager of that hotel is called... called... hell..."

"Adian." Xing Ze said for him.

"Ah, yes, it was him. After hearing that I was from the Albin family, he immediately arranged for us to stay in a room on the same floor as the two Aurors. As soon as he left, we tried to sneak into that room.

"I bet you can't guess where they put that thing. It's the toilet, and these papers are placed in the toilet's water tank. Obviously, the Auror who came before didn't search very carefully.

"Speaking of which, you must be curious about how I know." Reko stopped showing off.

Xing Ze wanted to express that he was not curious, but seeing the expectant expression on the poet's face, he still asked: "How did you know that Dong XZ was in the toilet tank?"

"Aha, I used to like to hide hallucinogens in the toilet tank. Very few wizards would check out that kind of place, including my father.

"Now comes the big part. We got our stuff and were about to leave when we bumped into Randolph Tomaszewski who had the same idea. I think you should know him."

Reko pointed at one of the photos on the wall, "It's a pity that you killed him. Originally, I planned to take care of this bastard myself in return for his sneak attack on me."

As he spoke, the poet pulled down the collar of his inner clothes, revealing several eye-catching wounds.

Wolf hair, a missing toilet seat, and traces of magic in the room, another mystery is solved. very good! Xing Ze thought to himself.

"How do you know those two Aurors are hiding something?"

Edwin added: "We have been tracking down Randolph Tomaszewski and Mona Dunlap, who have been to that room before but didn't find what they were looking for.

"We didn't expect Tomaszewski to come a second time and bump into us. But I don't think it was a coincidence. He might have spotted us and took counter-tracking.

"Fortunately, we are not bad luck. He only came here, and we can barely deal with it."

Xing Ze nodded, he had seen Tomaszewski's ability. In the Forbidden Forest, he only used physical combat. If he used magic, Xing Ze's chance of winning was not high.

"My guess is that Mona Dunlap was another passenger on the train who disappeared."

"Yes, she is a banshee." Reko replied, "According to the latest news, she was also killed by you at the Quidditch Fair. For Merlin's sake, Xing Ze, you Could it be some kind of monster killer? Like a witch hunter from the church?"

In response, Xing Ze could only show a helpless smile.

"On the train, she must have used Polyjuice Potion to change her appearance." Idel continued the previous topic.

"But Randolph Tomaszewski didn't." Xing Ze rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"That guy can hide his appearance by transforming into a beast, so few people in the UK or even Europe recognize him. What's more, he has disappeared for so long."

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