The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 146 Investigate separately

They were led by the administrator to Harvey's room. It looked like Sheriff Martin had cleaned up very well, and there was almost nothing left in the apartment except for the furniture.

After scanning around, Ellie asked in confusion: "What are we looking for?"

"Anything suspicious." Xing Ze replied.

"Suspicious stuff? But the only thing that makes this place clean is a bouquet of flowers." Ellie questioned as she took down a picture album from the bookshelf in the living room.

"Well - interesting, I have seen his paintings. Just a few years ago, at the Glastonbury General Art Exhibition."

"Let's talk about art next time, Miss Shafiq, now is not the right time." Xing Ze walked into the bedroom and took a look. It was also very clean.

The manager standing at the door shouted: "If you are looking for something, then don't waste your efforts. I just asked the cleaners to clean it two days ago, otherwise this house will not be rented out at all."

"Can I take this album?" Ellie asked the administrator.

"You have to ask Harvey about that, it doesn't count if I say it."

Ellie pointed the picture album at the pocket of her robe, and with a whoosh, the picture album disappeared. The old lady opened her eyes in surprise.

"Very good, then I will ask him personally. Is he at the town hospital, or?"

"Hmm, this is the only hospital nearby."

"Have you found anything? Handsome guy?" Ai Li turned to Xing Ze in the toilet and asked.

Xing Ze walked out of the toilet reluctantly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Nothing."

"I guess so. Maybe we should go to the hospital and ask him in person? Instead of looking for answers in a freshly cleaned apartment?"

"Okay. You're right." Xing Ze agreed with resignation. He put his left hand in his trouser pocket and walked towards the door.

"So, can I be in tomorrow's newspaper?" the old lady confirmed again.

"Of course, wait and see the headlines, madam." Xing Ze winked at the administrator.

On the way out of the apartment building, the old lady whispered to Ellie, "If I were forty years younger, I would definitely ask him out."

"You can do it now too."

A smile appeared on the old lady's face, "Don't make fun of me, miss. I'm already this old."

"Perhaps that's what he wants?"

Looking at the astonished administrator, Ai Li raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a scheming smile.

After walking out of the apartment building, the eldest lady checked the time and said, "We wasted at least an hour here."

"It's impossible to tell." Xing Ze took his left hand out of his trouser pocket and saw a small plastic bag in his hand. There were some red pills in the bag.

He threw the bag to Ellie and said, "The latest hallucinogen flowing out of Knockturn Alley. The old lady is right. The painter's mental condition is worrying."

"Where did you find this thing?"

"In the toilet sink."

The eldest lady looked at the plastic bag in her hand with disgust, then threw it back to Xing Ze, "You must be kidding me."

"We don't have much time. Since you chose the album in the room, let's go to the hospital to meet the great painter. As for me, I'm going to check the source of this thing. See if I can find some useful clues. "

Ellie raised her hand.


"Two questions." The eldest lady asked, "First, do you feel free to let me investigate alone? Second, I think we are here to investigate the murder case, not the hallucinogen trade."

"First of all, there is an old saying that goes like this: Don't trust people you trust and don't trust people you doubt. I believe in your ability and loyalty, Miss Shafiq.

"As for the second question, it's a long story. We can talk about it later. So, what do you think?"

Ellie shrugged and said, "You are the boss."

Ace's little girlfriend was on the other side of town, and Xing Ze had to ask all the way to find the so-called orphanage.

From a distance, he saw the hooded girl from before. She was gathered around a fire barrel with a group of young people.

"Nice bonfire party." Xing Ze stopped a few steps away from them.

"What do you want to do?" the girl asked with a frown, "Where is Ace?"

"He left." Xing Ze replied, "Relax, don't be so nervous, I won't eat you."

"Leave? What do you mean?"

"The Skrtel family has moved in with their aunt. Your little boyfriend asked me to come and say goodbye."

"Fart, don't think I will believe your nonsense."

Xing Ze stepped forward, and the people around the fire barrel stepped back. "Hey, everyone, give us some space. I want to talk to this girl alone."

"I don't talk to wizards."

"You're already talking about it." Xing Ze smiled, reached out from his clothes and took out what Ace gave him - an ordinary snow globe.

The girl frowned and shouted in disbelief: " do you have this?"

"Ace asked me to bring it to you." As he spoke, Xing Ze walked up to the girl.

The people who were originally surrounding the fire barrel had already dispersed. Xing Ze handed over the snow globe, but the girl did not take it.

"If you don't like him, I can help you refuse. I've already been a Cupid once, and I don't mind being a Daphne again."

"Give it to me!" After reacting, the girl suddenly grabbed the snow globe and glared at Xing Ze.

"It seems that wizards are not very popular here." Xing Ze glanced around and found many unfriendly looks.

This place called the "Orphanage" is an unfinished building. It looks like it should be a gathering place for homeless people, hippies, and some homeless children.

"Do you have a cigarette?" the girl asked.

Xing Ze took out cigarettes from his pocket, awkwardly took one out of the cigarette case and handed it over.

"You don't smoke, right?"

"How can you tell?" Xing Ze put the cigarette case back into his pocket.

The girl laughed and replied: "How does the smoker know how to get his cigarette?"

"Okay, it seems I still have to practice more. By the way, my name is Xing Ze, and I am a wizard reporter. Your name is Tina, right? Ace mentioned it to me."

"Did the idiot mention why he was leaving?"

"I asked him to leave." Xing Ze said calmly, "Because it would be dangerous for him to stay here, if you want to ask why."

"Danger? Where does it come from?" Tina asked doubtfully.

"That's a good question. That's why I came to you." Xing Ze looked around cautiously.

After making sure there was no one suspicious, he took out the bag of hallucinogens from the ring.

Tina took a few steps back in surprise, and said angrily: "Put these damn things away, unless you want to kill me."

In the blink of an eye, the plastic bag disappeared from Xing Ze's hand. His guess was correct. Someone was selling red candies in Ravenska Village.

"Who can get these things from?"

"I don't know, don't tell me this." Tina took a few steps back, as if she was about to turn around and run away.

"What if I say this has something to do with Ace?"

Tina's face instantly became very ugly, her breathing began to become rapid, and she took a shaky breath of cigarette. After she calmed down a little, she asked: "What did you say?"

"I said, this thing can help me find out some things. These things may very well involve Ace's life. So, for the sake of your boyfriend, tell me what you know."

"But...but you're just a reporter."

"That's right, a reporter who is saving your boyfriend." Xing Ze joked.

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