The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 161 Members

John leaned his whole body on the chair, and the wooden chair groaned in pain, "Before that, noble lady. I need some wine."

"But this is a dessert shop." Reko smiled, "Where do you want the boss to find you a drink?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ellie asked the store owner: "Hey, Zuen, do you have rum ice cream?"

"Yes." The boss replied, "Would you like one?"

"Have some," John responded. "More wine, no ice cream."

"Where are the rest of you?" Aly glanced around the people present, "What do you want? Don't worry about money. It's fate that we can meet each other. I'll treat you tonight."

"Then I want an eggnog." The poet raised his hand.

"I guess there's no beer," Edwin said. "Just some carrot cake."

"A good choice." Ellie agreed, "Mr. Ackerman, what about you? Would you like some rum, too?"

"No, no, I can't drink too much." West leaned out from the shadows, "If you can, have a caramel pudding."

"Hot water." Xing Ze said before Allie asked.

The boss wrote down the things one by one, then turned and entered the kitchen. Ali sat back in her seat, "Okay, now we can talk. I am Ali Shafiq, maybe some of you are already familiar with me."

"I am Reko Albin," the poet introduced himself excitedly, "Priest of art, shining star in the field of ballads and love songs, famous poet. Nicknamed 'Invincible'... so called by some young ladies. I."

"Aha, that's a coincidence." John laughed, "My nickname is 'The Golden Gun', but they prefer to call me Big Dog John."

Xing Ze, who was sitting between the two people, rolled his eyes and said, "I probably don't need to introduce myself."

"Why not? My friend," Reko said. "I would say that not everyone here knows you very well."

"That's best. I like to keep a bit of mystery. Besides, Mr. Poet, you are wrong. Everyone here has his own secrets, and we don't know each other very well."

Xing Ze's words made the atmosphere tense, and West said abruptly: "Although we all have our own purposes, the same thing brings us together."

"That's right." The eldest lady agreed, "Put aside those mutual suspicions and suspicions. Now we have more important things to do."

The scholar who had been silent until now said, "Idwin, I agree with what Miss Shafiq said, although she has been investigating Reko and me before this.

"But there are more important matters at hand. As for you, Mr. Herbert West, I did not expect to see you again in this manner."

"Edwin?" The therapist thought for a while, "Ah, you are Hanno's granddaughter. I met you once, when you were just a little girl playing with dolls.

"I'm very sorry for the tragic passing of my teacher. He was devoted to the pursuit of truth. May he rest in peace in Avalon."

"May he rest in peace in Avalon. My grandfather once mentioned that you were his most proud disciple. Mr. West, can I ask you the purpose of coming here?"

West pushed up his glasses and said, "Of course. The old antiques from the Magic Research Society stopped my research, but I don't want to give up. If I join you, my research can continue."

Having said this, the therapist looked at Xing Ze and asked, "Dear sir, have you read my research report?"

"I've seen it. But to be honest, I don't fully understand it."

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, sir. Although I have simplified it, there are still many things in it that require some basics to understand.

"Let's talk about this later. You must have more important things to discuss."

After saying this, West hid his body in the shadow again.

The shop owner and the lovely waiter brought what they ordered, and then they walked into the kitchen knowingly.

Edwin took out his wand and waved it a few times, and some necessary spells were cast around the round table.

"Ah, wine." John picked up the glass and took a sip, "This means we can get down to business.

"First of all, I have to tell you some bad news. R was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. I bet the therapist wanted him to rest at home, but he definitely wouldn't do that.

"So, his anger will come soon. Although he is not a smart man, he is definitely not a fool who will fall into the same place twice. I suggest you make some preparations.

"Besides, it's already February. Everyone, give me some results. At least give me some progress of the incident, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to my superiors."

After he finished speaking, Reko asked Xing Ze in a low voice: "Damn it, Xing Ze, who is this guy? Why does he feel like my previous teacher who always urged me to hand in papers?"

"Because he does the same thing as the teacher." Xing Ze cleared his throat and said, "Before I talk about things, I need to make some things clear to you.

"This John, I, and Miss Shafik are all members of the Key Hall. You should have heard of this organization more or less. If you choose to cooperate with me, you are cooperating with the Key Hall.

"So, to be precise, you are all working for the Key Room now. And this guy, who is drinking rum from an ice cream cup, is our monitor.

"He will report on the progress of our investigation and evaluate all of us. But don't worry too much, he is still on our side."

"That's right." John raised the glass, "As long as there is wine, I will write good things for you on the evaluation report."

"What does this mean?" the poet asked stupidly.

Edwin, who was beside him, explained in a cold voice: "This means that we no longer have to hide and can conduct investigations openly. At the same time, this also means that we are put on shackles and locked in an iron cage. "

The bard grinned, "That sounds good. Do you have any badges for us? Like the Auror sun badge?"

"Unfortunately, no." John waved his hand, "Also, you can't talk about the Key Hall with others. Our organization needs to maintain confidentiality."

"Oh, damn it." The poet cursed, "Isn't this the same as before, still a sewer rat."

"Having certified rats," West suddenly interjected, "is like the difference between a country witch and a regular healer. As long as it doesn't interfere with my research, I'm fine with that."

"Me too." Edwin's statement followed closely.

Everyone's eyes turned to Recco. The poet hesitated for a long time and finally compromised: "Okay, okay, I agree, but at least I can give him a badge."

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