The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 186 Fireworks Party

"How about changing the route?" Reko suddenly joined the confrontation. "You just said, Director Crouch, that one of the parade teams will come to attend the press conference."

"Yes, I did say that."

"Then let them take a detour. As long as they are not allowed to continue on the previous route, the magic circle will not be completed." The poet became more and more excited as he spoke, obviously very proud of himself for being able to come up with this idea.

"I have to say, you are not just good at bragging and singing ugly songs." The eldest lady praised, then turned to look at Old Barty.

"How about it? Sir, this is the best outcome for you, me, and those proud pure-blood wizards.

"Just take a long detour and find any excuse to stall them. Just like the Ministry of Magic often does. If they agree, then that's the best. If they don't, then it can hold them back for a while."

Barty Crouch clasped his hands and rubbed his thumbs together. After thinking for a while, he agreed: "Okay, for the sake of the Shafiq family and the Albin family, I agree.

"But I can't personally come forward to do this. Let Alfred handle it and ask him to dispatch a few people."

"Thank you very much, Director, I promise you will not regret it."

"I hope so. Okay, let's go out now. I still have things to discuss with people, things that you look down upon."

A group of people walked out of the mayor's office and discussed their next plan. The eldest lady glanced at the so-called important people.

Most of them were reputable people in the town, many of whom she recognized. When investigating her family's property in Ravenska Village, she had read a lot of information about relevant people.

The tough-looking guy with a strong build was Robinson, the owner of the town's sawmill. Sawing was the town's pillar industry.

The thin old man following him was the patriarch of the Barron family, which was second only to the Mendez family in the town.

She also recognized Sacha Pfeiffer, president of the guild and vice-president of the Wizarding and Muggle Rights Association. However, what surprised her was that Gray from the wizard shop was also there.

This is a bit interesting. The owner of an ordinary wizard props shop can actually receive an invitation to participate together with the famous people in the town...

As Ellie was thinking about it, she caught a glimpse of the cross bracelets hanging on those people's hands.

"Wait!" The eldest lady seemed to feel something. She rushed towards the group of people, but something happened.

A van slowly drove into the sawmill of the town. Victor, who was sitting in the cab, was ashen-faced, but he did not dare to ask the guard at the door for help. After all, the unknown black creature was hiding in his seat. under.

As long as he looks a little strange, the thing will stab him from bottom to top, not to mention that there is a terrible wizard watching not far away.

The guards opened the car and checked it, and then asked Victor: "Are you the only one?"

"They had something happen at the hospital and they asked me to come here first. Come on, man, I come here almost every week."

The guard didn't say anything more, but gestured towards the guard room, and the car barrier slowly rose.

Standing not far away, Xing Ze watched the van drive into the sawmill. He waited, waiting for the van to enter the sawmill warehouse. According to Victor's information, that warehouse is where the cultists gather.

He checked the automatic rifle in his hand again, stabilized the pistol on his waist, and pulled the heavy belt, which had three grenades hanging on it.

The van entered the warehouse very smoothly. On the way here, Xing Ze changed the defensive magic reserved in Blue Beak's body and changed it to an explosion magic.

There was a loud bang, and the sawmill suddenly burst into flames. Then there were several explosions. The warehouse was completely blown to pieces, and black smoke rushed into the sky along with the flames.

"The party has started." Xing Ze opened the safety of his rifle and rushed there quickly.

No one stopped him at all. Everyone in the sawmill was rushing towards the warehouse. Some were wailing, some were cursing, and some were screaming.

Xing Ze picked up his gun and started shooting. The wizards closest to him were shot and fell to the ground. Those who were lucky enough to escape quickly drew out their wands and started to fight back.

Xing Ze calmly hid behind a pile of logs, took out his pistol and killed a wizard who rushed out of the house.

Then, he strode forward and took a detour to the other side, where two wizards were hiding behind a truck and looking around.

Without hesitation, he took out the grenade and threw it. The grenade detonated, and the two wizards and the truck were blown up into the sky.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and the smoke of burnt wood. The young wizard moved forward while changing the magazine of his rifle.

A burst of magic struck and landed on Xing Ze's left hand. The magic energy exploded. Xing Ze rolled on the spot so that the damage of the explosion could be minimized.

He raised his gun and fired, and the man retreated sharply. After emptying the magazine, he kicked open the door of the house behind him and hid inside.

When he ran out of bullets, Xing Ze threw away his rifle and used a pistol. "These things are much better than magic wands," he muttered.

Of course, the premise is that the wizard can be hit on the head, or the wizard does not wear robes with protective spells.

Xing Ze knew clearly that when confronting a wizard, staying in the same place for a long time was fatal. So, he quickly ran to the window and jumped out.

The shards of glass cut his hands and cheeks, but it was worth it compared to the magic that exploded in the room.

He confirmed the location of the opponent's wizard and rushed there using the pile of wood as cover.

Magic shot at Xing Ze one after another, but they were either blocked by piles of wood, dodged by Xing Ze, or were inaccurate.

"Damn it, did you hit him?" Jefferson shouted to his men in the sawmill office building.

", that kid is like a cat, jumping around, I..."

"I didn't fucking hire you here to hear you praise your opponent. Get rid of the wizard for me." Jefferson ordered.

Behind him, Luke held his wand in his hand and said nervously: "Take me out of here, hell, someone will take me out of here."

"Just stay quiet, kid. No one can leave until the bastard is dealt with."

"Are you crazy? Jefferson, how dare you talk to me like that."

"Our plan has been ruined. What do you think the bishop will think? If we don't deal with this wizard, we will all be sacrificed."

Hearing the word "bishop", Luke trembled slightly, but still insisted: "I can't die here. I am the only descendant of the Mendez family, and I must not die here."

"Go to hell with your descendants, little beast." Jefferson glared at Luke, "That guy caused me to lose almost all my men. So, don't ask me to leave again. If you really want to leave, the door Right there, please.

"But I don't have anyone to escort you. Damn it, you know that? You are a disgrace to the Mendez family. You can't even Apparate."

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