The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Tower

Xing Ze shuttled through the gaps in the house. He stopped from time to time to confirm his position, but most of the time, he stopped to avoid the wizard in the sky.

There was still some distance to go from the tower, but instead of being impatient or panicking, he became calmer and calmer. Just like an animal forced into a desperate situation, his body's instinct began to replace his normal thinking.

A few minutes later, he came to the street on the side of the tower. He crouched down and hid behind a mailbox, observing the situation there.

There were no guards at the door, or the cultists didn't expect anyone to resist them. In their eyes, the people in this area were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Xing Ze looked up and confirmed the black spots in the sky. He took a deep breath and rushed to the tower as fast as he could.

This spiral-shaped building is more than 100 meters high. It contains not only restaurants, libraries, but also many shopping stores. It can be said to be the comprehensive shopping mall of Ravenska Village.

Along the way, what Xing Ze saw the most were corpses. Tourists, shop assistants, old people, children, all kinds of corpses that died in miserable ways.

Those cultists probably planned to fight all the way to the top. When they reached the fifteenth floor, Xing Ze ran into a group of survivors who wanted to escape.

The group of people looked panicked when they saw Xing Ze. The leader among them was a restaurant chef. He mustered up the courage to come forward and beg: "Sir, please, please let us go. There are children and children here." elder."

"It's not safe outside." Xing Ze whispered, "Go inside and wait for rescue. The Ministry of Magic has sent people over."

Upon hearing the news, the crowd burst into joy, and many people hugged each other and cried.

Xing Ze made a hissing gesture on his lips, "Go in and I'll cast some defensive spells on you."

Seeing him take out his wand, the crowd started to panic again.

"Sir, no... no need, that's fine." The chef said with an embarrassed look.

Xing Ze didn't force it. The fact that they had avoided the wizards' searches before proved that this place should be safe.

"I'm looking for four children. Have any of you seen them?" he asked those people, but he didn't have much hope.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. The cook explained: "Excuse me, sir, we have just come out. No children have been here."

Xing Ze thanked him and was about to go up when the black cat at the top of the stairs suddenly issued a warning.

He frowned and shouted to the person behind him in a low voice: "Go in!"

The crowd rushed towards the hiding place in a panic. Everyone wished they had more legs.

Two wizards appeared on the corridor. When they saw the crowd, their eyes lit up, like two hungry wolves seeing the sheep.

They took out their wands so excitedly that they ignored Xing Ze's presence, which was undoubtedly fatal.

A spell hit one of the wizards, and the other wizard looked at his companions in surprise, and then realized that he should fight back.

But the fist hit him firmly on the chin, causing him to escape the earth's gravity for a few seconds, and then he was brought back to the ground by gravity.

Those who had not entered the hiding place stopped and looked at Xing Ze one after another, with surprise and confusion in their eyes.

"Thank...thank you." The chef thanked Xing Ze.

"Hurry in." Xing Ze urged.

The chef nodded, turned around and beckoned the crowd to come in quickly.

After everyone entered the hiding room, Xing Ze cast a defensive spell and a covering spell on the place, and then he walked towards the wizard who was knocked down by the spell.

He signaled Blue Beak to continue monitoring, then waved his wand to break the spell, and the wizard opened his eyes drowsily.


Xing Ze picked up the wizard and dragged him to a nearby toy store, "The four children you are chasing."


Xing Ze pulled out his wand and cast a silencing spell on the toy store, "Where are those four children now? Did you kill them?"

"What the hell are you, ah——" One of the wizard's fingers was violently severed.

"Child." Xing Ze continued to ask, grabbing another finger.

"On the 23rd floor, they escaped into the 23rd floor, and Manny was leading people to look for them."

"how many people?"

"Including Manny, there are five people in total."

Xing Ze frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"They are madmen, you know? Madmen." The wizard shouted, "We just want to kill a few half-bloods and Muggles. To have some fun, we are not the same as those madmen."

"Manny, crazy Manny has been nagging about Son of God and Harry Potter, so..."

"You're scared," Xing Ze continued, "because you met someone crazier than you. So, how many did you and your companions kill?"

"No, we haven't had time to kill anyone yet."

"Really?" Xing Ze chuckled, "I admire your self-control."

"Of course, of course, then I...can I go?"

"No." Xing Ze pointed the wand at the wizard.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, what are you doing? What are you going to do?"

"Hunt monsters." Xing Ze said coldly. After a flash of light, the wizard fell to the ground. A string of fingers of different sizes came out of his robe and slid along the tiles to a large toy. Bear's feet.

"I never make a mistake."

Xing Ze put away his wand, walked out of the store, and went up the stairs. The black cat jumped up and merged into his arm, and then turned into a spike and penetrated the chest of the wizard next to him.

The twenty-third floor is one of the tower's offices. It consists of a rotunda and rooms surrounding it.

Two wizards were guarding the hall, while Crazy Manny led the other two wizards to search the rooms one by one.

Judging from the remaining four rooms that have not been opened, there is not much time left for Xing Ze.

He carefully observed the entire hall, from left to right, front to back, and began to formulate an attack plan in his mind.

After Manny and the two wizards entered one of the rooms, Blue Beak turned into a black cat and meowed and ran into the hall. The two wizards immediately pointed their wands at it.

They didn't hesitate at all, and shot two simple magics at the black cat.

At the same time, Xing Ze flashed out from behind the door and hit one of the wizards with his prepared magic.

The other wizard's reaction was much faster than Xing Ze expected. He waved his wand and fired a ray.

Xing Ze turned around and barely dodged, then rolled to the side of the wizard. His counterattack spell only hit the wizard's defensive spell.

The black cat escaped the magic and jumped onto the desk. Its claws suddenly grew in size, and then it slapped the wizard hard.

The wizard's spell was interrupted and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Another wizard who had been struck by the spell stood up from the ground. Apparently, his robes saved his life.

Xing Ze expected this and cast a disarming spell to remove the wizard's wand. Then he jumped on the desk and kicked the wizard hard in the face.

On the other side, Blue Beak wrapped around the neck of another wizard. Xing Ze quickly walked over and broke the man's neck cleanly.

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