The atmosphere became a little awkward for a moment. After a short silence, the eldest lady took the lead and said, "I heard that voice."

Xing Ze looked at her doubtfully.

"Before I passed out, there was a voice in my head." Ellie exhaled a long breath. "It sounded like my deceased mother."

Ellie seemed to be lost in memories. She stopped talking and just looked ahead in a daze.

After hesitating for a moment, Xing Ze asked: "What did it say?"

After hearing the sound, Ellie suddenly came back to her senses. Her eyes drooped slightly and she whispered: "It hopes I can kill myself."

"Ah." Xing Ze seemed to understand something, "That's why you use your magic power unscrupulously."

"I know that's not my mother. But my body doesn't obey my orders. I hate this feeling. That sense of powerlessness makes me very unhappy." Ellie rubbed her hands with reluctance, humiliation and anger. .

Xing Ze took out a fruit candy from his ring and handed it over. He said helplessly: "You have to get used to this feeling. You have to admit that as individuals, we are sometimes very small."

"That's why I came to find you."

"To find confidence by making fun of me?"

The eldest lady grinned. She reached out and took the candy and said, "What do you think I am, a devil?"

Aren't you? Xing Ze muttered in his heart.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, first a few screams, and then the sound of chaotic footsteps.

The two people in the room looked at each other, and the eldest lady said worriedly: "Is it what I thought, or..."

Before answering, Xing Ze had already moved to the side of the door, "I hope not. Otherwise, you will say that I am a moving disaster star in the next sentence."

He carefully opened the door and looked towards the corridor. Not far away, there was a man lying on his back, and his back was being stepped on by a self-supporting lizard man, similar to a lizard man in a fantasy movie.

"What did you see?" Ai Li approached Xing Ze and asked softly.

"It's hard to describe," Xing Ze said, "but I'm sure I'm in trouble."

Ellie took out her wand and applied an armor protection to herself. "I'm never bored every time I'm with you."

"Thank you for your soft lips."

After saying this, Xing Ze pushed open the door and rushed out. The magic he prepared in advance shot at the monster, but the thing was not as clumsy as it looked.

The moment Xing Ze rushed out of the room, it immediately raised its flat head and looked at the visitor cautiously, whether it was instinct or its keen intuition. Before the magic could reach it, it suddenly jumped up to the ceiling.

The fainting curse hit a discarded medical equipment bucket in the corridor, followed by a scream, and the monster came to Xing Ze's head at an extremely fast speed.

Quick reactions, quick speed.

The monster jumped down and struck the young wizard with a wave of his hand. Xing Ze was already on guard. He raised his hand to block the blow. The attached blue beak weakened a lot, but he still took a few steps back.

Not bad power.

"Step aside!"

A cry came out. Xing Ze pushed the monster away and jumped to the side. The fierce flames almost swept through most of the aisle.

The monster like a large upright lizard screamed and tried to escape for its life. Xing Ze waved his wand and a spell hit the monster, but it had no effect.

Ellie glared at him reproachfully, and the latter spread his hands with an innocent look on his face. How could he have expected that thing to be somewhat resistant to magic.

In just a moment, the monster ran away a long way, and Xing Ze had no choice but to chase after it quickly.

The diagnosis and treatment area of ​​St. Mungo's was in chaos, with therapists and patients running for their lives in panic. Before the monster could cause serious damage, Xing Ze caught up with it and killed it with a black blade.

"For Merlin's sake, I'm looking for you Xing Ze." West squeezed out from the chaotic crowd.

"Did your pet escape?" Xing Ze asked, looking at the body of the lizard man on the ground.

West waved his hand and said: "Merlin's beard. What do you think I am all this time? A madman? A cultist?"

"It's hard not to think of those people the way you look now."

West looked at his blood-stained white coat and realized, "Ah, they killed one of my companions, and this is his blood."


"Yes, there are two more. I saw one of them going to the temporary operating room."

"Where are the hospital guards?"

"We separated and chased each other."

"I understand..." Xing Ze was about to go to the operating room to have a look, but the eldest lady had already gone in that direction against the crowd.

"Hurry up, Xing Ze." She urged.

"When this is all over, we have to talk."

West nodded, "Trust me, we have a lot to talk about."

When we caught up with Ellie, it was almost halfway through the journey. The panicked crowd hid in the nearby ward with the help of hospital guards.

"It looks like a lizard." Ellie stopped, picked up a child and handed it to the mother who was blocked by the crowd.

That naughty boy must have crawled under the adults' crotches. He was very lucky and didn't even get hurt at all.

"I think it's more like a snake." Xing Ze replied.

"I've never seen a snake with arms and legs."

"In fact, there are rumors that the snake that deceived Adam and Eve existed and had wings. But later, God took away these in order to punish it."

"It's an interesting explanation, but let's solve the problem at hand first." The eldest lady pointed to the hospital guard lying on the ground, and the two stepped forward to check.

"Dead." Xing Ze checked the pulse of the guard on the ground with his finger and said, "How are you doing over there?"

"Same." Ellie replied, "The whole throat has been torn out, there is no way he is still alive."

Xing Ze stared at the claw marks on the back of his body and fell into deep thought.

"Let's go, we have to find that thing quickly, otherwise more people will die."

When the two arrived at the operating room, Xing Ze saw an old acquaintance, Arthur Weasley, who was walking quickly down the empty aisle with a hurried expression.

"Hey, Mr. Weasley!" Xing Ze called to him.

Arthur turned around, holding his wand quietly in his right hand. After seeing that the person calling him was Xing Ze, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"For Merlin's sake, Mr. Xingze. You have to help me."

"What happened?" Xing Ze asked, rushing to Arthur's side.

"I...I can't find them."

"Calm down, sir. Who can't you find?" Ellie waved her wand and cast a calming spell on Arthur.

"It' sons, Fred and Ron, and Harry and Hermione."

Xing Ze looked at Arthur in disbelief, "How could that be?"

"George needed a cast, which took time. So I gave Fred some money and asked him to take the kids and buy some food."

"We have to find these children first." Xing Ze said to Ellie.

"You are the BOSS, you have the final say."

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