The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Christmas Eve 1 year ago

Happy Christmas Eve, I was going to throw this piece in the sideshow, but then I thought it would be fine to throw it into the main text.


December 24, 1990, Eastern Europe, Durmstrang.

Durmstrang, one of the top three wizarding schools in Europe, although not as big as Hogwarts, also has a four-story castle, a spacious campus, lakes and mountains. Due to its location, there is little sunlight in winter, fur capes on uniforms, short daylight hours in winter, and its location near Scandinavia…

This is a place full of icy aura. Compared with the cold weather itself, what is more icy is people's hearts.

I don't know what those people in the Ministry of Magic think, Durmstrang can openly teach students black magic without worrying about being checked by the water meter. In this school, strength comes first, strength = status = prestige = wealth = resources... The structure of this school is like a pyramid.

Using the phantom body spell to approach the tall, sturdy boy who looked like a polar bear from the side, Asker kicked him **** his ass, and the boy who lost his balance screamed and fell into the icy lake, yelling and scolding While trying to climb out of the lake.

"Hehe, the wand in your hand is a fire stick?"

Asker watched the boy climb out of the lake like an idiot, grabbed his wand, and rushed towards him again with a ferocious face. Asker waved his wand with a bored face, and hit the boy with a weapon. Losing his wand, the boy didn't care. Anyway, his spell was not as good as Asker's. He rushed towards Asker like a tank, and he was aggressive.


Asker snorted, looking at the extra wand in his hand, he exerted a little force but did not break the wand. Some helplessly looked at his slender wrist, and then looked at the wand that looked like a rolling pin. Ask had a lot of resentment for Gregorovich. Why did this guy make such a wand!

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing Asker preparing to break his wand, the boy was also startled, but when he found out that Asker couldn't do it, the boy was relieved, and the smirk he used to bully other freshmen appeared on his face again.

"Cut, I've said it all, you're really an idiot!"

Asker threw his wand at the boy, the wand in his hand lightly, a black light hit the wand, and after a while, the wand suddenly exploded like a firecracker.


Asker chanted the spell slowly, stopped suddenly, looked at the wreckage of the wand on the ground with a demented expression, spat towards the ground, turned around and left here leisurely. Not long after he left, a shrill scream came from the lake.

"Ask, I must kill you!"

A magic wand is a wizard's little friend, breaking someone else's wand is equivalent to breaking her little friend. Like Asker, who smashes other people's wands to pieces...

It was winter, Durmstrang had already been covered with a white coat by the heavy snow, stepping on the knee-deep snow, Asker walked towards the back mountain, where there was no one inhabited, there was a virgin forest, so cold weather to go. There were far fewer people there than usual.

As he walked, it snowed heavily in the sky, and Ask added an iron armor to himself. Turning around and looking at Durmstrang Castle, he was already standing on the edge of the woods, the castle in the distance was only the size of a palm, and he had walked a long way.

"Tsk tsk, in such a remote place, it shouldn't be discovered."

Asker touched his chin and said to himself. He walked into the woods, feeling that he was not safe and secretive enough, so he walked towards the depths of the woods again, and didn't stop until he was too tired to walk. He was leaning against the tree panting heavily, his expression tired, but his eyes were full of excitement. He looked at his masterpiece for many days, and his mental exhaustion seemed to disappear.

"Well, it's almost the last."

In the snow in front of Asker, a large white umbrella covered the area with a diameter of five meters. The snow below was removed, and a disc-shaped ice plate was attached to the ground. masterpiece --

Crystal Castle!

Of course, this is actually an ice sculpture. Asker has not yet had the money to use crystal to carve such a huge castle model. This castle was designed by Asker. Generally speaking, people who like fortress-type buildings like castles are insecure people. This is exposed in Asker.

Originally, the castle in Asker's mind was a fortress, and he gave up all offensive capabilities and pursued comprehensive defense enhancement. Such a castle is naturally beautiful in appearance. In order to cater to someone, Ask can only make concessions, which is why this ice sculpture castle is useless except for its beauty.

At this point, the ice sculpture was nearly finished, and there were only some subtleties on the spire and wall that needed to be trimmed, which only took Asker two hours. After all was completed, Asker rested for half an hour, then took a whistle from his pocket and blew it three times.

"Hu Chi~ Hu Chi~"

A giant about eight meters tall walked over from the depths of the woods, just like other giants, his body was dirty, surrounded by various animal skins, and a stench could be smelled from a distance, these giants God knows how many years I haven't showered,

Most of the giants have low IQs. Don't expect them to speak Mandarin, and Ask is too lazy to learn the language of giants. The experience in the past few months has taught him that the truth is that people die for wealth and birds die for food.

Taking out the fresh meat of almost half a pig from the storage pocket, Ask made a lifting motion to the ice sculpture on the ground, and then motioned for the giant to follow him. It's too far away from the outside. How big is this virgin forest, I'm afraid even the oldest professor here can't tell. Don't look at Ask for so long, in fact, he is still spinning around the edge of the forest. What is in the depths of the forest, no one knows, there are all kinds of dangers in the depths of this forest, not all the giants have to deal with the one that Asker met, not to mention those who are more savage and cruel than the giants, unable to communicate, only What about this monster of killing instinct?

"Gordo, how's the winter going?"

Asker communicated with the giant he named Gordo as he walked. Although many times the giant would only respond with various strange sounds, he couldn't understand what it meant, but Asker still played well. Very committed.

Through "communication", Asker knew that this winter was much colder than last year, that Gordo lacked clothing and food, and that he had not eaten enough for a long time, etc. It was basically some meaningless information.

When he was almost gone, Ask asked Gordo to put down the ice sculpture, and then took out some fresh meat and threw it to him. Gordo went back contentedly. Ask used a spell to hide the ice sculpture, and after protecting it, he also moved towards Germany. Go to Mstrong Castle.

Today is Monday, there are many classes, and Ask is absent to do this. Since he came here, Asker hasn't taken a few serious classes in the past few months, and the professors don't seem to care about this, and let Asker come and go as he wants.

In the entire Durmstrang, the only one who enjoys this kind of treatment is Ask.

This is not indulgence, indulgence, or privilege. Underneath these unreasonable expressions are two words—


Asker has a great grandfather. He has successfully turned 60% of Durmstrang's current students into Asker's enemies. The percentage of professors is a little low, only 40%, but it's still quite impressive. . In such a school, Asker feels that it is actually very interesting, at least you never have to worry about life being boring.

If you are in a bad mood, find someone to beat him up to vent; if you are in a good mood, find someone to beat him up to vent; after dinner, find someone to beat him up; before eating, find someone to beat him up; Beat him personally; there is a class today, find someone to beat him up...

In this school, only cowards and cowards abide by the school rules. If a person is beaten by other people, if he goes to the teacher and complains, he will be despised by everyone and even retaliated.

Over the years, Durmstrang has two people who have succeeded in provoking the hatred of more than 80% of the entire school. One is Gellert Grindelwald, the mighty Dark Lord of the past, and the other one. One is his grandson, Ask Grindelwald.

The fine blood of the Grindelwald family...

When Asker walked into the castle, everyone he met on the road immediately lowered their heads after seeing him, daring not to look at him. This is a very useless thing, a group of senior students were treated like grandchildren by a freshman, without any dignity at all. Although there are many people who are full of unforgettable hatred for Asker, there are also some people who are his admirers. Most of these people are low-level students who are usually bullied by others. They have no strength and cowardly characters. Asker beat up a lot of people who usually bullied them, so they regarded Asker as their idol and benefactor.

Durmstrang dueling is very popular, and the system is strict, there is no situation where a dozen people duel one person. In the first month of school, Asker fought all the students below the fourth grade to a duel. On average, three to four people were beaten to the infirmary every day by him, and a few unlucky ones were sent to the hospital. The better hospitals outside the school all chose to transfer schools afterwards.

Ask is also a scholar, but this "tyrant" represents violence.

Walking swaggeringly to the door of the girls' dormitory, Ask completely ignored the aunt who was guarding the door, and went into the girls' dormitory recklessly. The aunt who guards the door has a big shoulders and a round waist and a rough face. This is a typical Slavic hairy aunt. After all, the fighting nation still has a deterrent force. But such a gatekeeper turned a blind eye to Ask's behavior, and even greeted him with a smile.

In fact, the reason is very simple. This aunt was one of Old Grindelwald's suitors back then...

Men have thirty-one flowers, and women have thirty tofu dregs.

All the boys who saw this scene cursed Asker in their hearts. Everyone knows the reason. They are envious, jealous, and hateful.

I don't know which girl shouted "that guy is here again". The usually lively dormitory area was emptied in an instant. When I walked to the last living person, I couldn't see the living person. The doors and windows were closed, and some even added a curse. I am not here to look for you. "

Asker hummed, raised his head, and walked towards the target room defiantly. However, before he got there, the person he was looking for appeared.

She has pink hair, a face carved from jade, like the most delicate and lovely doll, eyes like sapphire, and she wears a white fluffy cotton jacket...

Delia Hill.

First-year freshman, British, both parents are wizards, and he was called "Drmstrang's treasure" when he first entered the school. A lively and lovely, understanding, gentle and generous, beautiful and skilled... In short, this is an ideal Companion candidate.

Now, she is "occupied" by Asker.

The privilege of being a scholar is that resources are used first, the right is not used, the expiration date is useless, and the official seal in hand can be exchanged for stolen goods immediately...

Asker cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Cough, Delia, tomorrow is Christmas, and I have prepared a very, very beautiful gift for you."

"Then you can talk to me tomorrow."

Delia tapped her head helplessly and sighed. Every time Asker visited the girls' dormitory, the traces left would make people wonder if a wild boar had crashed in.

Ask clapped his hands suddenly, as if he had just reacted, and said suddenly: "That's what I said, why didn't I think of it!"

Delia: "..."

A year ago, Ask was actually not that serious...

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