The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 67: I do not know either

It's still on time, not more than today↖(^ω^)↗

In other words, I finally know who Xiao Nian is, it turns out that this guy is not a person at all!

Okay, don't forget to vote for the recommendation, I'm going to bed.


Raise your hand if you think Ask is upright, upright, and rigorous!

Very good, none of them, that's right!

There is a saying called "people have self-knowledge". Asker has self-knowledge. He always believes that he is not a good person. This is worthy of praise. At least he is very honest, or he is shameless and dares to put such words on it. mouth.

"Oh, I did another bad thing, and I feel that my conscience has been condemned by morals again."

After the poisoning was over, Ask swaggered back to the Slytherin common room. Along the way, his reaction to what he had done could only be described as shameless and shameless. If anyone knew the truth, He would definitely not be able to resist beating up Asker.

Well, there is a prerequisite for this. First, you have to beat him.

In the face of Ask, many people will have such a feeling, a sense of powerlessness. This guy is like a **** who is invulnerable to all poisons and is not bad. You have nothing to do with him. And he will occasionally stretch out some poisonous thorns to cause you to suffer some minor or serious injuries. You still have nothing to do with this guy when you are mad, and it is common to hold back internal injuries.

Actually, there are many in this world.

Take a chestnut!

The SALA mode in games like LOL and DOTA has three blood and two towers, commonly known as the father-son game. When playing the game, the other side has been taunting you in an extremely... elementary school manner, making you very angry, and I can't wait to beat him to his knees and call Dad, Jiao Zuoren...


You and his mother just can't beat him!

There is never any causal relationship between ability and character!

Closer to home, Asker poisoned the next day's breakfast in the kitchen. As for how he did it...

It's very simple!

open the door,

walk into,


walk out,

close the door,


Speaking of which, Ask is not the first person to poison the food in the kitchen. There were naughty and lawless students who did this a long time ago. However, he dared to treat everyone in the school, whether it is a teacher or a student, with the same laxative. Ask is the first person. He doesn't care whether the Slytherin students will be recruited or not. He doesn't care whether the teachers will be recruited or not. He will be recruited, and he doesn't even care if he will be recruited...


If this matter is discovered, bet a copper nut, Asker's treatment at Hogwarts will soon be comparable to when he was at Durmstrang.

"Christmas is coming... I'm short of money."

Asker sat on the bed and counted the coins in his pocket by the dim light. There was no gold Galleon here, only a small amount of copper nut and even less silver siko. He often makes a lot of money, then quickly becomes poor again, then finds a way to make money, and the cycle goes on and on.

"I also want to have a rich dad..."

Looking at Draco in the bed next door, Asker looked envious, but as he didn't even know what his father looked like, the name was told to him by others, and the only grandfather with a closer relationship was the former terrorist in the magic world. Handle, the unlucky boy who is still in prison, Ask can only do one thing—

Your father is still your father, but your father's money is mine!

"Where are the gold coins... why don't you just enjoy it..." Ask sighed with emotion, then looked at Draco who was sleeping with a gloomy smile on his face, "Hehehehehe...don't put the arms The arms dealers who sell them to the enemy to fight their own country are not international arms dealers... The whole school is still the richest in Slytherin... Hehehehehe..."

Asker's laughter was so penetrating that all the students in Slytherin had a nightmare that night. The content might be different, but they all heard a string of extremely evil laughter...


After more than a year at Hogwarts, Asker woke up first, and his laughter woke Draco. After waking up from the nightmare, he heard a string of laughter from the previous nightmare. Draco looked at the ceiling stupidly, wondering if he was still in that nightmare.


Asker laughed like no one else. The weird and evil laughter made all the students who heard it gave goosebumps. They avoided Asker one after another. Everywhere they passed, everyone consciously leaned to the sides and gave way to the middle. . This kind of scene is a bit like the king's tour, but there is no king's extravagance in Ask's body, but there are a lot of ghosts.

As a scholar, Hermione woke up very early. She was peeling the egg shell when she heard Asker's laughter, her hands trembled, the egg fell into the glass, and half of the milk inside spilled out and spilled on her. On the clothes, the brand-new clothes were so soiled.

Hermione turned her head angrily, just as she was about to get angry, Asker's laughter drifted over again, this time it was much closer, as if that person had walked to Hermione's side.



Asker wiped his face with his hands as if nothing had happened. It felt good to wash his face with warm milk, but the shirt inside seemed to be wet, and it would be very uncomfortable when it cooled down. The smile is still the same, making people wonder if he has been cursed, and he can only maintain this expression. This time, Asker finally did not let out that creepy and terrifying laughter.

"Hermione, good morning...hehe..." Habitually, Asker almost couldn't help laughing again. He could only quickly grab a piece of bread from the table and stuff it into his mouth to stop the laughter.

Hermione rolled her eyes. She poured another glass of milk and handed it to Ask, who had choked on swallowing too fast.

"You forgot to take your medicine again today?"

At this time, there were not many people in the auditorium. There were only people on the long table in Gryffindor who were used to getting up early, like Percy and Wood. They were not surprised that Asker came over to find Hermione. Although he was a little uncomfortable with his nervous laughter, it was nothing to imagine that the person who did this was Ask.

"Today's breakfast was given laxatives." Ask said to Hermione, "If you believe me, then don't touch today's breakfast. It's better to be hungry than to spend a day in the toilet."

You can imagine how wonderful Hermione's expression was when she heard Asker's words. Perhaps because she was too surprised and excited, Hermione couldn't even speak, but pointed at Asker with a trembling finger, who was carrying the bread down with milk.

"...Well, it doesn't matter, this is a chronic laxative. It will take five hours for a full attack, which is still early. As long as you take the antidote before that, there will be no problem!"

Asker continued to eat and drink as if nothing had happened. Judging from his words and actions, Hermione was 90% sure that the person who believed in the laxative was I know what you want to say, but... um, Wait a minute and you'll find out who the person taking the laxatives will be. Asker said before Hermione: "As for whether you want to tell the do you explain what you know?" Don't look at me, I won't admit anything, if you do that. "

Hermione struggled for a while, and finally lowered her voice and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, Christmas is coming, I have to find a way to get some travel expenses."

"Is it that simple?" Hermione said in disbelief.

"It's that simple."

Hermione immediately took out her wallet and looked at Asker, "I'll give you how much money you want! Hurry up and find a way to end this farce!"

Hermione still believed that the person who did this was Ask, and she was worried that when the matter was exposed, Ask would be punished by the school or even expelled.

"Don't make trouble, just watch a good show with peace of mind." Ask waved his hand, although he looked indifferent, but his eyes were extraordinarily serious and solemn, "This matter is very important to me, and anyone who tries to obstruct me. ...I won't be polite."

Hermione was shocked and angry: "Even me?"

"I'm sure you wouldn't do that." Asker said, he paused, then continued: "If you really did that..."

Hermione asked angrily, "What will happen to you?"

"I do not know either."

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