The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 3 Chapter 7: fun things

It's not that I can't update it earlier. Well, I start coding after playing games until after nine o'clock, chatting with people while writing, and my family members come over from time to time, so the efficiency can't be improved.

The collection of 5470 is much faster than I thought. It seems that the increase rate is much faster after the collection of 5000.

Still no response to the question of the book, the ghost knows what the starting point wants to do.


Tom Riddle, an ordinary Muggle orphan a few months ago, is now a first-year student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Magic is an unknown field for him. He is curious and longing for the power of magic, and is thirsty.

Compared with those Muggles who are not qualified to contact magic, Tom is lucky. Compared with those students who are not qualified and do not work very hard, he is excellent, but when he meets a person, in front of that person, he It seems that he has changed back to the ordinary boy in the orphanage.

"The answer to today's homework is two silver xikes."

Asker took the money from his roommate, and then left the common room without anyone else in the common room, and went out for a stroll. It just took less than one-tenth of the time of others, and Asker easily solved today's homework, while the other students had to finish their homework in the common room before they could do anything else.

The students in the class with Ask are happy, because they never have to worry about homework, they only need to pay the corresponding price, and ask for any homework.

"Although people are a bit... But it really helped us a lot."

The two roommates who had been cleaned up by Ask did not dare to say whether he was wrong even when Ask was away. They had experienced a hard lesson, but they were repaired by Ask while enjoying the convenience brought by him. The likes and dislikes for Ask have also become blurred.

Only students can understand the difficulty of copying a ready-made copy and writing one by myself. Not long after, the two people who had finished copying their homework stretched out comfortably, and then looked at another roommate who was frowning, pondering, and unable to do anything about the exercises.

"Hey, Tom, here's the answer, we can go to rest after copying."

Stop writing, Tom raised his head, his eyebrows were still furrowed, looking at the workbook handed over by the roommate, a trace of jealousy and unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

[Is the gap between me and him really that big? ! ! 】

"Tom?" Seeing Tom seemed distracted, his roommate patted him on the shoulder and reminded him.

Tom forced a smile and said, "Oh, leave it there, I'll bring it back to you later."

"Well, let's go back first." The roommate stretched his waist. "After studying the history of magic, I'm not feeling well. Well, I'm so sleepy. I'll go to bed first."

"Let's go, Tom."

Both roommates left, Asker ran out for a walk, and only Tom was still doing his homework. The already-written homework book was in his hand, but he didn't even look at it, as if it didn't exist at all.

It may be silly, but this is Tom's persistence, his dignity, his pride.

"It's really boring."

At this time, Asker, who was strolling outside, was not as leisurely as others thought. The reason why he chose it was because there was nothing to do in the common room. Two weeks later, he had memorized the book, but as for what it meant, he only understood less than 30%, and the more he read, the more he felt that the book had nothing to do with his current situation.

How should I say it, probably because you know the law of universal gravitation and the principle of rockets, but you can't launch yourself and land on the moon.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, probably that's what it means.

For two weeks, Ask got more and more bored, so tonight he planned to take a walk around the Room of Requirement to see if the house with such a cool and boring name could help him.

On the eighth floor, standing opposite the tapestry of Barnabas being beaten by the troll stick, Asker concentrated on going back fifty-five years later, and walked over that wall three times. Everything went well, a very smooth door appeared on the wall, and Asker opened the door and walked in.

Then he went back fifty-five years later... that's weird!

The Room of Requirement is indeed a little-known place, or there are some people who know it, but it is estimated that there may not be one for dozens or hundreds of years. It is probably similar to Slytherin's secret room. Thinking of the secret room, Asker realized that it was Hogwarts or there were some more interesting places.

The interior furnishings haven't changed much. Many things here are very familiar to Asker. For example, he found a statue to give Hermione a small crown, but it's empty now, and I don't know if it was placed there by someone later.

There is a table in the center of the house with a basin on it. It is made of stone, but after polishing, it looks smooth, like jade.

Intuition told Ask that this was the answer the Room of Requirement gave him.

A pot is the answer?

First, let's see what kind of pot it is.

Walking to the table, Ask just glanced at the function of the basin, but he was curious about the meaning of giving him a Pensieve. Could it be that he went back to his previous memory, which is relative to the current fifty-five Years later, is it considered a departure in a sense?

"Playing with Aske's mouth twitched, let's not say whether this Pensieve is useful or not, he can't just use the spell that brings up memory. And it involves the brain and soul. In terms of things, even he didn't dare to mess around. Even if he wanted to use the Pensieve, he would have to wait until he learned how to retrieve his memory.

But, who would know this?

There are books in this area in Hogwarts Forbidden Books. Ask has seen them, but some wicked person tore up the page, and only the catalogue proves that they existed.

"Forget it, let's go to the library first, maybe it hasn't been torn apart by this time."

After making up his mind, Ask stayed in the Room of Requirement for a while, looked around, rummaged, and then left after confirming that there was nothing of value.

However, that annoying feeling came again, and when Ask closed the door, he felt as if he had missed something again.

what is it?


A trip out, not only did not solve the problem, but made it even more annoying.

The tempered Asker walked with his head sullen, but who knew that he bumped into someone while walking.

"Dumbledore... Professor."

Dumbledore glanced at Asker, nodded as a greeting, and then left.

He watched Dumbledore leave, but Asker didn't move. He touched his chin. His expression was a little weird, thinking that he thought of something interesting.

"If I tell Dumbledore about some things that will happen in the future, what interesting things will happen?" Ask's smile was a little distorted, "I'm really looking forward Welcome to reading, the latest, The fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users, please go to read.

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