The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Tentative

I don't know how to describe my luck. I went online tonight and found someone to bring me rice. Then, before entering the map, I exchanged fragments for some one-handed weapons, and when I saw there were four heavy weapons, I upgraded them.

As a result, a set of cloth knives came out directly for the first two, although it was not ancient...

Luck is not bad, right? Then I 6+2 Whirlwind Barbarian, the damage is too beautiful and I dare not watch it, so I should go back and play my elemental seven-phase nun.

Originally, brainless brushes only exist in the low-level, and they also eat equipment. As for the high-level, just wash and sleep.


"The purpose of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is to let you learn how to deal with black magic. In the previous course, I have taught you what black magic is, and I have also introduced some common black magic and assigned homework..."

Professor Galadia Melles glanced at the workbooks piled on the table, then picked up the wand, and with a single tap, the entire first-year Hogwarts workbooks were all burned to ashes, but the table below was completely incinerated. Lossless. Handily moving these ashes into the trash can, Professor Melles put his hands on the desk and looked down at the first-year students under the lectern.

"You didn't take this course to heart. In your homework, what I saw was perfunctory and careless, but I didn't see your reverence for this course and your reverence for magic."

The first-year nerds were obviously stunned by Professor Melles, and they watched with trepidation as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, who had an imposing manner and could scare people into pissing, although he did not do anything violent. At this time, Melles The scar from the professor's chin down to his throat was so striking.

"As a retired Auror, your Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, this is the first time I remind you, and hopefully the last time." Professor Mellas' serious expression was like a marble sculpture, stiff and rigid, "Magic , is not child's play, life, the same is true."

There was silence in the classroom, but it didn't mean that the same was true of the students' hearts.

Admonitions, warnings, admonitions... These things that have been experienced since birth, at a certain period of time, to a certain extent, they will no longer be in the heart, and only at that day, maybe they can truly understand the meaning of those kind words. .

This is a restriction, a prison, a restriction on freedom, but also a protection.

If people don't care about you, people who don't care about your life and life, whether your life is good or bad, they won't say these things, and people who say this to you, for a long time, they are not. The kind of people you like.

Someone once asked a census about what was the most erroneous strategic decision in human history.

The answer with the highest degree of agreement is to attack Germany by force, the second is the imperial cemetery Afghanistan, the former pits Napoleon and his France who swept across Europe, and the German Third Reich which swept across Europe including France, while the latter It is the only three superpowers in the world, ranked first and second, well deserved.

When these two things happened, were there any opponents?


Do they regret it?


Do you regret selling medicines?

how is this possible.

Professor Melles is very responsible, which is very lucky for students, but responsible teachers may not be popular with students.

At least, Professor Melles saw a student who was too lazy to do face work. He wrote disdain on his face and looked aimlessly, showing that he was bored at this time and had no interest in this class. Interests, including what Professor Melles just said.

"Mr. Greenglass, do you have any objection to what I just said?"

Asker sat up a little, then shook his head and said, "No, I have no objection, you said it well."

It's fun to fight with the teacher, but it's not necessary. It's okay to do it occasionally. It's entertaining, and chasing people every day to bite is what mad dogs do.

"Then can you explain why everyone's answers to this assignment are almost the same?"

"Isn't the correct answer the same?" Asker tilted his head to look at Professor Melles and asked back, "1+1=? Even if the whole class has the same answer, isn't it normal?"

"That's true." Professor Melles said indifferently, "But I remember that the last question is an essay question. Can you explain why the answer to that question is similar?"

"Professor Melles, you asked the wrong person, how could I possibly know the answer." Asker blinked, "However, if I'm not mistaken, it seems that you give your first-year students a copy of this kind of question every year. , maybe they got the answer from the seniors."

"Thank you for reminding me." Professor Melles turned his head to look at the other students, no one dared to look at him, all of them were as honest as quails with their heads lowered, "Then, I will rearrange the homework this time, an article for you The article on my understanding and thinking about the course of Defense Against the Dark Arts is no less than three feet long,"


There was a sound of inhalation in the classroom. One foot is about 0.3 meters, and three feet is 0.9 meters. Using parchment paper to write articles that are nearly one meter long... This amount of homework is simply driving people to death, especially for These freshmen in the classroom.

"Do you have any opinions?" Professor Melles glanced around coldly, the classroom became quiet again, and then he picked up the book and said, "I will give you a month, and you only need to write a tenth of a foot every day. , it's not difficult at all. If it still doesn't satisfy me this time, then double the next time until I'm satisfied."

The students were full of complaints and complaints, but they could only choose to obey, because no one could guarantee that if Professor Melles would give them a few more feet according to his mood.

Asker is probably one of those people who are heartless. Anyway, it is not difficult to get his own share. As Professor Melles said, one-tenth of a foot a day is not too easy. However, students' urgency determines that they will definitely delay writing until the end, and the difficulty will increase inexplicably at that time.

But, who's to blame?

In this class, a lot of people listened attentively. The notes on the blackboard and the main points of the lecture were carefully written This situation is like in college, the teacher will say the final exam The questions are found on the blackboard. Whether students like it or not, whether they are happy or not, they will eventually copy it honestly, and then read it before the exam. It is very good to be able to do this.

Professor Melles had nothing to say in class. He probably led the students to learn textbook knowledge, interspersed with some of his own understanding and cognition, and occasionally showed the scars on his body lightly and introduced how he was injured.

For this respectable professor, there is nothing wrong with him except that he is strict, serious, and has no sand in his eyes. If you like it, it is estimated that few students will like this old man, but if you say disgust, you can think that what he does is actually for his own good. Silly beep to describe it.

"Greengrass, you stay after class."

After class, Ask was left behind. Although many students seemed to gloat over misfortunes, Ask didn’t think that Professor Melles kept him for punishment. After all, this old man was very disciplined, and Ask didn’t have any obvious violations. Contrary, he will not take revenge on Asker because of his likes and dislikes.

"What do you want from me, Professor?"

Professor Mellas glanced at Asker and asked a question.

"How is your grandfather's health recently?"

Ask raised his eyebrows. He wanted to shrug his shoulders very much now, but what he was going to answer next conflicted with this action, so he put on a confused expression.

"My grandfather? Didn't he die five years all book lovers to come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all users please visit read.

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