The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Vol 3 Chapter 399: Hot Dogs and Bad Police (Part 2)

Button quickly greeted, "Sergeant Richard, you are here."

Officer Richard snorted recklessly. He looked at Li Kang and then saw Leia. Officer Richard's eyes lighted up. He spit rudely and said savagely, "Give me a hot dog , You know what flavor I like."

The smile on Barton's face disappeared all at once, and he hurried alive to make a hot dog with a huge weight and gave it to Officer Richard.

Officer Richard looked at Button, and he waved his hand. "It seems that your hands are not washed. I don't need you to take them. Change your personal."

Button didn't think so much, he handed the hot dog to Leia, "You go and hand the hot dog to the police officer."

Leia lives in the Harlem district. She knows how powerful the police officers are, especially this Richard officer, who was originally a detective of the New York Police Department's case, but was later deported to the police department because of corruption. This person The most ferocious and brutal is that the famous ghosts in this area are worried. Patton has not been extorted by him. This guy never pays for eating, only saying that it is a credit, but who dares to ask him for money?

Leia didn't listen to Barton mentioning this person, so she didn't dare to neglect, and quickly walked over with the hot dog.

Officer Richard reached out to pick up the hot dog, but he used two hands, nominally to pick up the hot dog. In fact, he secretly played a hooligan, with his hands underneath, and grabbed Leah's hand.

"How old is the little girl? Is there a boyfriend?" Officer Richard said teasingly.

Button rushed out of the stall quickly. He tried his best to hold his temper, "Sergeant Richard, this is my daughter."

Barton means, you see that we are old acquaintances, this is my daughter, are you giving face, don’t overdo it, but he was wrong, and Officer Richard didn’t even take him seriously. In the eyes of police officer Richard, a **** like Patton is just an ant in his jurisdiction. Who will give a face to an ant.

Officer Richard said with a wretched smile, "So you still have such a beautiful daughter, hum... I just want to make a friend, what are you so sensitive about?"

"My daughter is just a high school student, I warn you, let go of him now." Patton shuddered, and he shouted sharply, "I usually get a little angry with you, this is nothing, but you move me Not for family members!"

Barton's body is very strong, but after all, he has not been on the rivers and lakes for two decades, his body is old, his hair is already gray, and Officer Richard doesn't even take him into his eyes.

"The old guy, hurry up. I'm just playing with her. What are you nervous about?" Officer Richard held Leah in his arms and wiped the oil with his hands. "I warn you, I suspect you have drugs. And dangerous items, so search for it, you give me a good cooperation, you have the right to remain silent, everything you say will be used as a testimony..."

"Dad, save me." Leia said with a cry, she was terrified.

"I'm fighting with you!" Button rushed up and punched Officer Richard.

Officer Richard was a little surprised that Patton dared to move, but he responded quickly, raised his hand to grab Patton’s arm, squeezed hard, and then hit Patton with a punch, "I warn you, dare to move again, I'm going to shoot."

Richard Lisso's grab gun was in his hand, and he warned casually.

Button was taken aback. He knew that Officer Richard was from a serious crime team. It was commonplace to shoot and kill people. He quickly raised his hand.

There was a fierce light in Officer Richard's eyes. He whispered to the recording device on his shoulder, "Dare you dare to attack the police?! I warned you not to move, what is in your hand? Take it out of your arms."

Patton was stunned, he looked at his Richard officer suspiciously, thinking that I did not move, what is he doing? Suddenly, Patton was shocked, not good! This is to kill... He hurried back.

Almost at the same time, the gun in the hands of Officer Richard opened fire.

"Bang!" The bullet shot into Button's stomach.

Officer Richard was in a bad mood recently. His application for transfer from the police department was rejected again.

The patrol department is the lowest status in the police system. Everyone looks down on this department, and the exiled police are installed here.

Officer Richard is a particularly good-faced person. He was recently mocked by his former colleagues for a long time. Now he wants to kill a person and express his anger. He puts out a police alert on his shoulder and says those words as if Patton wanted to resist. He, and he shot only self-defense.

There was no surveillance equipment at all. The camera on the opposite side had been destroyed by a group of gangsters. There were no other people around, so Officer Richard dared to shoot and murder.

Fortunately, Patton has the experience of gangsters, otherwise, if you change a person, you can not understand the intention of Richard police officer, this shot was shot in the heart.

Officer Richard continued, "You have been shot and you are not allowed to move, otherwise I can only kill you!"

Every **** dared to wave a fist at a white policeman. Something in Richard's heart was broken with Patton's fist.

In the social structure of the United States, white people are supreme, black people are equivalent to white pets. Although they have the privilege, they usually call it and make troubles. White people can tolerate them, and some small favors and small favors can also satisfy some white people's psychology: you see How kind I am, how fair, you see the barbaric and stupid black people are so noisy, I am not angry, how high my cultivation, my moral level, is already the blue star supreme, is a beacon of humanity...

This is the so-called political correctness, but if you hit the bottom line, then you have no privileges, such as attacking a white man, especially a white policeman...

Officer Richard raised his gun, aimed at Barton's head, and slowly pulled the trigger. He was the sharpshooter of the police. At this distance, he wanted to burst Barton's head. It was a matter of minutes, but he did not give Barton. A happy, he wants to let Button experience more, the fear before death.

In a trance, Li Kang seemed to hear gunshots. It was not a big deal to hear gunshots in New York. He buried his head and took two more steps. Suddenly he felt something was wrong, as if he heard Barton's scream, as if there were Leia's cusp Cry, no, something happened!

Although it was only a nod, Li Kang returned quickly, and just saw Officer Richard raise his hand again, preparing for a headshot. He came to the back of Officer Richard in two steps, reaching out at Officer Elbow’s elbow. Care.

Officer Richard fired a shot and fired bullets into the air.

"Who?!" Officer Richard was taken aback, able to sneak into his back without knowing it. This must not be an ordinary person.

Because in terms of skill, Officer Richard is considered a well-trained killer. He stays alert anytime, anywhere. Although he was transferred to the patrol department, he is confident that he can return to the case. The hone of skill has never been relaxed.

Li Kang's other hand was placed on the back of Officer Richard. He was performing blood magic. A blood vessel penetrated the back of Officer Richard. "I'm a passerby... What's wrong with you, Officer? Your complexion." Blue, purple lips, is there a heart problem? Why are you down, officer?"

Li Kang saw that the police instrument on the shoulder of Officer Richard had been on, and did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The black cover on the camera did not open, and he turned his eyes and decided to go out. This bad police who killed innocent people.

Officer Richard didn’t expect the retribution to come so His lips twitched a few times, he wanted to say something, but his vitality was quickly lost, and within three seconds, his vitality was drained and fell to the ground , Turned into a dead body.

Li Kang left Officer Richard, he took out his mobile phone, dialed the emergency number, and came to Barton.

Leia was pressing the wound on Barton's stomach with his hand.

Button was lucky that the bullet penetrated his stomach, but did not hurt other organs. The bullet penetrated his body and did not leave a laceration.

This kind of gunshot wound looks dangerous, but it is not a fatal injury. As long as you get timely assistance, the chance of survival is as high as 80%, as long as he is lucky enough.

Li Kang looked at Leia and Barton again. Barton was the father of three children and the pillar of his family. He could not have an accident, otherwise his elder son’s MIT, his second son’s record, and the younger daughter’s dream Are all shattered.

"Just do good deeds!" Li Kang took off the Sun gold coin and put it on Barton in the past. "This is a gold coin that brings good luck. I just lent it to you. When you are out of danger, you have to return it. I."

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