Chapter 357

The latest chapter of Crazy Lich's experimental log, the body of the 357th undercurrent, floating astronomy

    “Has Holy Church being forced to this point?”

    When I learned about the shameless behavior of some people, not only did I have no anger, but on the contrary, I was very happy.

    Sometimes, the leader is equal to the winner. For the leader, for example, a monopolist with a market occupancy rate of more than 80%, as long as it does not risk radical or make a big mistake, it is difficult for the latecomers to catch up.

    The behemoths like Holy Church have limited pressure on the outside. If there is no disagreement within the interior, they will be able to eat for hundreds of years.

    This time, it finally made a mistake, it is still a big mistake.

    I can understand that it has chosen to do so. Under the current situation, it is not necessarily the wrong choice. On the contrary, because Holy Church has a very thick foundation, it is a very good decision.

    Everyone knows that everyone has a lot of money. The Holy Church occupies the advantage of public opinion. Of course, how to play it is how to play. From this point, it can be seen that they have been in the wind for too long and feel that their status is fundamental. Will not be challenged, and even some look down on Ayer side,

    What their high-level expectations expect is to use this war report to stabilize the situation for a certain period of time. After this period of time, once Holy War enters the rubber phase, I am afraid that the countries still remember this thing, and they are not allowed to be unfavorable due to the war. And there is demand for it.

    Even if it is in the future, this matter will be turned over and picked up. The original martial arts announcement is ambiguous. The main thing about it is the "winning under the guidance of Holy Light". When most of the world's humans believe in Holy Light, At this time, this statement does not say that he is wrong, and he can completely use the erroneous derogation.

    And if it is a step back. In case the Holy Church is in a weak position. This is hard to be pursued as a handle. At that time, it would be enough to use the explanation that "The Stephen Cardinal is worried that the war will adversely affect his future, lie to the military, deceive the upper eaves, deprive the faculty, and succumb to death in xx." Anyway, people are dead. The black pot is already back.

    In fact, this kind of thing has happened a lot, as long as someone has a back pot. Then the big tree doesn't fall, and in the end it can't be lost.

    What Holy Church needs now is to eliminate the negative effects of the first battle as much as possible, and to encourage the fighting spirit on the entire Holy Light side. Of course, it is better to eliminate the presence of a certain Ayer side.

    But one thing, I am afraid that the Pope himself did not see it, and this is the biggest mistake.

    He underestimated the Contract Heroes and even ignored their existence!

    In this event. The biggest victims are not on the Wood Spirit or even the Ayer side of Oak Tree Town. We don't need to prove our ability to the world. There are also opportunities for the first time, and it does not matter the glory of this battle.

    But for the Contract Heroes, who risk their lives and desperately want to find their reputation and glory, this Epic-like battle has changed their lives. The shining military medal is still on the chest, but the ducks that have already arrived However, they have been robbed. If they brag about people in the future, they will be treated as liar.

    This is a fatal pain for those young people whose "honor is higher than life". I am afraid that they will remember these hypocritical villains in their lives. At least, these priests have already been hostile to other Adventurers. There are even a few young pastors who have once again chosen the gods they should serve.

    The pope and the cardinal have become accustomed to their own high, but forget that the most terrible of human is their growth.

    Perhaps they are now mere humble rookies, and when the "Justice Points" prompted it to grow up, when these first crabs became elders of the industry, when they made their mark everywhere with the power gained from the military service system, these hidden bombs and lingering feelings of bad feeling were made, It's going to be really effective.

    In fact, in the near future, the third of the work manuals given to young rookies by older seniors is that "the saints who truly believe in holy light may be able to trust, but Holy Church is a group of old bastard, never give them the back, otherwise, He will take the honor that should belong to you, and then burn you alive as a heresy. You do not believe? Think about Oak Tree Town. ”

    Once the bad feelings are established at the very beginning, I am afraid that I will do more and it will be difficult to recover.

    Of course, for Holy Church, their own “holy sorcerer system” is enough, and how can they think of the “Contract Heroes System” that competes with each other, what kind of impact will it have on the world, those seedlings Will it be a true hero?

    Of course, even if we have a few in mind, we are satisfied with this ending, but nothing can be done.

    Even if our Ayer side is indeed not as good as the opponent's Holy Light side, since it has already been beaten, if we don't retaliate back, it doesn't seem that we are too weak, and in this world, weakness is a kind of original sin, he will let around The group of wolves who looked around put down their guards and really started a surprise attack.

    "What is Ayer going to do? Or what have you done? ”

    At this time, naturally the boss made a decision. In my mind, Ayer is not a person who is used to swallowing.

“……In the past few days, two meteors have fallen. Although Holy Church did not issue an announcement, the gods of the commandments and the small church of the god of punishment did not receive the response of the true God, and the pastors lost their power. Although these two gods have no sense of existence, just the mortal gods, but they are the gods of the ascetic god Cui Matt, this silent fall, you should understand. ”

    In the ancient mythology, the star is also a manifestation of the gods, but in fact, the meteor is not necessarily a god, but the gods will certainly cause a meteor…Well, in fact, it is the scene of the burning of the gods and the gods. When you witness the scene, all life will instinctively know that God is dead, just as if someone is going to God, the world will know.

    I haven't heard of these two gods. I only found out that the Holy Church has successfully become God's Envoy's demigod in the past, and then loyal to God to share God's Obligation and Divine Power. Their churches are all in Holy. Inside the church. The god of commandments will provide the heresy Judgementor with some magic to trace the heresy. The god of punishment is the master of punishment and confession. Both gods are super Inferior God, completely Cui Matt's dog legs, and Cui Matt is God's dog leg of God of Holy Light.

“……I heard that it seems, well, at least in the face, this thing is made by the god of the powerful goddess of asceticism. His teachings advocate a near-self-abuse lifestyle, and that the world is diligent and poor. dispute. Winter wears a single body forging bones, summer rice grains drink cold water, and promotes self in asceticism. Although this guy has a high reputation among the monks, this doctrine is a deadly enemy of Beiyana who pursues wealth and improves his life. Of course, this explanation about his personal behavior was originally from the group of Bastard on the Holy Light side. I think other Bastard can't get rid of it, probably pushing the best one for the back pot. ”

    The god of music and dance, Solo, is very open. I chatted with me through the bard.

    After that incident, he kept in touch with me…I certainly don't want to deal with the gods. But there is indeed a need to get the upper bound news, and nothing can be directly found in Ayer.

    The other candidate gods are even less reliable. I don’t know much about the gods I know now. Marie is a dwarf god and is in a state of chaos (drunken) most of the time, Beiyana…I am not too stupid to deliver to the door. It seems that she has been in a state of arrogance as soon as she hears my name.

    "Ayer killed?"

    "Directly broke into the kingdom of God, and made Cui Matt seriously wounded. Two of them were killed from the gods, and even the gods and God's Obligation were taken away."

    "The other God Lord did not respond? The source of Order did not respond? Did Holy War start fighting civil war? Ayer is over the line this time. ”

    "No, the line is also the first line on the Holy Light side. Other God Lords are also very upset about this behavior, but since the other party is dead, Cui Matt is seriously injured. This is not the case. Will continue to promote."

    In a sense, this is a compromise, in the attention of other God Lord and order source of mediation, from the bright side, it seems that the Ayer side also ate a little loss, after all, the Ayer side of the loss of the rare opener and prestige, Holy Light Side although dead God, but it is two weak to not much People know from God, in the eyes of the big man can be completely ignored.

    But only I know, in fact, this time we are making big profits!

    "Penalty and commandments? Ayer is really a job this time. ”

    These two God's Obligation are nothing. In the current world, the commandments are only the pursuit of a few ascetic and devout followers. The penalty is a low-level concept that does not come to the forefront. The two seem to have no potential to dig. God's Obligation .

    While these two concepts are not valued, the religious concept of “rewarding the original sin through asceticism to enable the pure soul to be introduced into the kingdom of God by the gods” is recognized by the churches of the gods. The God's Obligation is in this powerful world. Very amazing, the god of assault is even more powerful by Goddess of Wealth.

    And because the ascetic and the monks can gain powerful power through asceticism, the church composed of elite and good-powered strongmen makes this "self-abuse" become the embodiment of powerful power, and the result is "penalty." Both God's Obligation and the "precepts" have become the extension of the concept of asceticism, and are even more unnoticed.

    It is precisely because there is no potential to dig, so Cui Matt will give two God's Obligation to himself.

    “Ayer took the God's Obligation directly?”

    But only a few people like me and Ayer know that "penalty" and "precepts" are the God's Obligation that we can't get in the "reconstruction of the Hades" plan. In that thick plan, the list must be killed in advance. Among the list, there are two of them from God.

    "Penalty" and "commandment", if they are the derivative concepts of religious asceticism, are only second-rate in second-rate, but if they are the derivative concept of "law", such as "penalty" is contrary to the punishment of the law, "commandment" is the subordinate of the concept of the law itself, and even can also promote the concepts of "judicial self This is the nourishment necessary for the throne of the law to go one step further, and it is necessary to build the hell of the underworld from God.

    Of course, the aftermath of this incident is not over, or the upper gods have reached an agreement, but as a mortal, we have to find a place for the same mortal Holy Church, this is going to be a chance.

    As for the two God's Obligations that have been destined to "suddenly disappear", even if they know a lot about this, they face Solo's doubts. I just nodded and said nothing. Some things are too important. Even if Solo is the god on our side, I don't want to know more than one person.

    "It seems that I have to hurry up…Of course, let's deal with the important things in front of you. The big plastic stone Ainslow, what else do you have to say? ”

    Somewhat uneasy in front of me, isn't that the ugly mother of Wanshi?

    When the war was deadlocked, I did not hesitate to summon the ambush. Since the big plastic stone Ain Sloan has already settled in Dreamland Forest, it is equivalent to relying on me in a certain sense, of course, will not forget to pull her top battlefield on the battlefield.

    But the result is that the seven elements of the real element come from Saint Rank and above the strength of the brothers of the "seven great holy", but the result has achieved miraculous results…….Are the seven most holy, the smallest, the most difficult to deal with?

    Cough, get down to business, if you lose, there is nothing to say, but now that you win, it is natural to calculate the old account that does not obey the order. Otherwise, everyone is so, then people are scattered. The team is really not good.

    "Adult, I am really embarrassed! You know, we are all earth lords, but Titan is the son of the earth. In front of them, we can't move at all! ”

    Two lines of tears fell from the cheeks, and the ripples turned into a single diamond. It seems that there is a lot of carbon in the body…I suddenly remembered the fairy tale of the mermaid tears, the main component of the pearl is calcium carbonate, the mermaid can tear into beads, is it because the lacrimal gland contains too much gypsum, or she is simply a stone to eat the strange creature .

    It seems that only crocodiles eat stones in nature. Although they are used to help digestion, crocodiles are also amphibious. Is the real identity of the mermaid a fine crocodile?

    Cough, it seems that I accidentally went to destroy my childhood, and get down to business, about the old age fossil mermaid…Stone mother's academic research will talk again next time.

    I have collected the diamonds she dropped, and waited to see if I could sell some money…This is really not too stingy, but it was too clean recently. When I found the Bastard who stole my money, I must…Huh? Also biased? Ok, let's talk about the latest livelihood issues next time, and continue to work hard to get down to business.

    This guy’s tears can’t flow, but I’m just a tear of a crocodile. I’m not a idiot. Although Titan is known as the son of the earth, the wingman is also known as the son of the sky. Elf is also the son of nature, the son of the forest, not actually It is to put gold on the face, what is the relationship.

    Titan is not an element creature. They just admit that the earth gave birth to them. It is a natural creation, not a god created them. If they really have anything to do with the earth element bullshit, they can't get Erd Doroken to be Earth Elemental. God.

    "Can't move in front of Titan? Hey, I think you know that your opponent is Titan, you just don't dare to go to the battlefield. ”

    Ainslow didn't answer, and the tears stopped. It seems that she also felt that the play was very boring.

    This seemingly five short stature of ugly elements of the Lord, but ERD Doroken's peers, more than most of the true God's age, it is impossible to say that she has seen the complete form of Titan, then, she this frightened fear of the war can be fully understood, even if she and Titan incarnation can compete, But also worried about the complete form of Titan to find the door, and she blocked, other "Holy saints" how can go to the battlefield.

    Thinking of this, I have looked at this short, fat and fat ancient stone mother. Her strength may not be anything in the top fighting power, but her ancient and ancient intelligence is not more than her own. important.

    Of course, it is difficult to get these things directly, but in a sense, the stone mother who lost my trust is losing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

    "Before I figured out something, I still can't talk to her about that."

    And what I was going to talk to her was to repair the earth throne and re-make a soil element lord to Earth Elemental God, but such a self-going guy climbed the position, but for us it was not It is a good thing.

    As long as the Earth Elemental God is newly created, and naturally can significantly slow down the Titan recovery, Earth elemental God must be produced strong enough for the earth elements of the strong and Earth elements of the throne two conditions, and as far as I know, The Einslow of the big plastic stone in front of him is the closest Earth element lord to the Earth Elemental God's place, while the fragments of the earth element throne have been taken away by two people, one is me and the other is …

    "Beifeng, what do you say? You are not so kind to a few brothers and sisters, I am not guilty of them, so I usually eat spicy and spicy, need to come in handy when I flee, is it too much too much. ”

    At that time, Beifeng's tamed king of sand worms destroyed the earthen throne. Some of the pieces must have fallen into his hands. It was his trophy, but I was afraid to find him to exchange.

    And this question can be difficult to answer. The benefits of Dreamland Forest to the earth lords are obvious. I am not talking about it. I am asking Beifeng in my mouth, but my eyes are staring at Ainslow. Give me a reply.

    Beifeng also knows a lot, just teasing with the white lion, and there is no room for it, but Ainslow himself has remained silent.

    But she also knows that this is not confusing, and ultimately, it is still necessary to make a decision. (To be continued ……

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