Chapter 435

The latest chapter of Crazy Lich's experimental log, the body of the 345th chapter of the Fool, floating astronomy

聽聽聽聽When the interior of the dragon circle was caught in the dilemma of aquatic fire, in the Beyer King city across the wall, this ancient capital, which has gone through countless years, has fallen into silence, or it should be said to be artificially eliminated. 鈼団啌

聽聽聽聽Unlike the silence of the past, after the defeat of the Eastern Front, the Royal Knight of King City took action and imposed martial law and curfew on the whole city. The imperial elders who had taken the opportunity to be dragged to the streets were dragged to the streets and appeared to have been transferred. The old good man's "Poisonous Emperor" Orlos XIII once again let the world see his viciousness.

聽聽聽聽鈥淗erent will be the new generation of emperors.鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽When the east line was defeated and the wind and rain swayed, the old emperor with all pressures reiterated his opinions to the people and the big lords.

聽聽聽聽Face to face? Kills

聽聽聽聽Behind the discussion? Kills

聽聽聽聽The prince colluded with the landlord? Kills

聽聽聽聽Just complaining to your servants and relatives in your own house? Same, kill.

聽聽聽聽On weekdays, there is always a smiling old emperor. The good old man who can laugh when he is assassinated, just teas in his study, laughs and says "kill", and is equally crazy. The Royal Knights also silently executed a killing Quest, even if it was to hang a child under the age of ten on the wall, even if it would put the knight's honor and the knight's spirit on the smash.

聽聽聽聽"There are no doubts about Herent's succession, regardless of identity, regardless of age, regardless of merit, killing innocent people."

聽聽聽聽This is the old emperor's Willpower, the Royal Knights silently executed this Willpower, even though the Beyer people could not understand the sudden and crazy behavior of the old emperor, can not directly look at the sudden killing. Especially the protagonist of the big lord who was slaughtered by the collusion with the emperor. The great aristocracy at the border has been plunged into anger.

聽聽聽聽Seeing this goes on. Holy War coalition, undead empire does not come over, Beyer will be civil first, what is the wise old emperor doing? Is he destroying the empire he built in his lifetime?

聽聽聽聽Even standing next to Herent, the consistently neutral Dragon Knight could not understand the sudden madness of the old emperor, but because of the loyalty of the Cavaliers, it could not be stopped, but everyone knows that this is not normal. It can't last long.

聽聽聽聽I am afraid that even if Herton succeeds in succession, if the old emperor falls, the rebound and revenge caused by crazy killing and oppression will make it endless.

聽聽聽聽The fall of the hand of miracle, while making the world marvel, sad, helpless, helped Herent and Beyer a big favor.

聽聽聽聽The Holy War coalition, which became a deteriorating cancer, was stopped, and the power of the God of Holy Light, the irresistible Willpower, was stopped. Even in a short moment, Estrada won the mortal victory with his own sacrifice. Beyer also lost the threat of a sharp sword.

鈥溾€︹€o the old emperor should calm down. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽And some things are beyond everyone's expectations. The old emperor not only did not stop, but instead increased his efforts.

聽聽聽聽Taking advantage of the crisis to raise prices and hoarding people? Kills

聽聽聽聽Close relationship with the big aristocrats, and those who are related? Kills

聽聽聽聽Nothing is done, but the weight is high, is it possible to influence the future Herent succession? Kills

聽聽聽聽The kindness and kindness looked at the old emperors who had killed each other for twenty years, but they still said with a smile that they were "killing" and watched the blood flow from the emperor.

聽聽聽聽Even after the other party to the event, Herent, ran over and quarreled with him, he still had nothing to change, but Herent himself couldn't close the door.

鈥溾€︹€n the future Beyer, if you want to survive, you can only inherit the throne from Herent. As for how he came up, it doesn't matter. As for myself…Oh, wait and see. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Throughout the country, as long as a few people can approach Orlos's study, listen to him slowly telling his own thoughts.

聽聽聽聽At this time, the old emperor was listening to the report of the secret agent leader and the knight.

鈥溾€︹€udging from the information collected by our spies, the Duke of Cards and the Count of Burland have suspended the action of integrating the private soldiers because they cannot understand your current purpose. It seems that they are worried that being the first bird will be your primary goal. But there are some things that are no different from what we predicted in the past, as long as you…You are 'away', they will definitely rebel, and now they are only suspended. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"Oh, those old guys. Forget it, what is the domestic daily trade situation? Is the price still about twice? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"It's very good. After the profiteers have died, they have come a lot safer now. They have dropped from twenty-five times the highest peak to three times. Coupled with your high-pressure policy and the personal letter promised by His Highness, most of them have secretly loyalty to His Royal Highness. As long as the minions are unplugged, the merchants who have no status can do anything, at least for a short time. problem. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"My other kids who don't live up to expectations?"

聽聽聽聽"It is possible to make a threat all that has been executed. The rest are announced to be dismissed from the Beyer royal family. All the emperors are under surveillance. But what corresponds to this is your reputation…Some people have already called you a white dragon. 鈥?/p>


鈥溾€︹€he white dragon of the food. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Orlos nodded but did not ask, or even look at the information, directly bow to tea, for has abandoned all of him, such a dirty words for him, what he is about to do, will be more excessive, not to say, he will become the number one tyrant and fool in the history of the Beyer, but for the sake of "big plan", The incomprehensible and slander of outsiders is what they count.

聽聽聽聽The old man just slowly closed his eyes and did not ask again. Others knew that the machine had retreated, and when the study room was once again calm, the three people in the secret room came out. In a sense, this The three are the core layers of the entire Beyer.

聽聽聽聽Pope Emoy I of the Southern Church also served as the court director of Beyer. He was the brother of Orlos and his brother, and he was the most trusted object. What he had in his hands was the religious power of the entire Southern sect and Beyer.

鈥溾€︹€ou've had a long day

聽聽聽聽"Oh, it is better than expected, and the church is still bothering you." There is a sacrifice of the hand of miracles.

聽聽聽聽At this time, the old Pope Emoyer was also exhausted. Before the Southern sects gave a high hope for the debut, they suffered from headaches. If it was not the sacrifice of Estrada, it would stabilize the hearts of the people. I am afraid that the Southern sects will have big problems.

聽聽聽聽Another old Mage, wearing a purple purple Roland cloak, is called "The Fool". He is also the president of the Beyer Magic Mage Union, but in the past it was unusually low-key, and few people saw his true face. At this time, he also showed his true face, but there was no special silver-haired old man, but if the Holy Church's heresy Judgementor was seen, I am afraid that all the mad dogs will go out.

聽聽聽聽But if Roland is here, I am afraid there will be room for communication with him. Yes, he is Thrace, crazy Mage Thrace, the fool who knows too much and says it.

聽聽聽聽鈥淥n the Mage union, there is also communication with Mage Country. I am afraid that you will bother to worry about your troubles. We will let you come back against the oath. yet.

聽聽聽聽"I know, needless to say, some things are destined to escape, since you are all gambling, how can the old man retreat. Just that…It鈥檚 a pity that when Estrada forced me to swear back, I didn鈥檛 think that there would be this day. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The old Mage, who was regarded as a madman, was full of neat and shiny silver hair. The gorgeous robe was even more neat and tidy in Mage. At this time, when she thought that her friend would finally fall into such a situation, Thrace shook his head and could not bear it.

聽聽聽聽"Unfortunately, unfortunately, it is a pity."

聽聽聽聽In the end, he can only make such an evaluation.

聽聽聽聽"Teacher, the festival is sorrowful, we are all the way. In a sense, he is only taking a step first. This should be worthy of being…"

聽聽聽聽Perhaps not many people know that Orlos used to study in Cloud Tower when he was young, and even with the help of his heart, he became a disciple of the retired sergeant Thrace.

鈥溾€︹€rlos. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽And the last person came closer, but it was not a Beyer at all, but…

聽聽聽聽Time is Up

聽聽聽聽Above Lilith Milan's arm, the original brilliance of the emerald has begun to dissipate, and the crack gradually expands on it. Soon, this expensive gold-cut cat eye green will become a worthless residue.

聽聽聽聽And this special magic gem, processed in Gemology, is a pair of twins, one of which is destroyed and the other is destroyed, and this causal connection can break through all the blockade, is an unusually rare and precious communication device, the finished product needs to form at least half the order of a large number of gold coins, and can use such a disposable communication device, is sufficient to illustrate the seriousness of the immediate events.

聽聽聽聽And when the emeralds in front of the eyes become waste, there is only one possibility. Roland in the dragon world crushes another gem, and the entire 鈥渂ig plan鈥?will be started by Orlos in front of it.

聽聽聽聽At this time, Lilith Milan is not only the spokesperson of Roland and Church of Law, but the familiar gorgeous court dress and royal emblem undoubtedly illustrate the fact that she has returned to the Beyer royal family!

聽聽聽聽"Lilith A…Sister, I am bothering you. Please be your current pure royal family in the Beyer royal family before Herent is truly mature. Please take the post of Regent. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Lilith Milan ……No, it should be said that Lilith Princess and Regent nodded. If she could, she did not want to get into trouble at all, but the people in front of her used her own ideas and sacrifices to convince her to let her feel that she was At this point in time, if you can't do anything, I am afraid I am sorry for my loved ones who have already passed away.

聽聽聽聽Looking around, the old emperor sighed, he knew, I am afraid this is the last day I saw this study and friends.

鈥溾€︹€nexpectedly, for a lifetime, I still have to endure. You said, I am not a qualified emperor. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"Of course, my majesty. Without you, there is no Beyer now, maybe the night will be very long, maybe there will be a lot of mad dogs coming out to bite your body, but the dark clouds can't cover the sun forever, and finally your wise reputation will be back on this land. propagation. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The old pope, the old butler of the past, was slightly stunned, but his old eyes were tearful.

聽聽聽聽"Orlos, why bother with the views of those fools, I am always proud of you."

聽聽聽聽Sreston, who was not good at words, nodded in a positive tone.

聽聽聽聽"I know that you won't care about these names, but I do think that you are amazing and more amazing than me."

聽聽聽聽Can get the affirmation of the mentor and old friends, the old emperor smiled gratifiedly, maybe the world will not be able to understand their choices, but life has a confidant is enough, and the understanding of these two loved ones is not enough.

鈥溾€︹€nough, for the mortal world, let me destroy all the dragons. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The gate of the dragon world? Yes, the door to the Dragon World, if all the gates and the dimensional coordinates of a different realm are lost, the alien realm will also disappear in the eyes of Main Realm, and destroy all the doors of the Dragon World. This means that Dragon Clan will lose its three big gatherings, which means that the entire Main Realm will lose contact with that different realm.

聽聽聽聽This can't be done in Normal's realm. After all, the scattered relationship doesn't know how much, but Dragon Clan keeps all the dimensions and transfer points in order to hold the realm. All transfer points are in Beyer! It is guarded by Dragon Knight and Dragon Clan…Yes, Evanli is one of the guards and the strongest guard, and obviously, Dragon Clan has chosen the wrong person.

聽聽聽聽and re-establishing a different realm link, it takes a lot of time, at least more than two or three years, but the Titan recovery is imminent, Dragon Clan once lost reinforcements, equal to those living in the Dragon World Dragon Clan will all face death, which is definitely beyond the entire Dragon Clan Expectations, great Dragon anger is bound to come, and the choice of Herent as the next emperor, perhaps the reason is far simpler than expected, just because the semi-Dragon Blood, he may be Dragon Clan to accept, keep the country.

聽聽聽聽As for this man who has made such incomprehensible crimes, it will naturally be the object of revenge for the Dragon Clan, and even because of the "fall of Roland and the absolute gentleman Alliance Mercenary Corps", the northern countries will turn their backs on the Beyer, and the most dangerous is Dragon C Lan in the anger of betrayal, if they do not willing to use only orlos hate., then the whole Beyer is likely to usher in the end of destruction.

聽聽聽聽And at the risk of dying, to do such bad deeds, Beyer and Orlos have no benefit. On the contrary, Dragon Clan, who was originally an ally, will become a deadly enemy. The original allies of the northern countries will at least face up. Become a "dead enemy", then, what is he for? Just to make the Dragon World a Titan hunting ground, let Beyer get rid of this time bomb? How stupid and short-sighted this is, Orlos will be the dumbest emperor of all time.

聽聽聽聽"A fool? Oh, it鈥檚 really a match, a mentor, maybe I will become a 'stupid king' in the future. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"No, others think that I am a wise man, I just want to remind myself that I am just an idiot who thinks I am smart. But you, but it is too thorough to see, too far to see, will be regarded as stupid by the fool, this is your wise proof. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Perhaps, for the benevolent, let a stupid conspiracy fail in the sun, let yourself be hanged on the gallows, just to hide a more subtle conspiracy.

聽聽聽聽"The world of mortals, unfortunately, I have not seen his possibilities with my own eyes."

聽聽聽聽Orlos in the whisper couldn't help but think of the deep talks with Roland some time ago. At that time, the old emperor was so open.

聽聽聽聽"Roland, actually, I always liked the phrase you said in the doctrine of the Southern sect. 'The world belongs to mortals, and the gods who are high above are just hypocritical mads…."

聽聽聽聽When one side set its position and opened its heart, the exchanges between the two sides were much easier. Even Roland himself was surprised at the other's ability and goals, and immediately concluded a bloody covenant with him.

聽聽聽聽After a night of conversation, Orlos handed over more than a decade of planning to Roland, and Roland re-improved it on his plan, and finally, the so-called "big plan."

聽聽聽聽"Do you have a big plan? It is the most powerful conspiracy of Beyer in the past 300 years. I really dare to think. However, if this plan is really successful, I am afraid it is right to call it the most wise king of the millennium. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽This was Roland's evaluation of Orlos at that time. At this time, the most wise king of the millennium did not know whether there was any, but ruined his reputation step by step, and put his neck on the guillotine of Orlos, but did not hesitate, no Regret, I placed myself on the gallows without any will.

鈥溾€︹€verything, for the mortal world, everything, for the real…heaven and hell! "Unfinished, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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