Chapter 500

The latest chapter of Crazy Lich's experimental log, the text of the fifth chapter of the religious reform, floating astronomy

    The next day, the genius was bright, the temporary camp was full of noisy vocals, and those who traveled for a long time knew that the time of day to travel was limited. Starting from the early morning seemed to have become the general rule in most cases. When most people started to pack up, some people ran over and resigned.

    "Leave a helping to rebuild the village? ▢ LINE

    I answered extremely refreshingly, and I was so surprised that Sol was full of surprises.

    In fact, there is nothing to guess. Sol will not be left alone to rebuild a village. Since it has been decided to sprinkle the seeds of the law, the seeds scattered in the field are easily accidentally withered, and carefully guarded when it is still fragile. For a matter of course.

    Moreover, with the care of this silver professional, those villagers will have the courage to return to their homes. After all, banditry is not the only threat in the world, the wild beast, Magic Beast is as deadly.

    In the attack of the Knife Regiment, the militia who could only deal with the Wolves were all killed in an instant, and after that, because of the small number of bandits, the young men who could pose a threat were killed, leaving only the elderly who could be bought and sold as sacrifices, as well as the more valuable children and women, who, if only these villagers, rebuilt the village Not to mention the dangers that may be encountered.

    On the other side, if there is not enough security guarantee, they can only become wanderers, go to a larger town to discuss life, if there are two hands skills can still n ≌ n ≌ ≌ n n n n n n n n n n n It is also possible to mix yourself, 妓, 女/女.

    If the homeland is rebuilt, the fields are still there, and it is not allowed to wait for the harvest of this year's crops. In addition, the property of the Knife Group is used as compensation. At least food and clothing. If you can live at home, who is willing to leave home.

    "Your two companions? Are they going with you? ”

    "No, I have discussed with them. They decided to follow the ruins and they should need their strength."

    I nodded, it was also expected, and then handed him a note.

    "With a few people on the road, the need to rebuild what needs to work. The mercenary did this well. When they have finished the reconstruction work, they hired them to guard the town for a while, and one person is too busy to come. ”

    "Barten gambling seventeen gold coins? Is this a gambling debt? ”

    Yes, there are some records of gambling debts on this note. I have lost some pain in my arms for a long time before I lost him a small bag of gold coins.

    "Yes, that is, the stakes are also commissions. This is what I promised them. These guys are all I have chosen, and there are veterans who have the roots to trust. ”

    At the time when Gnome was grateful for the upcoming gratitude. I continued to say.

    "Unfortunately, the miracle hand Timy Lade. Probably also the most learned big engineer in the world. It is said that he has already taken a new path in Gnome engineering…"

    For Gnome engineers, the opportunity to meet a large engineer is undoubtedly valuable, just as a student of the Academy of Fine Arts can meet a big artist. It is not only an encounter with an idol star, but also a great progress in communication. Opportunity.

    Timy Lade is not a big engineer. The talented engineer who plays a vital role in the revolution of the magical technology has become the most wise person in countless Gnome and gnome. If you miss the opportunity to meet and talk…

    Well, looking at the face that was just grateful, I suddenly became stunned. I felt that Gnome’s angry anger suddenly became depressed and helpless, and I smiled smugly.

    "Hey, since let me pay, how can I be happy to let you go."

“……You are really awkward, the money is out, and the happy people can’t do it. ”

    "Cut, I was a good person."

    "Well, um, good guys, good old people in their 300s, can't say that you will be a good person for a lifetime."

    "What a vicious curse, I wish you a good cat forever!"

    The dead cat shook his head and seemed to have no interest in the quarrel of the primary school grade.

    "But this kid is also lucky. With your letter of introduction to Xueti, the road ahead will be all the way up?"

    "Oh, then you are the group of Bastard kids who don't understand the four halls of the Judiciary. In their eyes, the 'good seedlings of importance' is equal to 'the rookie who needs to be repeatedly honed,' and I personally introduced it as "100% wearable". Want to rise? Come and die before you die. ”

    Although Sol's previous table was a bit helpless, at least last night I was quite satisfied, so I planned to send a letter of introduction to the current Church of Law, the highest bishop, Xueti.

    "Now it is not called the highest bishop. The news of last month was changed to the highest judge. All the pastors and sacrifices of the law department are called by the judiciary profession."

    The words of Harloys caught my attention.

    “Restoring the ranks of judges, second-level judges and other judges in the period of Liu Huang Mountain City? Isn't this a departure from the old system of true religious churches? What kind of reaction does this other true church have in this drastic religious reform? ”

    It seems that this is just a change of title, but if it is carefully thought out, it indicates that the legal profession will replace the Church of Law's religious God's Obligation with its identity in the judicial system. It is the religious reform of the deity to the gods.

    It also marks that the true faith of the law side is the law itself rather than the God of Law. It seems to be a trivial matter, but it is of great significance. It is equivalent to declaring war on the traditional theocracy church. The foreseeable resistance is even greater.

“……no responses No God's Obligation staff above the bishop level commented. ”

    It is clear that people are happy and smooth. The emotions conveyed by Harloys are full of worries. It seems that this is the worst news.

    no responses How could Uh……They plan to settle accounts after the fall! ”

    At this time, if you make a lighter and less important opinion, it is equivalent to the Church of Law's religious reform. This kind of reform has already touched the foundation of the true God church. The pan-concept belief and the personality god belief are inherently natural enemies, unless that personality god It is intended to be integrated with the concept, otherwise it will be liquidated sooner or later.

    Of course, you can also treat it as a special case and ignore it. And this is almost a materialist among a group of religious people. Pulling up hatred and dissatisfaction is a straight line.

    “God of Law and his church do not charge for offerings and donations. Why can you collect it? Also, they said that the perpetrators would enter purgatory, and you said that you can enter heaven without paying enough money. Who is right? They are also the shepherds of the gods with the power of God and the power of God, but they can support themselves, why you can only eat and worry with prayer, why…"

    I am afraid, by that time. Even the Pope of the Holy Church cannot answer these questions.

    Then, for the God's Obligation of the true church, the best way to deal with it is to temporarily pretend that you haven't seen those "heresy", and then turn your face afterwards.

    "Xueti is still anxious. This time, too early, will cause hostility to other neutral gods…"

    With a little bit of blame, I stopped halfway and chose Tauren, who had a lot of bad things, as the Church of Law boss. It is because his temper is very steady, he is not an impatient person. And even if he can't stop, Lilith and Kane will stop them.

    "How long have you been reading magazine news about religion? Ok, I know that you hate those things the most, I will tell you. ”

    The magazines with the gods sticking to the big money are half-religious slogans and preaching. Some of them even inscribe the weak hypnotic patterns, guiding the readers to believe in religion, such spiritual pollutants, and I want to pay a copper coin. ! Well, it’s just not worth it. It’s definitely not stingy!

“……The momentum behind it was gone, and the truth was revealed. ”

    Harloys likes to subscribe to the messy missionary magazines, especially Elf God Faction…Well, this dead cat does not seem to be essentially different from the past. It always says that I am stingy and vengeful.

    "Since two years ago, many true churches have complained that legal practitioners have misappropriated and invaded their parishes, resulting in disputes of at least two hundred times, and last year's complaints exceeded three times this number. It’s this year…"

    "How much this year?"

    Listening to such words, I can almost understand.

    "There has been more than 8,000 cases since I have not played this year. I have complained that there are more than 90 churches in more than 240 countries. Do you need me to summarize them with you?"

    "I am x. Isn't this half of the world opposed? The global public enemy? ”

    Now, I know that the people of the Church of Law came to settle down in the town. The pastors and Holy Knights of the church were not far away from the capital of the Saskatchewan. This is a name that has been dug up, if not Holy War is still in progress, I am afraid that the fun is already big.

    "Simply, simply…It’s just too good! ”

    After all this depressed mood swept away? Other countries and church protests? Let them protest. Anyway, before the end of Holy War, the "civil war" couldn't be played. It was a few words and a few pieces of meat.

    Originally, I was worried that there was too much hostility in the spread. Nowadays, there is already a hostility of this scale. Instead, it shows that the doctrine of the law has spread far enough, and it is used to being hostile.

    "In many places, the law has been called the 'law plague'."

    I heard that, I am dumbfounded. Indeed, in a sense, the spread of the teachings of the law does have some feelings of natural plague.

    Take the villagers of Lanti Village in front of the example. If Sol succeeded in sprinkling the seeds of the law here, after two years, I am afraid there will be dozens of low-level law professionals, and one of the law professions. Going to another village, saying that it is impossible to give birth to hundreds of law professionals, and to spread again…This is really a bit of a plague, and something like a cult.

    "It took at least 30 years for the plan to spread to the whole world. What did it do in seven years? This is like a cult than a cult. ”

    In the end, the reason why the law profession can spread so quickly is because of its own characteristics.

    In a world of the jungle, a thing that can give mortal power will naturally spread extremely fast, which is the fundamental of the Church of Evil gods, which is indeed right to believe in the true God, but the true God is not to give in return, and those evil gods are often able to do what is responsive, ascending fast and much, in this world, The real power is more persuasive than any empty doctrine.

    In a sense, the teachings of the law are too much more than the cults. After all, if you believe in cults like Devil and Demon, even if you give you strength and realize your wishes, you will inevitably shed your more valuable things. Faculty can also give strength without paying any price.

    He does not have a church, does not need to pray to the true God, does not need expensive religious ceremonies, but only needs to believe in the justice and guardian of the law…Regardless of the empty words on the tall, this greatly saves the cost of practice, and reduces the difficulty of mission. A booklet can be more difficult to guard against than evil rituals.

    He specializes in guarding and punishing, without aggression, and those local lords are happy to see themselves born with specialized guards on the ground, or they cannot be used for aggression, but they can protect towns, banish beasts and invaders, and these strong people who follow the law do not threaten the dominance of the Lord (for the time being), but a deeper level , it can also strike the local traditional theocracy, expand the power of the Lord, in a sense, this is another battle of royalty and theocracy, without those lords behind the push and introduction to each other, I am afraid that the doctrine of the law will not spread so quickly.

    The most important thing is that his entry threshold is extremely low and he is growing fast, so that those who are eager to grasp their own destiny will take the initiative to learn.

    Of course, there is no shortage of nature to pretend to believe in the law for strength, but the Incantation of Law Technique cannot be mastered without the piety and understanding of the law, and even if he masters the Incantation of Law Technique, he gains strength and then expands himself. Once you make something for your lust…

    "The law of God, the seventh sin of the 13th sin, the dereliction of duty by the greed of greed will be stripped of all the functions and become a monk!"

    The vain words of the past have turned into real reality. Wumanzhe always looks at you for a long time. Once you lose Power of Law, you will not be able to get it again in your life.

    All of this stems from the Wumanzhe who has stepped into the God Lord's rank and the purgatory of the Hades that is the base camp of the Hades.

    The power of the power is strong enough to squander the general summoning miracles. Last night's miracles allowed dozens of people to choose the way of the law and gave them the seeds of the law, and more faith, but gave more Divine power.

    As I said before, for the true God, Holy War is both a test and an opportunity, and God of Law seems to have seized this opportunity.

    Perhaps, the Holy Light of that year also grew so swelled, and finally completely out of control, and now the God of Law, but has been tied to the rules of death, destined to become a gear in the Hades.

    "Since it has reached this point, I will add another fire."

    So I spread my letter and began to conceive letters to Xueti and Lilith. (To be continued ……

    Ps: Well, actually five hundred chapters, really state recovery is just an illusion, tomorrow double

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