Chapter 213 Fight the octopus, the spear shows its power!

Wang Dali was caught in the sea.

Both hands were grasped by the octopus’s tentacles. Above the tentacles, there were suction cups. The suction cups were attached to the skin of Wang Dali’s arm and could not be shaken off.

Streamer Femi suits seem to be unable to adapt, and they have not been able to make timely changes in favor of Wang Dali.

“F*ck, even with great strength, I can’t seem to be able to use it!”

Wang Dali secretly focused, holding the two tentacles of his arm with the sun god spear in his hand.

The octopus hurts, and the tentacles immediately retracted. Wang Dali hit with a backhand and pierced an octopus’s eye. Behind the octopus’s eye is the brain.

The spear shook and stirred, and the octopus brain was immediately destroyed.


Pulling out the Sun God Spear, Wang Dali realized that although the octopus brain was damaged, the nerve center of his eight tentacles was still active, holding himself tightly.

In just such a short time, seven or eight octopuses around pounced, and the eight claws crazily wrapped up from all directions.

The ink sprayed, and the sea was pitch black.


In the darkness, Wang Dali felt his body was caught to death, and there was a terrible tearing force from his limbs. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he has been divided by five horses at this time.

With a strong physique and a streamer femme suit, Wang Dali avoided tragedy.

“It would be great if I could see clearly!”

Wang Dali thought, on the retina of both eyes, at the level of the nucleus that is not visible, countless femtoprokaryotic particles change rapidly, forming wonderful visual sensing particles.

Wang Dali’s vision suddenly entered the infrared sensing mode. First, his eyes flashed red, and countless red octopus shapes appeared. After a second, various spectral compensations followed, and the octopus shape was restored by the wonderful ability of the Feimi suit.

In an instant, the vision is restored!

This is not ordinary vision, but extraordinary vision, a visual effect formed by feeding back to the brain with a spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye.

“Two, four, six, eight, nine!”

Wang Dali counted, I went, there were a total of nine octopuses, and completely grasped myself, the terrifying reef completely engulfed my body, and the neck, limbs, and waist were all caught by the reef.

During the tearing, the octopuses are engaged in a fierce and cruel battle for food!

Wang Dali felt like a roller coaster. He was suddenly turned over to the bottom of the sea, and suddenly caught in the bottom of the sea. He was replaced by ordinary people, and he was already played to death.

“Fucking trough is really powerless to show–”

“Brother Dali, hold on—”

“I’ll go, friends on the Anne, don’t hurry to rescue—”

“No matter how powerful Brother Dali is, he can’t stand the siege of so many terrifying octopuses–”

“Quick rescue–”

“Can’t stand it anymore, Brother Dali hold on to—”

“Where is the rescue, hurry up, Sunny, Sister James, please–”

Wang Dali has been unable to complain, but he is temporarily restrained, and he can completely alleviate it.

On the Anne, Jennifer was already in a hurry.

“It’s not good, Wang was caught, he needs a helper”

Jennifer is worthy of being a funny second person. There is a tenacity in her character. She really can’t stand it anymore. She quickly jumped on the bow, with a hunting bow on her back, and a dagger in her mouth, ready to jump off the ship.

“Jennifer, don’t go, the king can do it, we have to trust him!” Stoney Sunny stopped the boat and ran up.

“No, I can’t stand it anymore, he needs my help!” Jennifer shook her head.

“He has been admonishing before and there is an accident, so let us never act rashly. He said, if he can’t figure it out, there will be ten or eight people, it will not help!” Jushi Senni pulled Jennifer.

“I know, but I can’t stand it anymore, sorry, Sunny, he needs someone to share the pressure now, at least, I can attract half of the octopuses!”

Jennifer shook Sunny’s hand, her face decisive.

“Well, you are right, if you are going, let me go!”

Stone Sunny quickly took off his clothes and picked up his spear: “We can’t all go into the water. Someone must stay on the boat. Go to the cabin and call a few people up. I think you can’t hide from the undead skeletons. Everyone hides. NS!”

“No, you stay, everyone needs you!”

Without a word, Jennifer jumped off the boat first and plunged into the sea with a puff.

Several octopuses were immediately attracted, threw away Wang Dali, and rushed towards Jennifer.


Wang Dali’s pressure was greatly reduced. Wang Dali waved the Sun God’s spear and stabbed several big octopus tentacles and the octopus brain. With a kick of his feet, Wang Dali rushed out of the octopus’s catch and surfaced.

“Sister James, I’m fine, go back quickly, don’t come over!”

Wang Dali yelled, surprised and anxious, how ordinary people like Sister James can withstand the torture of these big octopuses, this is simply mortal.

“I can do it!”

Sister James rushed out of the sea and took a deep breath. Suddenly, a few octopuses pounced and grabbed their tentacles.


Jennifer was really fierce, and slammed the tentacles rolling to his waist. The sharp dagger stabbed the octopus all at once, and the blood stained the red sea.

As soon as the tentacles were loosened, Jennifer stomped on the octopus’s head, plunged the dagger into the octopus’s eyes, and then slammed desperately.

Wang Dali was anxious, and suddenly felt that the sun god spear in his hand seemed to hold a wave of sub-energy, and it was not being drawn. Wang Dali was surprised by a few subtle currents overflowing.

Earlier, Wang Dali had discovered it, but because of the emergency, there was no time to study it carefully.

“Could it be that the Sun God Spear can deliver a powerful electric shock like an electric eel?”

Wang Dali thought together, blessed his soul, and screamed, “Blast!”

With a loud roar, the energy of the Sun God’s Spear was immediately triggered.


A group of dazzling electric light burst out in the sea water, and the powerful high-voltage current formed a terrifying lightning shock effect within a range of six meters.

The octopus shook, and all the nerve conduction in the tentacles was immediately numbed by electric shock. The octopuses turned over and passed out one by one.

In the live video screen, everyone only saw a wave of dazzling and brilliant electric lights in the water, and then the octopuses turned white and fainted.

“Fuck, so strong!”

Wang Dali was not surprised and rejoiced. I went and finally figured out that the Sun God Spear had such an assassin hidden in it!

That’s right, since the streamer Femi suit can have various adaptability, it is unreasonable that the Sun God Spear has no special features. If the Sun God’s Spear was simply sharp, it would be far less worthy of the name of God’s Armed Forces!

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