develop – 4

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Velocian healed Idria and got up immediately.

Hurry up as if you were busy.

Idria opened her mouth, as he still had a lot to learn from him.

“Where are you going?”

“Other than here.”

“I don’t want to hear such an obvious answer. sit down.”

“You have a bad habit of talking to your father.”

While saying that, Velocian smiled softly.

It was as if she was looking at her tomboy daughter, so Idria was moved.

However, the opponent is a phenomenal existence that has completely restored itself with a single gesture.

So she said with patience.

“There are many things I want to ask.”

“I can’t give you an answer.”


“I know I will look great from your point of view. But there are many laws in the world that even I cannot control.”

“It’s a rule.”

“Don’t think complicated and keep doing what you are doing. Turning Kayle into a hero and completing a true lie.”

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Velocian, who had been talking up to that point, looked at Idria and smiled even more.

“Don’t make that face.”

Idria asked, stroking her face.

“What about my face?”

“Aren’t you sorry?”


“You will love your limbs, but they are your servants. I will never fully understand your heart.”

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Velocian chuckled at Caled, who was still stunned.

“Not to mention that bug, when you reach Bion Kunze, the situation most similar to yours, it just overflows with murderous intent.”


“But I really understand you. I didn’t say a few words, but you must have felt it too. So, aren’t you sad that we broke up?”

Idria didn’t answer right away.

However, he was afraid that something would be perceived as positive, so he hurriedly opened his mouth.

“go away.”

“So I’m going.”

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Velocian shrugged and exited the cave.

Before leaving, he left a message.

“It’s not like we’ll never see each other again. If you are really tired, you can call me.”


“No, if you look difficult, I will come to you first. Isn’t that what a father is originally?”

Idria couldn’t stand it any longer and waved her hand at him.

But before she could exert any power, Velocian’s form had disappeared.

Idria sighed and turned her head.

There was something to be said for anger.


Idria kicked Caled.

“How long are you going to sleep? You are a lazy bug.”

“Ugh. huh? Idria?”

“You seem to have done a great job in Gabriel’s estate. Thanks to you, the lies of my conversion were blown away.”

Fake Hero Padania Brook.

Fake Demon Lord Demon Lord of Desolation.

The lie made 200 years ago was broken in Gabriel’s estate.

“Of course, not all Continental people will believe it at once. For mankind, a hero is the second most absolute being after the heavenly gods.”


“But it’s definitely far from my goal.”

“Don’t say anything to me. That’s your stupid first finger… Whoops!”

Kayle soon fell frantically on the floor.

Idria had gnawed at his nerves with the worms he had planted on his body.

“Do not insult my child.”

“Ugh. Please stop.”

“Soberus and Savak will begin treatment from now on. In the meantime, I will attach a finger to support you. It will be difficult to expect good results this time, just do it normally.”


Soon the pain stopped.

Caled asked as he drooled.

“‘This time’? Are there still plans left in this yard?”

“okay. I met a strange being and my strength was restored. To be precise, it’s more than recovery.”


“I don’t remember ever being this strong. If it is now, ‘it’ would be possible.”


“I wanted to do this from the beginning, but I couldn’t do it due to lack of strength.”

Cald asked what the hell was that plan with only his eyes.

Idria said with a cold smile.

“Speed battle.”

We decided to postpone the inference of the existence of someone who intervened in the Append View.

There was no way to come up with an answer if I had to think about it right away, and I was tired of various things.

That night.

Our group decided to stay one more day at Gabriel’s estate.

Yeongju handed over his home for one day.

“You are welcome to use everything here. warrior.”

“There was no need for this…”

“no. I am so sorry that I can only do this. Rather, it is even more apologetic to reject users.”

“We’re comfortable on that side.”

And frankly, no matter how great a cook, there’s nothing tastier than a snack that Rissel made for fun.

So when the lord left, we sat down in one place.

Russell said.

“I have a lot to say about this and that, but today I just eat and drink. I will do my best.”

“Five. I look forward to it.”

“yes. Then Mr. Offense.”

Offense tilted his head.


“Should I help you?”

“Have you ever asked me for help before?”

“Shall we take out the ingredients first? Please take some of the things written here from the wagon.”


Offense mumbled and left in the wagon.

Ardwin bravely followed after saying that he would help…

Serene looked at the offense as she walked out the door.

“ah. I think he’s really going to make fun of him.”

“Mr. Serene? What are you doing?”


“Bring some water.”


Serene left the door in the same posture as the offense a while ago.

This time, Xenia looks after her.

Finally, even Lissel left for the kitchen, leaving only me and Neril in the room.

“He doesn’t do it for me, does he?”

“Because I’m older.”

“He is older. And stop talking about your age.”


“Why do you look like that?”

“I really think I should stop now.”

Her life span was twenty-two.

The life after that is only ‘maintaining’ by absorbing the energy of the people of the Erenika family.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to use such a subject as a joke.

Then, as if reading my heart, Neryl opened her mouth.

“If you are doing this because of my past, then stop. It’s just that I don’t want to hear my grandmother’s voice.”


“I have no regrets for destroying the Erenika family. The real regrets are the things that happened before that.”

“You didn’t believe Mei until the end?”


She bowed her head, seemingly depressed.

I said in a soft voice.

“Don’t make that face.”


“You got it all out two days ago in the first place.”

“Will it be solved just like that?”

Even as he answered that, a smile returned to Neryl’s face.

I smiled face to face and quietly recalled two days ago.

– Apply the magic on the headband to the fake warrior and the sword.

At my request, Neryl said that he would gladly do it.

But it wasn’t easy either.

Inspiration, once lost, does not come back so easily.

She locked herself in the shed next to the hut and closed off her food and beverages.

I knocked several times out of concern…

“go away!”

“Oh sorry.”

“Were you Maid? you are fine.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Will you come in?”

I shook my head.

“I will come back later. cheer up.”

“yes. don’t worry. It will work out somehow.”

But somehow it didn’t work, even though it was late at night, Neril did not come out of the warehouse.

We were sitting huddled together in the hut and wishing her good luck.

That was then.


The door opened violently and Neril with red eyes entered.

She said in a very surprising, slightly weeping voice.

“I’m sorry, everyone, please leave.”


The party members raised their bodies in unison as if they had received orders from the corps commander.

I was about to follow along, but Neryl opened his mouth.

“Maid stays for a while. Ardwin, you too.”

Ardwin exclaimed almost as if he was about to hiccup.

“I, you mean that?”

“Why are you talking like this all of a sudden?”

“Because my older sister is so different from usual……”

“Ardwin. Call Mei.”

I was terribly surprised by that.

When Offense led the restless party members out and left, only Ardwin, I, and Neril were left.

Ardwin uttered the spell without asking or questioning, under Neril’s momentum.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Meanwhile, Neryl said to me.

“I think I should meet May. That way you can bring back that inspiration.”

“Are you okay?”


She clenched her fist.

His fist was trembling.

“It’s impossible for me to be alone.”


“Will you stay by my side for a moment?”

I nodded as if it was natural.

and after a while.


A woman’s voice came out of Ardwin’s mouth.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

May Erenica.

The target of the crime that Neryl wanted to hide the most.

The moment she heard that voice, Neryl burst into tears.

“Me, Mei…….”

How was their conversation?

I deliberately tried not to listen, and I didn’t even remember.

It was because it was sinful for me to hear and remember the conversation between these two.

I just stayed by Neryl’s side.

how much time has passed

“Are you okay now? Did you get any hints?”

Neryl nodded with her eyes swollen like a crucian carp.


“Huhu. Your face is weird.”

“may. Do you really not blame me?”

“He said he looked at my diary. Then you can guess what I thought of you until the end.”

Neryl rubbed his eyes with the back of his arm.

“But that was until I killed you.”

“It’s the same after that. From beginning to end, I still think of you as my one and only friend, even after I die.”

“may. Black.”

“Besides, there are a lot of things to complain about in the underworld, right?”

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mei continued with a rather humorous expression.

“The underworld is a strange place. I meet all the people I’ve known in my life again. And all the sins of my life will be revealed to the world.”


uh. this is kinda scary

Then how many people will point my finger at me when I die?

“So, Neryl, you too live a good life.”

“I am already wrong.”

“Maybe. However.”

Then May looked at me for the first time.

“Do you think there will be someone in the underworld to protect you?”


“Huhu. I’ll go anyway. And call me often. Because there are so many things I want to say to you.”

Neryl nodded quietly.

Her soul goes back to the underworld.


Then Neryl put her head on my shoulder.

“thank you. Maid.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You stayed by my side. That’s all for me.”


“Thanks to May, my inspiration is revived. I’m sure I can use that magic again.”

I first thought that I would be okay rather than that I was lucky.

Obviously, Neryl’s expression wasn’t bad right now, but it seemed like he was too emotionally drained in a short time.

Is that so?

I secretly wrapped my arms around Neryl’s shoulder.

“Hey, Maid?”

“ah. sorry. Stop without knowing.”


Rather, she digs deeper into me.

“It’s really warm. your arms.”

“Is that so?”

“Will you lend me your arms like this more often?”

“However much.”

“until when?”


At that, Neryl raised her head.

Her lips are too close.

I instinctively brought my face closer to her.

But then.




For a moment, Neryl said.

“Something is breathing here.”


We turned to Ardwin.

He covered his eyes with both hands and said.

“Sorry. I’m sorry to be here.”


“Oh, that was it. Why is no one talking? really.”


“Mr Offense. I think I’m all grown up now.”

We couldn’t help but laugh.

I stopped reminiscing and looked at Neryl.

Her face was as close as it was two days ago.

“Are you thinking about that?”

“You are really smart.”

“If it’s about you.”


“At that time, I was a little sad that I had Ardwin, wasn’t it?”

“I agree one hundred percent.”

Neryl smiled slightly and closed her eyes.

I slowly brought my lips to his lips.


soft kiss.

It’s such a sweet kiss

All the joys and ecstasy I have felt in my life together are not as good as this brief moment.

Fortunately, there were no Ardwin and no other party members this time.

They returned to the room after ten minutes.

[Are you here now? It was really long.]

‘Trail? Were you there?’

[Isn’t it a big deal to not have it? More than that, congratulations on being single for the rest of your life.]

‘Hmmm. Look, did you see it?’

[He was turning his back. Thank you.]

I wiped my chest and said.

‘I have to let you go as soon as possible.’

[Sometimes he said that he can’t lose because he’s a colleague.]

‘Next time, I’ll go to Ardwin.’

[Is there another one?]

At that time, Ardwin said in a somewhat proud voice.

“Please eat. two minutes.”

“ah. yes.”

“You didn’t interrupt me this time, did you?”

Behind him came party members with warm smiles as if they were looking at their well-bred sons and daughters.

Ardwin said to Offense.

“mister. As you can see, I am all grown up now.”

“okay. great.”

“Obviously, my father and mother did that and gave birth to me.”

Offense thought quietly before answering.

“You’re still young.”

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