Underworld Excursion – 4

Ardwin separated Maid’s soul and immediately brought the bell to his ear.

slinky. slinky.

And he continued to wave the bell according to the pattern he had heard from Leon.

Neryl crossed her arms and watched closely.

“Tell me if your arm hurts. I’ll change you.”

“What are you doing with this? I’d rather just do it to the end.”

“yes? No matter who shakes it, as long as you match the pattern, it’s the same, isn’t it?”

“The pattern has to be very sophisticated. Even a few tenths of a second has a different meaning.”

“… … .”

“So please don’t talk. I have to focus.”

Neryl omitted even the answer, fearing that it would get in the way.

Instead, she looked at Xenia.

Xenia put her hand on Maid’s chest and performed a magic trick.

“Heavenly God. Here is one who thirsts for your mercy.”

“Did you suddenly become polite?”

“It can’t be wrong if anything goes wrong. When this is over, I will go back to normal.”

“Now that’s the original… … .”

Anyway, the trick worked out well.

It is known that the body after the soul leaves the body soon dies.

Well, normally, when the body dies, the soul leaves.

However, Xenia’s magic can prevent the death of the body, and Ardwin’s bell will also prevent the death of the soul.

‘No problem. If you have one… … .’

That was then.

Suddenly, Offense opened his mouth in a hoarse voice.

“It is an uninvited guest. The tail of Agril.”

“yes? oh.”

“I hope you found it.”

There was a man standing there.

Being a wizard himself, he seems to have noticed even the offense just now.

He approached them with a leisurely gait.

Neryl stretched out her hand and said.

“stop. Don’t come any closer.”

“Neryl sister? Who are you?”

“Ardwin, Xenia. Don’t worry about it, you guys, focus on Maid.”

“Yes, yes.”

I told him to stop, but Inyoung continued walking without hesitation.

In the end, Neryl lightly created a magic arrow and flew it.

whip profit.


The man didn’t really stop or avoid it.

it was just right

No matter how simple the magic is, if the caster is a coercive saint, the story is different.

It was powerful enough to easily cut a hole in a beautiful tree, but it didn’t even scratch a man.

Offense said.

“Are you a Velocian?”

“You know my name, too.”

He lightly affirmed.

Conversation is surprisingly polite and respectful.

Neryl felt her hair rising, but she struggled to open her mouth calmly.

“Who gave you permission to ride on Agril’s back?”

“I’m sorry for this. Of course, I have no intention of getting down again if I don’t allow it.”

“If you’re going to say something sarcastic like that, then just fuck you.”

“no. I respect humans. So, even if I speak vulgarly to the Demon King and his beauties, I will use respect for you.”

That’s why he didn’t honor the ‘human’ heavenly god.

He grinned.

“I respect all humans. They are truly noble.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There is no such thing as stupid people in the world. Very rare. And rare things deserve respect.”

Neryl felt disgusted.

But rather than arguing with him, you should have practical conversations.

“Why are you here?”

“To kill Maid.”

“under. I don’t even hide Can you?”

“Why are you asking such a question?”

“I thought you were weaker than us.”

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Velocian smiled even more deeply.

“why? Isn’t this a ‘special room’?”

“… … .”

“Who did you hear that from?”

“We didn’t even answer, are we playing alone?”

“no. I can tell. You are sure that I will be weak.”

he folded his arms

Then he opened his mouth as he thought deeply about something.

“Did you ever hear from Impelium?”

“… … Who is Impelium?”

“It’s a pity that you put so much effort into decorating. But like I said, I know.”

“… … .”

“Have you met the Impelium? No, no. No matter how you think about it, it doesn’t make sense.”


The guy opens his arms.

And said in a soft voice.

“Well, that’s it. It’s a matter of killing everyone anyway.”

he raised his hand

Neryl felt as if her vision was being obscured by that tiny palm.


At that moment, Lissel’s voice was heard from the carriage.

easy profit.

Duke Spirit Mime.

The strongest of all spirits except for the Spirit King, he descended on Agril.

Lissel, who ran out of the wagon, said.

“Mim. stop the author no… … .”

her eyes are poisoned

The existence in front of me is the Velocian.

The man who would have made Serine like that.

“Kill it. Mime.”

“As intended. King.”

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mime has grown even bigger.

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Just like the one that brought a typhoon to the capital a long time ago.

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Velocian looked up at him silently.

“You see something precious today. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a strong spirit since the days of Ardin.”

“… … ! Who are you?”

“Why are you communicating with me in violation of Adin’s orders?”

“huh. I don’t need any more words. die.”

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mime changed my arm into the shape of a sharp knife.

wind blade.

It was such a huge wind pressure that it would tear your whole body if you approached it, far from being able to touch it.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mime smashed it on Velocian.

Whee done!



Suddenly his body stops.

“Hey, what is this?”

and it gets smaller

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Velocian slowly rolled his hands and clasped them.

And according to the closing of the hand, Mime’s body ‘began to be decorated.’


Soon, when Velocian fully clenched his fist.

“Wow, king. run away Interest is risky… … .”

“No, Mime.”


Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mime has completely disappeared.

All that was left was a warm breeze that lightly touched the cheek.

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Velocian erased the ‘typhoon’ with a single clenched fist.

He said to his astonished companions.

“What else? Respected people.”

I opened my eyes.

No, my ears opened before my eyes.

slinky. slinky.

Ardwin’s bell!

‘It means that the bell is protecting me.’

Proof that I’m not dead.

As long as the bells don’t ring, I’m still alive.

The world recognizes that I am alive.

I felt a little relieved.

That sense of relief gave me time to look around.

Let’s see. What does the underworld look like?

‘Lephia-nim said that in the underworld, you will meet again the people you had in your life.’

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Mei said that all the sins of her life would be revealed, and Graded said that the underworld is also a decent place to live.

So I imagined that the underworld would not be much different from the world we live in.


‘What, what is this.’

I could see a huge world made of transparent, bluish, and countless films of foam.

Small bubbles that form when the waves hit.

A world where such bubbles are infinitely agglomerated.

‘Is this the underworld? Is it so different from what you imagined?’

That was then.

[What you are seeing is the appearance of the entire underworld.]

‘who… … Ah, the Impelium.’

[okay. Congratulations on dying alive.]

‘Don’t say creepy things, explain. What does the whole underworld look like?’

Impellium said in a light tone.

[Each bubble you see over there is the world of each dead person.]


[Leon seems to have asked to meet again in the underworld, but that will be difficult. All of the heroes, including Leon, can’t break through the bubble of their own world. You can’t even guess the overall appearance of the underworld.]

‘What the hell are you talking about… … .’

[There is such a thing. It’s a difficult part to explain in language anyway, so let’s move on. What’s urgent is to save Serene, right?]

He continued before I could say anything.

[Look over there.]

The Impelium didn’t look like it, so it shouldn’t be possible to know where the ‘over there’ he was talking about originally.

But somehow I know.

I looked at a particular place among the infinite bubbles.

Two bubbles stick together as if the number 8 was turned face down.

The other bubbles are a little far apart from each other, but that’s just the two bubbles sticking together.

[The world of Serrain and Florence.]

‘… … ?’

[Cut off the attached part and separate it.]

‘… … .’

[Then the world will recognize the two souls as separate. A soul whose half of Florence has been erased will have no effect on Serene.]

I somehow calmed my confused mind.

There are a lot of questions I want to ask, but the Impelium won’t answer anyway.

Even if you answer me, I don’t have the confidence to understand.

If so, you should focus on more urgent tasks.

‘How can I cut it?’

[From there, it got out of my hands. Do it according to your abilities.]

‘You’re not telling me the most important part.’

[Because you already know.]

… … .

I know, la.

In fact, I already had an idea running through my head.

I decided to trust my intuition.

Even though I am in a spirit state, my clothes and equipment are the same as before.


I drew the fake warrior’s sword.

And two bubbles sticking together… … According to Impelium’s words, he brought the sword to the adsorption surfaces of the two worlds.

[Are you feeling it? What should I do?]

‘okay. One of my skills is tearing space.’

[…] … .]

‘It is a technology to create my own space cut off from all external laws. I think we need to scale up this technology a bit.’

[Tear the space. That’s a pretty good name.]

His voice sounded quite sincere.

What do you know?

[You have already accomplished unprecedented feats in the world, but this one is different.]

‘… … .’

[Although it is said to be an extended version of Rip Space, how about giving this skill a new name?]

A good technical name came to mind at those words.

I took a deep breath.

And he swung his sword at the two worlds that were stuck together.

‘Cleaning the world!’

Neryl drew all the energy contained in the Jewel of Desolation to the limit.

Everything that I recently absorbed from the 10,000 monster forces.

It was a greater amount of energy than when the acid had been removed the other day.

– Transcendental decomposition.

She created a huge spear.

A spear measuring a hundred meters in diameter soared into the sky.

Then it fell vertically over Velocian’s head.

“You’re good… … .”

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Velocian looked at the falling window with indifferent eyes.

Soon he raises his hand.

And the children bounced in the air like pebbles.


A small ball of light fired from Velocian’s finger collided with the giant spear of Transcendental Decomposition.

A small ball that can’t even be distinguished from a spear.

Surprisingly, it pierced the disassembly spear in half.


Neryl bites her lip.

The spear that disassembles everything ironically disassembled itself and disappeared.

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Velocian quickly turned his head.

But there is nothing in sight.

green smoke.

It was a product that Offense improved on Hiren’s ‘craving’ poison.

What should have been spread indiscriminately in all directions if it had been originally wrapped around Velocian precisely.

It was made by Lissel as a spirit of the wind, and only in the vicinity of Velocian.

Without the need to inhale, just touching the skin causes blood to bleed from Goku and cause death.



Instead, the Velocian inflated his lungs and drank all the poison.

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Just to clear the obstructed view.

By the time he started seeing again, he poured out all the memorization Offense had.

Little stars are falling like hail from all directions.

Each of them has a formidable power because Lissel has attached a spirit.

fight. fight.

But the Velocian neither blocked nor avoided.

It just frowns as if it’s uncomfortable to get your clothes wet in the spring rain.

“Isn’t there anything groundbreaking other than this?”

“You, you are.”

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Velocian took a step.

He approached them slowly, without any rush, and said:

“What is next? Oh, why don’t you do a magic trick purification? Are you afraid that you don’t have time?”

“How did you get so strong?”

“You are weak. This is the one, even for me outside the special room, so it’s hard for me.”

“… … .”

“It makes me laugh at myself for coming up with the name of Impelium. Let’s see… … .”


He pointed his finger at the party members.

“One, two, three. … … Seven, including those who are grunting in the wagon.”

“… … .”

“I think if you kill seven people, the law will work a little stronger… … Well, you have to endure it. I don’t think Idrian or Adin can kill you.”

“Are you on the same team with them?”

“Rather than that, let’s call it a facilitator. Or a guardian?”

“… … .”

“In this absurdly human-only world, it is difficult for such beings to survive without my help.”

Neryl couldn’t understand what he was saying.

No, I didn’t have time to understand.

It was because they were busy making the next magic seal with their hands.

But right before the magic started.

“… … ?”

She couldn’t understand why Velocian’s fist was right in front of her nose.

It must have been dozens of steps away, right?

accidents stop

It felt like his skin was being ripped by the wind pressure that his fist had not yet hit.

The moment Velocian’s fist was about to pierce Neryl.

– Whoops!

Someone punched Velocian’s stomach.

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Velocian went farther than it had been running at great speed.

Neryl blinked a few times.

‘Who is it?’

Offense spoke on her behalf.

“Oh, Ardwin?”

Ardwin, no.

‘The oldest warrior’ answered.

“It’s a trail. No, it’s a trail.”

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