Chapter 577 Shixi Poisoning

Shi Xi returned to the lounge and changed into a spare fencing suit.

Just as he was about to go out, Shi Xi was a little confused when he saw his cup in the lounge.

Didn't she bring it to the rest area on the field?

Zhu Lin brought it back to get the water. Forgot?

Shi Xi didn't think much about it, thinking that it was the assistant or Tao Yu who came to pick up the water, and forgot to bring it back to the field.

Just thirsty.

Seeing that the water in the cup was full, Shi Xi took a sip.

This water doesn't seem right?

When Shi Xi took a sip, he realised that something was wrong, he quickly put down the cup, and wanted to spit out what he drank before.

But she was unprepared just now and drank a little more or less.

Shi Xi immediately called Shi Chen, "I'm in the lounge—"

The body gradually weakened.


A pair of vicious eyes stared in the dark, seeing that Shi Xi hadn't come out of the lounge for a long time, the woman had a successful smile.

Seeing Shixi burst out weak, the woman dodged and left silently.

But just when she wanted to leave the arena, she was stopped.

The security guard said: "The arena is temporarily closed and cannot leave."

The woman lowered her hat, wearing a cleaner's clothes, and said hoarsely, "I'm going out to take out the garbage."

The security was about to agree when he heard a voice from the walkie-talkie.

Intercom: "Everyone pays attention! The suspect is a woman in a cleaner's clothes! Everyone pays attention!"

When the woman heard this, she immediately pushed the cart away and ran out desperately.

A group of security guards followed.

However, a car stopped in front of the woman and opened the door.

"Miss Xu, we are Mr. Wu's people, come up quickly!"

Xu Ziqing, who was running away, heard Wu Ni's name and got into the car without hesitation.

After Xu Ziqing fled to Country M, she kept her name incognito and lived a life like a street rat.

She knew that Shi Xi had arrived in the M country, and she was still shining brightly in front of a big star. She couldn't hold back her anger, so she planned to get close to Shi Xi and poison Shi Xi.

Finally, she successfully took Shixi's water cup and poisoned it.

And it worked!

I just didn't expect that the security guards on the field would detect it so quickly and close the field.

In her plan, she should have left by now.

But when she was running, Wu Ni's people appeared.

Xu Ziqing felt her eyes light up again.

In an instant, spring flowers bloomed.

Xu Ziqing thought in her heart that if Wu Ni came out, she might be able to spend the rest of her life hand in hand with Wu Ni.

Looking at a carload of strangers, Xu Ziqing remembered something and suddenly asked, "Isn't Wu Ni still in prison?"

"In the prison, you can also contact people." The person who received Xu Ziqing in the car said, stretched out his handcuffs, and handcuffed Xu Ziqing, "Xu Ziqing, we are the zero team of the Huaguo Special Police, and now we are officially using corruption, intentional Arrest you on charges of wounding and other charges."

Xu Ziqing widened her eyes.

Just then she looked in the rearview mirror of the car

Seeing the cold girl in the passenger seat, she was shocked: "Ning Yu?"

Ning Yu said lightly, "Huh?"

Xu Ziqing thought of what she had done before and took a deep breath: "What evidence do you have to arrest me?"

All the corruption has been blamed by Wu Ni.

The criminal who bought the murderous Tao Yuxuan is still in a vegetative state in the hospital.

This time, she evaded all surveillance.

Ning Yu chuckled lightly, "The vegetative person has already woken up and confessed to you.

And this time, you thought you escaped all surveillance, but your every move was exposed to the drone camera on the field.

Skynet is plentiful, sparse but not leaking.

Don't try to escape punishment. "

(End of this chapter)

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