Nanyang, Malihons!

Originally, it was just a very inconspicuous small town in Indonesia.

But now it has become a place of concern for the whole of Nanyang and even the world.

The wind and clouds converge, the world is watching!

The most fundamental reason is that-

After three days of stubborn resistance, after occupying the country's capital Yajada, the heroic Indonesian army finally stopped the fierce Chinese invaders~ in Malihons.

This small town, which was originally inconspicuous, has become a ceasefire line for both sides.

On one side is the 20,000 well-equipped elite army in Hualong Bay, and on the other side is the 200,000-large army brought together by Indonesia from all over the country.

The ratio of forces between the two sides is 1:10, but the real fight is completely different.

After several counter-offensives, the Indonesians were completely hurt.

I understand that with my own strength alone, no matter how many troops are equipped, it is impossible to do anything to the shameless Chinese.

So, some enlightened people in Indonesia have begun to choose a different path.

Curve to save the country!

Use international public opinion to negotiate with Hualong Bay to force them to hand over the land that originally belonged to Indonesia, and compensate Indonesia for its losses in this war.

The idea is beautiful.

However, they have forgotten an eternal truth.

What you can't get on the battlefield, never hope to get at the negotiating table.

Of course, the night clears outside!

The war lasted only three days, but the negotiations lasted more than two months, and the Indonesians ultimately failed to live up to their original illusions.

When international forces such as the United States could not clearly express their support, they could only be forced to accept the alliance under the city proposed by Hualong Bay.

"All the islands east of Hualong Bay and the Guinea Islands belong to Hualong Bay. "

"The Hualong Bay authorities are responsible for the resettlement of the indigenous people on the islands, and the Indonesian authorities are responsible for receiving and relocating. "

"Hualong Bay troops withdrew from Jakarta and returned the city to the Indonesian side. "

"In line with the principle of voluntariness, the two sides will not pursue responsibility for all losses in the war, and will bear the losses on their own!"


There are more than 100 treaties that define the future spheres of influence of both sides.

All in all, Hualong Bay gained sovereignty over all the islands east of Hualong Bay to Guinea at the cost of returning Jakarta and completely withdrawing from Kalimantan Island.

It is simply land and sea rights, and the indigenous people above, Hualong Bay is not at all.

While emptying the natives, Hualong Bay will also carry out large-scale migration to those islands.

As for monetary compensation, Hualong Bay directly vetoed it.

As a victorious country, how can it give money to Indonesia?

If you don't extort money from Indonesia, you can be considered merciful.

In the end, all the prisoners of war captured in the war were released.

After all, Hualong Bay didn't expect to get much ransom through these prisoners of war, and it would be a waste of food to keep them.

What's more, this treaty has been revised after the Hualong Bay side was forced to compromise.

Originally, according to the opinions of Su Shaoze and the Hualong Bay authorities.

Even if Hualong Bay is not to fight for the land and sea of Guinea, it is necessary to take the northern part of the Sumatra island.

Take control of the Strait of Malacca in your own hands.

But unfortunately, the Indonesian side did not agree to this request.

Because Sumatra is the ancestral land of the indigenous people!

If a part is missing, it is an incomplete orthodoxy.

In addition, Indonesia is already poor, and the revenue from the Strait of Malacca accounts for a large part of Indonesia's total revenue for the year.

Without the Strait of Malacca, the whole of Indonesia will have to eat soil.

And the most important thing is that the big hooligans such as the United States do not want the Strait of Malacca to fall into the hands of Hualong Bay.


Therefore, after more than two months of difficult negotiations, under the witness of the United Nations Organization, the foreign minister of Hualong Bay and the foreign minister of Indonesia finally signed this agreement.

【Treaty of Malihons】

Also known as the [Nanyang Peace Treaty]

The signing of the treaty means that calm has finally returned to the Nanyang region after three months of war.

People no longer have to worry about shells blowing up their houses and not knowing where bullets will go through their heads.


It's safe!

Everyone cheered!

After the signing of the treaty, Indonesia also wanted to cry without tears in the face of war and lupus everywhere.

can only silently lick the wounds and clean up the aftermath of the war.

Hualong Bay, on the other hand, is about to begin to reap the fruits of victory.


Since the third day of the war, the capital of Indonesia has been occupied by invaders.

The residents of Yajiada, who were ruled by the Chinese, lived in dire straits every day, and the humiliation and fear in their hearts accompanied them.

Every day, they look forward to the arrival of the Righteous Army to reclaim the city.

Finally, the war ended and the Treaty of Malihuns was signed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yajada is going to be returned to Indonesia.

The residents of Jakarta who heard the news all cheered with joy.

And when they walked out of the house, they were even more ecstatic.

Because on weekdays, there are often many tall Chinese soldiers wearing Hualongwan military uniforms, armed with firearms, and fully armed on the streets.

But now, he's all gone. []

So, these indigenous residents all ran out of their homes and cheered loudly: "The Chinese are gone~"

"The evil Chinese invaders were driven away, and our sister was released. "

"Allah has appeared and we are saved. "

The city of Yakada, which was littered with wreckage and ruins, was gushed out like a river.

Celebrating the city's recovery!

However, the celebration did not last long.

Because there is no shortage of wise people among the natives!

Ninety-nine percent of the natives are poor.

It doesn't matter if it was or now!

The troops in Hualong Bay have withdrawn, and the Indonesian troops have not yet come.

During this time, the entire city was in a power vacuum.

No one will take care of anything.

So, those smart people started to act.

I ran to banks, shops, gold shops, mansions, and even some of the more daring dared to go to the government residence in Indonesia to fight the autumn wind!

They knew very well that after more than two months of rule, the Chinese had long since looted the wealth of Yajiada.

But what if?

What if there is anything that was missed by the Hualong Bay army and not discovered?

Or is it something they don't look down on and don't bother to take with them?

Even a small pair of dishes and chopsticks and a second-hand lamp are all good things for these ordinary Yajiada residents.

So, under the leadership of smart people, more and more residents joined the ranks of looting treasures.

The main scope is to loot the mansions of the wealthy, bank shops, and government residences.

It's almost a dig into the ground!

And that's not enough!

Even before long, the treasure digging began to turn into a riot.

Under the rule of the Hualong Bay army, they lived in trembling for more than two months, and suddenly lost the management of order, and these natives began to vent their inner desires frantically.

From picking up things and digging treasures, it has evolved into blatant robbery, smashing and even rape of silver!

In groups of three or five, as long as you see someone else having something good in their hands, no matter how you got it, you have to grab it anyway.

Within just an hour of the withdrawal of the Hualong Bay army, the crime rate of Yajiada began to increase exponentially, and it became a veritable crime capital!

Blood was sprinkled all over the city, and screams continued~

In these few hours in a vacuum, the number of dead and wounded of the natives is dozens of times that of the number of people who died at the hands of the Hualong Bay army in the war!

Yajiada Port~

Dozens of huge cargo ships docked in the harbor, and in the distance were escorted by three naval destroyers from Hualong Bay.

Armored assault vehicles painted with navy blue oil paint, as well as container freighters, converged from all directions of Yajiada.

boarded the freighter in an orderly manner~

The huge engine roared together, and a team of Hualong Bay soldiers were fully armed, stepping on the ground with neat steps, like a golden iron horse!


Noisy and orderly, each soldier knew what he had to do, and under the leadership of his own platoon commander and squad leader, he was busy with his own tasks.

And on a destroyer, Gou Wenjie, who was the commander-in-chief of the Yajiada Theater of Operations, looked at all this calmly.

Just now, his subordinates had reported to him that there had been a large-scale riot in Yajada.

Those natives who trembled under the steel guns of Hualong Bay, after losing their deterrence, changed from the original little sheep to the big bad wolf in an instant.

Smashing, robbing, and raping silver~

The city has been transformed into the capital of sin, and everyone is a demon!

In this regard, Gou Wenjie just shook his head calmly and said: "There is no good person in this city!"

Soon, the adjutant came over: "Commander, all the cargo has been loaded onto the ship, and the soldiers of the various departments have also boarded the ship. "

"Let's go~" Gou Wenjie said in a deep voice.


The adjutant left, and dozens of freighters began to whistle, resounding through the port, and slowly sailed away from Yajiada~

What they took away was not only the army of Hualong Bay, but also the wealth accumulated by the city of Yajiada for hundreds of years!

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