Unexpectedly, after hearing what Nie Renyan said, Xie Mingxuan still looked confused about the situation. Instead of staring at Nie Renyan, he turned his head and asked Xia Zhiming, Fang Siyuan and Mu Mu in front of him: Are these your friends? I don't know. I can understand what they mean, what kind of pretense? What you said when you entered the door was very strange, tsk, Zhiming, this is not your usual character, explain to me what's going on, or I just want to answer your questions. Know where to start.

You— Xia Zhiming frowned and stared at his eyes, but after watching for a while, he found that when he spoke, there was indeed a puzzled expression inside, and it seemed that he was not fake. In this way, he hesitated again. Although many clues can be matched with his boss in front of him, from the bottom of his heart, he still doesn't want to believe that such a person who compares the three things of business, righteousness, and brotherhood A person who cares about everything is actually inextricably linked with a murderous beast? !

The existences like Xie Mingxuan and Wuwu he knew were simply two extremes, how could they be the same person?

Compared with the stalemate here, Ye Zhao, who was standing close to the house, had another reaction. He quietly looked at the boy in the room who had met several times, his eyes were filled with calmness, and after a while, he said to the boy lightly: I believe he really doesn't know anything now, but I don't believe you. The voice was so soft that only Nie Renyan, who was closest to him, could hear it, but because the boy was facing him, he knew what Ye Zhao was talking about just by looking at the shape of his mouth.

Why— the boy asked subconsciously, and just after he finished asking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, stopped his mouth suddenly, and then frowned his delicate eyebrows, with a slight annoyance in his eyes However, because of his childish and well-behaved appearance, those eyes seemed more aggrieved than angry.

Nie Renyan on the side raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ye Zhao, and then his figure suddenly flashed, and instantly stood where the boy was standing just now.

However, at the same time as he moved, the boy moved to another part of the room in an instant with the same speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, avoiding Nie Renyan.

This kind of action is tantamount to overthrowing all his previous bewilderment. Luo Xiaochen outside the door happened to see that scene. He rubbed his eyes and stared at Xia Zhiming and Xie Mingxuan in front of him dumbfounded. Xie Mingxuan, who was standing in the room with his back turned, looked back in confusion.

The boy who teleported to the balcony door looked away from Ye Zhao and Nie Renyan, and said to Xie Mingxuan in a calm tone, Hello!

Huh? What's the matter? Xie Mingxuan was a little confused about what he meant by calling him that.

Seeing Xie Mingxuan's expression, the boy silently moved his lips a few times, and Nie Renyan and Ye Zhaoneng heard him mutter, I'm so annoying.

As soon as the words fell, the boy disappeared from the balcony with a whoosh, and appeared beside Xie Mingxuan before he could react. His thin and pale fingers grabbed Xie Mingxuan's sleeve——

Everyone saw the black mist rising suddenly, enveloping the boy and rushing toward the balcony, Xie Mingxuan, who was dragged by his hand, was also taken along, and was dragged outside through the open window in the blink of an eye. The boy's slender figure hovered outside the balcony, and then let go of Xie Mingxuan's hand expressionlessly.

What are you doing! Xia Zhiming and the others reflexively jumped up to the balcony after seeing Xie Mingxuan falling straight from the fourth floor and disappearing under the balcony. Hitting on the window sill of the balcony caused pain in the entire abdomen, but what they saw made them completely ignore the dull pain in the abdomen.

Nie Renyan and Ye Zhao, who teleported to the balcony almost at the same time that the boy left Xie Mingxuan, were also looking downstairs. The gesture of Nie Renyan crossing his arms showed that he had almost expected what happened below——

I saw that Xie Mingxuan, who was supposed to fall heavily on the ground of the first floor, suddenly stopped his falling trend before he was about to hit the ground. The black mist shook away like a veil instantly, like dripping ink, suddenly smudged. He was wrapped in thick black smoke of varying thickness, rushed up to the fourth floor, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the hovering boy.

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Xia Zhiming looked at the two people who were about ten meters away from their window sill, with unprecedented complex expressions - shock, disappointment, unwillingness to believe, anger... All kinds of emotions came to his heart at the same time, and after several changes, they finally froze into a face Expressionless.

After that boy was seen through by Ye Zhao, his whole expression became very different from before. Although he still looked a little dumb, his emotions were very obvious, as if he had come alive. Glancing impatiently at the man next to him, he said, I have to use this method every time, trouble!

Hearing his complaint, the man raised one corner of his lips and smiled heavily. Matching the gentle face with brows and eyes, he didn't have the slightest sense of disobedience. The aura of the whole person became domineering: Heh! With his closest subordinates around, of course he rejects me even more.

His tone fluctuated very little, and his speaking speed was slower than before. It sounds very different, and it is difficult to connect this tone with the tone of Xie Mingxuan's speech before. Coupled with the completely different aura around him, people suddenly feel that this person is not the same person as Xie Mingxuan before.

Moreover, his words are also very strange...

Xia Zhiming frowned, staring fixedly at the man covered in black smoke, looking at his figure, he seemed to be

It was the one I met in Waling before, but that time he covered his appearance with black mist, but this time he showed it without fear.

Who are you? Xia Zhiming asked in a deep voice, and while asking, even he himself felt that the question was ridiculous-does it need to be asked who is this person? They watched Xie Mingxuan fall down the stairs, but in the middle of the journey, he turned into this image, rose into the air again, and hovered in the air ten meters away.

However, his intuition told him that this question was very important.

The man seemed to be teasing him, and did not answer his question directly, but twisted his neck left and right, the bones between the neck made two soft clicks, and continued to laugh evilly: What do you think? ?”

Ye Zhao put his hand on Xia Zhiming's shoulder, but still looked at the two people outside the window lightly, and said, He is Zhu Wu and Xie Mingxuan, but he is not the boss you know.

Damn it! Luo Xiaochen watched the whole process of Xie Mingxuan's transformation, and twitched his mouth, Dual personality?! Live! I've seen a hundred or so pseudo-splits who read some messy books and scare themselves. I've never seen the real one!

So you're quite happy, aren't you? Nie Renyan slapped him behind him speechlessly, shaking off the black mist to block the tentacle-like black smoke that Taotie stretched over when no one was paying attention.

This stupid thing is quite big. It looks like a good snack. It can be used as an extra meal for the base, but it would be too wasteful to give it to you! Nie Renyan snorted coldly, and flashed out of the window at the same time as Ye Zhao. In the blink of an eye, the two tall and slender figures turned into two colossal figures. Nie Renyan's wings, who hit the past directly, created a huge vortex, and the human-shaped Taotie and Wuwu were dragged hundreds of miles away! At the same time, Ye Zhaoqing let out a whistling sound, flapped his giant wings, and huge waves rose into the sky from the east, rolling towards him, and pounced on him.

But those two were obviously not fuel-efficient lamps. They broke away from the vortex the moment the waves rushed down, and their figures instantly swelled into the posture of giant beasts, and their huge but agile bodies flashed out from the gap in the huge waves. Wu Wu suddenly turned around, and there was a sudden gust of wind between the sky and the earth. The sky that was not clear at first turned overcast in an instant. Countless large and small whirlwinds raged past, and finally seemed to be alive, forming a huge A circular formation surrounded Ye Zhao and Nie Renyan.

Taotie let out a roar, and several purple bolts of lightning struck down in the sky, and huge branch-like lightning strikes one after another in the wind gust, with rolling thunder that could make the earth tremble.

For a while, the whole sky was dark, and it was so strange that people were horrified. Only in the place where the fierce battle was fought, the fire, light and light continued, the sound of the wind howled, and the sound of the tide was shocking.

Nima—— Comrade Luo Xiaochen, who is a snack eater, stared into the distance dumbfoundedly, then turned his head stiffly, looked at the same stiff-faced master, and sighed: Should we thank them for running away before hitting? He just After finishing speaking, I saw Xia Zhiming and the three of them who were still confused, and immediately changed their serious expressions, patted their shoulders and said: Ye Zhao is right, that person is Xie Mingxuan, but you don't know him. that.

Xia Zhiming raised his eyes to look at him, with a rare look of you continue to talk, I'll listen.

The flattered quasi-snack Luo Xiaochen began to explain: Dual personality, have you heard of it? To put it bluntly, it is an individual with two different personalities. Each personality has a complete personality, habits, memories, etc. From a certain To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an independent person. So you can completely regard this Xie Mingxuan as another person with the same name and the same body.

Why did this happen? Xia Zhiming couldn't figure out why Xie Mingxuan, who was so respected and admired by everyone, became like this, and actually had a dual personality, Isn't it said that he was so stimulated?

Not entirely. In fact, there are quite a few reasons for this kind of thing, but I think, as far as your boss is concerned, it may have something to do with his occupation... After he discovered that he was the prototype of Wuwu, His own profession, as well as the extremely upright side deeply rooted in his nature, had a great irreconcilable sense of repulsion towards the identity of a ferocious beast like Wuwu, so he subconsciously divided himself into Two people, one is still performing his own job, living the life he is used to, concentrating the extreme positive side of his nature, and the other is taking on the identity of 梼杌, with the character and habits of 梼杌, concentrating his body Those vicious and evil sides when I was a 梼杌.

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