Fucking wife, tell me, my eyes are blurry, right?! Nie Renyan threw the two people in his mouth onto his back, and stared at the mountains to the west with his smoky golden tiger eyes, looking a little surprised.

When they were walking towards the base just now, they felt that something was wrong, but they finally came back to their senses after looking at it this way—it was because the mountains in the distance were no longer covered in vast green.

Standing at their height, looking all the way from the endless edge, to the west of the steep peak with the cave where they stayed before, the dense forest that had been nourished by spiritual energy several times had become more luxuriant and lush. For some reason, all of them have become dead trees. I couldn’t see them clearly at the seaside before, but now the visual effect of looking down from above is a bit frightening. For hundreds of miles, there are pale or brown-black branches, bare, with a kind of distortion. Pointing up to the sky, it looks white or black, like countless bones and rotting mud... Only the nearby mountains and the forest around the base are still green and rich.

I saw it too... Ye Zhao looked at the scene in a daze, What's going on? Why didn't the master mention it?

Nie Renyan frowned and said, Maybe he doesn't know yet.

Wait— Nie Renyan frowned even tighter, and his fierce tiger face became even more fierce: Master asked me to deal with a batch of Bi Fang yesterday afternoon, and he should have come out riding a pomegranate at that time. However, if you haven't discovered it like this...could it be said that it became like this overnight?

Maybe even faster— Ye Zhaoshen pointed to the dividing line between the dead tree and the dense forest, That situation is still spreading here!

Nie Renyan followed his hand and looked over. The dividing line between them was like the tide line that rushes ashore at high tide, and it spread rapidly towards this side. Just now, there was still a distance from the steep peak with the cave, but now it was approaching. To the foot of the mountain. There is a distance of at least a thousand meters between them, and it only took a few words. From above, it looks like eating mulberry leaves. Ordinary people may be shocked to break out in a cold sweat.

That steep peak is only a hundred miles away from the base. At this speed, it won't be long before even the surrounding area of ​​the base will become a piece of dead wood!

It's not the most important thing to become a dead tree, but if it becomes a dead tree and then fog... Ye Zhaojun raised his eyebrows, patted Nie Renyan's tiger head, and pointed to the two unconscious people hanging on the tiger's back. He said: Throw these two things in the way to the master, let's go and see the situation.

Nie Renyan: ... He turned his head and flapped his wings towards the base, while silently complaining in his heart: Wife, have you forgotten your hidden magical skill crow's mouth? =_,=

It's a pity that Mr. Crow's mouth leaf, who was sitting on his back, was still looking worriedly at the dead wood in the distance, and didn't notice his complaint at all.

Sure enough, just as Nie Renyan's paws touched the ground and folded his wings, a white floc fell on its back like snowflakes, and then turned into a wisp of white mist, which was sucked into it At the same time, more and denser white flocs suddenly fell from the sky like heavy snow, as if someone tore countless cotton fluffs and fell down from the sky in one go.

Nie Renyan: ... Should he stop his wife's crow's mouth next time? Well, gag it, that's a good excuse to eat tofu!

Ye Zhao, who had already got off his back and directly dragged the 梼杌 and Tao Tie off the ground, gave a tsk, slapped the tiger's buttocks, and said impatiently, Why are you so stupid?!

Nie Renyan who had his butt pumped: ... I was speechless so many times today =_,=

The black mist swirled around the huge eye-catching white tiger, enveloping it completely, and then dispersed in an instant, and a tall and powerful figure strode out from the black mist. Nie Renyan, who still had a twitching expression at the corner of his mouth, picked up Wuwu and Taotie on the ground with one hand, and wrapped his arms around Ye Zhao's waist with the other, and then disappeared in the same place like the wind, and moved to their hut in an instant.

Nie Renyan unceremoniously threw the two things in his hand into the door, and once again took Ye Zhao and teleported to the dormitory where the master and the others lived.

Time is tight, I'll make a long story short! Nie Renyan took the opportunity to touch Ye Zhao's butt when he let go of Ye Zhao's hand.

Ye Zhao: ...

Luo Xiaochen looked in shock at the two people who suddenly appeared inside the door, almost losing his soul in fright. The snacks that came from nowhere in his hand fell to the ground with a click and scattered all over the floor. After a while, Luo Xiaochen, who came back to his senses, looked at the snacks on the ground with pain in his liver, and looked at Nie Renyan with trembling lips: I sacrificed my beauty and finally cheated from the aunt in the cafeteria!! Are you going to act in a horror movie? !

The master was calmer. He silently picked up the two balls on the ground, pretending that they had never fallen, and gently stuffed them into the pomegranate's mouth: This is today's amount, hurry up, it's over! Just as he finished speaking, he was slapped hard by Pomegranate who was choking on two dirty balls. The stone on the side took the pomegranate, which was choking and rolled its eyes, with a blank expression, and raised its neck to stroke it twice, only to hear two gudong gudong, and the two balls finally entered the pomegranate's stomach.

The only reliable Xia Zhiming looked at Ye Zhao and Nie Renyan and said, What's going on, and when is the time urgent?

... Nie Renyan twitched the corners of his lips in the face of the unreliable people in the room, and said, First: It's foggy again, didn't you look out the window?

The master turned his head and looked out of the window calmly, and sure enough, the white catkins have started to connect into pieces, and after a while, it will become like last time, the scene of being attracted by the tree and these animals, the pair of trees It's a big deal with these beasts, and it won't affect ordinary people, so there's no need to worry at all...

Oh? It's foggy again

? Then you go back to your room and stay there. During this period of time, all kinds of ferocious beasts made troubles every day, and all kinds of troublesome problems emerged one after another. After dealing with them, a bunch of them came again. These problems have brought the master closer and closer to a state of numbness, forming a distorted state. Don’t worry. He thinks that no matter how bad the situation is, that’s all there is to it, and what new tricks can he come up with ╮(╯_╰)╭ After finishing speaking, he left. Nie Renyan nodded in response to the master, then raised two fingers and shook, Second: I don't know what's wrong. All the trees on the far mountain are withered, and the trend is still spreading here. It is estimated that the trees here will all wither in a few minutes. Okay, I'm done talking, see you later!

Wait!!! The master grabbed Nie Renyan's sleeve [he is so short that he can't pull it anywhere], You brat, are you kidding me?!

Nie Renyan spread his hands: Ye Zhaozheng and I are going to see what's going on. If you don't believe me, you can ride a pomegranate and follow it from a safe distance.

Seeing that he didn't look like he was joking at all, the master rolled his eyes and raised his neck to feel dizzy, but his back was pierced by the pomegranate's sharp bird's beak, and he immediately jumped up on the spot, clutching his back and jumping up and down : I can't live through this day! Who will attract the fog when the trees are withered? Isn't it true that so many people in the base die?! This is the life of the old man, what should I do? Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao: ...The two of us will go and see the situation. If we can solve it, we will solve it. If not, we will find a way.

Well, old man, don't go. We left Wuwu and Taotie in our house. Although we found some fairy things to tie them up, you should keep an eye on them and don't let them escape. Nie Renyan After a brief explanation, seeing the master nodding, he hugged Ye Zhao without saying anything and disappeared into the room in an instant.

The two of them directly turned into prototypes in the air, sucked away the large wave of fog above the base, and then flapped their wings side by side and flew towards the boundary of the dead wood that was constantly spreading.

When the wings touched, Ye Zhao suddenly said to Nie Renyan: Everywhere you pass, the grass and trees are all withered...Who did you think of?

Nie Renyan, who obviously understood what he meant, nodded, and said: Well, we want to go together, so it's time to come, from four to three, it's the only one left. Hiss—that guy was in the Where to nest, I am afraid that it will wander around without eyes and nose, passing through many provinces and cities, heh, that would be horrific!

The fog that fell from the sky became thicker and thicker, and soon a huge fog cluster formed around Nie Renyan and Ye Zhao, and the still lush dense forest nearby was also covered with a thick white fog crown. only--

Why do I think the fog is a bit weird this time? Nie Renyan, who was rapidly absorbing the white mist-like aura, frowned suddenly. After the fog was sucked into his body this time, it was not as warm and moist as last time. , it makes people feel energetic and clear, but there is a kind of——

Indeed—— Ye Zhao hadn't uttered the word shi yet, and flapped his wings constantly pushing aside the white mist that blocked his vision. He pointed to a huge flesh-red voice in the dead wood under him, Here!

I saw that the huge flesh-red object was about the same size as Nie Renyan's white tiger at this time, like a small mountain bag that fell on the ground. If the appearances of Wuwu and Taotie are considered strange, this one is simply hard to describe in words. If I had to say it, it was a moving mass of flesh with strong limbs but no claws. There is a huge head, but the eyes are two long closed slits that can't see anything at all. It has no ears and no nose, only a half-open animal mouth, inside is a bright red soft tongue, but no teeth can be seen. It seems to have no purpose, walking on the ground in a daze. Although it walks slowly, its steps are large, so its moving speed is not slow. Wherever it passed, the branches and leaves of the trees curled up and shrank, and then fell to the ground and turned into rotten mud. Behind it, there was an endless vast dry forest...

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