Gu Qingcheng clenched his fists, now everyone says he did something wrong, did he and Zhang Yun really do it wrong?

After hanging up, Yan Lichao and Liu Hui were in a bad mood. Liu Hui took two bites of rice: "You said that Xiao Gu and Zhang Yun both work well, but they forced their daughter to this point. What are you trying to do?"

"Gu Nian too, this child's self-esteem is too strong."

Yan Lichao has a different opinion: "This child has a lot of energy in him, which is very distressing. It's a pity that I met Lao Gu and their husband and wife. Do you think if someone treats you like this, can you bear it?"

Liu Hui put down the tableware and chopsticks: "Yes, sigh, this child is very pitiful. He is malnourished, and he doesn't want to bow his head and be soft, stubborn enough."

Yan Han: "Why does she want to be soft? It's not her problem, it's the way their husband and wife treat Gu Nian is wrong!"

Yan Lichao: "In the future, Lao Gu and his wife will grind to a certain extent, and the child has already been separated from them to such an extent. Even if Lao Gu and his wife are soft, it is estimated that it will not have much effect."

Liu Hui: "I heard that this child has an opinion. She is only sixteen years old, and she has already planned her life almost. She has good grades. When she goes to college..."

"Old Gu is also true. When you are angry with your child, you are angry. You really don't pay living expenses. A little girl who is only 16 years old is forcing her like this. Son, your father and I have never treated you like this."

Yan Han was in a panic because of Gu Qingcheng's suffocating educational philosophy: "Of course, I'm just a little uncomfortable."

Liu Hui put down the table and chopsticks; "Oh, I can't eat anymore. Tell me, Lao Gu and his wife were not like this before, why are they like this now?"

This is just a small episode of the Yan family, and Gu Nian doesn't know it at this time. Of course, Jiang Chan didn't pay attention to the Yan family. Her purpose in coming here was to accompany Gu Nian to grow up and let her take a completely different path from her previous life.

So far, it seems that the effect is not bad, at least Gu Nian's life has been very different from the previous life. She and Gu Qingcheng's husband and wife gradually separated, and they could no longer hurt Gu Nian unscrupulously.

Because there was a precedent for fainting, Gu Nian did not participate in the next military training, and she almost stayed in the classroom. She has already learned all the knowledge in high school, even if she takes the college entrance examination now.

In his spare time, he brushed up the test papers for the competition. The test papers for this competition are one after another, and I don't know where Jiang Chan came from.

Just when everyone was busy with military training, Gu Nian fell into the eyes of a math teacher in the second year of high school. This math teacher is the dean of the second year of high school, and usually focuses on math competitions.

It was not accidental that she and Gu Nian met, it was the result of Jiang Chan's calculations. Since Gu Nian wants to go the way of competition, Jiang Chan naturally wants to plan for her. This is not when Gu Nian was writing the competition questions, he was met by this teacher.

Looking at Gu Nian's level, this teacher Qi was astonished. When I asked the other party's name again, Gu Nian, she was right at once. The title of the city's champion is still very loud, especially how many years has the third middle school not been the city's champion?

Hearing that the other party only learned this level by self-study, Teacher Qi immediately dragged Gu Nian and did not let go. This is a good seedling who was born to compete. After only two months of learning, it is worth what others have learned for a year or two.

Asking again, Gu Nian not only taught himself mathematics, but also biology, and now Teacher Qi is a little unhappy. She was worried that Gu Nian would be too busy to apply for two disciplines alone.

But after looking at the question the other party wrote, she couldn't say anything to refute.

Hearing that Gu Nian was going to take the road of competition, the teachers of No. 3 Middle School were naturally happy to see it. The main reason is to have confidence in Gu Nian. This little girl has basically slept in the three years of junior high school, and now she is really energized...

Thinking of the grades Gu Nian might achieve in the future, the teachers breathed a little faster.

The military training is finally over, and the students' high school life is back on track. Gu Nian slept in the classroom during the day, and went to study in the competition class at night, so that Gu Nian won the first place in the first monthly exam of the first year of high school without delay.

With the foundation of academic performance, the teachers of the first year of high school have nothing to say about Gu Nian participating in the competition. They only have one requirement, that is, she must ensure that her academic performance does not fall below the top five when taking care of the competition.

Gu Nian, who has never achieved a grade other than the first since she came back, is full of confidence. She is very short of money now, and she doesn't want to miss out on the scholarship of the third middle school every academic year.

And she has inquired about it, if the competition is won, the school will reward, although not as many scholarships as Jiang Chan once received, but the amount is not small.

If she gets gold medals in math and biology...

Jiang Chan poured cold water on her at the right time: "Gold medals are not so easy to get."

Gu Nian Duzui: "I'm still not allowed to dream? Sister, I want to make money in my dreams now. It's just that due to my status as a minor, what I can do is limited. Now there is a broad road in front of me, of course I don't want to let it go. However, even if I need to put in the hard work, I'm going to go down this road."

Jiang Chan: "You are talented in competition. I am optimistic about you. I just hope that when you are working hard to achieve your goals, you will not be fascinated by money. Gu Nian, you are thirsty for money now. Too strong."

Gu Nian: "I know, but I'm really short of money at this stage. I don't feel safe at all, because I know that if I don't have money, maybe I won't even be able to go to university."

Jiang Chan thought for a while: "You should study hard first, and I will take you out to make money during the winter vacation."

Gu Nian: "How to do it?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course I have my own way, but I need you to learn programming."

Gu Nian was eager to try: " As long as I can make money, I can do anything. Of course, the premise is that it is not illegal."

Jiang Chan was annoyed: "Am I going to let you do something against the law?"

With Jiang Chan's assurance, Gu Nian felt less anxious. Jiang Chan sighed, she also had a time like this in the past, people craved whatever they lacked, and now it is money that can bring Gu Nian a sense of security.

She wouldn't be aloof enough to persuade Gu Nian not to value money, how could it be possible? Even she herself values ​​money very much. How can someone who has never been poor know how important money is to people?

It’s just that we love money, but we can’t make money our master, so we need to be clear in our hearts.

Gu Nian's high school life was uneventful. Because of the accommodation, she only went home once a month. Sometimes only once every two months, of course, the excuse is very high-sounding, she wants to participate in the competition class at school.

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