The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2051: Gu Nian twenty-two

Jiang Chan: "No matter how busy you are, you have to go home every day. You put cat food and water for it every day, and shovel it regularly. It's really not good, just find an auntie."

Gu Nian: "I don't like people entering and leaving my house at will."

Jiang Chan: "Gu Nian, you have to give what you want to get. Since you want the company of pets, you have to bear a series of consequences brought by pets."

"The world is fair, and it is impossible for one person to occupy all the good things in the world."

Gu Nian was sullen, it was the first time she saw Jiang Chan so serious.

"I know, I'm just a little stuck. I want company, but I'm afraid of being fettered. I want to make friends, but I'm afraid that friends will affect my peaceful life. Sometimes I feel very conflicted."

Jiang Chan: "Don't think that you have been hurt before, and think that all men in the world are not good things, it is too one-sided. There are still good men in this world, Gu Qingcheng is even bad, but you can't deny that he is a good man. husband."

"It's just that he's not a good father." Gu Nian said, she understood what Jiang Chan meant. She also knows her own problems. She has been keeping herself closed all these years, and it's not that no one has shown her favor, but she has been rejected by her.

She just felt that the cost of starting a relationship was too high, and she didn't seem to be able to afford the tuition.

"Open yourself up to embrace the world. It is impossible for a person to stay out of society all his life. I just let you make friends, not to fall in love. The two are different."

Jiang Chan said lightly, she is not in love in the real world, but she has many friends. There are twenty or so of them when they are full, and it is always lively.

Gu Nian raised his eyebrows: "Then I will listen to you and raise a kitten first?"

Jiang Chan: "Well, I suggest you adopt a pet."

Gu Nian: "That's necessary. I'm not saying that the pets I bought are not good. I just feel that the animals to be rescued are very pitiful. If I can give them a home, I will feel satisfied from the bottom of my heart."

Jiang Chan flicked his fingers, and an animal rescue center appeared in front of Gu Nian's eyes. Gu Nian calculated the time: "I'll go tomorrow, I really have had enough of this lonely day."

The next day happened to be the weekend, and Gu Nian got up early and drove to the animal rescue center. After walking around the animal rescue center, Gu Nian finally chose a small dog with a broken tail.

He also chose a kitten that was Lai Lai Haw, but Jiang Chan didn't expect Gu Nian to choose these two in the end.

Gu Nian carried the cat bag: "Just seeing their eyes, suddenly there is a resonance at that moment."

After taking the kitten and the little dog to the veterinary hospital next door to be vaccinated, and by the way, after a careful inspection, Gu Nian returned home satisfied.

With cats and dogs as company, Gu Nian's mood is indeed much better. Under the careful care, the kitten's coat also grows. Unexpectedly, this is still a little white cat. After taking off that slapstick, it looks noble and gorgeous.

The little dog has gradually grown to Gu Nian's thigh height, it should be a string, a bit like a Labrador. Every time Gu Nian takes it out for a walk, it attracts a lot of attention.

Gu Nian saw that he was not bad for money, just such a person who was not bad for money, raised a string, and lost half of his tail. Everyone was naturally curious, and Gu Nian turned a blind eye to these eyes. To a certain extent, she didn't care about other people's emotions.

Xiaobai and Pudding are very quiet animals, and the two little ones get along very well. Gu Nian really didn't spend a lot of time raising them. But the emotional rewards they bring to Gu Nian are very rich.

Xiaobai is a clingy cat. As long as Gu Nian is at home, it will definitely be Gu Nian's little tail. And the pudding is also, when Gu Nian sleeps, it will sleep on the carpet beside Gu Nian's bed.

And when Gu Nian is in the study, it will nest at Gu Nian's feet, and the two little ones will accompany Gu Nian through many long dark nights.

Emotions are soothed, and Gu Nian's work is more handy. During this time, the company has successively taken over several major projects, and the scale of Gu Nian's company has expanded a lot. Now she can also be called a new business star.

On this day, Gu Nian sneezed as soon as he walked into the company, and the little girl at the front desk stood up: "Mr. Gu, these are your flowers."

Gu Nian waved his hands again and again: "You can split it up, the aroma is too strong."

As soon as people become famous, people will jump on them. Since she was interviewed by a magazine last week, the front desk of the company has received many bouquets every day.

Looking at Gu Nian without giving any of these flowers, the girls at the front desk laughed hilariously: "Mr. Gu, then let's share it with a few departments? It can be considered to beautify the environment!"

Gu Nian: "Take it away quickly, it's too offensive."

Jiang Chan: "Where are the flowers, how romantic? No one has sent me flowers yet."

Gu Nian: "How about I give it all to you?"

Jiang Chan: "Forget it, the flowers that leave the branches will not bloom for a few days."

Gu Nian: "I don't even know them, so they send flowers to me. Isn't it a bit too presumptuous?"

Jiang Chan: "Send flowers first, and then get to know each other slowly, and gradually become familiar with each other. Let's have a few meals together and go out to play a few times. I guess it's time to clarify. Isn't this the normal love process? "

Gu Nian pinched his brows: "I don't like this, or I haven't thought about falling in love right now."

Jiang Chan: "I know that you want to achieve success in your career, you want to make a lot of money, but you can't make enough money. How much can you be satisfied? Your life is not only about work, but also a part of life. "

"Life requires a combination of work and rest. If it is full of work, it would be too boring. We have to find fun in our own life, so that we will not come to this world in vain."

Gu Nian: "With Xiaobai and I think my life is very interesting."

Jiang Chan: "If you avoid the important, take it lightly. Gu Nian, I have been with you for seven years. In the past seven years, except for Chen Fangyuan, you have almost no other friends. You are too lonely."

"Now Chen Fangyuan is still studying at the university in N city, and you are in Y city, and you don't have much contact with each other. The distance between you is gradually increasing, and you need new friends."

"After work, go out for afternoon tea with friends, go shopping, go outside to relax. But you don't have any of these. You isolate yourself from the outside world. If you don't take the initiative to go out, no one else can come in. ."

Gu Nian was frustrated: "I understand, but I'm too busy..."

Jiang Chan: "This reason can't convince me, time is squeezed out. Gu Nian, make more friends, friends will make you better."

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